Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Bottom [??/Albus Severus - NC-17] 
23rd February 2014 22:23
Title: Bottom
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Digital
Characters/Pairings: ??/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Bottoms
Other Warnings: None, really. Possibly incest, depending on who you want the other person to be...
Artist's Notes: This one was eeeasy. Which one of my boys is the biggest bottom? Yup. Albus. The other guy had a head first but I didn't like it, so I cropped the picture, haha. Works better this way, and the full focus is on Albus~ And I tried out different brushes this time, which is why it's more... sketchy. Uncreative title, too, wow ;)
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24th February 2014 21:57
UNF. Al on display like that. Those freckles. And yes, that is totally James XD
3rd March 2014 11:03
Thank you!! :) (and yes it is ;))
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