Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
2nd November 2007 21:24
Title: "Feast"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Draco/Fenrir
Rating: R (upgraded upon request from original PG rating)
Warnings: It's funny when you have to warn for a lack of porn. Sorry, it's more creepy than erotic. Oh, and imending non-con and violence.
Themes/kinks chosen: "Draco is bitten by Fenrir as punishment from Voldemort for not killing Dumbledore."
Artist's notes: I'm not sure if I missed any sort of clause in the community rules requiring explicit pornography, and if that's the case, I apologize. I was kind of more interested in the horrific buildup before the actual bite, like watching a predator play with its food. In this case, literally.

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3rd November 2007 01:36
That is so incredibly awesome! The fear and abject hopelessness in Draco's eyes is so... touchable! Incredible art.
3rd November 2007 02:01
Draco's eyes are beautiful.
Poor thing. He looks like he's been through hell. Or about to go through hell.
3rd November 2007 02:11
A-w-www, poor Draco!!! :^[ This is beautiful but yeah, definitely high in the creepy factor. *doesn't want Fenrir to touch him!* X^\
3rd November 2007 02:46
I absolutely love his nose! Very well drawn.

Creepy pic too! The tear really adds to it!
3rd November 2007 03:00
The eyes have it! *g*

Seriously, I feel for Draco here more than I ever have. Spectacular work.
3rd November 2007 03:05
This is so intense I just want to cuddle up with Draco and try to protect him. The thumbnail with the close-up of his eyes breaks my heart.
3rd November 2007 03:20
oh but it's creepy and erotic
very nice work
3rd November 2007 03:26
We can always pretend the non-con is coming. Oh, yes, we can.
3rd November 2007 05:21
Poor Draco. This isn't gonna end well for him.
3rd November 2007 07:38
I... I... I just love you so much. This was my prompt, wasn't it?

God, it's so beautiful and soooo erotic. Definitely pornographic, IMO. Draco's eyes, his expression, the false tenderness with which Fenrir is touching him and the tiny little bit of hope and begging it inspires in Draco's eyes. I almost can't breath.

And the whole scene is just pregnant with what happens next, which makes it almost more powerful than if you'd drawn Fenrir actually attacking him.

The execution is wonderful, too. It's just beautiful, all of it. Draco lools so young and clean and Fenrir's hand is just horrible. I've loved you art for a while now, but this just makes me love you as well. *grins*
3rd November 2007 08:19
Oh, this is... compelling.
3rd November 2007 08:34
Oh, oh, oh my god. This picture could be MADE for me... I love the Draco-bitten idea so very very much, and you've made it so perfect. And the scars, the scars on both of them! And Draco's tear, and the look on his face... So fantastic.
3rd November 2007 08:40
WOW, this is the kind of art that I've noticed is gradually disappearing from our fandom *_* It's creepy, ultra-evocative and so, so, SO erotic!
I love Draco's frightened eyes and his tear (although I think that it should slide towards his ear, if he's lying down ._.). I like his hair and his plump lips, most of all because I can imagine what's going to happen to that lovely mouth. Oh, the unsaid! The undrawn! *_* This begs to become a fanfic! *stares some more*
3rd November 2007 09:11
aw, thanks!

the tear was originally sliding down towards his ear, but then i had this mental image of fenrir just tilting his head from side to side to look at him from different angles, as if to decide where to get started.
3rd November 2007 16:00
Okay, so I was breathless and almost weepy already looking at this picture, but this piece of information adds a whole new level of horror to it. Oh, so much love. So, so much love.

3rd November 2007 11:05
Really a stunning piece of art! The lips and the eyes and ... everything's so beautiful! And Draco looks so helpless that I want to run in there and save him. >.
3rd November 2007 11:19
This is truly a powerful piece of artwork - The sheer emotion in Draco's eyes, the faded scars of Sectumsempra... it's almost too painful to look at. It's a moment between gasping, stuttering breaths, between terror and desolation, where there is no hope.

