Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2011 Statistics! 
7th January 2012 21:00
While everyone is waiting for reveals to go up, we thought we'd entertain you with this year's wacky stats. There are some very interesting and significant changes this time around. For reference, here are the stats from 2010 and the stats from 2009.

We had 15 pieces of art and 55 fics, giving us a grand total of 70 pieces!

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The breakdown:

Slash: 38
Het: 15
Femslash: 8
Mixed: 7 (pieces containing some combination of slash/het/femslash)
Other: 2 (since we aren't certain of the sex of Rosa Sadista, we're going to put that and self-sex into "none of the above"!)

Looking at it another way...

Pieces containing slash: 44
Pieces containing het: 21
Pieces containing femslash: 11

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This year was definitely a year of change for Kinky Kristmas. The year for unusual characters and rarepairs for sure. Whereas last year contained 33 canon characters across 80 pieces, this year we boasted 48 characters (more of we count a cadre of merpeople)!!!

To give an idea of how much this altered the nature of the stats: Snape was still the most frequently featured character, yet he only apeared in 18 pieces -- only a little more than half of last year's 32. The next most featured characters were Harry and Draco, who appeared in 15 and 13 pieces respectively. No other characters made it to the double digits (although Sirius made a good effort with 9).

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Speaking of the popularity of specific characters... that's changed quite a great deal as well:

Once again, Snape took the lead with the greatest number of partners. Since 2009 he's gone from gay to bisexual to omnisexual, apparently. Among his 12 partners this year were men, women, a snake, and a highly salacious, sadistic plant.

Draco maintained last year's tally of 11 partners, putting him in second place. He managed to get it on with all three members of the Trio, five Weasleys, and two of his professors -- although one of those professors was not who he thought he was, poor Draco!

Harry gained one partner and held onto his third place position with 10. He kept mainly to his own generation this time around, though he did have two older Weasley siblings, Snape, and his own godson to stir things up a bit.

No other characters got around nearly as much achieved outstanding populartity, but we'll award honorable mention ribbons to those who scored 6 or 5 partners each: Bill, Charlie, Hermione, Minerva, Neville, Pomona, Ron, and Sirius.

Speaking of change... Luna, who tied for third place in 2010 with 9 partners, only had 4 partners this year. And last year's second place character, Ginny, only appeared in a single piece with a single partner!!

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With this year's variety of characters and abundance of rarepairs, there weren't a great number of repeat pairings. Most frequent were:

Harry/Draco: 6 (although in 5 of those instances they were in threesomes with another participant and the other time was a partner swap scenario. Exciting sex life or bored with each other? You decide...)
Snape/Harry: 4
Snape/Sirius: 3 (a tremendous drop from last year; woeful mod is full of woe!)
Snape/Minerva: 3 (including one scenario in which they were 2/5 of a rather interesting group.)

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A few other random facts:

The Weasleys certainly seemed to get theirs this year. Of our 70 pieces, 23 featured at least one Weasley. Bill was the most popular, appearing in 7 pieces and having 6 partners. He was so popular, in fact, that even his own father wanted him. This must irk the hell out of Charlie, who ranked just below him with 6 pieces and 5 partners. Espeically since his youngest brother bagged 5 partners as well! Shockingly, Fred didn't appear at all this year. Poor Fred! He's not dead; he's just resting!

Once again, the older generation made a good showing. We had pieces featuring Minerva, Pomona, Irma, Hooch, Moody, and (not quite the same generation, but often unloved nonetheless) Arthur. Dumbledore, though, was suspiciously absent.

And again, it was a big year for threesomes and moresomes: 14 pieces featured three or more partners in a tangle.

We'd also like to note that we didn't fail to notice that Draco seems to have developed a new fetish. Of the 13 times Draco appeared, only 4 times did he not appear with a Weasley. Hmmm...

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For the first time, the award for Most Adventurous Sex Life doesn't go to Luna! She was clearly taking a break this year, since she only had 4 partners, and they were all distinctly human. No, this year the award goes out to Snape, who ended up in flagrante delicto with the Chosen One, a Weasley, two Marauders, two Black sisters, both Black brothers, two professors, Tom Riddle, Nagini, and a sadistic plant! ...In retrospect, we think this collection also qualifies him for Most Dangerous Sex Life.

Most Unusual Pairing? No contest. The award goes to Snape/Minerva/Narcissa/Tom Ridde Jr./Nagini. Er, congrats, you five... A close runner up, however, is Moaning Myrtle/Grey Lady/Nearly-Headless Nick.

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What a fantastic and diverse collection! Great job, everyone!!
8th January 2012 02:12
This roundup cracked me up. Snape outslutted Luna.... that's impressive ;o)
8th January 2012 02:26
Snape, living on the edge yet again. The man must be addicted to danger.
8th January 2012 02:29
Once again, Snape took the lead with the greatest number of partners. Since 2009 he's gone from gay to bisexual to omnisexual, apparently.

Such the little trollop.
8th January 2012 06:57
Don't you mean "lucky snake"? *wicked grin*
8th January 2012 03:37
I always love these roundups. :-)

I really appreciated the pairing/character diversity this year!
8th January 2012 05:08
Great roundup! It's wonderful to see more femslash this year, & the variety of pairings was fantastic.
8th January 2012 05:32
Ahaha. Oh Snape, such a slut for danger.

I fully support Draco's Weasley fetish!
8th January 2012 05:34
Oh yes - and hurray for variety! It's the great thing about this comm :)
8th January 2012 06:11
Awesome and hilarious list!

And holy crap, what is this feeling of sadness for the lack of Ginny? Did not see that coming (my sadness, not the lack of her) :))
8th January 2012 06:56
Whoo hoo! It was fun reading and writing!
8th January 2012 09:09
Heh, fun stats. I never doubted Snape's addiction to danger!
8th January 2012 12:28
Severus is just attempting to make up for years of celibacy!! As for the danger...he was missing the adrenaline rush just a bit....
8th January 2012 12:57
These stats are always so much fun to read. :D
8th January 2012 16:38
I haven't read nearly enough of the excellent fics here, but these stats have intrigued me. Must read more!
8th January 2012 16:39
Love these statistics!
8th January 2012 21:05
Woot! I always love the variety of pairings here. Snape, good to see you're still everyone's favourite slut. :D
8th January 2012 23:26
I love the way that you present the stats! *vbg*
9th January 2012 00:07
Well done, Weasleys :). Great round up! Made me el-oh-el indeed.
9th January 2012 02:54
I was thrilled to see so much femslash this year. Great stats write-up, and merpeople count! ;)
10th January 2012 01:35
Mmm, numbers. There's my Kinky Kristmas Wish fulfilled!

Poor Fred! He's not dead; he's just resting!

10th January 2012 17:52
Hahaha, I knew someone would have to get a giggle-snerk out of that reference. ;D
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