Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Torn (Teddy/James, Harry/Teddy) 
11th December 2011 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]snegurochka_lee
From: [info]torino10154

Title: Torn
Characters/Pairings: Teddy/James, Harry/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Infidelity, oral, anal, handjobs, masturbation, first time
Other Warnings/Content: James is sixteen at the start of his relationship with Teddy, Harry is divorced.
Word Count: ~3475
Summary/Description: Teddy has a bit of a Potter problem. Maybe he'd better explain it himself.
Author's Notes: I hope this fic is something like what you were looking for with your prompt. I certainly enjoyed writing it. A huge thank you to my wonderful betas. ♥

I am so fucked.

Where to begin? At the beginning, where I tell you I am an orphan, my godfather is the famous Harry Potter? Or a little bit after that perhaps….

I'd always admired him. Harry, that is. He treated me like a son until he had a son of his own, and then I realised in some ways I had it even better. There were a lot fewer "rules" when you weren't the first born son, or any child thereafter.

I had a bit of a crush on him when I was younger, I'll admit. Did you ever have someone you looked up to? Maybe a teacher or athlete, and when you grow up you want to be just like that person. That was Harry.

Besides who doesn't have a crush on him? I've seen the way women look at him, especially when he's in his dress robes. He is a good looking bloke, easy going, ready laugh.

Mostly though, he's just my godfather.

I'd spent a lot of time with him and his family over the years, dinners three or four times a week in the summer, and after I left Hogwarts, as well. Holidays with the Weasleys, Gran in tow.

To further complicate matters, James and I are thick as thieves. I think I was like a big brother to him, and he looked up to me when he was younger. First, I liked having someone to do what I wanted, but once he got a bit bigger I realised he was a clever bloke. Sense of humour like his Uncle George, definitely a trickster.

The real problem started when Harry was away at a conference in Brussels. Ginny had left him by then, and moved to Spain to coach Real Madrid's Quidditch team. So he needed me to keep an eye on the children. Just to be sure they didn't get into any trouble.

Not a problem, I told him, and it might not have been if I'd remembered to lock the bathroom door. But no. There I am, having a wank, when in walks James. He was sixteen at the time, thank God, because I really am not that kind of person, whatever other problems I may have.

"Can't a bloke get some privacy?" I barked at him, hoping he'd get the hint but that's when I noticed he was staring. Staring right at my cock.

Fuck. I started to shove myself back in my pants.

"Wait!" James said urgently, a hint of pink at his cheeks. "You do that, too? I mean, get off in the loo and flush it?"

"Lot less messy, isn't it?" I said, and testing him for a reaction I gave myself a stroke. I could see his pajama bottoms tenting, knew he was getting hard. "Come on. We can both do it at the same time."

He seemed at a loss for words.

"Just two blokes having a wank. Nothing wrong with that."

Little did I know…Not six months later, he asked if he could touch me. I'm damn sure it would have been a lot sooner had he not been away at school for the majority of the time.

"I just want to see if it feels the same," he said reaching for my cock and I pulled my hand back and let him. Oh, bloody hell, it didn't feel the same at all, having James wanking me. Seeing his narrow fingers wrapped around me, knowing I was letting him do it, well, I came kinda quick after that.

Before I knew it, my hand was on his cock, long and slender just like his body. He came in just three strokes.

For a while I pretended there was nothing wrong with the two of us occasionally having it off together. It was just two blokes having a nice time, but when James begged—yes, begged—to suck me off, I knew things were getting serious between us.

Seeing him on his knees, my cock sliding in and out of his mouth, spit dribbling down his chin….Shit! It was hot. I felt so powerful, too, thrusting into his sweet mouth. I gripped the sides of his head and came so hard I saw stars. He blushed scarlet when he told me he'd come in his pants. Untouched.

