Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Synergy, Harry/Kingsley, R 
20th April 2012 22:49
Title: Synergy: Sounds Like Sin and Orgy
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Kingsley
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: podophilia, alternate pairing
Other Warnings: complete lack of plot, highly irregular workplace shenanigans
Word Count: ~1330
Summary/Description: Harry likes Kingsley's feet. And there is (something sort of like) sex (only not sex at all).
Author's Notes: Hey, look! I wrote somethin'. *jazz hands* (OMG, I apologize for the horribly bad pun at the end.) Editted to lower rating to something less false in the advertising department. :P

Seriously, sexual harassment laws should be more fucking specific. Because the way Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister for fucking Magic was sitting with his bare feet propped up on the desk that had probably been Merlin's once or something…

Well, it should just be illegal.

Thank poppy seeds for loose-fitting Everyday Robes. Harry's duelling robes would have entered the room a few seconds ahead of the rest of his body, which would have completely upset the apple cart.

Having to report to Kingsley every single day was bad enough. The man had no idea how insanely arousing it was just to be in the same room with him. In point of fact, Kingsley had gently offered to find a Healer at St Mungo's to help Harry with his stutter.

Which he only had in the presence of Kingsley, so that'd be the fastest healing time on record or something.

Harry sighed and gripped the folders in his hands tighter before clearing his throat and entering Kingsley's office.

"I, uh, have the um. The end-of-week reports are… oh. Here." Harry nearly tripped over the hem of his robes when he rushed across the room to throw the parchment-filled folders onto the gleaming surface of Kingsley's desk. And wasn't that lovely.

Crushing on the Minister. Gah, it was such a cliché. Completely something Percy would have done. Probably had done. Harry dropped into his accustomed chair across the desk from Kingsley, propped his elbow on the arm of it, and plunked his chin into his hand to stare as long as possible at the beautifully-formed feet mere inches from his nose before they disappeared under the desk.

Kingsley's feet didn't move.

His big toe did wiggle once, as if waving at Harry's cock, which was doing a (well-concealed) wiggle of its own in his pants.


The force needed to move his gaze from Kingsley's rounded little toes to his face quite literally left Harry's eyes aching from the strain. "Hmm?"

"Did you know that I was a Ravenclaw once upon a time?"

Harry's brain began to cough and wheeze as it attempted to move out of the realm of fantasy and back into real life and his immediate surroundings. "Yes, I think so. It's been mentioned before."

Kingsley stretched in his chair, and his feet arched, the toes drawing to a point. Harry quickly swiped his thumb over the corner of his mouth to catch any stray drool that might have escaped.

"In my House we were taught to observe our surroundings; those lessons stood me in good stead when I became an Auror."

Harry nodded in what he hoped was a thoughtful manner and not one that made him look like those toys people put in the back window of their cars. He forced his eyes—and attention—back to Kingsley's and became caught in the intensity of Kingsley's stare.

"I've found that being keenly observant is a key quality in a Minister for Magic as well."

Kingsley sat up, slipping his feet from the desk. When that elicited a small, mournful sigh from Harry, Kingsley's lips twitched and he stood up to walk around the desk. Sliding into a seated position on its surface, Kingsley propped his feet on the arm rests of Harry's chair.

"You don't mind, do you?" Kingsley asked, but it wasn't the tone Harry would have expected. It was more a statement of fact followed by a rhetorical question rather than a permission-seeking query. Not that he'd ever have expected Kingsley to put his feet within touching distance.

Licking distance, even.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Harry's face, and he clenched his hands into fists in his lap, helpfully bunching the material of his robes to better conceal the erection that had to be noticeable to the blind by that point. He gulped and tried to think of something to say that would move the conversation along, but all that came out when he opened his mouth was a breathy little moan.

Which wasn't embarrassing at all.

"Did you know that there are cameras set up all over the Ministry? Especially in the offices of senior staff. They're to prevent any activities which might be damaging to the reputation of the Ministry as a whole." Kingsley's right foot shifted, his toes bumping into Harry's left elbow.

Harry squeaked and then slumped down in his chair, his eyes closing as mortification swept over him.

Oh, he'd never done anything in his office that might require this little chat. Harry was still very much in awe of the position to which he'd risen. But that girly little squeak? Surely no Head Auror in history had ever made such a sound.

"What I've noticed about you, Harry," Kingsley said, putting a light emphasis on Harry's name even as his toes flexed against the padded arm rest of the chair, "is that you're exceptionally articulate with everyone you encounter. Everyone but… me. Why is that, Harry? I would have thought that the length of our association would have put you at ease in my presence."

"Nnngh." Harry covered his face with one hand, more to hold himself back from leaning over and licking a stripe up the high arch of Kingsley's foot than anything else.

"I see. In that case, I believe it's time we make an effort toward inter-personal synergy. I would like to propose a team-building exercise."

Harry would have looked around wildly at that phrase, to search for the rest of the 'team' if nothing else, but he couldn't quite garner the will power necessary to tear his gaze away from Kingsley's feet. Both of which were touching him now. Sweet merciful heavens.

"This first exercise is meant to relieve stress. Call it… massage therapy."

And just like that, Kingsley's foot was in Harry's lap, smoothing up the underside of his cock through the layers of material covering it. A wordless shout erupted from Harry and his hands spasmed around the armrests of his chair, nearly tearing the very expensive fabric with which it was upholstered.

"I find these sorts of strategic management concepts," Kingsley was saying, seemingly oblivious to Harry's rapidly declining ability to concentrate on anything other than the foot undulating against his cock, "to be an excellent way to evaluate the relationship between peers in any organization."

Harry slid down further in his chair and gave up all effort at controlling himself. Grabbing the foot not currently making sparks sizzle behind his eyes, he brought it to his mouth and began slowly sucking on each of the toes in turn, leaving the largest toe for last. That he fellated like it was the last remaining cock on earth—and it might well be for him if Kingsley found his actions objectionable.

His hips were rocking against Kingsley's other foot, which was pressing and flexing enthusiastically. Harry whimpered, pulling at his robes, wanting to feel the individual pinching grip of those toes against his bare skin.

And then he felt that exact thing, and Harry was once again overwhelmingly grateful for the existence of magic.

Harry didn't last long. Kingsley's toes were long, and capable of gripping and stroking with the dexterity most people could only summon with all ten fingers working at peak efficiency. When they slid down his cock, the big toe pressing just at the base of his cock while the smallest toes curled down to tickle his bollocks, he sank his teeth lightly into Kingsley's middle toe and came.

All over the antique chair on which he was sitting.

It would have been mortifying in the extreme if he hadn't opened his eyes to find Kingsley as naked as he was, one hand wrapped around his rather magnificent cock.

Harry shook his head and slid from his chair to kneel at Kingsley's feet. "Sir, I feel these team-building exercises can only be effective if you allow me to do my job instead of micro-managing. After all… I'm the Head Auror."
21st April 2012 20:08
Brava! Truly inspired :D
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