Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Installation art; Harry/Draco, NC-17 
29th September 2007 08:07
Title: Installation art
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS and tablet and speed (er. not the drug :-))
Characters: Bellatrix, random-male-of-your-choice, Harry, Draco.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slavery, kinda. It'd be AU, too, because of Bella :-).
Themes/kinks chosen: public sex, love
Artist's notes: This one was done far more quickly than my last one, because I'm mildly alarmed by all the fests I'm in :-).
Art preview:

More A/N, aka "wot I was thinking while drawing": Bella keeps them under the floor boards, in a network of tunnels. The house has become an odd sort of ant farm. Mostly she leaves them to their own devices, but occasionally she'll shake them up to see what they do. She has no problem with the fucking. In fact, she's quite pleased, and views it as a mild form of evening entertainment. It's just that they're starting to focus on each other to the exclusion of her. She's considering ways to regain their attention.


-I keep editing the tags, and the changes won't show! I'll try again later D-:
28th September 2007 20:50
Oh, wow, that's fantastic. The idea behind this is so twisted and wrong, yet the art is just gorgeous. I can't stop staring at them. (Neither can Bellatrix, I would imagine...) The rich colors of the room contrast so beautifully with the starkness of the cage/bars, the highlights on their bodies, and Draco's white, white hair. Guh. Draco is freaking gorgeous, and the placement of Harry's hand... both of his hands, really... ::melts::

Oh, and I resolved your tag problem. Don't know why it wasn't cooperating with you, but it's fixed now. :)
28th September 2007 23:03
Oh, thank you so much for fixing the tags! I have no idea what the issue was. I was entering them just like normal, saving, and still only two would show up.

I was thinking magicky glowy bars, which is why the boys are all blue-ish... And, YAY, you like the hands - I was worried that putting them under the bars would make it too hard to see :).
28th September 2007 20:59
Wow... this really is amazing! I love the attention to details, especially the lights hitting the bars. And the idea behind is so wonderfully deviant that it truly belongs here :-D Gosh. And the boys really do steal the scene in the best of ways. Bodies. Hands. Hair. Gosh... It's stunning!
28th September 2007 23:05
Hee, thanks! I think Bella is firmly in touch with her appreciation of depravity ;). I thought of the bars as being glowy rather than reflective , like warded magic or something. I'm entertained by the notion that Bella would walk out across them and lie down directly above the boys to watch.
28th September 2007 21:08
Wow. Simply WOW. I loved the colors and the 'concept'. Very well done!
28th September 2007 21:43
I know I've already said how much I like this, but let me echo how very erotic Harry and Draco look, and I adore the way you only gave us Bella and her guest from the waist down. There's something marvelous about Bella holding court in an elegant drawing room bare-assed naked -- and probably acting like she's wearing designer robes. ;-)
28th September 2007 22:02
This is so incredibly detailed and the style and coloring are perfect for the subject. I especially love Bella's Dark Mark, the way she is unclothed while chating with the fully-clad gentleman and Harry and Draco's entwined hands.
28th September 2007 22:10
lurve it!
great concept
28th September 2007 22:18
So, yeah, can I move into this house? Please? *bats eyes and begs*

Very, very erotic, darlin'!
28th September 2007 22:58
A very imaginative and effective idea, here - and the execution is marvellous! I love the rich colour palette that you have used - especially the contrast between the plush living room and the stark dungeon. The poses adopted by Bellatrix and her visitor convey so much character even though their faces are invisible. Brava!

PurpleFluffyCat x
29th September 2007 00:05
I'm with everyone else the entwined hands are made of love. Of course ain't nothing wrong wrong with Harry's other hand. *leers*

I'm thinking I need some installation art myself. Bella's such a clever girl!
29th September 2007 02:19
Aside from the porn (dear God, did I actually SAY that?) I love the texture in this pic. It looks like you used watercolour and markers! Everything I do on the computer always looks...plastic. KWIM? Bravo!
Oh, and great porn! Bella's boobs almost remind me of those girls from the Playboy comics. :D
29th September 2007 02:59
I love the warm, rich colors in this. Very lovely. And the curls of Bella's hair, so feminine.

How I wish I could have my own Draco and Harry in my floor boards to stare at all day long!
29th September 2007 03:26
I love finding really new ideas! This fits that so well. I think I've found a new kink - voyeurism!
29th September 2007 11:48
Brilliant and Beautiful.
29th September 2007 17:51
This is so beautiful!
29th September 2007 23:20
Wow, this is a very interesting concept, love. Great job!
30th September 2007 00:24
Beautiful concept and delicious idea mixed with great colors and a hot couple on the floor baybee! Yummy!
30th September 2007 22:58

I think I may actually love you. This combo is my favourite ever, ever, ever and no one ever does it!

It's gorgeous in execution and concept. I love the electricity flowing through the cage bars, I love the way Draco's hair shines, and how you can only see the ends of Bella's hair. I really want to know what she and mystery dude are talking about with all that gesturing. :D

So, so nice. XXXXXXXX
1st October 2007 13:24
Ooh, gorgeous. I love the contrasting lighting, and I simply cannot stop staring at Bella's thighs!
1st October 2007 13:26
God, I love this. This is right up there with "fantasies that should be weirdly silly but are hot as hell and someone with the right skills will make them anything but silly," and you did and it's awesome.
2nd October 2007 01:29
Ohmygawd! Just...wow! I absolutely love it! It reminds me of something...I can't think of what just yet.
2nd October 2007 13:57
Guh. So creepy but delicious. Wonderful use of vivid coloring.
5th October 2007 23:30
Oh my!
Deliciously depraved and wrong and I can't take my eyes off it. Gorgeous colors and I can see Bella's point about them being entertaining. ;)
And when you wrote about Bella considering ways to refocus their attention on her I got a shiver. I can only imagine what she'll do next. *g*
18th March 2008 02:31
the premise is just dirty and so wrong but totally right. someone needs to write a fic for that. guh please? *melts and adds to memories*
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