Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: "Miss Grubbly-Plank Finds Herself" (Wilhelmina G-P/Irma Pince; NC-17) 
15th February 2011 20:48
Title: Miss Grubbly-Plank Finds Herself
Author: [info]kelly_chambliss
Characters/Pairings: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Irma Pince
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sexology: the study of sex; sexual education, counselling, information, etc.
Other Warnings: None. Well, there's a sex toy involved.
Word Count: 3450
Summary: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank has never been much for books. But then Irma Pince helps her do a little research into the literature of sexology.

Author's Notes: This story is my first contribution to [info]daily_deviant. You've all given me a lot of fun over the years; I'm pleased to be invited to give some back.

The title is adapted from Radclyffe Hall's classic story of "inversion," "Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself." The quotations from Muggle sexologists Havelock Ellis and Richard von Krafft-Ebing are from texts in the public domain. The quotation from wizard sexologist Oxwald Horwood-Ashe is included by kind permission of Kinsey and Hite, Publishers, Diagon Alley.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One of the first lessons learnt by a student of wizard sexual biology is that, compared to Muggles, wizards experience more intense physiological responses to sexual stimuli, particularly in terms of initial sexual impulse (attraction), and eventually, orgasmic expenditure. This intensity is thought by some to explain the higher incidence of homo-erotic interest among the wizarding population than among the Muggle, though systematic comparative studies have yet to be attempted.

--Oxwald Horwood-Ashe, Sexualis Wizardiana, 1902

Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank had never been much for books. To be quiet and read when one could be out of doors and moving about, grabbing great lungs-full of fresh, cold air and wood-smoke and the sharp, life-filled smells of animals? To sit still with some namby-pamby story-book like the "little lady" her father wanted her to be, when she could be out in the fields with her grand-dad, tracking the unicorns and birthing the lambs?

Ta, but no. Those silly story-books were all the same, anyway -- the girls were always such twits, and if you did find a jolly, adventurous heroine, she always seemed to end up twisting her spine or hurting her legs and then spending half the book flat on her back learning to knit and be kind.

No, Will hadn't much use for such tales.

Yet over the years, there had been a story or two that she hadn't minded.

Like that Muggle book.

The summer before her last year at Hogwarts, she had spent two weeks visiting her father's sister. Will had envied this aunt, Muggle though she was, because, except for the lack of magic, she had a life that seemed to be everything Wilhelmina wanted for herself.

Aunt Edna was independent, and worked outdoors, and lived alone, and didn't seem to need the "nice man" that Wilhelmina's mother so often evoked. She had her own house and many friends, and she laughed a lot, but never at Will, not even when Will cut her hair man-short and made herself sick trying to learn to smoke a pipe.

It was while visiting this aunt that Will read the Muggle novel about a woman who was giving a party. It was what Auntie liked to do of an evening, have Will read to her, and so they'd taken up this Muggle book about the party.

The woman in the book was married, and she had chosen a husband who was safe and comfortable. But then -- and this is what made the story and the woman stay forever in Will's mind -- she had lived all sorts of other loves in her head, loves that were not always safe and comfortable. In her head, she had loved life, and she'd loved her daughter and the man she married and the man she didn't marry, and perhaps above all (at least as far as Will was concerned), she had loved another woman.

Will couldn't remember whether she and Auntie had actually finished the book in the fortnight of her visit, but there was one line from it that always stayed in her mind -- it was about how sometimes, when the main character looked at the other woman she loved, "she did undoubtedly then feel what men felt."

If men, when looking at women, felt a sudden tightening in their groin; if they felt that they wanted to know the sensation of a woman's lips on their own and wanted to feel a woman's soft breast in their hand; if they wanted to inhale the tantalizing musky scent that sometimes threatened to overwhelm Will in the Quidditch shower room, well, then, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank did undoubtedly feel what men felt, too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Among animals in a domesticated or confined state it is easy to find evidence of homosexual attraction, due merely to the absence of the other sex. . . It is probable, however, that cases of true sexual inversion -- in which gratification is preferably sought in the same sex -- may be found among animals. It has been found . . .among Belgian carrier-pigeons [that] inverted practices may occur, even in the presence of many of the other sex. This seems to be true inversion. . .The birds of this family appear to be specially liable to sexual perversion.

--Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 1896

Will was surprised the first time she learnt that some people saw same-sex attraction as unnatural. No one who had been around animals as much as she had could fail to have observed how frequently they had physical relations with members of their own sex. And whatever the animals did was natural, of course -- how could it be otherwise?

Anyway, what difference did it make? she wondered. It didn't interfere with anything important. Her grandfather's two male unicorns, for instance -- they had to be charmed into mating with the females. But once their reproductive duty was done, Grand-dad didn't care if they spent the rest of the year in each other's stalls. And the carrier-pigeons: just as good as owls, they were, in carrying messages, and so what did it matter if the males were mating with the males or females with the females, once their work was done?

But apparently it did make a difference to some people. Will didn't get it, but then, she always admitted that she didn't find people nearly as easy to understand as animals.

It was the girls in her Hufflepuff dormitory who first let her know that her lack of interest in acting like a proper lady was not something that upset only her father.

"Won't you let us try to curl your hair, Wilhelmina?" Margaret Midgen asked one night during their fourth year. "I've learnt a really good curling charm; you don't even need to twist your hair around your wand."

