Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
13th September 2010 08:03 - Fic: Draco's Tears, Harry/Draco, NC-17
Title: Draco's Tears
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Harry/Draco, BDSM.
Other Warnings: Just heavy BDSM
Word Count: 2473
Summary/Description: Draco wants to go out. Harry doesn't.
Author's Notes: A more specific warning that I really didn't want to put above, for fear of scaring people off. This reads as dub-con, but this is a consensual long-term BDSM relationship, and permission has been given in advance. There are moments when Draco can pull out of this if he wants. I hope no one will find this triggery, but this is truly a consensual moment for this couple. I hope you'll give it a chance.
This one is for [info]kabal42, whom I adore, and who has such patience and passion and is just one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. Love you, hon. And also for everyone else here who likes H/D in a BDSM setting.
Thank you to my sweet [info]wolfish_cat for all her help and hand-holding as always.

There would be no passion in this world if we never had to fight for what we love. – Suzy Switzer )
13th August 2010 10:35 - Fic: The Shoppe - Evan R/Blaise Z, others, NC-17
Title: The Shoppe
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Evan Rosier, Blaise Zabini, and a cast of many, named and unnamed
Rating: Soft NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Tattooing
Other Warnings: None come to mind
Word Count: < 4500
Summary/Description: There's a special shop in Diagon Alley that only certain people know about.
Author's Notes: Well, this ended up a good deal longer and a good deal more plotty than my norm, but once I started, I couldn't stop. The Main pairing is pretty different—Evan/Blaise, but there are others mentioned in here as well, and a special guest pairing at the end that is a favorite of mine, so if you like my pairings, I think you'll like this. I tried to be fairly obvious about who people were without giving actual names, though I kept it loose, so that some may have several options for who the character might be. Magnus is a RP character I couldn't help inserting because I needed an older character, and none of the ones we knew would particularly work for the role. He is indeed a Malfoy—brother to Abraxis's father. :) Thank you so much to [info]wolfish_cat for this bunny, and for all her help. I don't know how I'd write without you to cheer me on. <3 And thank you to [info]wolfish_cat and [info]kabal42 for the great beta job.

Desire creates the power. – Raymond Holliwell )
13th July 2010 10:15 - Fic: Relearning How to Touch - Blaise/Draco, R
Title: Relearning How to Touch
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Draco (Miles)
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Touch
Other Warnings: Implication of rape
Word Count: 1269
Summary/Description: Blaise waits for Draco to Heal.
Author's Notes: Sequel to The Replacement (warning for dub-con), A New Beginning and The Meaning of Love. Though all that really needs to be known is that this takes place a few years after the end of the war, and that Miles and Blaise have been together since the end of Sixth Year. Draco’s torments come mostly from after the war, though I didn’t name them in the fic itself. There’s no non-con in the story itself, or even dub-con for those who shy away from that sort of thing. Just a little hurt/comfort fluff. Thank you to wolfish cat for helping me with this one. Hugs and loves to [info]wolfish_cat for the hand-holding and Betaing.

The defects and faults in the mind are like wounds in the body. After all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld )
13th June 2010 11:19 - Fic: Pretty Boy - Harry/Draco, NC-17
Title: Pretty Boy
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco - George/Hermione, Luna/Zacharias, and Ginny/Pansy implied
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Cock rings, genital shaving, discipline
Other Warnings: BDSM, deep-throating
Word Count: 2462
Summary/Description: Harry prepares his boy for the guests they have invited over for the evening.
Author's Notes: Strongly based on RP I’ve done in the past with [info]kabal42, though no specific scene we’ve actually played out. Our “friends” in that were all Muggle, so I had fun coming up with good HP universe D/s couples for the boys to play with. I hope everyone will enjoy. For those who want a visual for the cock ring in the story below, you can look here. Thank you so much to [info]kabal42 and [info]wolfish_cat for all the beta help. <3

If you haven’t cried, your eyes cant be beautiful. – Sophia Loren )
13th May 2010 11:41 - Fic: The Revels of Venice - ?/Draco, NC-17
Title: The Revels of Venice
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: ?/Draco
Rating: NC-17 in the vanilla sort of way.
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Festivals
Other Warnings: slight dub-con.
Word Count: 2540
Summary/Description: Draco finds himself on his own in Venice during Carnivale. Then someone finds him.
Author's Notes: If you like my Draco pairings, you’ll enjoy this one. Trust me. :) Thank you to Kabal and Kit and Ceria for all their help with this one.

