Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Anointing Day (Moaning Myrtle/Grey Lady/Nearly Headless Nick) 
2nd December 2011 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for:  [info]pre_raphaelite1
From:  [info]tjs_whatnot

Title: Anointing Day
Characters/Pairings: Moaning Myrtle/Grey Lady/Nearly Headless Nick, Original mermaid/Original merman, mention of Rowena Ravenclaw/Helga Hufflepuff
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Threesome, first time, voyeurism
Other Warnings/Content:
Word Count: 3,800
Summary/Description: is a special day when a Merperson reaches maturity and takes its first swim as an adult. For the ghosts of Hogwarts it’s one of the only experiences that allows them to be alive, to have desires and to feel.
Author's Notes: Recip, I can not even fully articulate how in love with your request I was. I’m not sure if I got it as kinky as you wanted but I really tried to nail the tone of elegant, romantic and sensuous for you. I hope I came even close to what you had in mind.

~Anointing Day~

The Death Day party was abuzz. It was rumored that very soon, it would be Anointment Day for one of the merpeople. Myrtle still remembered the first time she had experienced one. She had been new to death then and everything was shocking and unexpected. She was so angry and resentful that at first she didn't even know what was happening to her, what she was feeling and how rare and spectacular that she was feeling anything at all. She didn't know what it was going to do to her, how she was going to yearn for it, pine for it in all the days that followed. Even if she hadn't felt compelled to inhabit the girl's loo, and even if the sewer system didn't wind its way to the Black Lake, she would have spent an amazing amount of time at that body of water--waiting. 


Helena closed her eyes and tried to conjure the sensation of inhaling and exhaling, the caress of the wind that soared off the Black Lake and flowed past them in a misty haze. She grasped the hands of the Baron on one side and a young girl she barely knew in the other. In this one moment she didn't even mind being so closely linked to the Baron. Not tonight. This was the night where she pushed aside all the pain and suffering of her memory and filled it with nothing but pleasure and forgiveness and life. Life. It was glorious. The tingle started at the top of her head and the soles of her feet simultaneously and worked towards her middle in a dizzying rate. She wanted to close her eyes and experience every new sensation in slow and tantalizing motion. She couldn't though, for the spectacle needed to be seen. It was too glorious to look away from.


Sir Nicholas remembered vaguely what it felt like to have his breath taken away. Not with the blow of a hatchet to the throat, no, with the flutter of excitement, the pounding of blood rushing, the firing of the senses and looking upon beauty until he ached with longing. It came back to him from time to time. When he watched the ceremony it erupted and overwhelmed him and it was almost like living again. It was torture actually. Torture that he voluntarily experienced over and over. To feel alive for those brief moments, to have a pulse rushing, heat racing throughout his body, it was worth it to him when it all slipped away and he was reminded once again, that he was dead. Would always be dead. Still he came. He waited. Standing beside his ghostly companions, wanting it so desperately.


Ariana slithered her arms just below the smooth surface of the lake. The rippling, swirling dance that followed the movement on the water pleased her, heightened the sense of power that coursed through her body today. Her Anointing Day.   Her skin, the pink of adolescence, would soon be the blue of adulthood. For now, the shimmering iridescence marked the beginning of her transformation. She spun slowly around in a circle, looking at all the figures standing on the shores observing. There were hundreds of them. A thrill coursed through her at the thought that so many creatures, alive and dead would be witnessing her anointing. The immature in her wanted to flick her tail at them, or look coyly over her shoulder. Thankfully, the elders joined her at the surface just in time to still her inappropriate behavior. This was a sacred moment.


She was beautiful. Myrtle had never had an appreciation for outer beauty. Too many vile things lived under the skin of beautiful people, in their hearts and their minds. She remembered, in the edges of the Basilisk's eyes, the eyes that would kill her, the look of the beautiful boy. So giddy and cruel as he watched her struggle and take her last desperate breaths. That smile would be the last thing she saw in that life. It would become the only image in her mind at that word: beautiful. Yet this mermaiden was stunning. Her beauty was pure. The innocence poured out of her, making her radiant. There was something else too, and it was this that stunned Myrtle with excitement. There was a sense of promise and a cusp of becoming that overwhelmed Myrtle. She bit her lip and unconsciously floated a bit closer.


