Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
[ART]: "broom - bludger's digest" (Harry/Draco, NC-17) 
31st August 2007 22:45
Title: "broom - bludger's digest"
Artist: [info]gold_loewin
Media: pencil, watercolor, PS CS, FH MX
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM
Themes/kinks chosen: Marquis de Sade
Artist's notes:
How often do you dream about all those nice little things one can do on/with/near/to brooms? There is a remedy! ;) It's a new kinky magazine called "broom - bludger's digest". The lead story for the first issue is "Le Marquis de Sade" with related topics. The publishers even got a very kinky shot of "The Boy Who Lived" and his secret lover (aka Draco Malfoy) for the cover. So, please have a look. But seriously, mind the rating and warnings!!!
(→) All persons depicted are entirely fictional and are intended to be age 18 or older!
(→) They are not based on or intended to represent any actual person whether living or dead.
(→) Harry Potter characters © J.K. Rowling. I'm not making any profit off them.
Art preview:

Feedback is appreciated. :)

24th September 2007 17:28
Mmmmm...beautiful. What a wonderful use for a broom. LOL. I adore the look on Harry's face.
10th October 2007 17:44
Thank you very much! :D
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