Now, what man is going to refuse a gorgeous bloke like James, who wants to blow him every time they meet? Not this one, I can tell you. Not that being with the Potters was ever bad, but it definitely improved after that. For nearly a year, any time I ran into James, we'd have a quickie in the loo or a fumble under the blankets.

I drew the line at fucking him until he was of age. I really imagined in my head that what we were doing was perfectly all right as long as we didn't "have intercourse". Blow jobs and hand jobs, that's nothing serious, right?

It was a self-imposed, stupid, rule I know. Especially considering everything else we were doing. Even though I knew it was ridiculous, and I was counting down the days until his birthday, I still clung to the rule. But when James Apparated to my flat after his party and stripped off his clothes, I knew it had been well worth the wait.

Let me tell you a little something: a hot, tight, virgin arse? Fuck. There isn't anything like it. I was glad we'd both taken the edge off earlier or I might have embarrassed myself.

As it was, I exhaled slowly as James sank down on my cock. Watching his face was incredible. He'd wince and then sigh as he lowered himself another inch.

"Gimme a minute," he breathed, once he was fully seated. I felt his arse clench and release around me several times, the grip like a vice. No mouth or hand felt like this.

"I need to move, Jamie," I said and he lifted up then slid back down. Neither of us could speak. Truth be told, I could barely breathe. He began to set a rhythm, his cock bobbing against his stomach as he rode me.

Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore. I gripped his hips and snapped my own and we both moaned.

"Fuck, yeah," James said, holding himself still while I did all the work. "Harder, Teddy, please. So close...." He wrapped a hand around himself and wanked furiously as I fucked him. The tightness in my groin began to uncoil and I thrust up into him one more time, pulsing into his arse just as his come splattered hot against my stomach.

Damn, that was brilliant. I've replayed the scene over and over again in my mind when I needed something to bring me off. It does the trick. Every. Single. Time.

Here's where the story gets a bit more complicated.

It wasn't planned, I swear. I never considered cheating on James. After that first time we fucked, I never messed around. Not once. Trust me, I had the opportunity, too.

We didn't tell anyone about us, though, because we had started out together when James was a bit young and he is seven years younger than me. Plus, he's like family, though not by blood. I guess we were worried how people would react.

We figured once he left Hogwarts he would move into my flat, we'd tell Harry and Gran then. It was all planned out in my head anyway.

It hasn't been important to mention it until now, but I'm an Auror. My mum was one and Harry is, naturally. Not only an Auror but a newly minted one, I only finished up my training this last year.

There was a big training exercise in the Forbidden Forest. Headmistress McGonagall allows Harry to bring his trainees there every year, from what I've heard. I think she would do anything for him, even though she's always scared the piss out of me. She's proud of her house. Proud of Harry.

Somehow I got separated from my partner—fucking stupid prick anyway, John bloody Carmichael. I didn't panic though, at first. Then I heard the Centaurs coming and well, I've heard stories. I know students are safe, but I'm an adult and was all alone.

Suddenly I felt a hand over my mouth and I wanted to shout, but then I recognised the scent of Harry's aftershave and relaxed as he pulled me against him and slowly rounded the large tree behind us, hiding us both from view.

We could hear the Centaurs but not see them, so we dared not move until we were sure they were gone. The rush of adrenaline turned me on a bit, and I discovered that Harry was hard, too. And well…I lightly brushed my arse against the front of his robes. I'm not especially proud of it, but I did do it.

"Fuck," Harry breathed in my ear and the tone in his voice went straight to my hardening cock. I pressed up against him again, I really couldn't help it. We stood, barely moving, for several long minutes until finally we heard the Centaurs leaving.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I knew it, Harry had crushed his lips to mine. There really is nothing like snogging your hero. I mean I never think of him as famous but he's my godfather, my champion. I was undone.

He spun me around to face him and pressed my back against the tree, his hand finding his way to my groin and rubbing. The scent of him, of the forest, the adrenaline, the absolute wrongness of it addled my brains, I think. I certainly haven't been the same since.

