Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Bottom [??/Albus Severus - NC-17] 
23rd February 2014 22:23
Title: Bottom
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Digital
Characters/Pairings: ??/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Bottoms
Other Warnings: None, really. Possibly incest, depending on who you want the other person to be...
Artist's Notes: This one was eeeasy. Which one of my boys is the biggest bottom? Yup. Albus. The other guy had a head first but I didn't like it, so I cropped the picture, haha. Works better this way, and the full focus is on Albus~ And I tried out different brushes this time, which is why it's more... sketchy. Uncreative title, too, wow ;)
Art Preview:

23rd February 2014 21:56
Gorgeous!*drools* Soo yummy! <3!
3rd March 2014 10:59
Thank you! :D
23rd February 2014 22:18
(NGL. I'm so imagining that's James. *cough cough*)

NGGGH. Al's leg up on the desk all displayed like that. guh. no words.

Gorgeous as always! Despite the short comment, this took forever to type because I keep staring at the art. The way Al's positioned and his expression....whew *fansself*
3rd March 2014 11:00
(Pssst, he's who I had in mind before I cut off his head, haha.)

Thank you so much! ;)
23rd February 2014 22:42
So hot! Love the positioning with one of Al's legs up on the desk...uunnnfff. And I love the little details on the desk. And Al's lip ring! Definitely imagining James as the other guy. :)
3rd March 2014 11:01
Thank you! :D And so am I, hehe. It was going to be James but I didn't like his face, so... I made him a little more... anonymous. But the faint freckles definitely do suggest James :D
23rd February 2014 23:47
Very, very Nice! Is that a piercing in his lips?
I like the hair, body pose, and the expression on his face.
Love the detail on his buttocks. Love the detail of the
other doing the penetration. Great Art! Kudos!
3rd March 2014 11:02
Thank you! Yep, it's a piercing, and another one in his nipple which may or may not be very obvious. :)
24th February 2014 02:32
DUDE, this is great. And I love Albus's hair... you did great w/ this! ♥
3rd March 2014 11:02
Thank you! :D
24th February 2014 03:32
Gorgeous, which your art always is. So so so lovely.
3rd March 2014 11:02
Thank youuu :)
24th February 2014 06:50
This is so hot! GUHNGHHHH! You never fail to kill me with your smut and feels!
3rd March 2014 11:02
Thanks! Glad to hear that, hehe ;)
24th February 2014 11:45
Ah, the position here is just fantastic. As is that cock. :D LOL Al looks ready to go! Great job.
3rd March 2014 11:03
Thank you! :D And Albus is always ready to go tbh, haha :D
24th February 2014 21:57
UNF. Al on display like that. Those freckles. And yes, that is totally James XD
3rd March 2014 11:03
Thank you!! :) (and yes it is ;))
25th February 2014 00:34
That position!!!!!!!!! One of my favorites! And that is so James right there. So James!!!

Love this!!!
3rd March 2014 11:03
Thank you! And it so is James!!! ;)
25th February 2014 19:59
Oh man, that position is perfect. I LOVE the angle.

And yep, absolutely incest. That one standing is Harry. :D Though it could be James. ;)

I love it.
3rd March 2014 11:04
Hehe, thank you!! And sure, it could be either of them - whoever you want it to be :D
2nd March 2014 05:16
I adore this! Your Albus is so damn sexy!
3rd March 2014 11:04
Thank you! :))
2nd March 2014 11:23
This is to die for! Absolutely gorgeous!
I'll just imagine this being Scorpius, because that is my guilty otp >.>
3rd March 2014 11:04
Thank youuu :) And sure, it could be Scorpius! A slightly darker-haired slightly freckled Scorpius, hehe.
3rd March 2014 01:36
Guh. Gorgeous and very hot!
3rd March 2014 11:05
Thank you!! :)
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