Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Birthday Bash: Drabble/Drawble Days 4 
18th March 2016 02:56
And now for some fourth day randomness...

Choose one (or both??) of these images to be the inspiration for your drabble/drawble:

Rules? What rules?

To share your results, simply post them in a comment to this entry.

You need not use these exact objects/images/scenes in your drabble/drawble. You need not use both images. Allow the prompt to influence and inspire you any way it will.

By definition, a drabble is exactly 100 words and a drawble is a rough sketch equivalent. However, we're not going to be running anyone's work through a word counter here. Write and draw whatever you like. Just remember that short'n'smutty is the goal!
18th March 2016 11:55
Magic > Muggle; Harry/Draco, frottage, anal implied

Draco held fast to Potter's back, their cocks sliding against each other, hot and hard.

"Do you have lube?" Potter said, breathless.

Reaching for his wand, Draco tapped his hip and cast the necessary spells.

"I'm ready." Draco spread his legs wider, frowning when Potter leaned over the side of the bed. "What are you doing?"

Potter sat back up, holding a small foil packet in his hand. "I need a condom."

"Honestly, Potter. We are wizards. The spell takes care of that," Draco said with a sniff. "Now toss that unsightly thing in the bin and fuck me properly."
18th March 2016 13:11
Trust Draco to be snarky at a time like this. Poor Mugglish Harry has lots to learn. :D
18th March 2016 13:20
Bwahahaha! I love our fandom. *g* Just saying. :)
And yeah, I love snarky!Draco, too. Who else would be testy when they're about to be shagged? *g*
Fun one, hon!
18th March 2016 14:10
Haha! One of the glorious benefits of this magical fandom. ;)
18th March 2016 15:03
Hehe, Harry has a lot to learn; I'm sure Draco secretly finds it endearing, not that he'd ever let on.
18th March 2016 15:27
Hah! Poor Harry still learning new Wizard tricks and tips everyday. Luckily Draco is there to teach him the way ;]
18th March 2016 16:12

Oh, Harry, bless you.
19th March 2016 19:21
I love a horny snarky Draco. Magic is good for so many wonderful reasons.
20th March 2016 19:17
Oh Harry, just fuck him already!! love horny Draco. :)
20th March 2016 22:15
18th March 2016 14:30 - Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
"It'd be so hot, Harry, watching somebody else take you apart. Fucking your face while they fuck your arse."

Harry moaned and arched his hips up into Ron's slick fist. It would be hot.

"But what about—I'm sort of famous you know. The Prophet would have a field day."

"We'll find a Muggle then."

Harry's nose wrinkled. "But I hate using condoms."

"For fuck's sake, Harry, it's a dirty fantasy. Stop thinking about practicalities and let me get you off!"

"Sorry," Harry grinned sheepishly. He gestured to his groin, where Ron's hand had stilled around Harry's erection. "Please continue."
18th March 2016 15:04 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
HAHA! Harry needs to learn when to think with his downstairs brain ;D Brilliant ♥
18th March 2016 15:15 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
ROFL Focus, Harry. *giggles* Love it!
18th March 2016 15:26 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
Haha so like Harry to find something to whine about :P I don't normally go for Ron/Harry but this was pretty hot ;]
18th March 2016 16:10 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
Hah, brilliant!
18th March 2016 16:12 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
Poor Ron. So exasperated. *giggles*
This was hot and adorable. :)
18th March 2016 17:05 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)

Nicely done.
18th March 2016 20:20 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
LOL! Oh my god, this is so perfect! It's so them, so Harry start arguing on a fantasy.

I love it, sexy and so funny!
19th March 2016 19:23 - Re: Practicalities; Harry/Ron, NC-17 (talk of threesome)
Hahahaha, being detail oriented sometimes has its drawbacks. Nicely done.
18th March 2016 15:00
A Muggle Adventure, Sirius/Severus, Warning: the prompts totally broke my smut so you've got this silly little thing instead. Sorry!

They stood in front of the shelf, filled with small, brightly coloured boxes.

“Must we entertain these strange Muggle inventions? Can we not just continue proceedings in the usual manner?” Severus sighed.

“Oh, come on. Where’s your sense of adventure? How about these?”

Severus raised an eyebrow. “You want a cherry flavoured cock up your arse?”

Sirius huffed. “I’m guessing these are for blow jobs.”

“What’s wrong with a cock tasting like a cock?”

“Fine, what about the textured ones?”

’Ribbed for her pleasure.’ Well, that’s awfully sexist and homophobic.”

“Oh, screw the whole thing! Let’s go home and fuck.”
18th March 2016 15:20 - Wait for Me; Draco/Albus Severus, R
“What’s this?”

Draco's nose wrinkles in disdain as he holds up the dirty, used condom.

“Oh, um, well…” Albus’s face heats up as he attempts to stutter out an excuse.

Draco drops the condom back onto the bedroom floor and moves towards the bed.

“Did you bring a Muggle home last night?"

Draco’s voice is low and threatening, his breath hot against Albus's ear.

"Did you fuck him hard, rough and frantic?" Draco teases as he palms Albus's hardening cock.

"Yes..." Albus moans lowly.

Draco gives Albus's cock a tight squeeze.

"Next time, you wait for me to join."
18th March 2016 16:17 - Cursebreaking: Bill/Harry, fuck or die scenario-ish
“Fuck. I should’ve been more careful,” Bill gasped, dragging Harry close. Banishing their clothes with a wave of his wand, Bill shoved him onto the dirt floor. “The Etruscans are knows for erotic curses.”

“Whatever!” Harry cried. “Please—”

“I’ve got you,” Bill murmured, his words obscured by the wet noises of him slicking himself before sliding into a hastily prepared Harry.

Bill held him down, fucking him furiously until they’d both come. Finally, the urge dissipated.

Harry sighed. “So the statue made us do that?”

“Obviously,” Bill said. “We wouldn’t have done it otherwise, right?”

Harry hid his smirk. “Right.”
18th March 2016 22:29 - That's Not How That Works...
"Look what I found in the mens! Here."


"Isn't that queer? There was a big bowl of them. Balloons in the toilet. *snort* Muggles."

"Those aren't..."

"Watch this."

"I...umm....uh...never mind."

Sorry. It's not especially porny but hey, maybe it's someone's kink. :P
20th March 2016 21:46 - Like the Muggles
"You sure you want that?" Harry asked Draco who nodded frantically. He wanted to meet at a Muggle pub and "do it like the Muggles do."

"Follow me."

Draco followed Harry into the toilets when Harry grabbed him by his collar and shoved him into the toilet stall. He pushed Draco down on the seat, unbuttoning his jeans and yanking his cock out. Then, Harry grabbed a condom from his back pocket and wrapped it around Draco's erection.

Harry turned around, pushing his jeans down, and started to settle on Draco's erection.

Draco moaned with satisfaction. "Muggles are quieter, Draco."
21st March 2016 19:07 - in the name of research (Draco/Albus Severus)
“We are here for research,” Draco says sternly.

“Research,” Albus agrees, a wicked glint in his eyes. He pulls Draco aside, away from the Muggle artifacts, into the shadows. He pushes one hand down Draco’s trousers as soon as they are out of view; Draco is already hard.

“Albus….” The name fades on a groan as Albus tugs him free, wanks him smoothly.

“Those are Muggle talismans for fertility and arousal,” Albus murmurs. “Just want to make sure you get the right feel for how they work, when you’re writing your book.”

“Fuck,” Draco’s hips buck.

“That’s definitely the plan.”
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