Eventually, though, I put some of my brain cells together and reached for his cock.

"God, yes, Teddy," Harry groaned in my ear and I thought maybe I'd died. I pulled back and slid to the ground. He braced his hands on the tree, watching me as I pulled his cock from his pants. Thick and long, it was gorgeous, and I took as much as I could into my mouth.

He rolled his hips forward as I bobbed my head, savouring the taste of him on my tongue. He had endurance I wasn't used to. My jaw was beginning to ache, not that I was about to complain. I reached for his sac and rolled his balls in my hand, somehow it seemed more intimate than sucking his cock.

Harry seemed to approve, as he began moving his hips faster, the head of his cock occasionally hitting the back of my throat. I just let him fuck my face, I was so turned on I didn't care if I gagged.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he said as I felt the first drops of come hit my tongue, and I sucked and swallowed and refused to lose a single drop.

He stood panting for a moment before pulling me up and snogging me like he was trying to eat me alive. I would have let him, too.

We broke apart after several long moments and he reached for my trousers. To my horror I came in a single stroke and soiled both of our Auror robes.

"I'm so—" I started to apologise but he kissed me quiet.

"Shhh, Teddy." He flicked his wand at the both of us to remove any evidence of our…activities. "I've got to get back to the Ministry. Come by for dinner tonight?"

I racked my brain trying to think of why I couldn't, and it was then that my conscience, or what was left of it anyway, recalled a small detail.

James. My boyfriend.

"Um," I stuttered, torn quite in two. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want Harry. But that would likely kill James, who I also wanted, no doubt about it.

"Tonight's not good for you?" Harry asked, looking at me with such intensity that I nearly forgot the question.

"I'll, er, let you know." Harry nodded and snogged me again—Jesus!—then stepped back.

"We should get back." He turned and I followed silently behind him and once we were reunited with the other trainees, Harry led the lot of us to the gates of Hogwarts where we were free to Apparate away.

I Apparated straight to my flat and was shocked to find James there, dozing on the couch.

Unfortunately before I could even make a cuppa laced with something strong, he was awake. For the first time that I can remember, I wasn't all that keen when he wanted to suck me off.

"You're not in the mood?" James asked me and I shrugged. "That's all right, I can help you get in the mood." James grinned his winning smile, the one that normally had me falling on my knees to suck him off, but this time I just felt queasy.

"Maybe you're coming down with something," he said, concerned, and I nearly laughed.

Yeah, a conscience.

Then he asked me the question that nearly killed me.

"Is there someone else?"

"No, of course not," I said irritably and much too quickly. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Easter hols." James flopped back down on the couch. "Thought about going to see Mum, but I think I'll wait for summer. I promised Grandpa I'd stay at the Burrow tonight with Albus and Lily, then we'll all be back home with Dad tomorrow."

It was then I realised that tonight was my only chance alone with Harry, and Harry likely knew it, too, when he'd invited me.

"You know, I'm really not feeling well, Jamie," I said suddenly exhausted, mentally more than physically though my stomach was in knots. If I was feeling guilty, I was certainly trying to hide it.

Even from myself.

"All right." James came up and hugged me, kissing me softly on the lips. "I'll send you an owl tomorrow, see how you're doing."

I sat down on the couch after James left and thought about what to do about Harry. Finally, I Summoned a quill and parchment and penned a note.

I showered and changed into jeans and a dress shirt, the picture of the casual male, and there was already an owl waiting for me. Damn, Harry was eager.

Seven o'clock.

I shivered. I was so turned on, knowing Harry wanted me. I pressed the heal of my hand to my cock as the image of Harry fucking me flashed in my mind. Talk about being ruined for other men.

I poured myself a drink and threw it back in one go. I'd take courage in any form I could get it.

I looked at the clock and finally it was nearly seven. Wiping my hands nervously on my jeans, I closed my eyes and imagined Harry's front door, Apparating there with a crack.