Truly, a shattering image.
3rd November 2007 11:33
This was an actual -theme-?! My god. Love! Awesome. Appreciation for Fenrir/anyone gets great kudos from me, but the Dracoisbittentheme has been a favourite of mine for yonks. *sinks into a pit of happy glee*
3rd November 2007 11:47
Oh, wow. Everything suggestive about this picture without the explicitness of other body parts--that's exactly what makes it. The tear, the claw marks--beautiful.
18th March 2011 02:44
LMAO yr icon
18th March 2011 10:33
I wish I could remember who made it!
3rd November 2007 13:30
so awesome in so many ways.
3rd November 2007 13:45
So evocative -- and such anticipation of motion and violence after this devastating pause just before things go further.
3rd November 2007 13:50
That's pretty amazing picture. I'm afraid I have a bit of a Fenrir/helpless younger man (Teddy, Remus, Draco, whoever) fetish and this captures what I love most about these pairing, Greyback's delight in his prey's fear.
3rd November 2007 13:51
omgosh! It's so pretty, but so, so sad. I especially like Draco's mouth. It's v. lovely.
3rd November 2007 13:55
Amazing! I really like this :)
3rd November 2007 14:32
That is just gorgeous. :-)
3rd November 2007 16:12
Wow. Just...stunning.
3rd November 2007 16:21
My god, his eyes! That perfect, perfect face! I want to save him. :-(
3rd November 2007 18:45
Oh wow! Maybe it's just me, but I actually find that very, very erotic.

Hot and hopeless (for Draco, I mean).

Fenrir's caress is just... breathtaking.
3rd November 2007 19:01
Beautiful and rather disturbing picture. The expression is so perfectly done...

Could you possibly re-rate it to R, just to be on the safe side. The implications in this takes it somewhat over PG...
3rd November 2007 19:20
Oh fuck, this is gorgeous.

I lament the loss of my own Greyback/Draco. Fuck you, LJ. 8(
3rd November 2007 20:23
That is so creepily beautiful.
Poor Draco...
Fenrir's hand is creepily horrible, and so well drawn - the way he's cupping Draco's head.
3rd November 2007 21:29
Wow, really terrific job. He looks broken, but resilient -- and you've done a great job showing hard eyes in a completely futile resistance/surrender. Creepy even more how gentle Fenrir's hand cups the boy. What a mind fuck for all of us! <3
3rd November 2007 23:17
Oh the eyes ... the eyes!!! They look like Draco has been pushed to his absolute limit. He looks exhausted, and frightened and ... accepting of the fact that it's only half-over and that Fenrir isn't even close to being finished with him yet.
4th November 2007 05:31
*jaw gapes*

Wow. I'm so glad I clicked on this. This is brilliant, the details, the emotions, Draco's eyes, the tear streaking down his face, Fenrir's hands stroking his face...

It's all brilliant.
4th November 2007 15:23
This is gorgeous! I do loves me some Draco/Fenrir. *G*
4th November 2007 23:43
Aaah, the lack of porn, it hurts my sensitive eyes! :P ahem. Anyway, this pic is absolutely stunning. Draco's expression (the eyes!) makes my heart ache for him. And yes, you definitely captured the creepy atmosphere.
5th November 2007 01:47
Oh my, the distress in Draco's face is positively heartwrenching. ♥
5th November 2007 02:30
Ooh, that is creepy! Draco is beautiful though.
5th November 2007 04:00
*hearts breaks for Draco*
Wow! So intense.
5th November 2007 16:49
Oh wow. That's just... Poor Draco. Terrifying.
21st November 2007 06:19
Wow - Draco's face in this is really powerful. I like how the colors are dark, but his eyes stand out. Great work!
4th December 2007 05:32
Beautiful expression!
9th December 2007 12:35
Wow, I love how helpless he looks, but you can still see some defiance in his gaze, which makes it even more interesting. Gorgeous, gorgeous work! :D
18th March 2011 06:16
draco looks so pretty here!
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