Venice once was dear, The pleasant place of all festivity, The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy. – Lord Byron )
13th April 2010 11:09 - Fic: Everything Except Temptation, Draco/Scorpius, R
Title: Everything Except Temptation
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Scorpius, Blaise, mention of Draco/Astoria
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: incest
Word Count: 1207
Summary/Description: Draco talks to his best friend about the Masquerade he attended the night before.
Author's Notes: Sequel to Claimed by a Malfoy. Takes place the morning after, and the story will make a bit more sense if it is read, but the meaning of things should be fairly clear without reading it as well. I was planning on a very different story from this, but between cold and taxes and not enough time…I hope people will like this one. :) And thank you to wolfish_cat for her help in editing.

I can resist everything except temptation – Oscar Wilde )
13th March 2010 13:42 - Fic: A Day in His Shoes - Teddy/Scorpius, R
Title: A Day in His Shoes
Author: [info]elfflame
Based On/Inspired By: Spare the Rod by [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Ted/Scorpius, Ted/Draco unrequited, mentions of Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Content/Warnings: Channish (13-year-old disguised as an adult), polyjuce
Word Count: 3064
Summary/Description: Scorpius spends a day as his father.
Author's Notes: I will say, there were so many stories I was considering for this fic. And so many great pieces of art. I only settled on this one last week. I loved Kabal’s original story, and as soon as I let my thoughts wander a bit about how Draco might have gotten the hair for his polyjuice, I couldn’t resist. Thank you to [info]kabal42 for writing it, and to [info]ceria and [info]wolfish_cat for looking this one over for me.

The only trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get a second chance. – Unknown )
13th February 2010 14:16 - Fic: Lucius's Toys - Lucius/Blaise, NC-17
Title: Lucius’s Toys
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: jewelry: nipple, genital, or otherwise (really more piercing than jewelry…)
Other Warnings: Consensual BDSM practices of the above kind—piercing play—please be wary
Word Count: 2157
Summary/Description: Lucius plays with his pet.
Author's Notes: Based on an idea from RP, though with very different characters doing the playing here. Not so much about the jewelry as about the piercing, though I do talk about the needles, which are jewelry-like, and they stay in once they’re put in place. A good deal of help here on the piercing aspects from [info]kabal42, but if there’s something in here I’ve failed to cover properly, do let me know. I’m going with the assumption that magically cleaning the needles would be as safe or safer than boiling them, just fyi. Also thank you to [info]wolfish_cat for handholding and cheerleading. And thanks to both for helping beta it.

Thou art to me a delicious torment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson )
13th January 2010 11:59 - Fic: The Truth About Potters - Harry, James/Sirius/Remus - R
Title: The Truth About Potters
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairings: Harry, James/Sirius/Remus
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Ménage a trois (threesomes), Masturbation (solo)
Other Warnings: A bit of implied underage voyeurism and wanking.
Word Count: 1068
Summary/Description: Harry knows what they are to each other, and he doesn’t mind.
Author's Notes: A sequel to Of Canines and Stags, this time from Harry’s POV.

[It] isn't about being gay or straight. It's just about who you love. Gender has very little to do with it. – Mia Kirshner )
1st December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: What Is Right (Harry/Scorpius)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]snegurochka_lee
From: [info]elfflame

Title: What Is Right
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Secret affair/adultery
Other Warnings: None
Word Count: 4750
Summary/Description: While looking for Albus, Harry learns something about his son’s best friend he was probably better off not knowing.
Author's Notes: First time I’ve written this pairing, so I hope it suits. It was the one of the three Potter/Malfoy pairings that I was able to fit to the prompt best. I did enjoy writing it. Thank you to K for holding my hand and helping with the youngest Malfoy. :) And huge thank yous to C as always for being such a great beta, even last-minute.

Baby/Stay away/Do the right thing/I know I should run/But my heart wants what it wants – Darren Hayes )
13th November 2009 09:31 - Fic: And Venus Was Her Name - Bellatrix/Morag, Adult
Title: And Venus Was Her Name
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Bellatrix/Morag MacDougall
Rating: Hard R or soft NC-17 for darkness
Warnings: Non-con (from the victim’s POV), general darkness
Kinks chosen: Symphorophilia
Word Count: 2266
Summary: She will do anything to have her back.
Author's notes: Title from the song “Venus,” but don’t let the title fool you, this is no lighthearted fic. Pay attention to the strong warning for the non-con. It’s not graphic, but it does deal with the mental processes of the victim. Please be mindful if this is an issue for you. The story itself is born from an evil little RP idea that came to me and that [info]wolfish_cat indulged. Thank you to [info]ceria for the beta-job. :) And one more notch on my D_D fic list—my first femslash fic here at D_D.