Before I'd knocked three times, Harry opened the door and ushered me in. He, too, was dressed casually, the top buttons undone on his shirt and the sudden desire to lick his neck was nearly overwhelming.

"I'm glad you're here, Teddy," he said as we walked to the kitchen. "The children are coming home tomorrow. I wanted to have a chance to talk to you, uninterrupted, before they got here."

I nodded, a lump stuck somewhere in my throat. He leaned against the counter, so casually sexy and cool. I knew I'd be a fool to turn down anything he wanted. If he asked me to get on all fours and bark like a dog, I'd probably be willing to do it.

So why did I feel sick to my stomach?

He looked at me. Not a way he'd ever looked at me before today, but I've certainly had other people look at me like that. He wanted me, and before I knew it I fell into his arms, breathing in the familiar scent of him again. I nuzzled against that patch of skin at his throat, the tip of my tongue tracing up his neck. His hands immediately began to roam, grasping my arse and pulling me to him, our erections meeting, the pressure sublime.

"You looked so gorgeous today, Teddy," Harry whispered. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind all day."

"Me neither," I said honestly. Being this close to him again made me forget my objections, forget the reasons this was not a good idea.

I wanted him to split me in two, to make me come, to make me forget…everything.

We snogged and groped, licked and moaned, but when his hand went to the flies of my jeans, I saw a flash of dark hair and brown eyes and I grasped Harry's wrist to stop him.

"Wait." I felt as surprised as he looked. I didn't think there was anything I wanted more than to come at his hand. I was afraid to look into his eyes for a moment, afraid he might see the reasons I was so conflicted.

However, his fingers were gentle on my chin as he turned me to face him.

"Are we going too fast, Teddy?" he asked softly, eyes searching mine.

I didn't know what to say. Everything was so perfect, just what anyone would want.

"Is there someone else?" I felt his body pull back slightly. I wanted to say, no, no one, only you, but the words wouldn't come. I'd been so quick to deny it with James, but with Harry I found I couldn't lie.

"C'mere," he said, pulling me into a hug, nothing like the passionate embraces we'd shared earlier. This was purely comforting and I almost wanted to cry.

He rubbed circles on my back and spoke soothingly. "We'll have supper, just like always, all right?"

I nodded. "I—"

"You don't need to explain yourself." Harry pulled back and held me at arms length.

"Thank you," I managed to say as I was overwhelmed by Harry's understanding, something that was characteristic of him as long as I could remember.

Harry let go of me and reached into the cupboard for two plates.

I opened the drawer where Harry kept the cutlery and took out two settings, carrying them to the table. It was odd how quickly we moved back into normal movements, how easily we ignored what happened just now, back in the forest.

Dinner was awkward at first, but Harry, always as good as his word, made no more advances, though I got the impression more than once it took a lot for him to restrain himself.

As I left, I promised to get in touch when I felt a little more level-headed, though I couldn't imagine when that would be.


So you can see my problem now, can't you?

Harry has always loved me and he will continue to do no matter what. He's always been there for me, larger than life. He's someone I admire, look up to.

James is in love with me, though neither of us has ever put it into words. I never thought we needed to, honestly.

I take a bottle of Muggle whisky to bed with me, that night, to see if it can help clear my mind. Or help me forget the mess I'm in.

When I get to the bottom of the bottle, I wipe my nose on my shirtsleeve and stare at the ceiling, in the dark, for a very long time.


James and Harry were washing up when Albus walked into the kitchen.

"Hey fuck breath, is it true you're taking it from Teddy?" As James turned toward his brother, his expression told of embarrassment mixed with obvious veracity.

The plate in Harry's hands fell to the floor as if in slow motion, shattering into a dozen pieces.

Albus and James both looked at Harry.

"It slipped," Harry muttered under his breath, his heart hammering in his chest, his mind reeling. He pointed his wand at it and said, "Reparo."

