Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Surprise!  
1st January 2008 10:35
Title: Surprise
Characters: Snape and ....Hermione???
Kinks: blindfolds
challenge: unused challenges. I forget what month this was from.
Semi work safe-ish
Artist: Tripperfunster

2nd January 2008 03:04
*loves on you so much for this* I always love your art, and this is a shining example of why. The shading and ... umm, artisticy thingy that you do with Snape's face and the shape of his nose? YES! Perfection! I love Hermione's bra showing, lol. No idea why that makes me giggle so hard, but it totally DOES! :D
2nd January 2008 13:50
. umm, artisticy thingy that you do with Snape's face You mean, DRAW it? ;^) *g*

Thanks hon! :D
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