Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Unquestionable, Unforgivable (Albus/Gellert) 
14th December 2016 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]centaury_squill
From: [info]purplefulffycat

Title: Unquestionable; Unforgivable
Characters/Pairings: Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: First time, unsure!Albus, confident!Gellert
Other Warnings/Content: Oral sex, slight dub-con
Word Count: ~1600

His eyes drifted absently around his too-small bedroom, the ceiling rafters gathering dust that he couldn't be bothered to clean, which floated down in shimmering motes, catching the amber-summer light. Aberforth's snoring and whimpers from Ariana's nightmares drifted up from the floor below. A cuckoo cried outside.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." The voice at the window startled Albus, and he sprung bolt-upright in his bed. The voice chuckled. "Oh, so jumpy today?"

Author's Notes: Happy Kinky Kristmas, dear Mystery Recipient! I hope you enjoy reading this morsel as much as I enjoyed writing it :-)

When Albus had closed his eyes and pictured his life to come, there had been a great many wonderful things. He had seen his Grand Tour, taking in all of the sights and marvels of continental Europe, the Orient, and the Americas. There had been the important academic position awaiting him - or possibly, an advisory role in the Ministry, bedecked with respect for his intellect and honour for his exemplary conduct. And vaguely, in the further future, there had been a clutch of well-turned-out, intelligent children. These children, in Albus' mind's eye, had never really been babies or dependents - but more a group of little acolytes, excelling in their chosen fields, and making their father proud. His imagination didn't feature a mother; it glossed-over how the children had arrived in the first place, favouring instead the formal mantelpiece portrait of a great man, surrounded by his talented brood. Tipped as the highest-graduating student Hogwarts had ever known, the future had looked rosy, indeed.

That was, of course, until everything had conspired against him. Trapped in a rural backwater while his friends sent postcards, with an idiot brother and a damaged sister, Albus didn't know whether to grieve for his Mother, or grieve for himself.

And in stepped Gellert.

It was difficult for Albus to articulate how he felt about Gellert; it was certainly not a set of emotions he had experienced before. There was admiration. There was, despite the miles and the accents and the robes, kinship. There was... something that burned inside him, and made his fingers tingle and made him ache when they parted of an evening, only for the interim hours to be a haven for excitement and agitation that it be morning again, so he could go next door and see Gellert again.

On this particular morning, Albus had been awake since before dawn. His eyes drifted absently around his too-small bedroom, the ceiling rafters gathering dust that he couldn't be bothered to clean, which floated down in shimmering motes, catching the amber-summer light. Aberforth's snoring and whimpers from Ariana's nightmares drifted up from the floor below. A cuckoo cried outside.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." The voice at the window startled Albus, and he sprung bolt-upright in his bed. The voice chuckled. "Oh, so jumpy today?"

"Gellert, what are you?..." Albus crossed to the window, a burst of magic unfastening the latch. His friend was standing there, in mid-air. It was a type of magic that Albus had not before seen; he felt simultaneously impressed, and had a strange nagging feeling that he shouldn't ask about it. Maybe that was just because he didn't want to expose his ignorance. Gellert stepped inside, as easily as if he had been walking through the front door.

"You were thinking about me." It was a statement, not a question.

Albus considered this for a moment. Given that Gellert was so closely entwined with all his waking thoughts, he couldn't refute that as untrue.

Gellert's tongue darted out to lick his lip. "And I was thinking about you." He moved forward, Germanic boots swaggering on the brittle floorboards to close the distance between them. Albus' breath caught as Gellert reached out to cup his face, an elegant thumb running across his cheekbone.

"So tense?" Gellert asked, still with amusement in his voice. "Let me help you with that." He slipped Albus' nightshirt off his shoulder, tracing fingers slowly inside the dip of his collarbone. Albus murmured, barefoot and dumbstruck, and Gellert grinned again as he stalked around Albus, massaging his shoulders and stroking his silky auburn hair.

"Gellert, I..." Albus started, but words trailed away. For all his fantastic vocabulary, Albus did not have words for this. This, extraordinary breath-stealing, word-tunnelling closeness in secret silent hours, while the world was asleep. Moving his hair to one side, Gellert pressed a kiss to the nape of Albus' neck.

