Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
20th August 2018 13:26
Title: Early One Morning
Author: mywitch
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Horace Slughorn
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen:
1) age disparity
2) caught in the act: interpret at will; solo or partnered, accidental or deliberate
3) masturbation
Digital Art
Summary/Description: Ol' Sluggy walks in on Severus having some private time in the potions store room.
Artist Note: These prompts are from July - Sorry this is so painfully late!

21st August 2018 16:07
The look on Sluggy's face kind of mirrors mine, although my mustache is much less impressive. LOVE the details of bubbles in bottles, etc. Oh, and Snape's cock. Goodness gracious.
26th August 2018 14:25
LOL It would truly be hard to compete with Sluggy's mustache! :D Thanks so much for your comment - I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :D
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