Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Birthday Card Comment Kink! 
19th March 2017 00:01
Greetings and welcome to
Birthday Card Comment Kink!

Our members have made birthday wishes for smutty little ficlets and sketches that would make their birthday very happy indeed. Now everyone has the opportunity to fulfill those wishes -- in the form of comment pr0n!

The birthday card is now open and awaiting your signature! It will remain open until the end of April.

Please read the information and instructions before you sign our birthday card:

• Request fills must be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art). The maximum for fic is what fits into a single comment box.
• Since fills will be short, we're not going to be strictly policing the rating of each piece. Just remember this is Daily Deviant and we want to see some sex!
• Each request may be filled twice -- once by a member and once by a watcher.
• When filling a request, leave it in a comment directly in a reply to the request you're filling.
• When filling a request, note whether you're filling it as a watcher or a member.
• If you are now or have ever been a posting member of Daily Deviant, you'll be filling the requests as a member.
• Claiming of requests is available but optional. What this means is that you need not claim a request in order to fill it, but if it's already claimed by someone else, it's off limits.
• In order to claim a request, comment directly in a reply to the request stating that you're claiming it. Be sure to note whether you're claiming it as a member or a watcher.
• Since we want as many kinky birthday cards as possible, there is an expiration date on claims. One week after a claim is made (as per the time stamp on the comment), if the prompt has not been filled, the claim expires and the prompt is open for claiming or filling by someone else. (We'll try to keep track and delete the expired ones, but we may miss a few, so you can just keep an eye on the time stamps.) So if a prompt you really love appears to be taken, remember to check back (although we hope you'll be following and playing along all month long!).
• If you've made a claim that has expired, you may still post a fill in reply to the prompt as long as no one else fills it or claims it first.
• Participants may have a total of two outstanding claims at a time. I.e., you may claim two requests, then when you've filled one, you may claim a third, etc.
• Additional prompts may continue to appear, so do check back!
Commenting, interacting, and generally having fun is welcome and encouraged!! Fandom is all about interaction with like-minded perverts people. Let's enjoy some friendly, smutty celebrating! ;D

Got all that? Okay, good! Now...

19th March 2017 04:53
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kink(s): Biting.
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non con, chan.
Prompt: Three nights before the full moon, and his self control is already shot to pieces.
19th March 2017 04:53
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kink(s): premature ejaculation.
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non con, chan.
Prompt: Sometimes coming first is not ideal.
19th March 2017 04:54
Please porn up my birthday card with:
James Sirius/Teddy, Albus/Teddy, Scorpius/Teddy.
Kink(s): Fingering.
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, chan.
Prompt: He can’t stop thinking about Teddy’s hands.
19th March 2017 11:45
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kink(s): Rimming (first time)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, felching
Prompt: Harry's been trying to convince Draco to try rimming for ages. Tonight, Draco's finally given in, and Harry's determined to make him fall apart.
20th March 2017 16:09
Charlie's thighs began to tremble, a sure sign that he was close. Harry opened his eyes as Charlie pulled out, the tip of his cock resting on Harry's full bottom lip. He met Charlie's eyes, watching as his jaw tightened and his eyes went glassy with pleasure while his orgasm overtook him.