"Ahhh!" It was a sharp cry, full of surprise and the opposite of pain.

Again, Gellert laughed - and then kissed Albus’ neck again, with lips and teeth.

A burning sensation coursed into every inch of skin from the heat of Gellert's mouth, making Albus hiss. It was like nothing on earth. When Gellert released him, Albus turned around. "What are you....?" he mustered. In his wide-eyed state, the answer didn't seem at all obvious.

Gellert shrugged, still smiling. "You want me." Again, it was a statement. "And I was getting tired of waiting." He closed the distance between them, and kissed Albus on the mouth, softly claiming.

Albus froze. He had never... not even close to such a... with someone. Sirens sounded in his mind. Even in his abstract knowledge of the whole business, he knew that this wasn't right. Gellert wasn't a girl. Two young men didn't... Apart from Horace and Elphias, of course. But that was different. Albus was respectable. He had to be proper; his future demanded it. If he ever got out of Azkaban, his father would kill him.

And yet... the feeling of Gellert's lips on his was paradise. It was the answer to every unasked question; every hazy pre-dawn thought. It was the balm to his pain and a song to his soul. Far more than the old place in which he stood, it was like coming home.

They broke apart, and Albus looked into Gellert's beautiful eyes - yes, he allowed himself to think it; Gellert was beautiful - and saw... just that smile again, that amusement.

"About time, too," said Gellert, and kissed him again, in a way that drove every other conscious thought from Albus' mind. There was force and heat and a questing tongue and pressure on Albus' shoulders until he was edged backwards and found himself sitting back down on his single bed, with Gellert astride him.

"I...." Albus tried, toppled from a height of ecstasy, suddenly utterly unsure once again.

"Now, don't you worry," Gellert smirked, already shrugging off his own boots and trousers. Unabashed, he pulled his shirt over his head, and stood there in the hazy morning sunbeam, clad only in his underwear. His skin was bronzed and perfect, and the light played in his golden curls. He looked like an angel. "Like what you see?" asked Gellert. The confidence in his tone suggested that an answer was not necessary.

Then, with equal haste, Gellert flicked some wandless magic in Albus' direction, removing his nightshirt. Albus gasped as he found himself naked. His skin prickled in goosebumps, and he didn't know whether to try to cover himself, or to be more worried about his scrawny, bookish form.

Gellert gave him little time to consider, though, stalking forwards, and pushing smoothly on Albus' shoulders. He laid him down on his childhood bed - where Albus' mother had told him bedtime stories and his father had spoken of wonderful futures for bright young boys, in those golden days before the attack and the illness, when promising lads had been assured of their world tours. That bed, where Albus now laid naked and breathless with another boy on top of him, breaking every taboo and rule his bedtime stories would have told.

The shock of Gellert's skin upon his own was like the Cruciatus in reverse. Albus' body screamed and sang. His mind was a knot of fear and repulsion and delight and wonder. Between them, his erection poked up hard into Gellert's torso, and he could feel the sensation of Gellert's prick pushing into his own thigh, at once the most alien and the most natural thing in the world.

Gellert moved down, inch by inch, claiming Albus' mouth once more, and then sucking and biting his way along Albus' throat, his chest and his stomach. When Gellert breathed lightly across the tip of Albus' leaking cock, Albus cried out loud enough to have woken the household, and then bit down on a pillow to silence himself.

"Just you wait..." chuckled Gellert, and then swallowed Albus to the hilt.

Albus thrashed in his bed like a silent fury, panting and squirming and contorting every limb as he writhed beneath a sensation so wondrous-frightening he had not conceived of the existence of such potency outside of the very Darkest magic. He thrust upward into Gellert's mouth; he couldn't stop himself. It was as if his body were out of his mind's control; the Imperius writ large.

And then, just at the moment when it couldn't become any more intense, he was gripped by a convulsion that started in the very pit of his being and shot searing stars right through him. His vision blanked, his ears heard only the sounds of the abyss, and all there was in the universe was heat and tightness and sinful wetness and Gellert.

