Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Honey (Daphne/Pansy, R) 
1st February 2016 16:32
Title: Honey
Artist: nearlyconscious
Media: paper and pens
Characters/Pairings: Daphne Greengrass/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: food play
Other Warnings: nudity, lingerie, gloves, piercing
Artist's Notes: What a fun theme! Lots of possibilities, but my mind went straight to honey being poured on someone's nipples.
Art Preview:

1st February 2016 21:56
Pansy's breasts, so lovely!! and I love what Daphne is doing to them. Yum!
5th February 2016 10:45
Thank you! Glad you like it. Looks like Pansy likes it too!!
P.S.: I love your icon
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