Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Installation art; Harry/Draco, NC-17 
29th September 2007 08:07
Title: Installation art
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS and tablet and speed (er. not the drug :-))
Characters: Bellatrix, random-male-of-your-choice, Harry, Draco.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slavery, kinda. It'd be AU, too, because of Bella :-).
Themes/kinks chosen: public sex, love
Artist's notes: This one was done far more quickly than my last one, because I'm mildly alarmed by all the fests I'm in :-).
Art preview:

More A/N, aka "wot I was thinking while drawing": Bella keeps them under the floor boards, in a network of tunnels. The house has become an odd sort of ant farm. Mostly she leaves them to their own devices, but occasionally she'll shake them up to see what they do. She has no problem with the fucking. In fact, she's quite pleased, and views it as a mild form of evening entertainment. It's just that they're starting to focus on each other to the exclusion of her. She's considering ways to regain their attention.


-I keep editing the tags, and the changes won't show! I'll try again later D-:
28th September 2007 23:10
Oh, thank you! I'm really pleased you can see the clasped hands - it's possibly my favourite thing about the picture, but I wasn't sure how clear it would be with all the other stuff on top. Yay :-).
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