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20th July 2007 14:40 - Love in the Lake, NC-17
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Title: Love in the Lake (Or, Fishly Frottage and Ghostly Wanking)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings:Albus Dumbledore/Merchieftaness Murcus, Moaning Myrtle/Cedric Diggory, Mermaid Portrait
Summary: Ever wonder how Albus learned Mermish or just how Cedric knew to open his egg under water? Clicky and all your questions will be answered. With Porn. YAY!
Kinks: Interspecies Sex, Safe sex (wizarding interpretation—see if you can spot it), Serenading (sort of)
Word Count: 2196
Disclaimer: Not only aren't they mine, I haven't read the final book yet, and have no idea if I've suddenly channelled JKR. So, if there is Albus/Murcus or Cedric/Myrtle in the final book… DUDE! I did NOT know, and I am a frickin' genius!

It was the fifth night in a row that the handsome boy had come sneaking into the bath after curfew. Again, he held the gleaming golden egg in his hands, though his face reflected a desperation now that it had not held five nights ago. In fact, Myrtle thought, tilting her head just slightly as she absently picked at a spot on her chin, he looked as if he were about to explode with some form of high passion. She could but hope. With a sigh, Myrtle rested her chin atop her folded hands and settled in to watch him.

Cedric. Cedric Diggory. She sighed again and felt herself rise in the air, floating on a current of bliss at the mere thought of his name. They certainly hadn't had a boy this good-looking pass through Hogwarts since—she scrunched her nose as she thought, twirling one strand of lank, translucent hair around her equally translucent finger—since Bill Weasley. Or maybe even Tom Riddle, that fabulously handsome young man who'd been Head Boy in her tragedy-laced final year of life. Myrtle sniffed and opened her mouth to wail a bit when Cedric beat her to it.

Or rather, his egg beat her to it.

Frowning darkly, she turned to where he sat, partially submerged in the frothy water of the Prefect's Bath, and let out an exasperated sound of frustration. Whether he sensed her irritation or he simply couldn't bear the song of the egg any longer, he quickly snapped it shut. Myrtle, appeased somewhat, drifted down to speak to him even as she anticipated being rebuffed. Rejection was always a good reason to flood the second floor girl's lavatory, something she hadn't done in far too long.

Myrtle dove into the water, creating quite the splash to distract the boy long enough for her to get a good eye-full of his assets before she burst through the surface into air again. Zooming to the ceiling, she flew in circles as she giggled down at Cedric. He was scowling, but she had the sense that he wasn't wroth with her so much as the situation itself. Darting to his side, she sidled up to him and glanced between his handsome visage and the egg he still held clutched possessively to his chest.

"Hello, Cedric," she said in her breathiest voice. "That's a lovely… egg… you have there. I'm not entirely certain I enjoy the song as much as you seem to, but it does bring back lovely memories." She sighed and fluttered her short lashes at him, feeling hope lurch from somewhere within when he sat upright suddenly, sloshing water over the edge of the bath and fixing her with an excited stare. Oh yes! She patted her transparent hair and made a tiny squee of joy at being the sole focus of all his attention.

"You've heard this before?" he asked, leaning forward until she could have sworn she felt his fast breath on her cheek. Oh, to be alive again for just that moment!

Myrtle nodded, scooting ever closer until she was nearly hovering over his lap, and licked her lips. "Oh, yes, I've heard it. Or… something like it. One of the most romantic stories ever, and it all happened right here at Hogwarts."

He pulled his head back just a bit when she fluttered her lashes again and moved to place her cheek just over where his heart beat rapidly in his chest. "What—You said it's a song? What sort of song? Can you tell me the story?"

Myrtle shivered with pleasure, overcome with the knowledge that this boy wanted to listen to her dulcet tones speak to him of passion and love. Seeing a flash of yellow out of the corner of her eye, Myrtle spotted the Mermaid in the portrait doing everything in her lewd little repertoire to attract Cedric's attention to her. With a possessive glare, Myrtle began to speak, keeping all of Cedric—especially his attention—for herself.

"It was nearly fifty years ago now; not long after I died, actually. Another hero was wandering the halls of the school, though he was here as a Professor, not a student." Myrtle nearly giggled as Cedric couldn't help puffing up slightly at what he obviously perceived as an endorsement of himself. She bit her lip and made a mental note not to mention Harry's name. "With his long, gleaming red hair, his heroic demeanour, and the power that simply radiated off of him, he could have had anyone. The wizarding world was dogging his every step, simply waiting for him to fall for the charms of a young witch or submit to the dark attraction of a handsome wizard. One like you, perhaps," she added with a wink, following him as he shrank back.

"Go aw—… ah, go on, I mean. Yes, please do go on. Continue your story. What happened? What was so romantic? How does the song contained in this egg fit into it all?" His guileless smile was wide and decidedly friendly, which made Myrtle pull back slightly, her feelings becoming more bruised by the moment. When he reached out to her beseechingly, Myrtle relaxed and slid forward again, curving her body around his upper arm as she did so.

"Well," Myrtle breathed, her voice high and girlish as she whispered into his ear, "it all happened like this…"


Albus looked left and right, sharp blue eyes on the watch for any stray children who might be wandering about the grounds this close to dark. The night air was balmy, though there was an underlying crackle of autumn's approach that lingered on one's senses. He wouldn't be able to partake in his usual manner once that happened. He sighed and stroked his beard as he started ambling slowly down to the Lake, ears alert for any sound out of the ordinary.

