Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
13th April 2009 23:02 - Art: Just a Taste
Title: Just a Taste
Artist: acatnamedeaster
Characters: Snape/?
Rating: NC-17
Kinks chosen: Bloodplay
Description: Had a hard time with this month's themes since they're not my usual kinks, so if it seems a bit um...awkward, that's why. Who's the object of Snape's attention? My money is on a young Harry personally... Read more... )
3rd April 2009 03:05 - Art: That Time of the Month
Title: That Time of the Month
Artist: [info]clayangel
Media: Gimp
Characters: Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: kind of gross blood play
Themes/kinks chosen: Blood Play
Artist's notes: Not what I set out to do, but it works. ;D
Art preview:

20th August 2008 13:36 - Fic: The Vipertooth's Kiss, NC-17 (YAY!), Snape/Charlie
Title: The Vipertooth's Kiss
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mild blood/wound play, pain sluttery, biting, intoxicated!Snape, hot m/m action (I hope)
Themes/kinks chosen: Pheromones with hints of romantic marriage
Word Count: 3600
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dragons were the first task, and they can be pesky creatures, especially for the dragon handlers. They can also give struggling pr0n writers lovely, if contrived, plot devices. Yay!
Author's notes: *sacrifices sex toys at the altar of the pr0n muse* Finally, finally, the dry spell is broken. I have managed to write an NC-17 fic! My deepest thanks to the chat girls for all the help and support and to [info]littleblackbow who agreed to draw accompanying art for this to inspire me in my pursuit of an NC-17 rating.

Also, a very, very, very belated Happy Birthday to [info]snapesgirl. You may now feel free to add that extra digit to your age.

The Vipertooth's Kiss )
24th July 2008 21:47 - Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop, 4/4 (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17
Content/Theme: Violent sex, flagellation
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Previous parts: Full header and Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop – part 4/4 )
24th July 2008 19:03 - Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop, 3/4 (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17
Content/Theme: Violent sex, flagellation
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Previous parts: Full header and Part 1 | Part 2

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop – part 3/4 )
24th July 2008 14:27 - Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop, 2/4 (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17
Content/Theme: Violent sex, flagellation
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Previous parts: Full header and Part 1

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop – part 2/4 )
24th July 2008 10:36 - Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop, 1/4 (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17 and then some – for sex, violence and the foul language of werewolf subcultures
Content: Very violent (but consensual) sex, including some ravishment fantasy. Open marriage. DH-compliant. Het, slash and femslash included at various times. Tattoos. Everyone is over 17.
Theme chosen: Flagellation (arousal by whipping or being whipped)
Word Count: ~36,200. I KNOW. *facepalm*
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Notes: I seem to have written a lot of fic in the past year that sought to overturn werewolf-sex clichés. But screw that. This month, I decided to pile them up and roll around in them. Here, have a hugely retro werewolf cliché fic... with some Veela cliché thrown in for good measure. I know this is mostly a one-shot community, so many thanks to the DD mods for letting me write this beast for the themes this month, and for pushing back my posting date three different times when I needed more time. ♥ ! Thanks to [info]islandsmoke for the final beta, and to [info]florahart for some early advice and for reminding me months ago that Lavender Brown was mauled by Greyback at the end of DH.

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop - part 1/4 )
13th July 2008 08:48 - Fic: Tied With a Ribbon - Lucius/Tonks - R
Title: Tied With a Ribbon
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Lucius/Tonks
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-con, blood play
Kinks chosen: Corset Piercing
Word Count: 1818
Summary: Lucius has a pet.
Author's notes: This is not a pretty story. Please pay attention to the warnings. If this sort of stuff squicks you, you will not enjoy this story. Thank you to Kit and Ceria for helping me out with this one. I don’t know what I’d do without either of you.

