Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: "Show Girl", Lily Evans, NC-17, possible DH spoilers in summary) 
31st August 2007 16:16
Originally posted 3 August, 2007.

Artist: [info]faire_weather
Theme/kink: AU
Warnings: full-frontal female nudity
Rating: NC-17
Media: pencil, photoshop
Compliant to: HBP

Title: Show Girl
Character: Lily Evans (but I like to think Snape's watching)
Warnings: none
Summary: Lily is a dancer in a Vegas Show
Notes: I had Snape watching, but it looked terrible so he was removed. This picture wouldn't cooperate at all, and I'm really unhappy with it. The idea seemed so awesome at the time. Sorry D:
Disclaimer: Lily Evans is a fictional character owned by JK Rowling and is intended to be above the age of 21 in the picture. No copyright infringement is intended.

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