Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Opposite Ends (Aberforth/Millicent) 
25th February 2014 23:12
Title: Opposite Ends
Author: [info]pauraque
Pairing: Aberforth Dumbledore/Millicent Bulstrode
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Cross-gen (er, obviously!), underage sex, masturbation, fingering, loss of virginity, and a little inspiration from the scarification monthly prompt
Other Warnings: Hints of problem drinking, mentions of bullying
Word Count: 1500
Summary: She thought she'd feel different after they'd fucked. He's lived long enough to know that he wouldn't.
Author's Notes: Thanks to the mods for picking us out an alternative pairing that I'm sure I'd never have thought of on my own! I really enjoyed figuring out how to make it work.


She draws her finger lightly across her clit, over the fabric of her pyjamas. The dorm is pitch dark, but she closes her eyes anyway, doubly shutting out the world.

The sound of whisky as he pours it out with a practised hand, filling up the glass just so. The quiet of the dusty pub after all the other kids have gone, after they've finished playing at being grown-ups.

She slides her palm down between her legs and presses hard. Sucks in a hissing breath through her teeth, frighteningly loud in the stillness. She's intensely aware of girls' sleeping bodies in the other beds around her, so very near.

The wicked burn of the alcohol down her throat, how it erases everything she doesn't want to think about and everything she doesn't want to be.

She presses her mouth shut tight, arching up against her hand. Forces her hips to move slowly, letting the bed creak only as much as could be easily dismissed — just an idle shifting, rolling over in the night.

Scent of Firewhisky on his breath. Glint of blue eyes set deep with crow's feet. His oldness fascinates her; the more she looks at him, the more boys her own age look unfinished, too smooth and too soft. She traces along the grooves and rivulets of his hand, like the map of another country. Her throat goes tight at the feeling of his skin beneath her fingertips.

She thought she'd feel different after losing her virginity, and is still a bit surprised at how much she doesn't. She has to remind herself sometimes, when she's away from him: I've had sex. I'm having sex. I fuck. She rolls it round in her head like chocolate, coating the inside of her mind with rich satisfaction as she slips her hand down into her pyjama bottoms.

His hands. His hands. The skin of them is tough, but his fingers are sensitive, finding all the places on her body that feel good. Touching her, not pawing like a desperate little boy. His arms encircling her from behind, the feeling of her breasts cupped in warm, dry palms. His body is easy and relaxed against her — calm. She has never felt more grown-up than at this moment, grown-up and real.

Biting her lip, she makes her fingers into the victory sign and rubs them firmly up and down the sides of her cunt. She used to touch herself the same way every time, the way she taught herself when she was little. But that's boring now, like having the same thing for dinner every night. Now she mirrors his touches, relives them every night she's alone.

Ridiculous how good she feels with his long fingers inside her, writhing and hot and getting his hand wet. She grabs him by his bony wrist and pulls his fingers deeper, harder into her, hungry for it. The insanely delicious stretch of three fingers makes her want his whole hand, but at four fingers it just hurts, and there's no question of the thumb. Perhaps with practice, he says with his curious little smile, curling three fingers up inside her cunt again.

Rubbing frantically, Millicent orgasms. She spasms three, four, five times, twisting on the bed and not making a sound.

As she goes still, face hot and heart pounding against her ribcage, that's when the other thoughts come creeping in. The thoughts of what they'd say if they knew.

Sniggering faces float before her mind's eye: Malfoy, Boot, Nott. She wants to feel her fist solidly connect with them, to split the lips that say of course she's with him, that fat ugly slag, who else would have her?

Millicent knows all too well what's expected of girls like her. She's meant to let one of those little boys take her behind the greenhouses and get rid of his virginity on top of her, inside of her, using her. She's a convenient tool for the purpose, because girls like her will take anyone, won't they?

It's not meant for her pleasure. It's meant to be fumbling, panicked and quick, and the boy's meant to run away laughing at the dirty joke he's made her into. And then she's supposed to feel grateful that she got that much, if she feels anything at all.

The corners of her mouth curl into a grimly triumphant smile.

To fucking hell with that.


Aberforth waves his hand absently at the door, locking it for the night. The tolling of the school clock tower echoes faintly in the quiet, as it sometimes does when the wind is right. She's asleep in bed by now, surely. He pushes in the chair where she likes to sit, his hand lingering on it for a moment.

"Running up quite a tab tonight, aren't we?"

"I'm good for it," she says defensively, her cleft chin jutting out with adolescent indignance. "My allowance should come in the post tomorrow."

He shakes his head and gets started mopping up the pub. There are times when he tries not to be such an unmitigated lech. Her face still has that awkward, half-finished look of youth, but sometimes he looks at her sidelong and fancies he can see what she'll look like with all the blanks filled in, who she'll be when she's all grown up.