In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity. – Meister Eckhart )
16th April 2008 22:06 - Art: Bloodlust - NC-17
Title: Bloodlust
Artist: [info]avialle
Media: Photoshop Elements, Wacom tablet
Characters: Rodolphus LeStrange, Snape in the back being dead (and recently molested) :^P
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: blood (obviously) X^D, erection, dead Snape X^P
Themes/kinks chosen: Salirophilia: Arousal by tasting salty body fluids
Artist's notes: This was really done on time, honest! X^D IJ was down, though so I couldn't post it last night. :^( I didn't have a lot of time to work on this unfortunately so I apologize if it seems rushed. RL has been busy of late. :^\ It's funny that [info]elfflame and I both think of Roddi when we think of someone who'd enjoy the taste of blood! X^DDD And wow . . . I just realized it but my blood looks really Sweeney Todd-ish in color . . . X^DDD Yes, that's a tattoo of a snake going across Roddi's left eye. X^D And his penis isn't really that small, it's just foreshortened. X^DDDDD (albeit probably badly . . .) :^P

Art preview:

Bloodlust )
13th April 2008 07:31 - Fic: Ill Met By Daylight - Rodolphus/Blaise - NC-17
Title: Ill Met By Daylight
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange/Blaise Zabini (yes, you read that right…)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bloodplay, dub-con, rough sex, chan, dark
Kinks chosen: Salirophilia: Arousal by tasting salty body fluids.
Word Count: 2060
Summary: A trip to Hogsmeade leads to a dark encounter for Blaise Zabini.
Author's notes: Erm…this was going to be a Harry/Draco fic, but… Draco getting off on sweaty clothes just doesn’t do it for me. Less so than blood, apparently. Anyway, these two have had a few talks in private RPs between myself and [info]wolfish_cat, so this idea came to mind. It’s far more canon than we play then, especially her Ro. Still, I hope people will give it a look… Even if it is the third Blaise fic in a row this year… *headdesk*

Swift as a shadow, short as any dream;/ Brief as the lightning in the collied night. – A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare )
6th February 2008 02:13 - Fic: Sanguinary (Snape/Draco, NC-17)
Title: Sanguinary
Author: [info]cedar
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bloodplay
Themes/kinks chosen: Charms/talismans
Word Count: 2064
Summary: Snape performs a protection ritual for Draco.
Author's notes: I know that while some of what's in Snape's ritual somewhat resembles pagan rituals, it is in no way meant to be or reflect such rituals. Most of my pagan ritual knowledge comes from Supernatural, so that's what I've modeled it on. More or less. (Or: I made this up, y'all.)

Although, Snape admitted to himself, it was going to sting a little. )
13th January 2008 08:47 - Fic: Entreat Me Not to Leave You - Rodolphus/Rabastan - NC-17
Title: Entreat Me Not to Leave You
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus/Rabastan Lestrange
Rating: NC-17 liek woah
Summary: Rab spies on his older brother and his bride-to-be, and gets caught.
Warnings: Incest, bloodplay, dub-con, angry!sex
Kinks chosen: Leather, outdoor sex, and knives (yikes!)
Word Count: 3164
Author's notes: Blame [info]wolfish_cat for this one. As soon as I showed her the list of prompts I had to choose from, she and Ro gifted me with this bunny. I’ve never managed to write these two in a fic before, just RP, so this is…experimental. Hopefully in a good way. I think. Or as good as it can be with these two… Title taken from this wedding vows website. A bit sappy, but… eh. It works. Huge thank yous to both [info]wolfish_cat and [info]ceria for all the help with this. It’s a far better fic than I likely would have come up with without their help.

There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it. – Denis Diderot )
14th November 2007 16:36 - Art: Dog Betrayed (Bill/Fleur) R, NWS
Title: Dog Betrayed
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pen, Photoshop
Characters: Bill/Fleur
Rating: R
Warnings: het, semi-bondage, bloodplay
Theme: phony spoilers: Fleur is a Death Eater and league with Voldemort.
Artist's notes: Fake fic serves as a fake background. I apologize for the starkness.

