Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
24th July 2008 01:42 - Art (and first post!): If Only (Snape/Lily, sortof)
Title: If Only
Artist: [info]melp
Media: photoshop + le tablet
Characters: Snape, doll!Lily
Rating: nc17
Warnings: penis, full-fledged doll nudity
Themes/kinks chosen: fornicatory dolls
Artist's notes: Hi hi! First post - actually, lots of first for me in this one. I... just hope I got all the tags right. <3
oh, and props to flickr.com for the model blowup doll!
Art preview:

Thar be NSFW Art under here )
23rd June 2008 08:06 - ART : The Dark Room
Title: The Dark Room
Artist: [info]remeciel
Media: pencils, gouache and Photoshop for the frame.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Andromeda Black, Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black, Severus Snape, Lily Evans, other students at Hogwarts in the background.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, really. Or the tags said it all.
Theme: Orgies.
Artist's notes: This is my very first illustration for this community. So reviews are much more than welcomed. :)

Read more... )
3rd June 2008 10:46 - FIC: Fifth Marauder [James/Lily/Remus/Sirius, NC17]
Title: Fifth Marauder
Author: [info]celandineb
Characters: James/Lily/Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC17
Warnings: none, really, unless multi-person perspective deserves a warning
Themes/kinks chosen: orgy
Word Count: 3082
Summary: To James's dismay, Lily has found out what the boys do when they're off together.
Author's notes: This is for [info]snegurochka_lee, because any time I write James, I have to blame her. *g* My apologies for the awful title, though, I'm feeling totally uninspired.

Fifth Marauder )
30th May 2008 14:44 - ART: "Rug Burn", Snape/Lily, R
Title: Rug Burn
Artist: [info]faire_weather
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans
Rating: R
Warnings: Nudity
Themes/kinks chosen: Furs
Artist's notes: Is it just me, or could there be nothing sexier for Severus Snape than Lily Evans (naked) on top of a wolf-skin rug, wearing the antlers of a dead stag?
Art preview:

17th March 2008 20:42 - FIC: The Best of Both [Lily/Severus/Remus, NC17]
Title: The Best of Both
Character(s): Lily/Severus/Remus
Rating(s): NC17
Kink: Bisexuality
Warning(s): Threesome, underage (16)
Word Count: 3,700
Beta: Thank you to my Daily Deviant beta-ing crew! [info]zeltkaiserin, [info]red_day_dawning and [info]dungeons_master. Any remaining mistakes or failures are my own, and concrit is very welcome.

Summary: Severus becomes the subject of Lily and Remus' debate, and manages to settle and internal debate of his own.

Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

They were in the library together )
11th March 2008 01:50
Title: Bisexuality
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black/Lily Evans
Rating: NC17 like nobodies business
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Bisexuality
Artist's notes: My OT3. This is actually the first picture that I very nearly did not post. My face is flaming even now! I like to think (perhaps foolishly) that my art is never gratuitous - but I'm thinking that this one may be. Eep!
Art preview:

Remus/Sirius/Lily )
9th March 2008 00:29 - Art, 'Get it all Down', March '08, Snape/Lily, NC 17 (NWS!)
Title: Get it all Down
Artist: [info]blackcoyote
Rating: NC 17 (Graphic frontal female nudity, NOT WORK-SAFE unless you work in a sex shop or something like that)
Characters/Pairing/s: Snape/Lily (unrequited)
Theme/Kink: March 2008, Yoni worship: The ritual* worship of the vagina (*I realised when I re-checked after finishing that I'd forgotten about the 'ritual' part - though what Snape is doing could still be called a primitive & informal sort of time-honoured hetero male ritual ;)
Warnings: BIG jpg file, Graphic frontal female nudity, Crudely drawn female figure, Implied het, Major Angst Emo, Implied Horny Emo Angry young man thoughts. I really mean it about the emo.
Summary: Snape puts his feelings down on parchment the night before James & Lily's wedding. Snape & Lily are over 18 in this image (I included a date :).

