Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
2nd November 2007 21:24
Title: "Feast"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Draco/Fenrir
Rating: R (upgraded upon request from original PG rating)
Warnings: It's funny when you have to warn for a lack of porn. Sorry, it's more creepy than erotic. Oh, and imending non-con and violence.
Themes/kinks chosen: "Draco is bitten by Fenrir as punishment from Voldemort for not killing Dumbledore."
Artist's notes: I'm not sure if I missed any sort of clause in the community rules requiring explicit pornography, and if that's the case, I apologize. I was kind of more interested in the horrific buildup before the actual bite, like watching a predator play with its food. In this case, literally.

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3rd November 2007 11:05
Really a stunning piece of art! The lips and the eyes and ... everything's so beautiful! And Draco looks so helpless that I want to run in there and save him. >.
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