Slowly, laboriously, Albus came to. His focus swam back to find Gellert regarding him with unabashed hunger, stoking his own cock with one hand, and already teasing Albus' balls again with the other.

The respectable future had crumbled around him. The oil painting had faded, the country pile had become shabby and derelict. The well-behaved brood were no more. It was all swept away by the electric heat of Gellert's mouth on his cock, depraved and wrong and everything that Albus had ached and yearned for.

Gellert started coaxing Albus' legs apart, and, pliant and supplicant, Albus could do nothing but obey.

Every honourable thought had fled; he was lost, now. There was nothing left but Gellert, and this... this searing, white-hot pleasure that he knew was already an addiction. There could never again be anything but Gellert; the rest was dust.

Avada Kedavra.
14th December 2016 13:02
Oh, this is so perfectly young Albus, a bit arrogant about his talents, idealistically imagining all the places those talents would take him -- and then feeling morose about the way the universe had worked against him to ensure that things hadn't gone the way they were supposed to. It just makes it all the more logical that he would fall for Gellert -- in multiple senses.

I also love the idea of Albus never quite having realized his sexual leanings before then -- because, yes, he'd be exactly the sort to have been engrossed in more intellectual pursuits during his adolescent years. Having only "abstract knowledge" of sex and romance, especially in a more reserved day and age, suits him well. And then this:

"Gellert, I..." Albus started, but words trailed away. For all his fantastic vocabulary, Albus did not have words for this. This, extraordinary breath-stealing, word-tunnelling closeness in secret silent hours, while the world was asleep. -- Gorgeous perfection!

And then... the entire seduction/sex scene is just beyond amazing, with Albus still somehow being fairly cerebral about it, and all the vivid observations and fantastic details. There are so many great lines and bits that I couldn't possibly quote them all back to you. Really, I'm in awe of how powerfully you've painted this scene and all of the new emotions and sensations Albus is experiencing.

Gellert, of course, is the perfect worldly counterpart to Albus' relative innocence. His arrogance and absolute certainty that he's right and that things will go according to his plans serve as fantastic foreshadowing of things that are yet to come. Yet Albus goes on ignoring the red flags, like people do...

And then the ending few paragraphs that the final line serving as a dark parallel to the history that's about to play out...

Gah, the language and the structure and the details are just... And there's so much in so few words... I'm in awe of your writing here, seriously.
2nd February 2017 00:32
Thank you so much for your really thoughtful comment! I'm really pleased to hear that you liked the story, and that the characters' interactions came through as intended.

I also love the idea of Albus never quite having realized his sexual leanings before then -- because, yes, he'd be exactly the sort to have been engrossed in more intellectual pursuits during his adolescent years.

*nods* That's exactly what I thought. Young Albus probably reckoned himself too busy to bother with formative relationships.

His arrogance and absolute certainty that he's right and that things will go according to his plans serve as fantastic foreshadowing of things that are yet to come.

I'm very pleased to hear the foreshadowing worked for you, here - I was trying to add an eerie air of 'that which is to come', even though it was, on the face of things, a relatively simple scene.

Thank you again (and Happy January! ;-))

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th December 2016 14:33
This is a very insightful piece with many striking and beautiful turns of phrase. The theme of the Unforgivable curses is a powerful way of expressing Albus's sense that as he discovers himself, he is falling into evil. He feels pleasure, but can't understand it as pleasure, only as pain turned inside-out. He feels desire, but it seems to come from somewhere outside himself, something forced on him. And he feels the change in him, but he doesn't see the possibility for freedom in that change, only the death of what he thought he was and should have been. Reading this, you feel very deeply what an impossible situation life had cornered him into, and why he would have come to see his sexuality as something unwanted and terrible. Impressive work, MA!
2nd February 2017 00:34
Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment! I'm thrilled that those deeper thoughts and implications came through from what is, on the face of things, quite a simple scene. It's great to hear that you could sense some of Albus' 'inner workings' from the interaction, here.