Adult-Rated Image Below Cut; If This Is Illegal or Unsuitable For You To View then Please Do Not Do So )
11th February 2008 00:31 - February Art: Rated Nc-17
Title: The Cost of Her Protection
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Media: Tablet, Photoshop2
Characters: Snape/Lupin and Lily
Compliant to: None
Rating: NC 17+ for graphic nudity, Implied Sexual Situation (NWS!)
Theme/kink: February 08 - Charms

The Cost )
3rd October 2007 12:03 - FIC: No Help Like a Woman's (Severus/Remus + Lily, NC17)
Title: No Help Like a Woman's
Author: [info]celandineb
Characters: Lily, Remus, Severus
Rating: NC17
Warnings: voyeurism, semi-threesome, first time, cross-dressing (sort of)
Themes/kinks chosen: Lost prompt #68: "Lily/Remus/Severus. Severus/Remus are in a secret relationship they want to go to Yule Ball as a couple-goes to Lily for advise. Lily helps Severus transform into a passable gal. What is a girl to ask in return from two hot guys?"
Word Count: ~6500
Summary: Remus desperately wants to go to the Yule Ball with Severus, and with Lily's help, they find a way.
Author's notes: The title is taken from the title of a 17th-c. play by Thomas Middleton: No Wit, no Help, like a Woman's.

No Help Like a Woman's )
18th September 2007 07:01 - ART: Snape/Lily
Title: Just a Taste
Artist:: [info]ebonyserpent
Characters: Severus and Lily
Rating: NC-17
Themes/kinks chosen: Please your mods -- oral, slight bondage, love (maybe)
Notes: OMG, I drew het! *g* I felt the need to get some Snape/Lily out of my system after DH. I don't exactly love the pairing and the stuff in the book was... frustrating, to say the least, but I like it enough to explore it a bit. Though personally I thought Snape could've done much better than Lily. The adorably scruffy werewolf, for instance. Or that attractive, wealthy man with the flowing blond locks. *shrugs* Just saying.

The cut tag is a line from James Blunt's "Goodbye My Lover," which is a perfect Snape/Lily kind of song, IMO. :)

I know you well, I know your smell; I've been addicted to you.... )
9th September 2007 15:46 - Art (R) & Drabble - Lily, Please Not That Dress (James/Lily)
Author: [info]blackcoyote
Theme/kink: March 2007, Petticoat Discipline (chastising a man by making him cross-dress)
Warnings see under the cut
Rating: R (for partial nudity), NWS!
Medium: Lead pencil, Photoshop2
Compliant to: All books (in Fanon), no DH spoilers

The image and the rest of the information for it contains content that may be unsuitable for viewers under the legal age of majority. Please leave if this applies to you, otherwise click the cut for full header and image )
3rd September 2007 18:28 - ART: "In Death, We Create Our Own Peace", Severus/Lily, NWS
Title: In Death, We Create Our Own Peace
Artist: [info]faire_weather
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Severus, Lily
Rating: R, NWS
Warnings: Warnings: Rating for blood, full-female nudity; character death implied. DH Spoilers.
Themes/kinks chosen: Please Your Mod; Love!
Artist's notes: :D :D Spoiler: *This is supposed to represent the exact moment that Severus Snape dies; has he created his own peace, or has Lily really finally come back to him?"*
Disclaimer: The characters shown here are property of JK Rowling; I make no money from this and I intend no copyright infringement. Lily Evans and Severus Snape are over the age of 18.


Comments are ♥. Concrit welcome.
31st August 2007 16:16 - ART: "Show Girl", Lily Evans, NC-17, possible DH spoilers in summary)
Originally posted 3 August, 2007.

Artist: [info]faire_weather
Theme/kink: AU
Warnings: full-frontal female nudity
Rating: NC-17
Media: pencil, photoshop
Compliant to: HBP

The rest of the information for this painting/drawing may contain DH spoilers. Click the cut for full header and art. )
21st December 2006 09:57 - ART: Only in the Dark (Lily/Narcissa)
Title: Only in the Dark
Gift For: [info]snegurochka_lee
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters Lily Evans/Narcissa Black
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Kinks chosen: graphic cunnilingus, semi-public, no boys watching. I couldn't quite work in a wedding, but I hope the naughty schoolgirls make up for it!
Artist's notes: Trying out a sketchy coloring style.