Albus shook his head, probably wondering how he got away with such foul language, and said to James, "So is it true? You're bobbing on his knob?"

James snapped at Albus, the colour in his cheeks rising, "Shut it, come stain." But he didn't deny it.

Harry dried his hands and walked out of the kitchen, stomach turning, breath coming in short pants.

He should have known. How could he not have realised?

Teddy was with James.

James and Albus followed him out into the corridor.

"Are you all right, Dad?" James said and Harry almost couldn't look at him. Finally he raised his eyes and met his son's concerned face.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." He left James and Albus and went back to finish washing up the pots and pans.
11th December 2011 17:00
Well I finally know what this was written for :)
I really like this, but my opinion still is that its a Harry/Teddy, even though it lacks intercourse.
Teddy is more concerned at being honest with Harry than James, who he just sort of fell in with and to me it seems has become a habit, Harry on the other hand could become an obsession *sighs*
Honey, you really need to write a sequel, let Teddy make a proper decision, but whatever you do, I love this :)
9th January 2012 01:37 - Torn
Thanks, sweetie. It's been quite a ride seeing which camp people fell into. I really appreciate the help you gave me. *smooches*
11th December 2011 18:56
Oh I love this so hard even though it makes my heart ache and I just feel so bad for everyone. I love Teddy's voice here though, and the way his relationship with James starts off, just boys fucking around, but it's clear how it progresses into more and that countered with this sort of larger than life Harry, that of course Teddy can't resist and has to have his one night with lskjflsdjflkdsjflkjfk, (that was "guh so hot btw") oh man, it just makes me ache.

I love that you've left the resolution up to the reader, honestly, as much as I want to know more and see what happens next, I like that I can fill in those blanks however I want to. I think Harry will step aside because he loves his son and wants to make him happy and I can see him just taking the choice away from Teddy in a sense, but I love that I can imagine things going a different way if I want to, (even as much as the Potter men decide to learn how to share *g*). Heartbreaky and hot. I really loved this. I might have to steal it from Lee. :D
9th January 2012 01:40 - Torn
Thank you so much, bb. I think you're the most responsible for the end result (so everyone can blame you! LOL) because if you hadn't offered the advice you did, well, it might have turned out different. Thanks muchly, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. <3
11th December 2011 20:06
I love this. You made Teddy's reasons totally understandable and I adored the perfect way you mixed the angst with TEH HOT (yum!) and a few jokes here and there.
8th January 2012 22:32 - Torn
Thank you. I'm really pleased it worked for you. :)
11th December 2011 22:03
Oh oh ohhhhh!!! I'm so delighted this prompt got claimed! I figured as soon as I said, "no threesome plz," you kinky fucks at this comm would be too bored and wander off. :D But yay, thank you, mystery author! I love how you handled the scenario. James is so cute and eager and nnnnrgh, first time sex, alksjdf. And HARRY. Dear God. He's not in the fic a ton, but when he is, he kind of melts my screen, okay. Auror!fic is basically another kink of mine, so Harry and Teddy as Aurors and getting it on after a bit of danger is kind of hugely al;ksjdf;lkasdfa WANT for me.

And the ending is perfect! I love what the commenter above said, too, about this sounding a lot like a Harry/Teddy story, even though the final decision seems to be James. I love the little hints scattered around that Teddy has always felt stronger towards Harry. He gets a medal for turning Harry down, especially after his imagination had supplied for him exactly how awesome sex could be with Harry (*fistbite*), but I get the distinct feeling it's not over yet. *cackle* Which I love! And Harry's angst at the end is so awesome. COME HERE, BB. LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU.

