Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Just a Taste 
13th April 2009 23:02
Title: Just a Taste
Artist: acatnamedeaster
Characters: Snape/?
Rating: NC-17
Kinks chosen: Bloodplay
Description: Had a hard time with this month's themes since they're not my usual kinks, so if it seems a bit um...awkward, that's why. Who's the object of Snape's attention? My money is on a young Harry personally...

On a side note, I've missed drawing HP smut and finally find myself with some free time here and there I should have some new stuff on my IJ later this week!

13th April 2009 23:43
Ohhhhh, my!
That's fabulous... *stares*
And yeah, Harry works for me, too. *g*
14th April 2009 04:35
Granted my artistic knowledge is nil, but it works for me without seeming awkward. *wanted to lick the blood away before reminding self it was a picture*
14th April 2009 04:51
Damn, this is HOT. And bloodplay is not even my kink. But - guh!
14th April 2009 04:59
I just love his tongue reaching out for the drops of blood. Wonderful.
14th April 2009 06:49
Not my kink, but that is HOT...
14th April 2009 11:10
Way hot. Love the expression on Snape's face. :D
14th April 2009 12:19
Yay! Easter. I've missed your drawings.
I love the blue line, the close crop, the reverence and rapture on Sev's face, and that plump young cock that he is somehow able to ignore.
16th April 2009 07:04
Blimey! that's... *stares* yep, hot! And it's not my kind either, but you've nailed it I reckon.
I've missed your art!
(is it just me, or is Snape's tongue a little thin?) *hides*
17th April 2009 16:41
Wow, that is hot!
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