Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: While Backs Are Turned (Hermione/Ginny) 
12th December 2013 21:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]twilightsorcery
From: [info]wallflowergirl

Title: While Backs Are Turned
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Cheating, Tattoo, Sex with a danger of discovery
Other Warnings/Content:
Artist's Notes:

13th December 2013 12:23
Oooh, I love the POV here. It's like we're the shocked observer who just opened the door, and the three red heads outside hint at that possibility. I love your use of the shading on Hermione's skin and the textures in the room, too, from the net curtains to the books. Great job!
13th December 2013 20:20
This is gorgeous! I adore the open curtains and the books in the background. The shading is lovely--I especially love Hermione's thighs.
14th December 2013 05:55
Hermione's expression is lovely. And I love the way you've done their hair - the way Hermione's frames her face and Ginny's positively flames! A snitch and a dragon - interesting...
15th December 2013 18:53
Oh wow, this is gorgeous! They're both lovely, but I can't stop looking at Ginny. I love her freckles, her necklace, her tats, her small breasts. And what great details you've put into the background — the spines on the books, the patterns on the drapery. Beautiful!
17th December 2013 03:28
Ahhh, awesome! Very hot -- love the vivid colors and the shading of their skin.
20th December 2013 03:26

I've been sick for a week, and on my frail constitution, you give me a smoking hot redhead, lovely pert nipples, tattoos, and lush colors? Have a care for my health, Mystery Artist! ;)

Seriously, guuuuuh. I keep staring at Hermione's pretty nipples, and then getting sidetracked by Ginny's gorgeous hair, and then the tattoos and the necklace, and then I admire the painting some more, because mmmm, those colors! :D

(Also -- lolol, are those my nemesis background bookshelves I spy? Those naughty things that are constantly in my backgrounds causing me to detail for hours and then crashing Photoshop? If so, you're the greatest!)
20th December 2013 23:09
This is gorgeous. I'm not much on cheating fics/art but this is too beautiful to not comment. I love the shadows on Hermione's skin and Ginny's freckles are so lickable. I love the expressions and the tattoos.
21st December 2013 00:51
Wow!! I love Hermione's Venus mound, her hips, her red lips, closed eyes, curly hair...just gorgeous! But Ginny takes the cake with those tattoos, man. And this is going to be TMI, but...well, she's totally got my boobs! Ha!

Ahem. Anyway...

I love the background details, too, and as someone else mentioned, the POV on this.

Really awesome, MA!
23rd December 2013 05:24
I love the details in this! The books on the shelf, Ginny's snitch tattoos, and the redheads outside the window! And Hermione's expression is pure gold! :)
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