Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: First Time Friends (Draco/Pansy) 
8th December 2014 19:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]silvernatasha
From: [info]ldymusyc

Title: First Time Friends
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Pansy
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: Oral, first time
Word Count: 2800
Summary/Description: They'd been dancing around this topic for months. He'd been respectful, he'd been a gentleman, he'd always let her make the first move if any moves were made at all.

She was fucking well
done with that.
Author's Notes: I love any opportunity to play with this pairing. Best friends, lovers, snarky near-frenemies - and sometimes all at once!

The party was drawing to a close, people leaving in groups and pairs. A few feet from the Floo, waiting their turn to step into the green flames, Pansy pushed Draco's fringe away from his eyes and tipped her forehead onto his shoulder. "You have great hair," she mumbled into the heavy wool collar of his jumper. "Did you know that?"

"I'm aware."

Draco wrapped one arm around her waist. She appreciated the extra support. It kept her wobbly knees from buckling. Plus it gave her the opportunity to press closer to him, with the point of his hip tucked against her stomach and her breasts against his ribs. She was certain that she wasn't being subtle about the motion, especially when she heard Draco clear his throat and felt his fingers tense on her waist, but she was also certain that she didn't care. They'd been dancing around this topic for months. He'd been respectful, he'd been a gentleman, he'd always let her make the first move if any moves were made at all.

She was fucking well done with that.

Pansy danced one hand across Draco's chest, idly resting it over his heart as if she'd forgotten her fingers were moving. Even through the thick wool, she could feel his heart pounding under his ribs. She turned her face closer to his neck and hid a smile beneath her hair draped across her cheek before exhaling slowly, deliberately, on the hollow behind Draco's ear. She felt his fingers tighten on her hip, his short nails dragging at the silk of her dress. Her hidden smile widened. She knew every trick to focus a man's attention, and she was determined to use them. He wasn't slithering out of her grasp this time.

Draco stepped out of her tiny kitchen, one of his pale brows arched. "You have nothing but two glasses, a bottle of wine, and a fork in there, you know." He handed her a thin, somewhat lopsided glass of water. "I had to Transfigure that out of your fork."

Pansy shook off her tall, stiletto-sharp heels and stretched her long legs across the sofa, tucking her toes under Draco's thigh when he sat on the far end. "On the plus side," she said, "I do have one of the largest collections of takeaway menus in England. I'm thinking of donating them to a museum."

She downed the water with a couple of paracetamol tablets she found in the bottom of her handbag, dropped the glass on the carpet, and shifted her feet to rest her heels on top of Draco's leg. Gently prodding his side, she smiled at him. "You can take this off," she said, tugging at his jumper with her toes. "You're always complaining about how hot you are. And let me tell you, you're very, very hot."

Draco shook his head. "Nah. I won't be staying long. Have an early meeting. I wanted to make sure you got home safe, that you didn't fall asleep in a fish and chips cart or buy all the papers from the newsstand because you wanted to make a hat. Again."

"That was a fabulous hat."

Draco made a soft, huffing laugh. "If you say so." He dug in his pocket for his watch. Pansy hoped he'd lift his hips to get to it so that she could allow her feet to slide down his leg and press close to his cock but instead he leaned to the side and her feet slipped off his thigh to bounce on the sofa cushion.

Pansy rubbed her forehead and hid a sigh. Lowering her lashes to watch Draco from underneath them, she leaned back against the arm of the sofa and arched her spine to pull the neckline of her dress taut over the tops of her breasts. She caught the flicker of Draco's eyes, caught the smallest shift of his hips and tiniest twitch of his cock beneath the fine fabric of his trousers, but that was it. Instead of diving across the sofa and pouncing on her for some long-awaited ravishment, he edged an inch further away.

Pressing her lips together for a moment, Pansy rifled through the pages of her mental playbook, then she sat up. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip as she curled her legs beneath her to kneel at Draco's side. She leaned in close and caught his chin. "Hold still," she said in her best low and breathy voice. "You have something on your mouth."

Draco watched her from the corner of his eye as she moved. When she spoke, he sat up, pulling away from her hand and scrubbing the backs of his fingers over his lips. "Biscuit crumbs, yeah? Damn Nott and his pastries," he said. Even the slight shake in his voice didn't quell the frustration that made her grind her teeth when he stood. Shoving both hands into his pockets, he stared at her shoes on the floor before turning abruptly to take a step toward her Floo. "You should go to bed," he muttered over his shoulder.

"We should go to bed," Pansy said in a soft growl.