Thanks again,

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th December 2016 15:19
The fascination, the 'step apart'ness of Albus's experiences here, is palpable. He can't quite decipher what's happening to him at the same time that his mind is always prodding at it, even as Gellert takes him apart. And the Unforgiveable theme is all too poignant, given where these two end up.

You can see how Albus would be taken by Gellert, and how much a confident young man like Gellert would enjoy the power over such a powerful young wizard. It all makes sense, and is beautifully described.
2nd February 2017 00:36
Thank you very much for reading, and for your insightful comment!

He can't quite decipher what's happening to him at the same time that his mind is always prodding at it, even as Gellert takes him apart.

I love that description; I'm really pleased to hear the sense of 'otherness' came through as intended.

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th December 2016 15:30
Oh gosh, this is fantastic! I loved your Albus and Gellert here, and the dynamic between them was just perfect. Totally how I picture the two of them at this point. Amazing.
2nd February 2017 00:37
Thank you very much! It's great to hear that the dynamic worked for you, here.

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th December 2016 15:52
Thank you so, so much, mystery author! Beautiful writing. You've captured young Albus perfectly, here: mourning the loss of his golden future, his Grand Tour; his infatuation with Gellert, which Gellert of course takes full advantage of. Then that amazing sex scene, all mixed up in Albus' head with the unforgivable curses - like the Cruciatus in reverse, the Imperius writ large, and that final, chilling Avada Kedavra (the petite mort?).

2nd February 2017 00:39
Thank you! I'm really pleased that you liked it :-) It's great to hear that young Albus comes through well as a character, here.

Ha! I hadn't thought of the 'petite mort', but it does make perfect sense!

Thank you for the inspiring prompt!

PurpleFluffyCat x
15th December 2016 09:46
WOW! This was outstanding! Whoever you are, it's not only that word-choice-wise you know what you're doing; it's the perfection of the timing, the cadence of the words and the lines. And omg, that last line! Amazing stuff! Thank you for this!
2nd February 2017 00:40
Thank you so much for your kind words; I enjoyed writing this :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
15th December 2016 12:45
w0w. I am utterly, completely speechless. I just loved this so much and for so many reasons that I am incapable of articulating. I'm sorry, you and this story deserve more, but just know, this complete inability to capslock-keysmash, word-vomit all over this fic is sort of rare for me and that is saying something, right? ;)

♥ ♥
2nd February 2017 00:41
Thank you so much! It's great to hear you liked it - and I do take 'speechless' as a significant compliment, indeed!

PurpleFluffyCat x
15th December 2016 14:55
Ooo this is so tantalizing and intriguing! I love the way you wrote these characters and the scenario they find themselves in. So freaking hot!! I loved it!!
2nd February 2017 00:41
Thank you! It's great to hear that you liked the take on the characters and scenario, here.

PurpleFluffyCat x
15th December 2016 20:25
Fantastic writing. Lots of striking turns of phrase, and a killer ending. (Er, no pun intended. *g*)
2nd February 2017 00:42
Thank you; it's great to hear that you liked it! (No pun taken *g*)

PurpleFluffyCat x
16th December 2016 13:40
This is so well done. As others have already said, it's such a poignant thing for you to write his sexuality as interwined with his growing awareness of Dark magic and, IDK, the things nice boys can't have. The opening and closing images of all the accolades and honours that should be bestowed on him fading away... *shivers* It's such a painful way to read about a gay man's first time, and yet it is also beautifully written. I totally see this as plausible for Albus, too. Amazing job, MA. :)
2nd February 2017 00:44
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I'm pleased that the intended deeper meanings came through, here, despite the scene being - on the face of things - quite simple. It's great to hear that the character here seemed plausible for a young Albus.

PurpleFluffyCat x
17th December 2016 07:43
oh wow, mystery writer, this was breathtaking! Such stunning prose, and so well composed. The dynamic between them was expertly crafted, the way Albus is so gone for Gellert, and trying to resist and be respectable (which was a really wonderful touch, as well). I love the temptation Gellert represents here, the way Albus eventually gives in to it, and the sex --

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<i.it>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

oh wow, mystery writer, this was breathtaking! Such stunning prose, and so well composed. The dynamic between them was expertly crafted, the way Albus is so gone for Gellert, and trying to resist and be respectable (which was a really wonderful touch, as well). I love the temptation Gellert represents here, the way Albus eventually gives in to it, and the sex --

<i.It was as if his body were out of his mind's control; the Imperius writ large.