30th August 2007 19:21 - Fic: Your Friends and Neighbours (Enemies Cost Extra) [various, NC-17]
Originally posted at DD-LJ, 4 January 2007

Title: Your Friends and Neighbours (Enemies Cost Extra)
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: James/Narcissa, Sirius/Lily, [implied Remus/Sirius], Remus/Severus, Severus/Lucius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Adultery, rough sex, bondage
Kinks chosen: Squick your mod! Adultery and smoking
Word Count: 5,600
Summary: Four couples, four betrayals, and one rather significant stab at revenge.
Notes: It's my lucky day to play Squick the Mod, because the list includes two of my favourite kinks. And if [info]lysa1 can make it through the smoking, she gets Severus/Lucius as a reward! *throws down gauntlet* :)

Your Friends and Neighbours (Enemies Cost Extra) )
30th August 2007 19:17 - Kristmas Fic for [info]karasu_hime! An Unexpected Lesson (Snape/Lupin/Lily, NC-17)
Originally posted at DD-LJ, 4 December 2006

Title: An Unexpected Lesson
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Severus/Lily/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Threesome, arseplay, unrepentant PWP, Lily shamelessly cheating on James… Also rather fluffier than my usual fare. I didn't think anyone would particularly mind, seeing as it is Kristmas and all… ;)
Word Count: 4,700
Summary: Lily heads to the library to ask Remus and Severus a nagging question, but leaves with rather a different answer than what she'd intended…
Author's notes: For [info]karasu_hime, who wanted Severus/Lily/Remus, first time, awkward sex, fingering, double penetration, and a scenario in which a study session "takes an interesting turn." I suspect this isn't precisely what you had in mind, but I hope it pleases! Happy Kinky Kristmas, Karasu!

An Unexpected Lesson )
30th August 2007 19:10 - Fic: Nice Day for a White Wedding (Sirius/Lily, NC-17)
Originally posted at DD-LJ, 4 September 2006

Title: Nice Day for a White Wedding
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Sirius/Lily (with some femslash undertones, owing to Sirius's filthy lesbian fantasies)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Infidelity. See pairing, title, and summary. ;)
Theme chosen: Lingerie
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not even my title. I can only claim the lingerie, and the porn.
Word Count: ~5,200
Summary: On a stealth mission to retrieve the groom's cuff links from the bride's dressing room, the best man finds something he was not expecting.
Notes: This story now has art!! [info]ericahpfa has drawn a wonderful smooching scene here (NWS). Thank you, Erica! (f-locked at Erica's journal, alas)...

Nice Day for a White Wedding )
29th August 2007 21:08 - Fic: A Passing Dream - Remus/Regulus, Lily - NC-17
Title: A Passing Dream
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Lily, Remus/Regulus, a bit of imagined Remus/Lily/Regulus, and also some assumed James/Lily (though not smutty)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um, starts during Remus’s sixth year, and Reg is two years younger, so…teen/teen?
Kinks chosen: Gay Men
Word Count: 1313
Summary: Lily stumbles across something in the halls she never would have suspected – Regulus Black giving her fellow Gryffindor Prefect a blowjob.
Author's notes: This started out just as a random image, but then it turned kind of angsty on me. Sorry about that, folks. Thank you to [info]littlecup and [info]snapesgirl for looking it over for me.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. – Edgar Allan Poe )
29th August 2007 22:03 - FIC: Keeping Company (James, Lily/Sirius, NC17)
Originally posted June 3, 2007.

Title: Keeping Company
Author: [info]celandineb
Characters: James, Lily/Sirius
Rating: NC17
Warnings: voyeurism (of course), infidelity (of course)
Themes/kinks chosen: candaulism, psychic orgasms
Word Count: ~1600
Summary: James puts his Invisibility Cloak to a most gratifying use. Het, with a twist.
Author's notes: I originally intended this to involve entirely different characters, but they were recalcitrant; so I shall blame credit [info]snegurochka_lee for the fact that I wrote a fic from James Potter's POV. I must accept responsibility for the use of a nickname, however.

Keeping Company )
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