Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Fic: Sometimes you need to make your own opportunities. (Kingsley/Snape) 
14th April 2016 12:00
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]r_grayjoy
From: A Mischievous Member

Title: Sometimes you need to make your own opportunities.
Characters/Pairings: Kingsley/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: First time bottoming
Other Warnings/Content: none
Word Count: 2640
Summary/Description: Recipient asked for: One of the characters has only ever been a top. He wants to find out what the other role is like -- or someone else wants him to find out. As it turns out, he really, really likes it...
Author's Notes: Happy Birthday, Daily Deviant! Recipient, I hope you like this. Also, many, many thanks to my lovely H for beta reading, lots of good ideas, and prodding.

Kingsley moved his chair back a little from the kitchen table at number twelve Grimmauld Place, ostensibly to stretch his legs, but in fact so that he could watch Severus Snape more easily from the corner of his eye. Mad Eye was off on another tangent and Kingsley let his mind wander a bit.

Snape interested Kingsley. He had been in his last year when Snape started at Hogwarts, and he had only the vaguest recollection of a skinny, twitchy Slytherin first year. That slight memory was at odds with the man who now sat preternaturally still in the shadows of the kitchen.

He had, so the story went, joined the Death Eaters either while in his final year, or soon after leaving school; then, after the Dark Lord's demise, but for reasons no one could determine, he left them and went to Dumbledore. Dumbledore had given him a teaching position, and managed somehow to convince the Wizengamot that the man had totally renounced the Dark Lord and generally seen the light.

Bullshit. Mad Eye didn’t trust him.

But then, Mad Eye didn’t trust anyone.

Kingsley stifled a sigh, shifting his big frame in the hard wooden chair. Was Mad Eye ever going to finish? Kingsley went back to watching Snape.

While the younger man sat perfectly still, there was a definite tension about him. Kingsley wondered how he maintained his stillness. Was it all those buttons, keeping him strictly under control? He almost snorted; he must be getting fanciful. He knew Snape hated Black - and Kingsley had to admit that the man could be supremely irritating - but there was more going on, he was sure. The violent fury that Snape struggled with when it came to Black seemed to be excessive, even for someone who could carry a grudge the way Snape could.

Snape was watching Black, his eyes narrowed with smouldering emotion. Lupin leaned over to catch something Black said, then hid a smile behind a hand. Snape’s wand hand twitched.

Oh, indeed…. Kingsley bit his cheek to keep from smiling. Could that be it? Was Snape watching the both of them? Could it be that Snape fancied Lupin, and Black’s return had derailed his plans?

Lupin noticed Snape’s glare - Kingsley was surprised it hadn’t set Lupin’s hair on fire - and flushed slightly.

More than fancied, perhaps? Could they have been shagging? Kingsley searched his memory for anything that might have suggested such a possibility, but came up empty. He was no doubt imagining things, probably because he wouldn't mind having a go at the prickly bastard himself.

Of course, he evaluated most men on the possibility of a shag, but Snape intrigued him. Despite being ugly in physiognomy and nature, the wizard had an undeniable presence. There was power there, strong magic meticulously controlled. Kingsley found that dead sexy, and the idea that Snape might be bent, and therefore a potential shag, was far more interesting to contemplate than wondering why Snape hated Black as much as he did.

What was he like, Kingsley wondered, if all those restraining buttons were undone? If one could make that control slip?

He felt an awkward tightening in his pants, and sighed. This was not the time to be thinking about shagging anyone.

Kingsley focused his attention on Mad Eye.

The meeting broke up at last, and Kingsley manoeuvred to leave the kitchen shortly after Snape. He sprinted up the stairs to the ground floor.

“Snape,” he called softly so as not to wake the portrait of Mrs. Black.

Snape turned, his hand on the latch, but didn’t speak.

Kingsley came close, pretending it was because of the portrait, and leaned in.

“How about grabbing a pint?”

Snape’s eyebrows rose almost to his hairline. “Whatever for?”

Kingsley shrugged and gestured toward the door. They went outside, and Snape slammed the door unnecessarily hard. They heard the muffled shrieks of Mrs. Black coming through the heavy wood. Snape had a smug look on his face, but didn’t smile.

“No reason, except that Moody about paralyzed me with boredom, and it’s left me parched.” He grinned. “It can't be just me feeling that way, eh?”

He thought Snape would refuse, but the man surprised him with a somewhat grim, “Why not?”

In silent agreement, they passed through the Leaky Cauldron, walked to Knockturn Alley, and then on to a darkly elegant pub near the end.

“You’ve been here before?” Snape sounded surprised.

“A few times,” Kingsley grinned. “What are you drinking?”

“You buying?”

Kingsley nodded. Snape gave his order and found a table in the back while Kingsley collected the drinks.

Snape downed half his double firewhiskey and scowled at the glass. Kingsley hid a smile behind his pint and made small talk, casually bringing up other members of the Order to gauge Snape's reactions. He thought Black might be a topic best avoided, but when he mentioned Lupin, Snape noticeably stiffened.