Gellert started coaxing Albus' legs apart, and, pliant and supplicant, Albus could do nothing but obey.

GUH! beautiful, stunning, and hot - amazing, all of it!
17th December 2016 07:44
Oh woops, I borked something there lol, and can't edit/delete. Here is my comment in readable form:

oh wow, mystery writer, this was breathtaking! Such stunning prose, and so well composed. The dynamic between them was expertly crafted, the way Albus is so gone for Gellert, and trying to resist and be respectable (which was a really wonderful touch, as well). I love the temptation Gellert represents here, the way Albus eventually gives in to it, and the sex --

It was as if his body were out of his mind's control; the Imperius writ large.

Gellert started coaxing Albus' legs apart, and, pliant and supplicant, Albus could do nothing but obey.

GUH! beautiful, stunning, and hot - amazing, all of it!

2nd February 2017 00:47
Thank you so much! It's great to here that Albus' infatuation came through clearly, here; 'so gone' is definitely a good way of putting it. Also, I'm pleased to hear that it was hot - this is d_d, after all ;-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
26th December 2016 01:33
This piece is just beautifully done -- full of insight into young Albus and his time. This is so exactly how I can imagine him thinking: the youthful arrogance almost unavoidable to someone of his brilliance and position, someone so intelligent yet so unaware of his own blindnesses and naivete.

There are so many great lines that characterize Albus so well:

This, extraordinary breath-stealing, word-tunnelling closeness in secret silent hours, while the world was asleep.
Yes, I can just hear Albus here, showing off his ability with words even as one part of him is thinking that he doesn't have words. It's almost an unwitting arrogance.

And vaguely, in the further future, there had been a clutch of well-turned-out, intelligent children. These children, in Albus' mind's eye, had never really been babies or dependents - but more a group of little acolytes, excelling in their chosen fields, and making their father proud
Oh, absolutely. Just exactly the way young, blind, confident Albus would fantasize. And yet we readers can see his flaws so clearly.

Two young men didn't... Apart from Horace and Elphias, of course. But that was different. Albus was respectable.
Such a typical attitude of the time, and of course he wouldn't be able to see outside his own box here, not Albus, who is not at all accustomed to questioning himself or his view of the way things should be. (Love the reference to Horace and Elphias, too.)

He laid him down on his childhood bed - where Albus' mother had told him bedtime stories and his father had spoken of wonderful futures for bright young boys, in those golden days before the attack and the illness, when promising lads had been assured of their world tours.
Brilliant passage! We see the whole trajectory of Albus's life and outlook, right here.

The respectable future had crumbled around him. The oil painting had faded, the country pile had become shabby and derelict. The well-behaved brood were no more. It was all swept away by the electric heat of Gellert's mouth on his cock, depraved and wrong and everything that Albus had ached and yearned for.
I adore this whole paragraph -- you do a wonderful job of summing up the paradox that would have been Albus's world.
2nd February 2017 00:52
Thank you so much for your detailed and thoughtful comment! I'm really pleased to hear that the contrast between Albus' accomplishments and his naivety came through as intended, here.

Yes, I can just hear Albus here, showing off his ability with words even as one part of him is thinking that he doesn't have words.

It's great to hear that came through - exactly the sort of tension I was trying to create.

Love the reference to Horace and Elphias, too.

Thank you! A shout-out for one of my favourite rare-pairs ;-)

PurpleFluffyCat x

26th January 2017 00:18
Wow, gorgeous writing.
Young Albus is so innocent and Gellert is so assured. I can see it happening just like this.
Your descriptions are perfect and then you hit us with that last line. Damn.
Fabulous work!
2nd February 2017 00:54
Thank you very much! I'm very pleased to hear that the contrast between the characters came through as intended, here.

PurpleFluffyCat x
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