Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
24th February 2011 00:07 - Fic: Wands at the Ready!: Sex in Modern Wizarding Britain (Hermione/Various, NC-17)
Title: Wands at the Ready! : Sex in Modern Wizarding Britain
Author: [info]kinky_kneazle
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Draco/Blaise, Hermione/Remus, Hermione/Madam Rosmerta, Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa (implied)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Sexology
Other Warnings: Analingus, Masturbatio, Double Penetration, roleplaying, spanking
Word Count: 1300
Summary/Description: Hermione takes her research very seriously
Author's Notes: Loosely inspired by Tricia from Mallrats. Hermione does get screwed in an uncomfortable place that isn't the back of a Volkswagen, but she enjoys it! With love to my beta for the quick read through. When I saw the theme, I knew it had to be Hermione.

Subjects 12 and 13 )
14th February 2011 07:35 - Title: Enhanced
Title: Enhanced
Author: [info]torino10154
Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Ginny, Harry/Ginny (unrequited)
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breast enhancement
Other Warnings: Student/student, teen sex, groping, coming in one's pants
Word Count: ~1450
Summary/Description: Ginny tries to get Harry's attention. She catches someone else's instead.
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]sdk and [info]gryffindorj for feedback and [info]jadzialove for the beta. Any mistakes that remain are my own. Kinda vanilla for me but hey! A pairing I haven't written before so YAY. ;) Happy Valentine's Day, Deviants! *smooches*

Enhanced )
13th January 2011 11:16 - Fic: The Golden Prince 3: Breaking in the Boy - Lucius/Harry, others, NC-17
Title: The Golden Prince 3: Breaking in the Boy
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Harry, but also Blaise/Harry, Adrian/Harry/Miles, and Lucius/Blaise, Harry/Draco mentioned
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Analingus, Harems, Humiliation, Sexual Harassment: dub-con
Other Warnings: The dub-con here borders on non-con, so those squicked by that should probably stay away. Also orgasm denial, and implications of incest and suggestion of a gang bang
Word Count: ~2600
Summary/Description: Lucius decides to break in his latest pet and give the rest of his boys a show at the same time.
Author's Notes: Definitely not for those who read my usual stuff. But if you like my darker stuff like Tied with a Ribbon or The Replacement, you'll probably enjoy this. This is set in the same universe as The Tale of the Golden Prince and The Punishment of the Golden Prince, and set shortly after the last. Huge Thank yous to both [info]wolfish_cat and [info]ceria for all their betaing help.

Love does not cause suffering: what causes it is the sense of ownership, which is love's opposite. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery )
31st August 2010 17:33 - ART: In the Streets of Hogsmeade (Blaise/Gabrielle - R)
Title: In the Streets of Hogsmeade
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Photoshop 7, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Gabrielle
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternative pairing, prostitution
Other Warnings: None, really
Artist's Notes: Meh, I wanted this to be far more spectacular but I didn't have the time to make it more awesome. Anyway! Blaise is the whore, and Gabrielle is the rich client, for those who are wondering *g* Oh, and thanks to the mods for letting me post this a little later :D
Art Preview:

In the Streets of Hogsmeade )
13th August 2010 10:35 - Fic: The Shoppe - Evan R/Blaise Z, others, NC-17
Title: The Shoppe
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Evan Rosier, Blaise Zabini, and a cast of many, named and unnamed
Rating: Soft NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Tattooing
Other Warnings: None come to mind
Word Count: < 4500
Summary/Description: There's a special shop in Diagon Alley that only certain people know about.
Author's Notes: Well, this ended up a good deal longer and a good deal more plotty than my norm, but once I started, I couldn't stop. The Main pairing is pretty different—Evan/Blaise, but there are others mentioned in here as well, and a special guest pairing at the end that is a favorite of mine, so if you like my pairings, I think you'll like this. I tried to be fairly obvious about who people were without giving actual names, though I kept it loose, so that some may have several options for who the character might be. Magnus is a RP character I couldn't help inserting because I needed an older character, and none of the ones we knew would particularly work for the role. He is indeed a Malfoy—brother to Abraxis's father. :) Thank you so much to [info]wolfish_cat for this bunny, and for all her help. I don't know how I'd write without you to cheer me on. <3 And thank you to [info]wolfish_cat and [info]kabal42 for the great beta job.