Helena watched as elder mermaids approached the girl. They circled around her, coming closer each time. She looked a bit fragile but there was something more: excitement. Her eyes danced with it. Some secret signal was given and the girl floated onto her back, the women bobbing slowly around her, the woman at her head gently holding her shoulders. They all laid their hands on her and smoothly began to stroke her skin. The ghosts were close enough now that Helena could see the hairs standing up and see the girl’s cheeks pinken. Watching this made Helena remember her mother. It was something they never talked about, but Helena had seen with her own eyes, she knew. Late nights, her mother wandered from the rooms of the castle reserved for the Ravenclaw family, wife, husband and child and made her way down to the chambers beside the kitchens to where Helga Hufflepuff lived, alone.  Helena, always an inquisitive child-- a Ravenclaw after all-- just wanted to know, not to intrude, not to witness, just know. 

The memory was hazy, like she'd viewed it from behind sheer drapes, and maybe she had. Her mother was there, her knees tucked under her in between Helga's naked and plump thighs. Her mouth was sucking on Helga's breast noisily, her fingers tangled in the folds of Helga's quim. Helena's horrified shock was soon replaced with something else as she looked at Helga writhe under her mother's ministrations, crying out for more. Helga had never before been beautiful for Helena, not when compared to herself or her mother surely, but then, in her need and her elation, she was nothing but pure, peaceful beauty.

When Helena again focused on the scene before her now, she saw the maiden with her head thrown back in that same way, her skin pink with the others' attentions, her nipples achingly pert, her scales shimmering with a needy urgency. She was almost buzzing with anticipation and want of her adulthood, Helena could feel it ride along her own skin in hungry strokes. 


To gaze upon such beauty! In his life, Sir Nicholas had had his share of fair maidens. The others found this hard to believe, a curse of dying under tragically comical circumstances, he supposed. In fact, he only tasted his first rejection in death and the blasted Headless Hunt. For he was a nobleman and a wizard in the days when both of those things mattered. Nightly his bedchambers were kept warm with any number of buxom ladies and dames. As he and the other ghosts rose above the lake and gathered closer to the ceremony, Nicholas watched the elder mermen circle the inductee. He remembered such inspections in his own chambers. The woman standing before him in a simple night dress, and with one pull of the strings, the garment pooled at her feet. He'd mask his desire with a look of smug indifference. However, as his eyes roamed over their plumped lips, the line of the neck, down to their breasts, he'd be hopelessly smitten. The shadow of that curve, the way the low candle's flicker seemed to be cupping the breast made him catch his breath. The mermen reached for their anointed one and again, Nicholas' breath caught. 


Ariana was still warmed and glowing from the mermaids’ attentions. When the mermen approached, her heart raced. Each one was more handsome than the next and one of them would be her mate. They reached for her, taking her and lifting her into the air. She threw her arms out and welcomed the last rays of the dying sun’s warmth: her last act as an adolescent. When they let her go, she dove to the bottom of the lake, and began her inaugural swim as an adult. The men swam around her, weaving close and then away, back and forth in long, accelerated circles around the lake. With each lap, the water temperature rose and her pace sped up. The men's weaving and teasing proximity stopped as they strove to keep up. She was exhilarated by the chase and yet, she dared not look to see what pursuers remained. 


Myrtle always wanted to dive down and join the ceremony. However, even if this was something the ghosts just didn't do, she still wouldn't be able. The sweet irony was, that in life, she had been terrified of water. It was the only thing that she missed about being dead in these instances. She soon forgot about that as they watched the swirl and glimmer that danced below the surface. As the mist rising from the water began to heat up, it rose and rested on her skin. The fingers that weren't holding the Grey Lady's hand, ran along her neck and gathered the moisture there, before rubbing her fingers together in slow circles, feeling the slick wetness. She felt it trickle down her back, along the cleft of her buttocks and she gasped. Even that, even that quick intake of breath made her heart race. She put her hand over her heart, her fingers massaging her breast, slowly stroking the soft, sensitive skin between them. Her breath came slow now as she concentrated on how it felt, what it did to the rest of her body, how much she wanted to touch herself, all the places she wanted to touch. To be touched.

Suddenly she felt the hand in hers grasp her tighter and the warmth of it shot through her. Then there was hot breath in her ear.  


"Darling girl, you are wasting time," Helena whispered in the girl's ear. She let go of the Bloody Baron's hand, he was too busy pleasuring himself in grunts and gurgles like the disgusting swine he was, to notice. She slid behind the girl, gently swiping her damp, stringy hair off of her neck. Leaning forward to whisper in her ear. "It could be decades before we have this opportunity again. Let me show you how to enjoy it."

The girl swallowed and nodded. In barely a whisper, she said, "I've never..."

"When you were alive?"

The girl nodded again and Helena could hear her nervous, rattled breath. Helena guided her to turn around and cupped her face. She studied her for a moment, feeling the longing and fear before she pulled the girl to her. She feathered her lips gently against the girl's, wetting them with her tongue, soaking in the sensation of taste and smell. Salty and slightly disinfectant. Ah, the weepy girl from the bathroom, Helena reasoned. It didn't matter. Helena had learned long ago. There were times, moments, when anyone was beautiful.      


