Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
20th May 2009 00:00 - Fic: Pretty and Witty and Gay!, or, Squicking Fandom; NC-17; Hagrid/Giant Squid
Title: Pretty and Witty and Gay!, or, Squicking Fandom
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Rubeus Hagrid/The Giant Squid
Rating: R?
Warnings: Crossdressing!Hagrid, tentacle!porn, dub/noncon, tentacle!bondage. Also, the pairing itself.
Themes/kinks chosen: I'm thinking this qualifies as "hand job", but really, there aren't any hands involved. Just tentacles.
Word Count: 2175
Summary: Hagrid has always longed for the freedom to roam out of doors while indulging his love of satins and lace. When Madame Maxime arrives from France, he finally has his chance.
Author's notes: Okay, so. I had completely intended to have the Giant Squid pleasuring itself while watching the children frolic on a hot summer day (because for all the taboos I've written, I've never written tentacle!porn, and that's just WRONG), but then [info]accioslash suggested that she'd like to see some crossdressing!Hagrid and my brain merged the two ideas together. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm totally not. I was so gleefully inspired that I wrote this whole fic in just under two hours.

A very huge and special thank you to [info]summerborn and [info]kathrynthegreat for being brave enough to beta this for me.

Pretty and Witty and Gay! )
18th May 2009 23:44 - Alone Again, Naturally. Remus/Various
Title: Alone Again, Naturally
Author: [info]ozma_katiebell
Characters: Remus, hints of Remus/Lily, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Rosmerta, Remus/Sybill, Remus/OFC, but really just hints. Far less exiting than it sounds, actually. ;-)
Rating: R
Warnings: Masturbation, self-loathing, het, hints of slash
Kinks chosen: Masturbation
Word Count: 3900
Summary: How Remus spent the evening he got sacked. Er, quit.. Whatever. Post transformation, post POA.
Author's notes: This is one of those things that turned out absolutely nothing like I planned, but I'm rather fond of it. Thanks to the DD mods and authors for keeping me inspired, motivated and for kicking my butt by giving me a deadline.

Oh, dear, not again )
17th May 2009 02:53 - Art: It Was Just Like Watching Himself (Fred/George, NC-17)
Title: It was just like watching himself
Artist: [info]wallflowergirl
Media: Photoshop and tablet
Characters: Fred and George Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: incest, masturbation
Themes/kinks chosen: Mutual masturbation (interpret either as two or more individuals touching themselves or each other)
Artist's notes: Well this is my first time. Popping my DD cherry with some yummy twincest. It has been too long since I drew the boys. Big thanks to [info]ragdoll for bugging me until I finally got signed up and to [info]iamshadow for checking out the pic and letting me know it was good enough to post.

Watching Himself )
13th May 2009 18:29 - Fic: Viridian 2 - Green Eyed Sorcery - Draco, Harry/Draco implied, NC-17
Title: Viridian 2 – Green Eyed Sorcery
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Draco/Harry, implied Lucius/Harry & Draco/Pansy
Rating: Soft NC-17
Warnings: Intimations of less-than-wholesome activities and m/m sex
Kinks chosen: Self-wanking
Word Count: 1009
Summary: Draco thinks about the rent-boy his father sent him to.
Author's notes: Sequel to Viridian. Fairly safe to read on its own as a wanking fic, so long as you take for granted that Harry’s a call-boy, and that Draco’s just recently seen him. :) Thank you to my beta-crew for helping me beat this into shape: [info]ceria, [info]kabal42, and [info]wolfish_cat.

Never underestimate the power of denial – Wes Bentley )
7th May 2009 23:46 - Title: Luscious Lollies (Rose, Hugo, Scorpius; NC17)
Title: Luscious Lollies
Author: [info]florahart
Characters: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Uh, incestuous thinking? Oh, and the kids are not 18.
Themes chosen: Masturbation
Word count: ~2250
Summary: Raiding Uncle George's "adult line" indiscriminately might not be the brightest thing Rose has ever done.

Luscious Lollies )
7th May 2009 13:43 - Art: Balcony Scene
Title: Balcony Scene
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil, photoshop.
Characters: Goyle, Millicent.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Here be cock.
Themes/kinks chosen: Masturbation, handjobs.
Author's notes: This was inspired by the cute little Goyle/Millicent story made by a Mystery Author for me at HP-Beholder over here. Mystery Author wrote me a fairly clean story, so I hope she does not mind this. And I only had time to paint the pertinent parts. =)

Balcony Scene )
6th May 2009 19:08 - Fic: Hero Worship (Charlie/Viktor, NC-17)
Title: Hero Worship
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Charlie/Viktor, with non-pairing appearances by James and Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None! Some LGBT themes, but that's not a warning, just a statement of content. The boys are 16/17-ish, which doesn't really matter because they aren't having sex with anyone.
Themes chosen: Masturbation and handjobs
Word Count: 6,100
Summary: In which James has a hero, Al has a crush, Viktor has cold feet, and Charlie just wishes at least two of them would stop being such bloody drama queens about it all.
Notes: This shall double as a slightly late birthday fic for my longtime beta and friend, [info]islandsmoke, who really, really likes Charlie. :) Thanks to the DD mods for shifting my posting date a bit when I couldn't get my act together.