Thank you!! ♥
8th January 2012 22:38 - Torn
I figured as soon as I said, "no threesome plz," you kinky fucks at this comm would be too bored and wander off. :D

LMAO! Well, it certainly would have made my life easier. :P

Thanks a bunch, Lee. I'll admit I was a bit worried because I definitely knew that people would see what they wanted in terms of which pairing was the more dominant one and so decided to leave it a bit open even though I know what *I* think happens. LOL
12th January 2012 00:11 - Re: Torn
Well, it certainly would have made my life easier. :P

*facepalm* Sorry! But also not, because this was basically exactly what I was craving when I left the prompt. Angsty triangle ftw! :)

Wait, what do you think happens? *chinhands* Oh, threesome. Right? Ha. :D
12th January 2012 00:14 - Re: Torn
ROFL! Nah, it's all good. I knew what I was getting into. I will tell you I thought for sure I was totally fucked until Teddy started talking to me. It was one of those exquisite moments when it all just fell into place after that.

LOL no threesome. :P I left it true to your request even in my head.
12th December 2011 00:01

This is soo so so GOOD! I love both these pairings more than any other in the HP fandom and I found myself almost torn between which way I wanted it all to go. If I grow a conscience just like Ted did I would have to choose T/J but if I pushed the pesky conscince away I could definitly deal with a share arrangement.

I can't really pick out a favourite bit because I loved every last word but the Forest scene and the conversation in the last scene are pretty close contenders.

Thanks so much for writing this. It is Awesome. :)
8th January 2012 22:39 - Torn
Thank you so much. I kinda like that most people are as torn as Teddy is. ;)
12th December 2011 00:02
Oh, Harry. Actually, I'm sort of achy on behalf of all them. *hugs everyone* This is both hot and heart-breaking -- nicely done!
9th January 2012 00:00 - Torn
Thanks so much. Definitely a complicated situation.
12th December 2011 03:39
Gah. Oh boys! I want to hug and smack all three of them. This was so well done. You had me all the way through.
9th January 2012 00:01 - Torn
Thanks so much, Leela. I really appreciate it.
12th December 2011 04:13

I really loved your Teddy's voice in this piece. Instantly relatable and made me feel for him and his dilemma throughout.
9th January 2012 00:04 - Torn
Thank you. I'm glad you liked Teddy's voice in this.
12th December 2011 19:35
Oh, ouchie. Smexxxxxxyyyyyyyyy too, omg, but ouch. I just want to hug them all (and have them engage in naughty, threesome smexin behind Lee's back!)
Loved this
9th January 2012 00:04 - Torn
LOL I have to admit I loved your comment! Thank you. It gave me a big smile. :D
12th December 2011 23:35
Not a fan of infidelity, but otherwise, hnnnggg this hits so many kinks! Wonderfully evocative! (And despite the prompt, in my head this is resolved with a nice threesome! *g*)
9th January 2012 00:07 - Torn
Thank you! TBH I am not a big fan of infidelity myself so it was definitely a tricky prompt. ;)
14th December 2011 23:20
Eee, this was so good! So, so, so good. :) I loved Teddy's voice and how you made both pairings happen in the same story. Oh, Teddy. A Potter problem indeed! What a complicated situation. My heart ached for all of them, but I loved the angst of it all. The sex was hot, and Harry, especially, so damn sexy! ldjasdjajk. I loved this!
9th January 2012 00:13 - Torn
Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it so well. :)
17th December 2011 15:51
Oh boy. *sigh* What a mess.
Damn. Poor Teddy. That's not an easy choice.
So hot, though. Guh!
9th January 2012 01:26 - Torn
Thanks, Ali. The situation *is* pretty fucked up. Poor boys.
21st December 2011 01:32
Oh my, that's quite the pickle! Harry, in particular, is amazing here. And when he drops that plate, my heart was dropping right along with him. I like the ambiguous ending, though I'm dying to know how this resolved itself! Talk about family turmoil. Brilliant work, mystery author!
9th January 2012 01:27 - Torn
Thanks so much. I'm glad Harry worked especially well for you. It was rather tricky getting everyone to behave appropriately. LOL
21st December 2011 13:52
Gorgeous in all it's hotness and heart-breakiness. Love Teddy's voice in this. Great story!
9th January 2012 01:28 - Torn
Thank you! I'm glad you liked Teddy's voice. Once he started talking to me, I could barely keep up. ;)
27th December 2011 12:08
I really enjoyed this. What a dilemma! All very hot.
9th January 2012 01:29 - Torn
Thank you! :)
27th December 2011 21:12
Yummy and achy and perfect!
9th January 2012 01:29 - Torn
Thanks so much.
1st January 2012 07:29
*slinks in* so, I uhhh, kinda forgot to come back and leave a comment on this after I read it the day it posted. Ngggrgggh. Sorry. :-/