“Spineless,” Snape pronounced with a sneer, putting his glass down with a thud. He'd not had anything good to say about anyone, but all the others had been dismissed with apparent disinterest.

By the time Snape had nearly finished his second double, Kingsley decided there was no point in beating about the bush. He leaned forward.

“What do you say we get a room here?” Kingsley tried to leer innocently. “Relieve a few tensions.”

Snape looked startled, gave Kingsley a long considering look, then downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. After another few moments in which Kingsley could almost see the wheels turning in Snape's mind, he shrugged.

“Why not?”

Kingsley procured a key from the bartender, then went through to the front and climbed the stairs. He waited by the room door for Snape to catch up before unlocking it and stepping aside to let Snape enter. He saw the younger man hesitate and look around with a (very faint) look of surprise and appreciation on his face. The room, in which Kingsley had stayed before, was lavishly furnished without being overly ostentatious.

Kingsley tossed the key on the dresser, removed his outer robe and hung it on a coat rack by the door. As he turned, Snape handed him his own cloak, most of his concentration seemingly still on the details of the room.

The garment hung neatly, Kingsley moved behind Snape and rested his hands on his narrow hips.

Pulling Snape beck gently so he could feel Kingsley’s arousal met with no resistance, so Kingsley slid his hands up over Snape’s frock coat and started on the buttons. Snape remained passive, but didn’t participate.

“I don’t bottom.” The tone left no room for equivocation.

“No problem,” Kingsley nuzzled under Snape’s hair and started nipping his neck while he continued with the buttons.

He felt Snape relax a little and lean back slightly against him.

Coat undone, Kingsley started on the shirt, and soon he was running his hands over Snape’s warm skin, stroking from shoulder to belt, pausing to flick a nail over a taut nipple.

Snape shuddered and pressed against Kingsley, tilting his head back and breathing deeply.

Kingsley was starting to undo Snape’s belt when the man seemed to wake from his trance, turning and reaching for the fastenings of Kingsley’s kaftan, but keeping his head lowered, hiding his face behind the fall of his hair.

Having none of that, Kingsley reached up and smoothed the long hair back, trailing his fingers over Snape’s cheek, then gently lifting his chin. When Snape didn’t resist, Kingsley kissed him gently, waiting for Snape’s reaction before pressing on.

All passiveness evaporating, Snape returned the kiss with enthusiasm, and began his own mission of removing Kingsley's clothes with dispatch. Kingsley let him take control, continuing to undress the man all the while.

Soon clothing was scattered everywhere, and their naked bodies were tangled in the sheets, all hands and mouths and teeth and legs. Snape was more ferocious than seductive in his methods, and Kingsley found himself responding in kind. He liked a vigorous partner, one who was not afraid of what he wanted, nor of Kingsley’s usually much larger size.

Overall size, that is. In the cock department, Snape was no slouch.

Kissing and nipping his way down Snape’s body, Kingsley settled between Snape’s legs and swallowed his cock to the root. Kingsley loved his ability to startle well-endowed men with his fellatio skills almost as much as he loved just sucking cock for its own sake, and Snape responded with a gratifying cry and an upward surge of his hips.

Kingsley smiled inwardly, and for a while, just enjoyed himself with Snape’s cock. The faint smell of soap emanating from the thick curls at the root, the silky softness of the foreskin, the salty tang of precome… Gods he loved sucking cock!

Playing with Snape’s bollocks, he rolled them between his fingers and tugged gently. When Snape’s thighs started to tremble, he backed off that delicious cock and sucked first one, then the second of Snape’s bollocks into his mouth, biting very gently. Snape was making incoherent sounds, repeatedly fisting the sheets in his hands, when Kingsley trailed a finger back to press against Snape’s hole.

Snape stiffened and stilled.

Kingsley stopped the pressure, and instead just circled the area with a light, non-demanding touch. When Snape relaxed again, Kingsley lifted and spread his thighs, releasing his bollocks enough to murmur “hold.” Snape complied, and Kingsley let his tongue wander back to Snape’s tight pucker.

Here, he spent some time.

A silent hygiene and lubrication charm, and Kingsley was licking, lapping, teasing and sucking at Snape’s entrance. Snape, in turn, pulled his knees back as far and as wide as he could, opening himself as much as possible to Kingsley’s ministrations. When Kingsley dipped his tongue inside, Snape’s response was a soft, keening cry, followed by garbled noises that Kingsley took as encouragement.

Soon, Kingsley slipped a finger in beside his tongue, and Snape’s only response was to pull his legs wider. Kingsley finger fucked him slowly, moving his mouth back to Snape’s beautiful cock as he did so.

It wasn’t long before a second finger joined the first in Snape’s arse, and when Kingsley twisted his hand, searching....

Snape’s bitten-off shout was gratifying in the extreme. Kingsley raised his head to watch his face as he stroked his fingers over Snape’s prostate again. Snape’s whole body shook with a powerful spasm and his eyes rolled back. Kingsley grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed; he didn’t want Snape to come yet.