Draco stopped moving. He stood as still as a man who'd been Petrified, only his eyes moving to watch her as she got up. "Don't leave just yet," she said, brushing her fingers over the small of his back before resting them beneath his shoulder. "I have something I want to show you."

It took some of her best pouts and fluttered lashes, but she managed to convince Draco to have a glass of wine and wait on the sofa while she went into her bedroom. Staring at her open wardrobe, she tapped her fingers on her mouth as she looked over her clothes. Tight dresses, low-cut tops, high-cut skirts - she had an arsenal when it came to the war of sex, but she was beginning to suspect that none of it was what she needed. Draco had seen her in everything from full-length robes to a barely-there bikini in the past year but none of it had caught more of his attention than a funny shaped cloud. If it hadn't been for the magazines she'd found under the sink in the bathroom at his flat, she'd suspect women weren't where his attraction lay, but she knew better. Pansy Parkinson was never wrong when it came to a man's interest in her and Draco was interested. She only had to find the trick to convincing him to show that interest.

Her eyes lit on a sleek, almost transparent, dressing gown and she raised her brows with a purr rumbling in her throat. She wriggled out of her dress, bra, and knickers, then pulled on the dressing gown and nothing else. Lightly twisting the decorative cord at her hips, she threw back her shoulders, switched her hips to loosen up the muscles, and sashayed into the other room. "What do you think?"

Draco, perched on the arm of her sofa, shot to his feet and gaped at her, his pale skin turning bright pink. "Pans-- Pansy. That, er. It's very nice. I should go. I really should go now. Early m-meeting."

Pansy settled her hands on her hips, her fingers pointing at her mound, the narrow strip of dark curls visible through the transparent fabric of the dressing gown. "Are you serious?" she snapped. "I flirt with you all night, I ask you to come home with me, I come out here dressed like this, and the best I get is 'very nice'? God-fucking-dammit, what do I need to do? Tell you outright? Fine, then. I want to fuck you, Draco Malfoy."

"Oh." Draco blinked. "Oh. Pansy, I. That is. I really don't--"

She huffed and tugged the sides of her gown over each other, wrapping her arms around her torso. "Sod this. I haven't had to work this hard for a lay in years. Honestly, Malfoy, you're blushing like a virgin over there."

The blush on his cheeks darkened and moved down his neck. Draco ducked his head and stared at the tips of his boots.

Pansy's mouth dropped open.

Draco rubbed his thumbs over his knuckles, sitting tense on the edge of the sofa. "It's not that I'm not interested, you understand," he mumbled in a hoarse, almost choked voice. "I ... I'm interested. Very interested. But, er. It's a bit difficult."

Pansy, now bundled in a long Magpies jersey, ruffled her fingers through her hair and sipped the last of her second glass of wine. "How is it difficult?" she asked. "You find someone you like. Get naked, rub your bits together, have a cigarette and either go home or fall asleep. Unless you're talking about leather and chains or unconventional uses of wands, there's not much else to it."

"You didn't try to murder Albus Dumbledore, obviously."

"Is that the problem? You're afraid some woman's going to tear off your bollocks out of a decade-old revenge? Ask her during your first date if she's a raving harpy or a subscriber to the Quibbler, which are basically the same thing. If she says yes, don't shag her. Problem solved."

Draco slumped into the sofa, one hand over his eyes. He slowly pushed the left sleeve of his jumper to his elbow, then extended his arm to her. "There are two kinds of women who want a man with this in his arm, Pansy," he said. Each word was flat as parchment, but still managed to cut through her. "A woman who still wishes the Dark Lord had won or a woman who doesn't care who won as long as the Malfoys still have money. I'm not interested in either of those."

Pansy slipped her hand over the faded, silvery scar in Draco's forearm. "There's a third kind of woman," she said. "A woman who's been friends with you since before you could walk, a woman who doesn't give a damn about your money or your bloodline or your reputation or your past. A woman who thinks you're smart and funny and a terrible dresser - seriously, there's a reason I buy all your clothes for you - and who loves you for you. Not to mention thinks you're hot as sin and has been dying to get you in bed for weeks. No, months. Well, years, really, but we won't count my disappointment that you didn't haul me into a carriage after the Yule Ball."

Draco lowered his hand enough to glare at her over the tops of his fingers. "We were fourteen!"

She shrugged. "I read a lot of trashy novels instead of our History of Magic textbook. Hollow out the pages and you can hide all sorts of reading material." She patted Draco's arm, then leaned into him and kissed his cheek. "I don't care about that mark in your arm, I'd hardly be up for revenge, and you spend all your money on me voluntarily in any case, so I'm clearly not after your vaults. I'm your oldest friend, I love you dearly, and I would very much like to ride you like a broom." She tipped her head toward her bedroom door. "So, how about it?"