Desire creates the power. – Raymond Holliwell )
7th August 2010 18:25 - Art: Of use (Gabrielle/Blaise, R)
Title: Of use
Artist: xaphania
Media: Photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Gabrielle Delacour/Blaise Zabini
Rating: hard R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: prostitution, alternative pairing
Other Warnings: none
Artist's Notes: I've seen post-war-whore-Draco so many times, so I decided to go with Blaise instead (and do the alternative pairing as well), as I think he'd go through a lot of the same things Draco does after the war. I'm not sure this completely looks like what it's supposed to be, but hopefully you guys will like it anyway. (I also gave up on making the lighting look perfect, so there might be some mistakes there.)
Art Preview:

Image under cut )
23rd July 2010 17:12 - ART: I'm On A Horse [Blaise/Centaur - PG-13]
Title: I'm On A Horse
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Photoshop, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Blaise, Blaise/random centaur
Rating: PG-13 (but NSFW, I think)
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Touch
Other Warnings: Just mild nudity, this time O_O And crack! XD
Artist's Notes: OMG, I'm such a DORK! I start giggling every time I look at it :D Anyway, I'm sure you all know the hot Old Spice commercial. If you don't, you should take a look at the video before clicking the cut :D
I have no idea how I this came to be. But Blaise would make a hot Old Spice model ;) What can I say? You just can't not touch that guy ;) Poor, helpless nameless centaur!
Art Preview:

I'm on a horse. )
17th July 2010 03:00 - Fic - Hand in Hand in Hand (Blaise/Draco/Pansy, NC17)
Title: Hand in Hand in Hand
Author: [info]ldymusyc
Characters/Pairings: Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: cunnilingus, touch
Other Warnings: Underage characters (all sixteen), threesome.
Word Count: 2250
Summary/Description: Crabbe and Goyle weren't the only ones watching over Draco that year. Pansy and Blaise watched over him as well.
Author's Notes: Continuing with my determination to write Draco shagging as many different people as possible. XD There just needs to be more of this threesome, that's all I'm saying. *sage nod* Now with the correct tags!

Hand in Hand in Hand )
13th July 2010 10:15 - Fic: Relearning How to Touch - Blaise/Draco, R
Title: Relearning How to Touch
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Draco (Miles)
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Touch
Other Warnings: Implication of rape
Word Count: 1269
Summary/Description: Blaise waits for Draco to Heal.
Author's Notes: Sequel to The Replacement (warning for dub-con), A New Beginning and The Meaning of Love. Though all that really needs to be known is that this takes place a few years after the end of the war, and that Miles and Blaise have been together since the end of Sixth Year. Draco’s torments come mostly from after the war, though I didn’t name them in the fic itself. There’s no non-con in the story itself, or even dub-con for those who shy away from that sort of thing. Just a little hurt/comfort fluff. Thank you to wolfish cat for helping me with this one. Hugs and loves to [info]wolfish_cat for the hand-holding and Betaing.

The defects and faults in the mind are like wounds in the body. After all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld )
13th April 2010 11:09 - Fic: Everything Except Temptation, Draco/Scorpius, R
Title: Everything Except Temptation
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Scorpius, Blaise, mention of Draco/Astoria
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: incest
Word Count: 1207
Summary/Description: Draco talks to his best friend about the Masquerade he attended the night before.
Author's Notes: Sequel to Claimed by a Malfoy. Takes place the morning after, and the story will make a bit more sense if it is read, but the meaning of things should be fairly clear without reading it as well. I was planning on a very different story from this, but between cold and taxes and not enough time…I hope people will like this one. :) And thank you to wolfish_cat for her help in editing.

I can resist everything except temptation – Oscar Wilde )
13th February 2010 14:16 - Fic: Lucius's Toys - Lucius/Blaise, NC-17
Title: Lucius’s Toys
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: jewelry: nipple, genital, or otherwise (really more piercing than jewelry…)
Other Warnings: Consensual BDSM practices of the above kind—piercing play—please be wary
Word Count: 2157
Summary/Description: Lucius plays with his pet.
Author's Notes: Based on an idea from RP, though with very different characters doing the playing here. Not so much about the jewelry as about the piercing, though I do talk about the needles, which are jewelry-like, and they stay in once they’re put in place. A good deal of help here on the piercing aspects from [info]kabal42, but if there’s something in here I’ve failed to cover properly, do let me know. I’m going with the assumption that magically cleaning the needles would be as safe or safer than boiling them, just fyi. Also thank you to [info]wolfish_cat for handholding and cheerleading. And thanks to both for helping beta it.

Thou art to me a delicious torment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson )
8th February 2010 07:31 - FIC: Sun Lights Up the Daytime (Blaise/Astoria, R)
Title: Sun Lights Up the Daytime
Author: [info]silvernatasha
Characters/Pairings: Blaise Zabini/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: thalpotentiginy (arousal by feeling warmth or heat), jewellery (sort of!)
Other Warnings: A hint of Draco/Astoria if you squint...
Word Count: ~2,100
Summary: Astoria and Blaise take a clandestine trip to the South of France.
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]luvscharlie for beta-ing.