Hero Worship )
5th May 2009 06:42 - Fic: The Interview (Hermione, Severus, Harry, R)
Title: The Interview
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warnings: Exhibitionism/voyeurism, dubcon.
Themes/kinks chosen: Masturbation, Handjobs/fingering
Word Count: 2300
Summary: Sometime you just need to do what it takes to get the job.
Author's notes: Thank you to [info]sevfan for the use of her fabulous beta skills.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

The Interview )
3rd May 2009 11:57 - ART: Hands Clean
Title: Hands Clean
Artist: [info]clayangel
Media: pencil
Characters: Draco
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Penis!
Themes/kinks chosen: Hands-Free Masturbation
Artist's notes: There are sooo many things I'm not happy about with this picture, but a lot of it was proving to myself that I could still draw things without the aid of my computer, so in that way I'm quite pleased with it.

Draco didn't like getting his hands dirty... )
1st May 2009 12:16 - art: Womanly Charms (Molly, NWS)
Title: Womanly Charms
Artist: [info]la_dissonance
Media: photoshop 7
Characters: Molly
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Background, What Background? Also girly parts. A dildo features prominently.
Themes/kinks chosen: Masturbation
Artist's notes: Thanks to the mods for letting me post when it wasn't technically my turn. :)
Art preview:

Molly had mastered the art of moving inanimate objects with magic long before she had to cook and clean for 9 people )
18th February 2009 02:18 - A Dirty Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Author: [info]ozma_katiebell
Title: A Dirty Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Rating: NC17
Pairing: George/Lee
Kinks Chosen: Pornography, masturbation
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: How Lee Jordan learned to relax and embrace his inner pervert.
Warnings: Multiple kinks referenced
Word Count: 5476
Author's Notes:I'm so thrilled to be here! Thanks to Shannon for looking it over!

What is pornography to one man is the laughter of genius to another. ~D.H. Lawrence )
1st November 2006 08:25 - Art: The Picnic, Hermione/Luna, NC-17
Title: The Picnic
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: crazy Rococco background, not colored, squid in the background yay!
Kinks chosen: outdoor sex, masturbation, strap-ons
Artist's notes: This is the *fourth* incarnation of this piece. I'd get just about done every time, and then I'd want to stab myself (due to anatomy wtf) and have to start over. So it's not colored. Sorry. Maybe later.


posting late (again!) with modly permission
14th October 2006 20:34 - Fic: Getting Off Easy (Harry/Draco)
Originally posted October 14, 2006.

Title: Getting Off Easy
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: A couple of possible appearances of dc.
Kinks chosen: Masturbation, outdoor sex, and light bondage. Also with a dash of voyeurism and a hefty slab of hate sex.
Word Count: 2,675
Summary: Malfoy always wanted to catch Harry with his pants down...
Author's notes: Originally written for [info]kabal42, although I blame [info]ragdoll entirely. ::smirk::

Getting Off Easy )
29th August 2007 20:46 - Fic: The Sound of Secrets - Harry/Draco - R
Title: The Sound of Secrets
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, teen/teen
Kinks chosen: Masturbation
Word Count: 1240
Summary: Harry catches Draco in a compromising situation.
Author's notes: This is an AU based on the premise that all the Marauders stayed alive and are still friends, while Lucius did not. Harry and Draco grew up as friends because Draco was raised by Remus Lupin. The boys are fifteen in this. For [info]kabale. Thanks to [info]harleen for the beta.

It was a bad idea. )
20th October 2006 14:04 - The Trouble with Curiosity, NC-17
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Title: The Trouble with Curiosity
Rating: NC-17
Characters: HG/SS/LM
Kinks: Outdoor Sex, Masturbation
Beta: [info]knightmare_shad, who deserves the world for her patience with my multiple mistakes.
A/N: I've been promising to write this threesome for Shiv forever now, and this is the end result. I'm not happy with it, but hey, it's finished!
Disclaimer: I am not JKR and she owns everyone.

They're doing WHAT? )
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