"Sorry. Sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry."

Pansy wriggled her arse away from the wet sheets and turned on her side to stroke Draco's arm. "It's all right," she said. "Honestly, Draco. It's all right."

He pushed his hair back, slicking sweat through his fringe. He gave her a bleary, dazed look and rocked his head on the pillow. "Pansy, if that was even thirty seconds, I'll-I'll-I'll." Groaning, he closed his eyes and sighed. "I don't know. But regardless. Sorry."

Pansy held her lips tight to keep her laugh from being audible. She pressed close to him and put her head on his shoulder, toying with the narrow strip of blond hair beneath his navel. "Draco. Thirty seconds was more than I was expecting out of a first go. Believe me. I'm actually impressed that you managed to get all the way in before you shot off."


This time she didn't try to halt her soft giggle. She stroked the tips of her fingers through the tight curls above his cock before drawing one nail down the length of it, admiring how it twitched beneath her touch. "You did well enough for your first time, Draco. Have I ever lied to you?"

"Frequently. You lied to me yesterday about whether you liked my tie."

"That wasn't a lie. It was a convenient stretching of the truth. We didn't have time to pick out a new one if we planned to make our reservation. Under no circumstances was I going to let you make me miss out on eating at Viand's the night it opened. That chocolate sampler at dessert? I couldn't possibly let Daphne be the first one to try it." She kissed his shoulder and hummed, her fingers continuing to work gently along his cock, coaxing it to stiffen in her loosely curled fist.

"So in addition to that, you decided to be the first one to try me. Bet you're going to be smug the next time you see her. You'll wind her up and she won't even know why."

"To be fair, I wasn't aware I'd be the first one trying you. Though yes, I am rather smug about it. Think I'm looking forward to that."

Draco lifted his head and glanced down his torso at Pansy's slowly moving hand. "Are you, er. Speaking of looking forward, thinking. Whatever. If you're thinking about a second round? Can't promise it would be any slower."

"Half a round," she said. Propping up on her elbow, she smiled at him. "I had an idea. I think a full go needs to wait for a little while, let you relax. Or more accurately, exhaust you a bit. If you're not so anxious, you'll last longer." She ran her thumb over the tip of his cock, then licked a few drops of precome off her skin.

Draco's eyes widened. Before he could ask any other questions, Pansy wriggled down to fasten her lips around the heavy ridge on his cock. Draco made a noise she couldn't begin to describe, but that she rather enjoyed. She hummed softly and he made an even more indescribable noise. His hands locked in the sheets by his hips. Approving with a muffled 'good', Pansy set to work.

She licked around the ridge and into the tiny slit, listening to Draco pant for breath. When she kissed down the length and up the heavy vein on the underside, he started to swear; when she gently sucked the loose skin of his bollocks before opening her mouth wide to draw one onto her tongue, he started to pray. Each gasp for breath and hoarse, desperate plea was sweet as candy to her. It took longer than she expected for him to claw at her spine and grunt out a warning to her, and she made a mental note to reward him for the improved stamina later.

The warning hadn't truly been necessary. She'd already felt the throbbing pulse in his cock and the drawing-up of his bollocks, and she'd already opened her throat. She pulled her lips up to the tip of his cock, formed a tight seal around it, and fluttered her tongue over the glans. Draco came with a reverberating groan and a slam of his hands on the wall over his head.

Pansy swallowed each thick spurt with an encouraging hum, then deliberately let the last one coat her lips, When she lifted her head, Draco swore a final time. Pansy licked the last pearly drop of his come off her lips and Draco collapsed with a soft whimper. "God," he mumbled, his voice almost broken. "If I'd known earlier I could see that, I'd go back in time and haul you into one of those carriages, no question."

Pansy threw one leg over his thighs and patted his stomach. "Hindsight, all that," she said cheerily. "But I promise you'll get to see it again. Two or three times before morning, even."

She dropped her head onto his shoulder to listen to his racing heartbeat. Draco gave a choked laugh. "Two or three times? You're mad. You'll kill me. But if that's the way I have to go, I won't fight it." He patted her hair in long slow strokes. "Pansy?" he muttered.

She made a lilting hum.

"You have great hair," Draco said. "And a great mouth. And a great body. You're just great overall."

"Yes," she said. "I'm aware."
25th December 2014 00:11
!!! SOOOO HOT!!!
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