Nicholas' heart swelled and dropped as the merpeople sunk under the water, but then with them gone, he noticed what was happening around him. To him. He felt the heat of the water, the heat of the bodies around him and his own blood sweltering and pulsing. He heard a moan from the girl he floated next to and saw her clinging to Lady Helena. He remembered a time, many years ago when he had been lucky to be next to the Lady when this time came and she had wrapped herself around him, looking to live every single moment of the time they had. Anxiety rocked through him at the passing time and lost opportunity. Unlike the repulsive Bloody Baron, Nicholas had never gotten as much enjoyment from his own attentions as from others'. 

Instead of asking for permission, he ran his hands along both of their waists, waiting for them to invite or spurn. They did neither, but the girl moaned again as Helena worked the buttons of her robes. Nicholas stood behind her and removed the newly materialized fabric off the girl. He then reached around and began undoing the buttons of the school uniform. When she was naked before them he took her breasts in his hand and leaned her back against him while the Lady  licked and sucked her way down her neck and chest before twirling a nipple with her tongue. Again the girl moaned. While Helena flicked and sucked the perked flesh, she took the girl's hand and guided her behind to where Sir Nicholas stood, painfully erect. He gasped as they both wrapped their entwined fingers around him.


The water was almost boiling before Ariana felt the sudden jolt of capture. The arms that wrapped around her were strong and she only fought the embrace for a moment, more out of shock than any objection. Her arms encircled him just as tightly. It was then that she noticed the iridescence of her scales had exploded into the deep blues of her true feminine form. She was a woman. Her body sang, she felt his tail, so strong against hers, swirling and vibrating and she looked into his eyes and saw her blissed reflection in them. There was a throbbing in her center, almost painful, almost unbearable. It was like high tide, the waves just coming to life, spreading and sweeping her up in the sensation of power, of give and take, demanding and releasing. They swam end over end, not paying attention to where they were going, knowing their path was destined, too absorbed in the feel of the other as they slid, stroked and tasted all they could.

There were no ghosts, no crowd, no ritual or ceremony. There were only them, intertwined and pulsing in unison, as one.


In the last moment that Myrtle had to reflect before her senses were heightened beyond any reasoning, she contemplated the irony that she had to be dead to feel that wholly alive. Never in life had she been wanted like this, never in life had she needed like this. The Grey Lady's tongue tasted and licked its way down her body, sending her blood racing. Sir Nicholas' hands caressed her breasts making her yearn for more. All the while, her fingers were still wrapped around his manhood, stroking as he softly murmured instructions with warm tantalizing breath in her ear. The slide and slip of his shaft was mesmerizing; its warmth intrigued her, as if the friction of her hand’s increasing speed and strength was igniting it. She had an urge to taste it, to feel her tongue wet it before she would take it deep in her mouth, filling her up with its hot juices. This thought, this naughty, naughty thought made her blush and squirm. She felt herself getting wet at its perverseness. But before she could form the words to request, to beg, he was gone, slipping out of her hand, chilling it almost instantly.

Her disappointment was brief, for suddenly the world exploded in tiny sparks of light behind her eyelids as The Grey Lady's tongue found her center and began flicking Myrtle's clitoris with her tongue. Myrtle wasn't sure if the scream was only in her head or if it had shattered the night sky for all to hear; she really didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that she not move, not do anything to stop the glory that was this feeling, this sensation erupting inside of her. 
There was no crowd, no taunts or painful deaths. There was only this glorious lady who for reasons beyond Myrtle's understanding was spending this fleeting moment of life giving Myrtle the most anyone had ever given her before. They were one.

Never in her life would Helena ever have believed she would be spending those ephemeral moments she had left until who-knew-when pleasuring another woman, girl really, almost a child. She tried to push it from her mind. Tried to devote herself to the task she had taken upon herself. There really was something powerfully tantalizing about being the instigator of such emotion from another human soul, she reasoned as she heard Myrtle's keening pleas while she buried her face in Myrtle's essence, breathing her in. Still, as she felt the heat rising from the water below them, Helena's panic set in that she was running out of time. She lifted her eyes and caught Sir Nicholas' glassy gaze. He would do.
With a point and curl of her finger, she had him. He was there behind her before she had even returned her hand to the girl's thigh, pushing against them, stretching her further, burying herself deeper. The girl was oblivious to everything but Helena. The girl's surrender and abdication fueled Helena's demanding need and determination. There were no words needed, no explanations, only thrusting, gasping, sucking and tasting. They were made for sensations, what they could take and what they could give.