Sun Lights Up the Daytime )
18th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas (Pansy/Draco, /Blaise, /Theo)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]thilia
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]seraphimerising

Title: Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas
Characters/Pairings: Pansy and various combinations of her, Draco, Blaise, and Theo. Oh and a little surprise at the end.
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: spanking, body modification, breath play, multiple partners, triple penetration, cross-dressing, deep throating, semi-public/public sex, double penetration, shibari (bondage), dub-con, angst, voyeurism, dirty talk (slight), non-con (attempted)
Other Warnings:
Word Count: 3300
Summary/Description: Every Christmas, Pansy helps her boys live out their sexual fantasies; this year, she's been inspired by a theme. She just almost forgot about herself in her plans. Good thing, her best mate hadn't, especially when everything fell apart.
Author's Notes: I tried to get all the kinks/themes you requested in as well as a few more with the concept I came up with for your gift. I hope you enjoy the following piece. Happy Holidays.

Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas )
5th October 2009 00:00 - Fic: The Perfect Position (Lucius/Blaise, NC-17)
Title: The Perfect Position
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy implied (off screen).
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Cross-gen, anal, toys.
Themes/kinks chosen: hyphephilia, tourniquets.
Word Count: 2900
Summary: This is the story of how Blaise came out of the closet by going into the closet.
Author's notes: Thanks to [info]eeyore9990 and [info]sevfan for their assistance.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

The Perfect Position )
5th April 2009 00:03 - Fic: A Different Kind of Detention (Pansy/Various, NC-17)
Title: A Different Kind of Detention
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Pansy Parkinson/Various
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, orgy, toys, voyeurism/exhibitionism, chan implied, although in my mind Pansy is of age.
Themes/kinks chosen: sex shows
Word Count: ~2250
Summary: The first rule of 'special detention' is that there is no 'special detention'.
Author's notes: Thanks, as always, to my fabulous beta-readers, [info]sevfan and [info]eeyore9990.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

A Different Kind of Detention )
13th March 2009 06:44 - Fic: Lucius's Gallery - 10 Portraits - Lucius/various, R
Title: Lucius’s Gallery – 10 Portraits
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Lucius and half the Wizards in the Wizarding world?
Rating: Rish? Leaning a bit towards NC-17 in spots
Warnings: incest, chan, dub con, coercion, prostitution
Kinks chosen: Erotic Art
Word Count: 1974
Summary: Lucius has a gallery
Author's notes: This one was very fun. I might have to take requests for other “Portraits” at some point. I did consider putting some girls in here, but really, the only Witch I like Lucius with, aside from his wife (who was out for a very specific reason), is Tonks. Which would have left things very unbalanced. I hope you all like! Thank you as always to my Beta crew—K, Ceria, and Kit—whom I adore.

10 Portraits )
13th February 2009 06:35 - Fic: Call and Response - Rodolphus/Blaise, NC-17
Title: Call and Response, Or Why Rodolphus Lestrange Is in Blaise Zabini's Bed Every Night Instead of His Wife’s
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um…Blaise is probably at least 17 here, so no chan, but perhaps a bit of dub con?
Kinks chosen: Catamites
Word Count: 1035
Summary: Blaise has a lover. Others don’t approve.
Author's notes: A little nothing that made me feel better for writing. Huge thanks and love to Kit, who inspired this, and whose enjoyment of this piece made it worth writing. And thank you to [info]snapelike for the quick beta.

Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. – Oscar Wilde )
3rd February 2009 12:18 - ART: Teacher's Apprentice (Snape/Draco/Blaise, NC-17)
Title: Teacher's Apprentice
Artist: [info]clayangel
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Snape, Draco, Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Not worksafe. And hairy man legs.
Themes/kinks chosen: catamites
Artist's notes: I haven't drawn Snape in ages, but I'm really pleased with the way he came out. Plus he was just fun. ^_^ Also, it looks like I still need an artist tag? Thank you!
Art preview:

Read more... )
13th September 2008 11:06 - Fic: Freely Given - Cedric/Blaise - R
Title: Freely Given
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Cedric/Blaise
Rating: R
Warnings: Chan – Blaise is 15, Cedric 17
Kinks chosen: Frottage, Confession
Word Count: ~ 1000
Summary: A tryst on the Hogwarts grounds
Author's notes: My confession is that I did not complete the story I had intended to post today. But it will be completed or I’ll likely be skinned alive. This is for Cait, who has the most adorable Cedric, and helped inspire me late last night.