So I can't trust myself anymore/I'm dying again, I'm going under/Drowning in you, I'm falling forever - Evanescence )
13th October 2009 11:09 - Fic: Missing Him - Sirius/Regulus, R
Title: Missing Him
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Sirius/Regulus
Rating: R
Warnings: incest
Kinks chosen: hyphephilia – arousal by touching fabrics or garments
Word Count: 1509
Summary: After Sirius runs away, his brother tries to deal with being left behind.
Author's notes: Written for my sweet Kit for her birthday, if a bit early. <3 Miss you, sweetie. Thank you to Ceria for the great beta job. :)

Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve – JK Rowling )
13th September 2009 10:38 - Fic: Amaryllis - Harry/? - Rish
Title: Amaryllis
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Harry/?
Rating: R
Warnings: cross-dressing
Kinks chosen: Breasts
Word Count:
Summary: Harry comes to pick up his boyfriend for a night out, and meets someone new.
Author's notes: Probably not what most people think of when they look at the prompt, but I couldn’t resist, and I really wanted to do something like this, so here it is. Thank you to my Beta team, [info]wolfish_cat, [info]kabal42, and [info]ceria. I couldn’t have managed without you all. :)

Hope is the thing with feathers/That perches in the soul./And sings the tune/Without the words,/and never stops at all. – Emily Dickenson )
13th August 2009 10:06 - Fic: Come Home, Regulus Black - Remus/Regulus, R
Title: Come Home, Regulus Black
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Remus/Regulus
Rating: Rish
Warnings: Shmoop?
Kinks chosen: Personal ads
Word Count: 3272
Summary: After the war is over, Remus places an ad in hopes that an old friend will see it.
Author's notes: For my sweet Kit, who gifted me with this bunny. I seem to be caught on this idea, and just couldn’t resist. The smut is minimal, but it is there. I hope folks enjoy.

A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. - Rupert Brooke  )
13th July 2009 06:24 - Fic: A Game of Win or Loss - Kingsley/Rabastan, NC-17
Title: A Game of Win or Loss
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Kingsley/Rabastan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con
Kinks chosen: Dungeons and Sex in the workplace (sort of)
Word Count: 1921
Summary: The more risk in the game, the more Rabastan likes to play.
Author's notes: A bit of a follow-up to a drabble I wrote here. For Ceria and Wolfish_cat, who are responsible. And thanks to both of them for help in writing it. :)

Read more... )
13th June 2009 10:13 - Fic:: Sometimes in the Night - Severus/Draco, R to NC-17
Title: Sometimes in the Night
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Severus/Draco
Rating: Heavy R or very light NC-17
Warnings: Nothing, really.
Kinks chosen: 3) Spectrophilia: sexual arousal by intercourse with spirits, ghosts, angels, or gods
Word Count: 1011
Summary: Draco has trouble, sometimes, living in the present.
Author's notes: Thanks to the encouragement of Wolfish Cat, I’ve managed another. One of these days, I’ll actually write the story a whole week in advance again. At least the story was one that seemed to want to be written. I hope people like.

Living in the past is never wise )
13th May 2009 18:29 - Fic: Viridian 2 - Green Eyed Sorcery - Draco, Harry/Draco implied, NC-17
Title: Viridian 2 – Green Eyed Sorcery
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Draco/Harry, implied Lucius/Harry & Draco/Pansy
Rating: Soft NC-17
Warnings: Intimations of less-than-wholesome activities and m/m sex
Kinks chosen: Self-wanking
Word Count: 1009
Summary: Draco thinks about the rent-boy his father sent him to.
Author's notes: Sequel to Viridian. Fairly safe to read on its own as a wanking fic, so long as you take for granted that Harry’s a call-boy, and that Draco’s just recently seen him. :) Thank you to my beta-crew for helping me beat this into shape: [info]ceria, [info]kabal42, and [info]wolfish_cat.

Never underestimate the power of denial – Wes Bentley )
13th April 2009 06:22 - Fic: Claiming Ro - Rodolphus/Rabastan, NC-17
Title: Claiming Ro
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus/Rabastan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest
Kinks chosen: Bloodplay
Word Count: 2186
Summary: Rabastan has a problem—with his brother’s marriage.
Author's notes: As soon as I saw the prompt, I knew I would be doing this. Very noisy character telling me in no uncertain terms that he wanted to tell this story. I wouldn’t have managed it without the help of [info]wolfish_cat, who is not only this Rab’s Ro, but also agreed to let me write this scene, which we had roleplayed a few times before, helped me come up with a beginning, and even betad the finished product for me. Love you, sweetie. And thank you. :)

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. – Oscar Wilde )
13th March 2009 06:44 - Fic: Lucius's Gallery - 10 Portraits - Lucius/various, R
Title: Lucius’s Gallery – 10 Portraits
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Lucius and half the Wizards in the Wizarding world?
Rating: Rish? Leaning a bit towards NC-17 in spots
Warnings: incest, chan, dub con, coercion, prostitution
Kinks chosen: Erotic Art
Word Count: 1974
Summary: Lucius has a gallery
Author's notes: This one was very fun. I might have to take requests for other “Portraits” at some point. I did consider putting some girls in here, but really, the only Witch I like Lucius with, aside from his wife (who was out for a very specific reason), is Tonks. Which would have left things very unbalanced. I hope you all like! Thank you as always to my Beta crew—K, Ceria, and Kit—whom I adore.

