Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
New Ad Banners for Kinky Kristmas 2013! 
25th November 2013 23:12
Wow, November has flown by, hasn't it?? Kinky Kristmas posting begins in six days! To help get the word out and remind everyone to follow the festivities here in December, we have advertisting banners -- all NEW banners for 2013!

The banners feature art by our own [info]twilightsorcery and [info]venturous. All banners are made by[info]twilightsorcery. Big THANK YOUs to [info]venturous for allowing us to make use of her art and to [info]twilightsorcery for the use of her art and her awesome work on these!

Please do use the handy dandy copy/paste text boxes to spread the word far and wide. We want a big crowd for our pervy party, yes? :D

KK2013 TwilightSorcery Banner

KK2013 Twilight-Venturous Banner Small

KK2013 Twilight-Venturous Banner Large

5th December 2013 00:58

([info]r_grayjoy is being modest -- the hilarious CENSORED banners were all her idea!)
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