One evening in spring of 1995… )
24th April 2008 20:43 - Fic: The More Cunning - Blaise/Millicent
Title: The More Cunning
Author: [info]millieweasley
Characters: Millicent/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: nope, this is pretty straight forward, none here.
Kinks chosen: Coitus a mammalia
Word Count: 2063
Summary: Millicent may not be a pixie, but she has one thing that everyone wants – even though Blaise tries to deny that he himself wants it.
Author's notes: Thanks Jess for the betaing.

Read more... )

13th April 2008 07:31 - Fic: Ill Met By Daylight - Rodolphus/Blaise - NC-17
Title: Ill Met By Daylight
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange/Blaise Zabini (yes, you read that right…)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bloodplay, dub-con, rough sex, chan, dark
Kinks chosen: Salirophilia: Arousal by tasting salty body fluids.
Word Count: 2060
Summary: A trip to Hogsmeade leads to a dark encounter for Blaise Zabini.
Author's notes: Erm…this was going to be a Harry/Draco fic, but… Draco getting off on sweaty clothes just doesn’t do it for me. Less so than blood, apparently. Anyway, these two have had a few talks in private RPs between myself and [info]wolfish_cat, so this idea came to mind. It’s far more canon than we play then, especially her Ro. Still, I hope people will give it a look… Even if it is the third Blaise fic in a row this year… *headdesk*

Swift as a shadow, short as any dream;/ Brief as the lightning in the collied night. – A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare )
13th March 2008 06:45 - Fic: The Punishment of the Golden Prince - LM/BZ - NC-17
Title: The Punishment of the Golden Prince
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Lucius/Blaise (implied Blaise/Draco, Harry/Draco, and Lucius/Harry)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM, breathplay (wtf?)
Kinks chosen: Corsets, Penetration toys
Word Count: 2778
Summary: Blaise disobeyed his Master. Now he must be punished.
Author's notes: Shockingly, another Blaise-piece. Quite different from the last one. Set in the same universe as The Tale of the Golden Prince (as can be inferred from the title). I have a few more ideas for stories in this universe, all one-shots. We’ll see if they ever get written. Can be assumed to be EWE, but the first story was written before DH came out. Huge thanks to both [info]ceria and [info]kabal42 for their help with this story.
*warning of a different sort* This fic depicts a M/s relationship, but it is not one I in any way consider a healthy relationship. Not only was Blaise too young to understand what it was he was getting himself into when Lucius first seduced him, but there is almost no give and take in this relationship. I would even go so far as to say it’s abusive. He did consent, yes, and he expects to play, and enjoys playing, so it is not the BDSM so much as Lucius’s actions that make it abusive. I just wanted that clear.

You risk tears if you let yourself be tamed. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery )
13th February 2008 06:41 - Fic: First There Are Kisses - Kingsley/Blaise - R
Title: First There Are Kisses
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Kingsley/Blaise with mention of others
Rating: R
Summary: Blaise wants someone. But does he want them enough?
Warnings: Erm…very very slight dub-con?
Kinks chosen: Satyriasis
Word Count: 4407
Author's notes: Written with huge help from both Ceria and Wolfish Cat, both in helping develop the bunny, and in keeping it going. A very different story from my original intent, but I quite like it. Title from the lyrics of the Crying Game: “First there are kisses/Then there are sighs…” I couldn’t resist. It’s always been Blaise’s song for me.

One day soon I’m gonna tell the Moon… - “The Crying Game” – Boy George )
24th December 2007 08:01 - Fic+Art: The Tales Mirrors Could Tell (Blaise/Narcissa; NC-17)
Title: The tales mirrors could tell
Author: [info]millieweasley, [info]faraday
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con, Dirty Talk, NWS-art
Themes/kink: Kinky Kristmas 2007
Word Count: ca 8800
Summary: After doing something to please the Dark Lord, Blaise gets to choose his reward

The snow was falling outside the large French windows… )
23rd September 2007 00:00 - Fic: Thestrals at Dawn (Blaise/Lucius, NC-17)
Title: Thestrals at Dawn
Author: Hijja
Pairing: Blaise/Lucius
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): chan, non-con/coercion
Themes/Kinks Chosen: Please the Mods month (chan, public sex)
Length: ~ 4500 words
Summary: "Are you able to see the Thestrals, Mr Zabini? They have their very own austere beauty."
Note: Hugs and thanks for an incredibly fast and amazing beta job to a generous soul who asked to remain anonymous in the current witchhunt climate. *snuggles*

Thestrals at Dawn )
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