BUT! That just means I had the awesome opportunity to read it again, which is so fucking awesome (for me). This is outrageously hot, completely mind-blowingly sexy, and then... Pow! Unexpectedly heart breaking. And I loved every moment of it! Thank you for the roller coaster ride.
9th January 2012 01:30 - Torn
LOL I appreciate you making it back. Thanks so much!
3rd January 2012 06:58
Oh man, this is heartbreaking. I love that you ended with Harry's POV, leaving that little uncertainty that we don't know where Teddy's head it right now. James is adorable and Teddy is, indeed, so fucked. Harry is hot as hell in this as well. Nicely done.
9th January 2012 01:32 - Torn
Thanks so much, Min. Even though I know what happens *vbg* I definitely wanted to leave it open ended as I knew some people would prefer one pairing or another. It's been interesting seeing the reactions, you know? :D
5th January 2012 12:48
Oh my, what an utterly believable dilemma! I'd love to know how it gets resolved. Although I can't see Harry continuing with Teddy, now he knows.

Teddy's voice is perfect here, as is the bickering between James and Al.
9th January 2012 01:35 - Torn
Thank you. And you win the prize for zeroing in on exactly what I thought was the likely outcome. Congrats!
8th January 2012 07:06
The angst. The ambiguous ending. Harry being all noble and conflicted!

9th January 2012 01:35 - Torn
Thank you. Glad you liked it. :)
8th January 2012 20:09
OMG so fucking hot! The way Teddy and James.... wow. But my poor Harry... Tell me he found a gorgeous potion master... *__*
9th January 2012 01:36 - Torn
Thank you! And LOL! Harry will be OK in the end, I promise.
20th February 2012 08:10 - OMG
I cannot believe I stumbled upon such a lovely, wonderful, and heart-clenching one-shot!
I feel that Teddy is slowly realizing that he is indeed falling for James and that Harry was a hero-worship crush due to Harry being a hero and a older brother/father figure towards him.
I can see Harry being shocked, heart-broken, and yet at the same time mad at Teddy for giving him a blow-job to him, while he is dating James and because it could drive a wedge between father and son.
A part of me was hoping Albus would have come home to see Harry and Teddy kiss/make-out and get mad on James's behalf, punch Teddy out, going to James and telling him. I always or rather I have the belief that James and Albus are extremely close and madly over-protective of each other. So, I could see Albus doing that and then telling James and poor James imploring Teddy with his black hair and hazel/brown eyes to say it's not true.
However, I am going to imagine what I want and that is Teddy realizes he is in love with James and regrets what he did with Harry and stays with James.
Thought of doing a sequel of sorts to this piece?
I do hope you do more!~
20th February 2012 13:10 - Re: OMG
Thanks so much for the lovely comment. I really appreciate it. You're definitely thinking the same way as I am with regard to Teddy's feelings toward James vs. his feelings toward Harry. I don't plan on writing a continuation but in my own mind it does resolve as a Teddy/James story. I think Harry could never continue to pursue someone knowing his son was interested/involved with that person. Thanks again!
28th April 2012 16:55
This is brilliant.. amd really needs a sequel!
1st May 2012 01:10
Thank you so much! Honestly, I'll leave it up to the reader what comes next. ;)
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