This new dog, betrayed by a bitch. )
16th October 2007 23:21 - FIC: Familiar Paths, (Snape/Harry, R)
Title: Familiar Paths
Author: [info]reddwarfer
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warnings: Sort of spoilery for DH
Themes/kinks chosen: Bloodplay
Word Count: 1,130
Summary: It's the millionth time that Harry finds himself in the midst of battle..
Author's notes: Thanks a million to [info]qtheallpowerful for the beta. It's been ages since I wrote more than a drabble, and I eschew dipping my feet and go for a dive instead.

And he keeps looking… )
3rd September 2007 18:28 - ART: "In Death, We Create Our Own Peace", Severus/Lily, NWS
Title: In Death, We Create Our Own Peace
Artist: [info]faire_weather
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Severus, Lily
Rating: R, NWS
Warnings: Warnings: Rating for blood, full-female nudity; character death implied. DH Spoilers.
Themes/kinks chosen: Please Your Mod; Love!
Artist's notes: :D :D Spoiler: *This is supposed to represent the exact moment that Severus Snape dies; has he created his own peace, or has Lily really finally come back to him?"*
Disclaimer: The characters shown here are property of JK Rowling; I make no money from this and I intend no copyright infringement. Lily Evans and Severus Snape are over the age of 18.


Comments are ♥. Concrit welcome.
30th August 2007 19:24 - Fic: Jagged (the slut is mine) [Snape/Lupin, NC-17]
Originally posted at DD-LJ, 4 March 2007

Title: Jagged (the slut is mine)
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, bondage, knifeplay/bloodplay, breathplay
Theme chosen: Knives
Word Count: ~3,400
Summary: Some things don't require an anniversary. Some things are best left hidden. Some things are so awful in wartime that the only relief to be found is a hollow cottage with thin walls and a man who can make him forget.
Notes: I was thrilled to see "knives" come up as a prompt for March, because it provided a very welcome opportunity for me to write an accompanying piece of porn for the amazing art that [info]lizardspots created for me at [info]merry_smutmas last year: Fama Annus Sulum (NC-17, NWS, knifeplay). The story will make A LOT more sense if you've seen the art, so please have a look before reading! Thanks to [info]busaikko for the beta work, and many thanks to Lizard for granting me permission to play with her work for this. The text of the note (and on Remus, woo) belongs to her. :)

Jagged (the slut is mine) )
20th August 2007 23:50 - A Raping of Canon, NC-17, Various
Title: A Raping of Canon
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, others
Rating: NC-17
Themes: AU (erm, because this would never happen in canon? I fail at AU, apparently.)
Warnings: Non-con (dark), incest, object insertion, masturbation, knife/blood play
Word Count: ~2600
A/N: Umm, I don't have a clue where this came from. I started with one idea and the fic ended up going wildly off-kilter, so...
Disclaimer: Characters and places belong to JKRowling, I am making no profit and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.


A Raping of Canon )
20th December 2006 14:11 - Happy Kinky Kristmas, Ragdoll!!
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Title: The Fic In Which The Author Fell In Lust With Bellatrix Lestrange
Pairing(s): Bellatrix/Narcissa/Bill
Rating: Ha! NC-17
Word Count: ~5000
Warnings/Kinks: Bondage, discipline, mild bloodplay (esp. with knives), nc, whips, anal (fingering, intercourse),
female!Dom/male!sub, oral, group sex, toys (nipple clamps, anal), cbt, humiliation of any sort, Blackcest (femmeslash), collars, sexual slavery, and umm...
Summary: Bellatrix and Narcissa receive a new toy in the form of a captured Weasley.
A/N: Especially for [info]ragdoll, because the world needs more Bill lovers. I think I hit on all your kinks except the piercing. I planned to write a more plotty fic, but the bunny I had for it was fairly intricate and would have made the fic about five times longer than this. So… I’ve shelved that one for later, but as soon as I have time, I will write it and it will be a belated present for you. Also, my apologies for the title, but it was literally the only thing I can think of when it comes to this fic. *g*

So Beautiful )
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