skljfdskfj;dslkfja! The whole thing was hot, but this passage especially!
20th March 2017 17:51
Love the poly dynamics, love the frottage, loooove Teddy as the director of this encounter!
26th March 2017 02:06
Oh my goodness, hot, hot hot!!!!
26th March 2017 21:58
He looks so sexy here! Gorgeous drawing, Kat!!
(no subject) - Anonymous
27th March 2017 17:04
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kink(s): Jealousy. Angry sex. Semi-public sex.
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): hardcore bdsm, infidelity, death
Prompt: Draco likes it when Harry gets jealous. What happens when he's taken it just a bit far?
27th March 2017 18:14
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Ginny/Bill or Charlie or the Twins
Kink(s): Weasleycest, spanking, D/S, dub-con
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): bodily fluids other than sexual, non-con, underage sex (under 16)
Prompt: Ginny's been a bad girl. One (or more) of her brothers needs to keep her in line.
27th March 2017 18:59 - First Time
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Luna/any f
Kink(s): sexual exploration, first time
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): spew, chan, incest
Prompt: Either Luna or other woman has yet to take the leap and is anxious/terrified/excited to jump with the other.
27th March 2017 19:22 - Fantasy
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Ron/any older lady who isn't related to him
Kink(s): fantasy
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): spew, chan, incest
Prompt: It's not cheating if it's in your head, right? RIGHT?!?
27th March 2017 19:24 - Albus Severus/Draco - Smoking Kink
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Draco/Albus Severus or Draco/James Sirius
Kink(s): Smoking Kink
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): rape/non-con
Prompt: Something about seeing Draco smoking makes him want to drop to his knees.
27th March 2017 19:26 - Sex Magic
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kink(s): h/c, sex magic
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): spew, chan, incest
Prompt: Sometimes the dreams get to be too much and Harry or Ron just needs some magic. Luckily they know Luna.
27th March 2017 21:49 - Infidelity and crossgen
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Draco(or Theodore)/Lily-Luna(or Rose)
Kink(s): Is wearing a well cut suit a kink? Yes please. Also delayed orgasm, fingering, oral
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): SPEW, dubcon/noncon
Prompt: She thinks she is in control.
27th March 2017 21:52 - Harry being pinned down
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Harry and anyone from the following list: Snape/Draco/Charlie/Kingsley/Bill/Blaise
Kink(s): being pinned down
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): BDSM, dub or non-con, infidelity
Prompt: After a tough day, Harry likes to be held down and fucked.
27th March 2017 22:42
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Kingsley with Snape, Regulus, Remus, Bill, Charlie, Harry, Draco, or Blaise (or even a threesome with Kingsley and two of the others listed)
Kink(s): Sex magic/magical objects
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Character death, top!Draco in any way, otherwise the usual
Prompt: You would think Kingsley would have learned by now that strange objects are to be treated with caution, but the object they just brought in was more dangerous than it looked.
28th March 2017 10:59 - Masturbation & first orgasm
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Any solo character
Kink(s): Masturbation & first orgasm
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): None (I'm fine with underage but they can also be of age if that works better for you)
Prompt: They never dreamed their body could feel this way.
28th March 2017 11:00 - Female orgasm denial
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Any het or femslash pairing
Kink(s): Female orgasm denial
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Rough play or painplay (for this prompt I'd like to see something more gentle)
Prompt: She loves being denied while her partner gets to come. She doesn't beg for an orgasm—she begs not to be allowed.
28th March 2017 11:05 - Gender play (hyperfemininity)
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Any female character (can be solo or with a partner)
Kink(s): Gender play (hyperfemininity)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): None
Prompt: In daily life she's on the tomboyish or butch side, but in private she gets off on putting on slinky dresses, lacy knickers, and lipstick.
29th March 2017 11:36 - Submission and Aftercare, Harry/Draco
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Harry/Draco highkey preferred (with sub!Draco being mouthy AF), but these others are ok too - Teddy/James or Al, Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): Submission and Aftercare
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, breathplay, chan, gore, scat, watersports, bloodplay, knifeplay
Prompt: Character A gets a huge thrill from the way their mouthy pet (Character B) fights him every step of the way into submitting to him, and after some play Character A loves to spoil Character B and take good care of him.
29th March 2017 13:04 - Any m/m - Chronic Masturbation, Voyeurism
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Any m/m
Kink(s): Chronic Masturbation, Voyeurism
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Top!Draco (if you select him as one of the characters). Plus the usual: non-con, chan (but two teens is okay!), toilet play, etc.
Prompt: Character A just needs to have it all the time. He was bound to get caught eventually...(Your choice if it turns into something, or if Character B just watches. ;))
30th March 2017 18:43 - Slash, Kink: Dirty Talk
Please porn up my birthday card with:
James Sirius/Teddy, Scorpius/Teddy, James Sirius/Albus Severus
Kink(s): Dirty Talk.
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Scat. Mpreg.
Prompt: His boyfriend has such a dirty mouth and he loves every filthy word that spills from his lips.
31st March 2017 16:12
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Teddy/James, Sirius/Remus
Kink(s): dirty talk, begging
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): dub- or non-con, chan
Prompt: When X starts talking like that, Y wants to fall to his knees....
4th April 2017 17:44
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Severus
Kink(s): Rimming (first time)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Top!Snape
Prompt: "You're putting your tongue....there!?"
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