The Lady's eyes upon him, urging him, fueled his own panicked need and the promise for even a taste of her womanhood almost made him climax there in the girl's hand. The young woman had been pleasurable and pliable, but the very idea of having a lady of Helena's ancient, noble heritage in his hands, being inside her prized chamber, depositing his long stagnant seed? That was a memory he'd be able to cling to while he floated through the halls full of hormones and yearnings that he could glean but never feel.  
He positioned himself behind her and felt her rubbing against him instantly. The sensation sent shivers along his thighs and, putting his hands on her hips, brought her hard against him for a moment. Then he ran his hand along the warmed flesh of her buttocks before sliding his fingers down the cleft and as she spread her legs for him, to her dripping center. Now was his moment to show her what he was capable of, what he had learned all those centuries ago. He spread the warm lips and felt her shudder as he stroked her firmly. 

She gasped loudly, but it was her desperate "Please, sir," that set a fire in his groin. 

Sir. It echoed as he slid inside her, feeling her walls close around him deliciously.

Sir. It reverberated along his shaft as he pulled out and then back with slow precise movements, feeling her every shudder, her every moan throughout him.

"Sir," she once again begged, sweat trickling along the bones of her spine, the heat of their joined bodies and the water's rising temperature. He grasped her slick hips and pulled her hard, impaling her. The scream this time was guttural and incoherent, but it didn't matter, all he heard was Sir.

"My Lady," he chanted with each thrust. "My Lady, MyLady, Milady, Milaaaaauuuhhhh."

For one blissful moment his world pinpoint focused to this sensation, to this moment and he felt free. He felt alive. Nothing else mattered.


Ariana was dizzy as they twirled in sweeping strokes along the length of the lake. Somewhere in the back of her mind was the knowledge that there were others watching, waiting. Her clan stood, swaying in a chain from one side of the lake to the other. Maybe they were reminiscing their own Anointing, maybe they were holding their lover's hand, waiting for the festivities to end. She couldn't say, but she was absolutely certain that she was bathed in the warm wishes of everyone present. She felt the water roiling, almost burning and she knew part of it was the clan, but the other part, that was the part she was occupied with now. The part that was she and him and pleasure, bits of fear of the unknown and wordless comfort as he held her tight, as his body rubbed against hers. Every bit of flesh touching, shimmering and burning against each other.

All the time, their fins moved as one, pushing them faster and faster until she thought she couldn't take any more, until her whole body tensed into the moment, the explosion she'd been waiting her whole life for. It was right there, she could feel it itch its way along her skin, starting at the fin, now a blur of rushed need. He must have felt it too, for one look and he directed them up, up, from the lake's floor, and right before she hit the cooled air above the water, she felt her body's release at the same time she felt him push her up so that she flew out of the water in a splash. Her song was beautiful and the world stilled and slowed as she soared above it, in a perfect arc, looking at all the faces; the magical beings forgetting their own worlds, lost in hers. For a moment she saw the ghosts, solid and clinging to that last moment that her magic provided. Then as she descended back to the depths, their lifeless and gossamer bodies rose up, back to their eternal state. 

By the time she rose to the surface again, the ghosts who had once been there, clutching each other were floating away, each to their own haunted ground. She supposed she should have felt a bit melancholic for them. She just hoped that for that wisp of time she had provided, they had found their own beautiful moment and that it would sustain them for the loneliness of a life no longer able to be lived.

That was all she could give them. That was just the way that it was.
11th December 2011 16:58
Oh... wow. THANK YOU!

It's so very, very lovely! It has such a rich, curling, sensuous feel to it. The rhythm and tone is just captivating, particularly this part: There was a throbbing in her center, almost painful, almost unbearable. It was like high tide, the waves just coming to life, spreading and sweeping her up in the sensation of power, of give and take, demanding and releasing. They swam end over end, not paying attention to where they were going, knowing their path was destined, too absorbed in the feel of the other as they slid, stroked and tasted all they could.

Beautiful pacing there! Same with repeating "Sir" paragraphs. Guh.

Also, I adore the different voices you've caught and the threesome is fantastic. I might have a slight kink for a joint handjob.

And oh the thought of Helga and Rowena. Rwowr.

Again, thank you sooo very much for the beautiful, evocative gift!

Sorry for the delay (I've been caught up in grading and traveling crosscountry).
8th January 2012 23:17
Yay! I'm so relieved that you liked this! It's. Always a risk with these double blind fests, the not knowing besides the tiny bit of info given. Thank you again for giving me so much to work with. :)
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