He's utterly fooling himself, of course.

She slams the empty tumbler down on the bartop and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Grins at him, savage and pink-cheeked. "Now you."

He pours himself another, focusing extremely hard on not spilling. "I don't suppose I want to know how a girl your age learnt to drink old barmen under the table."

She laughs, humourless and a little wild-eyed. "Leave off stalling and drink."

Wiping off the bartop, he wonders, not for the first time, just how young the girl actually is. Sixteen? Fifteen? Does it matter? He doesn't even keep track of his own birthdays anymore. He can't believe, sometimes, just how long he's been alive, when he's thought so many times that he would soon be dead. On occasion he wonders if he is dead — if he did in fact meet one of those potential demises, and all the rest since then has been his soul's wild imagination.

It isn't all that difficult to believe.

She's face-down on his bed and he's got two fingers deep in her cunt, his palm pressing against her thick, smooth arse. She's shoving herself back and forth, fucking herself on him and growling out her pleasure, making noises like she's almost angry that it feels so good. When she's getting close, she pops her own hand down beneath her and rubs, and they get her off together; she comes on both their hands, squeezing and shuddering and wet as hell.

"Fuck," she sobs out afterward, heaving for breath, eyes screwed up tight and forehead pressed hard into his pillow. "Fuck..."

At his word, the chairs all slide into place beneath their tables, and the curtains of the dark, frosty windows fall shut. He does that, and all the other things he does every night after closing, just as though he isn't fucking a girl young enough to be his great-great-granddaughter.

Aberforth has lived long enough to know that you don't feel any different after doing something you shouldn't. You still feel like yourself, it's just that you've killed a man, or stolen something, or fucked a young girl. There's no fanfare; nobody leaps out and shouts caught you! The banality of wrongdoing used to surprise him, but he's grown accustomed to it by now.

She's straddling him, sloppy-wet on his prick, already having come once, muscles all loose and hair slicked back with sweat. He's holding her round hips as she rocks easily back and forth, no longer frantic for it, just exploring the feeling of a cock inside her. It's new to her, after all.

She reaches for his beard and twines her fingers in it like it's a novelty. A bit worried she's going to pull, he takes her stubby-fingered hand in his. He sees the pink new scars on her knuckles, the kind you get when you punch somebody and cut yourself on his teeth. When she sees what he's looking at, her body grips harder at him, and her usually sullen mouth twists into a proud smile.

As he turns the handle of his bedroom door, on his own fingers he sees the scars of a thousand punches, puckered and white with age. He still remembers the moment he became a grown-up: It was when he realised that some scars never fade, and that you only have so much skin.

He gets into bed, knees creaking. He's not going to sleep any worse than usual tonight, because he knows better than to think too hard on things. It was worse when he was young; he used to look for order in life, used to convince himself that things had some sort of a meaning beyond being a big bloody mess. That he ought to be getting wiser, year by year, and not just older.

He puts out the light with a whispered word.

To hell with that.
26th February 2014 04:46
WOW!!!!!!!!! This story is INCREDIBLE. INCREDIBLE. I'm speechless. You're an artist.

1st March 2014 17:27
Thanks so much!
26th February 2014 05:04
Wow! I wasn't sure if anyone could make this pairing work but you made it not only plausible but believable (and kinda hot). *g*
I love how you mirrored their thoughts here. Well done!
1st March 2014 17:28
I didn't know if I could make it work either, but I'm not one to back off from a challenge. :) Glad you liked it!
26th February 2014 06:14
Wow. I don't even know what more to say than that. Just wow.

This hit home for me in surprising ways, in ways I was not expecting and in some ways that I was, but. Just gorgeous effortless writing and god the detail you pack into this without making it feel packed into at all. I was just joking about this pairing to someone the other day, and here you are, proving that it's very well not a joke and doesn't have to be. I really believed this. I'm sorry this comment is a mess. I'm just blown away. (I probably should have stopped at 'wow' eh? lol)
1st March 2014 17:30
Don't worry, you haven't said anything wrong! I know the pairing is way out there, which is what drew me to it in the first place. :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
27th February 2014 01:13
Impressive -- one of the best HP fics I've read in a while, beautifully written and psychologically apt. Two of my favorite characters in a tense and convincing pairing that, like you, I would never have thought of until someone with your skill wrote them as powerfully as this. I love the parallel structure, the repeated motifs, the endings.

The whole fic is a gallery of fabulous lines. Here are a few:

His oldness fascinates her; the more she looks at him, the more boys her own age look unfinished, too smooth and too soft. She traces along the grooves and rivulets of his hand, like the map of another country
Yes, perfect.

She rolls it round in her head like chocolate, coating the inside of her mind with rich satisfaction

It's meant to be fumbling, panicked and quick, and the boy's meant to run away laughing at the dirty joke he's made her into. And then she's supposed to feel grateful that she got that much, if she feels anything at all.
I love your savvy, bright, rough, but still so young Millicent.

