Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Bête Noire (Sirius/Snape) 
18th December 2011 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]sabethea
From: [info]vividzephyr

Title: Bête Noire
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Bondage, hate sex, non-con/rape, anal, dungeons.
Other Warnings/Content: None. [Characters represented are over the age of 18.]
Artist's Notes: First time trying this pairing and some of these kinks, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Enjoy~

18th December 2011 19:06

This is awesome and beautifully drawn and it's like old school Snack, and god, I LOVE it. *stares forever*
18th December 2011 19:39
Oh my...that is WICKEDLY HOT.
18th December 2011 20:22
Gorgeous! This harkens back to the tension and passionate of Snack hatesex that first got me interested in writing HP fanfic, lo, those many years ago. The expressions are vital and dynamic, the lines of muscle beautifully rendered to evoke motion and strain. Simply marvelous and lovely! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
18th December 2011 22:33
18th December 2011 23:08
Well fuck! This is damn hot!
19th December 2011 00:22
Oh I just love this! So much!
19th December 2011 02:13
Yum, yum, YUM.
19th December 2011 02:27
Wow! This is just incredible.
I am not normally a fan of non-con, but there's a part of me that appreciates seeing Severus get revenge for all the indignities that Sirius had visited on him.
And, as always, your line work and expressions are flawless. *impressed*
19th December 2011 02:40
0.0 Hawwwwt!
19th December 2011 09:47
This is awesome!! I love the emotions you've captured on their faces - very characteristic for this pair. Gorgeous art!
19th December 2011 12:44
Oh, wow. I can just hear the filthy insults Severus is whispering in Sirius' ear.
19th December 2011 13:12
Oh, I think Severus's expression is absolutely my favorite. Though I love that Sirius has clearly not surrendered just yet. I can easily imagine Severus taking out all his hatred for the Marauders on this one. Well done.
19th December 2011 18:47
Beautiful job Mystery Artist! It's going to sound odd but my favorite thing here is their hair, you always do such lovely hair and your color is always fabulous.
20th December 2011 20:35
Oh hell yes!
21st December 2011 19:50
Oh Yes! That puts the puppy in its place!
21st December 2011 22:18
Oh wow, that is fantastically done! *stares* Love the grazes, the ball-gag, and their expressions. Even the wall and the light shining of the chains is great.
21st December 2011 23:25
This is fabulous!! I love hatesex non-con for this pairing. So awesome!
22nd December 2011 09:01


OMG, I am so sorry it took me this long to see this, mostly for my sake but also because HOW RUDE of me to get a gift as wonderful as this and not tell you how amazing you are, mystery artist!

Wow wow wow. Fab. Thank you thank you thank you!
28th December 2011 15:28
Good heavens, they are gorgeous!
30th December 2011 01:52
Mmmm, I love this :) Like Ariadne said, good old Snack comes to mind :)
30th December 2011 07:56
This is sinfully sexy!! Amazing!!
1st January 2012 07:23
Gah. The looks on their faces. The marks on Sirius's body. This should not be as hot as it is, but... damn it's hot and gorgeous.
1st January 2012 11:22
OMG! Why I love this so much is Sirius is suffering? Or not? ^^
2nd January 2012 07:48
Wow, the expressions are great.
3rd January 2012 06:36
That's is a very impactful! Lovely!
8th January 2012 09:07
I could've sworn I'd commented on this earlier, but apparently not. OMG, mystery artist, this is unbelievably hot. Everything about it is just scorching -- from the ball gag to the collar to the ropes to cuts/scrapes/bruises, to their respective hair, to Snape's expression and then Sirius's body...guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!
9th January 2012 02:15
I would really like to comment on this gorgeous art, but I can't quite stop drooling staring.

30th January 2012 13:18
He I thought I commented on that, but obviously I didn't!

This is beautiful! I love Sirius eyes here, and his lovely body! And that collar! Perfect!
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