Pulling himself up to his knees, Kingsley let the fingers of his other hand dance lightly over Snape’s cock.

“You like that?” His voice was low and rough with desire, his own cock straining for touch.

“Is that...,” Snape swallowed. “Does it feel like that to...?” He seemed unable to say the words.

“Is that what bottoming feels like?” Kingsley grinned.

Snape just squeezed his eyes shut, and gulped in reply.

“If your top is any good, yes.”

That earned him a glare.

“Well,” Kingsley tried for a slightly placating tone. “One can always do a better job if one knows what one is doing.”

That earned him a narrow eyed squint and a fierce scowl.

“You bottom?”

“Occasionally.” Kingsley tightened his grip and started stroking Snape’s cock. He didn’t want the man to forget why they were there. “But mostly I like watching my partner come completely apart.”

Oops. That wasn’t the right thing to say, Kingsley realized, as Snape suddenly stiffened and let go of his legs.

He moved to Snape's side, rubbing his cock leisurely against his hip, and kissed Snape passionately. Not demandingly, nor domineeringly, just thoroughly, while he slipped two fingers back inside Snape’s relaxed entrance. He brushed over Snape’s prostate again as he kissed his way along Snape’s jaw to his ear.

“Let me fuck you.” He barely breathed it in Snape’s ear.

Snape stilled for a moment, but didn’t tense, and when Kingsley pushed his fingers deep into Snape‘s silky, clinging softness, Snape moaned.

Kingsley took this for assent and, removing his fingers, settled himself between Snape’s legs. Snape hesitated a moment, then raised his legs and gripped his ankles again.

Oh, gods! If he could only see himself, Kingsley thought. So fucking sexy, so hot, asking to be fucked like that. So trusting….

Kingsley lined himself up and leaned forward, letting his weight bear down on Snape until he slid inside. So hot, so tight, so fucking gorgeous! He managed to check himself halfway in, and tried to wait for Snape to catch up.

Snape cried out, releasing his legs, which wound around Kingsley’s waist, and raking his nails down Kingsley’s back. Kingsley hissed in surprise, but the pain just spurred him on and he withdrew slowly to plunge back in with force, sinking balls deep this time.

Fingernails digging into his arse aside, Kingsley continued to fuck Snape with slow force. He twisted his hips at the end of a stroke and felt the knob of Snape’s prostate. Snape nearly screamed, biting the sound off just in time, but he spread his legs wider and higher and bucked up against Kingsley’s punishing strokes with all the strength his cramped position allowed.

Damn, but Kingsley liked a rough fuck!

He hooked his arms behind Snape’s legs, and Snape transferred his grip to the sheets on either side of them. Kingsley straightened his legs and slid his feet to the sides, giving himself more leverage with which to pound Snape through the mattress. He was twisting his hips on each stroke now, and watching Snape drove him on. Snape’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut and his face was screwed up in an expression of desperation. His mouth worked silently until he’d remember to clamp it shut. But that didn’t last. Each deep moan that escaped went straight down Kingsley’s spine and electrified his cock, and when Snape’s grip ripped the sheets, Kingsley lost control and pounded into him relentlessly.

Snape reached for his own cock and pulled it twice before he was coming with a choking, heart-breaking cry. His body, folded in half as it was, still bucked and thrashed, and the muscles around Kingsley’s cock tightened so hard he saw stars. And then Kingsley gave one final thrust and with a grunt, emptied himself deep inside Snape's eager, clenching body.

For a moment neither moved, then Kingsley slid out of Snape’s limp body slowly and sat back, lowering Snape’s trembling thighs gently. He murmured a cleaning charm, then gently massaged the stretched and battered muscles he‘d just been abusing with such abandon. They quivered a couple of time, but were soon back to normal, and Kingsley collapsed beside the still motionless Snape on the bed.

A minute or two later, Snape’s breathing returned to normal, and Kingsley was about to say something when Snape cleared his throat.

“Yes… well.” His voice was slightly rough.

Then he was sitting up on the side of the bed, summoning his clothes with a twist of his wrist. He was dressed almost before Kingsley could roll off the bed and collect his own garments, buttoning up the last buttons on his frock coat and reaching for his cloak, all without having said a word. He had his hand on the latch when Kingsley slipped his arms around him from behind.

Snape stilled, but didn’t protest.

Kingsley reached one hand up and moved the sweat-dampened hair off the back of Snape’s neck. He kissed it gently, then nipped it hard. Snape shivered in his arms.

“Any time, Snape.” He made his voice a growl.

Snape took a deep breath and seemed about to speak, but instead just gave a curt nod, pulled open the door and swept away down the hall.

17th April 2016 00:09
Unf. Delicious.
LOVE the pairing! I love to see Severus come apart, too, and Kingsley did it quite thoroughly here. And the hint of Snupin in th background is intriguing. As is the possibility of anytime. *g*
Well done, MA! Great job. :)
24th May 2016 23:28
Aw, thanks!
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