Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Roundup: Week 1 
7th December 2011 13:30
How's everyone enjoying the fest season so far? :D

Below the cut you'll find a list of all of the Kinky Kristmas fic and art that's been posted in the first week. In addition, we'd like to use this post as an opportunity to collect any recs you all have made. If you could drop us the names of the pieces recced and a link to the (unlocked) rec post that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you all, both members and watchers, for all of the reading, viewing, commenting, and reccing you've been doing. You all are fantastic! We're super excited and chomping at the bit to post the great stuff we have coming up in Week 2, so stay with us!

Art by Daily Deviant Members:

Lesson in Heiroglyphics (Tonks/Luna)
Stag Night (James/Sirius)
You and me always (Bill/Draco/Charlie)

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:

Table (and Bed) for Three (Harry/Hermione/Neville)
Silver Bells (Charlie/Draco)
At Practice (Sirius/Severus)
Anointing Day (Moaning Myrtle/Grey Lady/Nearly Headless Nick)
Just One Night (Harry/Draco/Charlie)
The Problem With Malfoy (Harry/George/Draco)
Brothers in Arms (Dean/Kingsley)
The Holly, the Ivy and the Red Red Rose (Snape/Rosa Sadista)
Cinnamon and Chocolate (and Sex) (Lavender/Seamus)
Shredding the Rules (Snape/Harry)
How to Stop Sibling Rivalry (Teddy/James Sirius/Albus Severus)

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Dallying With Dark Wizards (Snape/Lockhart)
Old Habits Are the Sweetest (Ron/Harry/Hermione)
Black Queen, Dark Pawn (Bellatrix/Snape)
7th December 2011 18:52
I recc'd "Just One Night" here. :D
7th December 2011 19:17
Awesome; thank you! I've seen lots of recs on my f-list, but I didn't start taking them down right away and don't remember where all of them are. ::facepalm::
7th December 2011 20:27
I'm not sure mine qualify as recs, since I don't really squee or say much, but fwiw: http://celandineb.livejournal.com/1199952.html
7th December 2011 20:43
Thank you! ::hugs::
7th December 2011 22:44
And another couple of rec-lets here: http://celandineb.livejournal.com/1200844.html
7th December 2011 23:46
Ooh, that's great, thank you!
7th December 2011 21:20
I rec'd Anointing Day here
7th December 2011 21:44
Oh, fab! Thanks!
7th December 2011 21:37
I recced "Table (and bed) For Three", "Lesson in Heiroglyphics" and "Silver Bells" here:

And "Old Habits are the Sweetest" and "Just One Night" here:

I'll link you to Friday's rec post after I've done it, but there will be at least two more in there. Wait! Three more...
7th December 2011 23:47
Yay, awesome! I saw those on my f-list, but I didn't write them down at the time, and then I couldn't remember where one of them was. ::headdesk:: So thanks! (And thanks for reccing!!)
7th December 2011 23:57
If it helps, I know kabal's last post was a rec for Anointing Day and Old Habits. And tjs_whatnot recced Old Habits as well (pretty sure it was her latest post). I'm at work so can't do links - sorry
8th December 2011 04:33
Yeah, my rec for Old Habits are the Sweetest is here.
8th December 2011 05:04
Sorry! I was just so excited!!!

*possibly needs to take deep breath and a big step back from fest fics*

8th December 2011 05:09
You're adorable.
7th December 2011 21:58
I've recced Black Queen, Dark Pawn and Old Habits Are the Sweetest here: http://ariadneelda.livejournal.com/128248.html (Though I think I've already seen the first one in the Snitch.)
7th December 2011 23:47
Awesome, yay! Thank you!
9th December 2011 14:38
Recs for "Brothers in Arms" and "Dallying With Dark Wizards" here. More Wednesday!
9th December 2011 17:52
Yay! Thanks for the reccing you're doing! ♥
11th December 2011 00:45
13th December 2011 06:22
Awesome; thank you! (And rec posts are love! ♥)
11th December 2011 23:35
Whoops, late to the rec round-up party, but:

Old Habits Are the Sweetest (Trio)
At Practice (Snape/Black)
Black Queen, Dark Pawn (Snape/Bella)

Torn (Teddy/James, Teddy/Harry)
Sanctuary (Bill/Harry/Draco)

13th December 2011 06:23
Awesome; thanks! (And as always, thanks for all the reccing you do. ♥)
12th December 2011 05:13
13th December 2011 06:23
Got it; thanks! :D
14th December 2011 15:07
Recs for Repeat Offenders (Minerva/Pomona/Irma, Neville) and Complicated (Severus/Remus) here.
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