He tried to slow his pulse as he neared his destination, but his heart began to leap of its own accord. The singing of frogs and crickets nearly drowned out the sound of water splashing against rocks, but he could still hear it and simply the sound made his footsteps pause as his breath caught in his throat.

She was there. Waiting. For him.

He drew a deep breath and let it out before scanning the area one last time. With a soft groan, he swiftly unfastened the latches on his robes and dropped them to the grass beneath his feet before he stepped gingerly over the small, sharp pebbles at the shoreline. As the water touched his toes, Albus let down his guard and allowed the relief, lust, and passion to rush through him.

A head cleared the water, and it was only when he raised his hand that she smiled slyly and closed her mouth. One song from her lips would give them both away and they couldn't risk that. Not yet. There was far too much as stake for both of them at the moment, what with her father about to step down and surrender leadership to her and the whispers through the halls of Hogwarts that Armando Dippet was about to retire. If that happened, the Headmastership of Hogwarts would fall to Albus as Deputy Headmaster.

He sighed, allowing those concerns to glide away as he slipped noiselessly into the water. She met him halfway, her green hair flowing out behind her, nearly colourless in the weak moonlight that penetrated the Lake's surface. With a wry smile, he showed her the gillyweed he held clutched in his hand and kicked strongly to the surface, gasping for breath before forcing the slimy bit of weed into his mouth and swallowing it roughly. As the transformation began to take effect, he stopped kicking and drifted down below the water's surface again.

"Albus," Murcus sang, the beauty of her voice washing through him until he couldn't stop himself from reaching for her. He pulled her long, strong body into his arms, once again celebrating the gills that had sprouted from his neck as it meant he could kiss her for as long as he wished without having to pause even momentarily to breathe. She trilled out a moan, her tail fin winding up through his legs to stroke teasingly against his calves as she eagerly responded to his kiss.

Her fingers stroked lovingly against his chest, the silky webbing tangling in his beard as she sought out the nubs of his nipples. Compared to the bell-like quality of every sound Murcus made, Albus' own moans were lost in the dampening effect of the water that surrounded them, causing his love-making to be nearly silent in the cool, dark water that swirled around them.

It was nearly ludicrous to think that what had started as simply a way to learn Mermish had become an affair so all-consuming as their own, but as Albus slid his hips against her cool scales, eliciting another quavering song from her, he could only be thankful for his driving need to explore all cultures. He might never have found her, otherwise, and that thought was enough to send a chill through his veins. He must have tightened his hold, for she pulled her head back, large eyes staring into his own as she opened her mouth to question him.

He relaxed his arms again and shook his head, raising his own newly-webbed fingers to stroke the thick strands of her hair, watching in amazement as it wound around his hand. She was, as ever, far more impatient than him, and blew bubbles at him in frustration even as she gripped his hips with her strong hands and undulated her lower body against him. Her sensitive scales slipped along the underside of his cock, catching deliciously against the head and making him nearly choke as he swallowed a mouthful of murky water. Brought so forcibly back to the moment, he tightened his hand in her hair, pulling her roughly against him as his other hand sought out one of her breasts.

When his fingers met the shells that guarded her modesty, he chuckled silently and reached behind her to loosen the ties that bound the covering. As the shells fell loose, she pressed her chest against his, rubbing the tips of her breasts against his chest, moaning as the wiry hair of his beard caught between them and scratched delightfully against her. She sped the pace of their lovemaking until they were both mindless to everything, especially the translucent form of the young ghost who floated up from the pipes that led to the school.

Afterward, they floated together until he felt the piercing pain in his neck that signalled the end of his enchanted time with her. Swallowing down his frustration with their situation, he squeezed her hands once and floated up and away, breaching the surface of the Lake into true night. Looking back, he saw her looking at him from several feet out and lifted his hand in farewell.


"The next day," Myrtle said into his ear, her voice nearly a moan now that simply added to the lust her story had wrought in his body, "Murcus was given the Scepter and took her place as Merchieftainess. It wasn't long before Dumbledore became Headmaster, but they never stopped meeting. Even now, if you slip down to the Lake at odd hours, you'll find them swimming together, their love as strong now as it was then."

He slid down in the water, swallowing a groan as she swirled her hand through the water over his lap, creating a sucking whirlpool that pulled delightfully against his hard cock. His eyes fluttered closed, and he didn't even care that it was a ghost who was affording him this pleasure, as long as she never stopped.

The sensation of ice against his nipples made his eyes pop back open and he looked down to see her ghostly tongue bathing them. A flash from the corner of his eye drew his attention then, and he saw the beautiful blonde mermaid undulating against the rock on which she lay, fingers twisting nearly viciously at her nipples as her scales rubbed the hard stone beneath her.

This was the most bizarre experience of his life, but his come shooting out of the vortex created by the whirlpool was certainly real enough. He sighed raggedly through his orgasm, and his numb fingers slipped off the egg, which sank slowly through the water to the bottom of the bath.

Cedric shook his head, brought back to reality as he heard the distant chink of the egg hitting tile. As arousing as Myrtle's story had been, it certainly hadn't helped him with his current dilemma. Swallowing roughly, he shot her an apologetic look, wondering at the protocol for such a situation.

"Visit me anytime, Ceeedriiiick," she said, solving that problem for him. He smiled weakly and nodded before ducking below the surface of the water and diving to the bottom of the deep bath.

When his fingers encountered the egg, they flicked against the latch, and it opened to emit a beautiful song…

~Fin (no, not that kind… or maybe that kind)~
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