10 Portraits )
13th February 2009 06:35 - Fic: Call and Response - Rodolphus/Blaise, NC-17
Title: Call and Response, Or Why Rodolphus Lestrange Is in Blaise Zabini's Bed Every Night Instead of His Wife’s
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Rodolphus/Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um…Blaise is probably at least 17 here, so no chan, but perhaps a bit of dub con?
Kinks chosen: Catamites
Word Count: 1035
Summary: Blaise has a lover. Others don’t approve.
Author's notes: A little nothing that made me feel better for writing. Huge thanks and love to Kit, who inspired this, and whose enjoyment of this piece made it worth writing. And thank you to [info]snapelike for the quick beta.

Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. – Oscar Wilde )
13th January 2009 06:29 - Fic: Another Life Given - ?/Regulus - NC-17
Title: Another Life Given
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: ?/Regulus
Rating: Mild NC-17
Warnings: none specifically that I can think of.
Kinks chosen: Confessions, talismans
Word Count: 3531
Summary: Regulus has a lover, but he’s never seen his face.
Author's notes: I wanted to do this a few months back, but then this stupid Marauder got caught in my head, and insisted I do bestiality instead. So I did. But I still really wanted to do this, so I’m glad I got the chance. I hope everyone likes it. If you like any Regulus pairings, I hope you give it a chance. I actually had a large selection of possibilities to choose from, but I felt this one worked best for what I wanted to accomplish. I might write other iterations of it, someday, though. We’ll see. Huge thank yous to [info]wolfish_cat for egging me on and holding my hand while I wrote as well as rereading the final for me for any last errors, and to [info]ceria, who is still the best beta of all time. :D

Awake, arise, or be forever fall’n. – John Milton )
13th December 2008 17:36 - Fic: Making Peace
Title: Making Peace
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Severus/Remus/ Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Cross-gen
Kinks chosen: Kinky Kristmas :D
For [info]mistressmaraj:
Character/Pairing: Snape/Harry/Remus (or Snape/Harry/Bill)
Kink: double penetration
Holiday item or location: private winter solstice celebration
Tone: kinky, angsty (Harry needs a sharp shock out of his post-Voldie depression)

Word Count: 4700+
Summary: Remus hadn’t expected to be a referee on Christmas Eve.
Author's notes: I don’t think this was quite what you had in mind, [info]mistressmaraj, but I hope you like it anyway. Thank you to [info]ceria for the beta.

Peace on Earth/Can it be?/Years from now/Perhaps we’ll see… - David Bowie, Little Drummer Boy (with Bing Crosby) )
13th November 2008 06:16 - Fic: What She Is - Harry/Draco, NC-17
Title: What She Is
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Harry/Draco, Lucius
Rating: Mild NC-17
Warnings: mock heterosexual sex
Kinks chosen: Gender bending
Word Count: 1700 exactly
Summary: Lucius Malfoy finds out what his son enjoys doing with his lover, and he is not pleased, in the least.
Author's notes: I had to do this story. I’ve wanted to for some time. The problem was managing the smut with Draco in such a bad place. It owes a huge debt to K and his Harry, with whom Draco and I have played with this idea for a long time. Many bits of this story are owed directly to our play together. I only hope that people will give it a chance despite the warning and kink. Thank you to all three of my betas for the help. It wouldn’t have made it without you all.

We know what we are, but know not what we may become. – William Shakespeare )
13th October 2008 07:04 - Fic: Sweet Torture - Harry/Draco, NC-17
Title: Sweet Torture
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Erm…sexual teasing?
Kinks chosen: Anal plugs
Word Count: 1612
Summary: Harry makes a bet with Draco
Author's notes: For K and his Harry. :) And for my Betas, who keep me writing. Another short one. Far more fluffy than the last.

What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better. – Wendell Phillips )
13th September 2008 11:06 - Fic: Freely Given - Cedric/Blaise - R
Title: Freely Given
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Cedric/Blaise
Rating: R
Warnings: Chan – Blaise is 15, Cedric 17
Kinks chosen: Frottage, Confession
Word Count: ~ 1000
Summary: A tryst on the Hogwarts grounds
Author's notes: My confession is that I did not complete the story I had intended to post today. But it will be completed or I’ll likely be skinned alive. This is for Cait, who has the most adorable Cedric, and helped inspire me late last night.

One evening in spring of 1995… )
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