The banality of wrongdoing used to surprise him, but he's grown accustomed to it by now.
And I love your equally savvy, knowing, gruff Aberforth, who epitomizes a very believable form of age.

A triumph. Love this.
1st March 2014 17:34
Thank you so much for your kind words, and for reccing, too!
27th February 2014 06:50
This is fucking amazing. (Yes, the "fucking" was necessary because "amazing" alone doesn't cover it.) Somehow you made this more believable than most of the more plausible pairings in fandom. I envy your skill.
1st March 2014 17:34
*blush* Thank you.
27th February 2014 17:18
Here on Kelly Chambliss's rec in the Quibbler, and I'm so glad I found this gem. It's an almost impossible pairing to pull off, and you manage it so smoothly and so fully IC.

Millicent is still so terribly young, and already so hurt and cynical for someone her age. She wants to feel her fist solidly connect with them, to split the lips that say of course she's with him, that fat ugly slag, who else would have her? Great Millicent line, and so beautifully mirrored when Aberforth sees the scar on her knuckle and recognises it for what it is.

Millicent's feeling of triumph over the stupid boys who would just use her is just the right mix of glee and despair that she is the ugly one, and that they would say and think just this.

And Aberforth, the observer with all the wisdom of his great age. Her face still has that awkward, half-finished look of youth, but sometimes he looks at her sidelong and fancies he can see what she'll look like with all the blanks filled in, who she'll be when she's all grown up. A beautiful line.

His comments on the banality of wrongdoing are so perfectly IC, too.

And the beautiful near-parallel final lines of each section.

Great job.
1st March 2014 17:35
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words.
28th February 2014 01:53
These are such perfect little glimpses, I love how teen Millicent's arousal thinking about her with Aberforth is paired against his much older thoughts, you really did capture the age difference here so wonderfully... but not only that, how they think about each other and how the age difference feels to them. Utterly gorgeous and hot.
1st March 2014 17:35
Thanks. ♥
1st March 2014 12:25
This is so lovely and thought-provoking. The characterisations are wonderful: Millicent with the giant chip on her shoulder and a world of hurt hiding behind her clenched fists, Aberforth with his world-weary cynicism and yet the refusal to be wise which shows he's not as resigned as it might appear (which is so in character for him and makes me clutch my heart with Aberforth love). I love how they think of each other, especially his recognition of the innocence in her youth no matter how angry and jaded. His thoughts about age and ageing at all were a joy to read.

I love how each of their POV sections in the story ended with that defiant 'to hell' declaration. It just works so beautifully. Despite the contrasts here, Aberforth recognises his own defiance in Millicent, scarred knuckles and all, and I think that's what attracts him in the first place. So we see that regardless of gap in years, they have common ground, too; they're both on fire in their own way. It makes this seemingly random pairing and attraction make beautiful sense.
1st March 2014 17:39
Thanks for your (as usual) insightful comments! You've nailed exactly what I wanted to do here, and I'm so glad it came across. I really wanted to hit the different perspectives of such an extreme age gap, but also the parallels. I think I was just barely old enough to pull it off; it's not a concept I could have tackled if I were any younger. :P
2nd March 2014 02:38
Oh, that was beautifully written, full of so much melancholy truth, yet neither sad nor resigned, but both accepting this gift, even (maybe especially) if others would condemn or not understand. Both proud of the strength secret knowledge can confer. Wonderfully well done!
14th March 2014 20:16
Thank you so much. ♥
2nd March 2014 21:31
This is a triumph of characterisation, worldly-wise truths and bittersweet reflections. Wonderful work!

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th March 2014 20:17
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
6th March 2014 17:12
Wow. I have no idea what I was expecting from this but what I got was amazing. Fantastic characterization. I love Aberforth liking back on their interaction and their similarities. I love all the fuck you attitude from both of them. Millicent's musings on her supposed role as a plaything for the pretty boys and her conclusion was fantastically done.
14th March 2014 20:18
I wasn't sure what to expect what I started writing it, honestly! Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed.
4th April 2014 21:11
I am so late to this party! But I've been saving this fic like the rarest chocolate truffle, knowing it would probably be the only of its kind and wanting to be able to savor it. I can't even name all the things this fic made me feel. Titillation most of all, not gonna lie. You could have glazed over the sex, buried it in poetry, but instead it was lusty and so erotic. Every emotion here was handled with such a light touch, and I felt them that much more strongly for it. Millicent's anger over the unfairness of the teenage male libido and Aberforth's resignation to the utter futility of life, ahhhhh, I could go on and on. This is one I'll be reading and re-reading for a while, I think. Thank you so much for writing it!
10th April 2014 18:59
Thank you for your feedback! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. :D
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