"My hair is too short," Will said, with truth. "And I'd look like a berk if I had curls in my hair." This, too, was true. "Why would I want to, anyway?"

"Well, boys like it," Gwethlyn Dubber said. "It's about time you started to care about that sort of thing. You can't be a tomboy forever, you know. You have to grow up. I mean, you're almost fifteen. And you have to think of House honour, too; we want Hufflepuff girls to be popular, not hulking wallflowers. Look at Margaret -- one of the Gryffindor boys has already asked her to walk to Hogsmeade with him, next visit weekend. "

Will had no objection to walking anywhere with boys; she enjoyed their company. But for the life of her, she couldn't see why she needed curly hair to do it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sexual inversion, as here understood, means sexual instinct turned by inborn constitutional abnormality toward persons of the same sex.

--Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 1896

Ten years later, she still enjoyed males' company, but despite her family's and some friends' attempts to interest her in suitable young men, she still had no desire to share anything more with them than camaraderie and a pipe and the occasional glass of whisky.

Women, now. . .well, that was a different story. When she saw certain women -- in fact, one woman in particular -- she was invariably reminded of Aunt Edna's Muggle novel, and the female character who looked at women and felt what men must feel.

The particular woman that Will liked to look at was Irma Pince.

It all happened back at Hogwarts. Will had returned to the school to do a year's animal-husbandry apprenticeship under Professor Kettleburn, and Irma was just starting her first term as the full-time librarian. They were by far the youngest people on the staff and fell into the habit of taking tea together in the staffroom, on those afternoons that they could spare the time.

WIll hadn't known Irma well when they'd been at school -- separate Houses and all -- but now she found that Irma was quite fun; she was witty and incisive and straight-forward and, like Will herself, unimpressed by pomp. And she had a lovely profile, not to mention those nicely-curved hips.

They were good colleagues, but Will hadn't realised that Irma considered her a friend until one Friday, when Irma tucked her arm into Will's as they walked toward the Great Hall and invited her to go into Hogsmeade after dinner for a drink.

Will's heart leapt, but she answered cautiously. She didn't want any misunderstandings. "I'd like to," she said, "but. . .well, if you're hoping to meet young men, Irma, you know, for. . .dates, or what-have-you, I'd just as soon stay home. I'm not interested in dates with young men."

"Of course not," said Irma. "You're an invert."

"A what?"

"An invert. Someone who prefers romantic attachments to their own sex."

"I. . . ." Will was dumfounded. Here was precisely why she normally preferred the company of animals to people; animals never said inexplicable things like this.

Yet at the same time, she was very much enjoying the closeness of Irma's body as they walked arm-in-arm, and at one point, she thought she might even have felt the brush of a soft breast. All in all, Will was in no hurry to exchange Irma for even a favourite Crup.

"Yes, you're a classic case of inversion, I'd say," Irma was going on. "I've read about it."

"Read about it? In. . .books? Wizard books?" Will knew she sounded idiotic, but it had never occurred to her that her own desires might be discussed in books. Well, except for the book she'd read at Aunt Edna's. But that was about Muggles.

"Yes, indeed, in wizard books," said Irma. "There's been quite a bit written about wizard sexology, in fact. Come to the library to see them sometime, if you're interested."

"There are books about sex in the Hogwarts library?"

Irma burst out laughing. "I take it you didn't spend much time there in your schooldays. There's a little hidden section of sex books in the far corner. Each student always thinks they're the only ones ever to have found them, and they sneak them to a table and charm the titles to read Transfiguration Made Easy or some such thing. I felt quite daring and unusual checking out those shelves when I was a fourth-year. But in fact, the books are quite popular; I see children looking at them all the time."

"So then am I the only person in wizarding Britain who doesn't know about these. . .inserts?"

"Inverts. Well, most of the books about inverts aren't in the circulating collection. They're in the Restricted Section."

"The Restrict -- you mean inverts are Dark wizards?"

"No, not at all. It's not just Dark magic that's housed in the Restricted Section, you know. Goodness, Wilhelmina, did you ever go the library at all?"

"Well, I was never much for books,"' Will muttered.

Irma laughed again; Will thought she looked quite deliciously impish when she did. "We keep all the potentially-exciting books in the Restricted Section," she said. "If you want to learn about alternative sexual practices or advanced magical pranks or how to make foolproof magical explosives, that information is restricted. Some of the books on explosives give you actual demonstrations if you don't use the proper spells to open them."

"Do the books on inverts give you demonstrations, too?"

The impish dimples deepened. "Come to the library and find out."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The masculine soul, heaving in the female bosom, finds pleasure in the pursuit of manly sports, and in manifestations of courage and bravado.

--Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis, 1886

In the end, they didn't go to Hogsmeade that night for a drink. Instead, Irma went to her room for a bottle of elf-made wine, and soon she and Will were seated in the dark quiet of the Restricted Section, a few candles hovering cozily about them, the only sounds the subdued muttering of some of the more vocal magical books. Well, that and the increasingly heavy sound of Will's breathing.

Irma had Summoned a number of books to their table, books that Will had never imagined could exist. Books with titles like Sexualis Wizardiana, Psychopathia Sexualis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female, Same-Sex Witchery, The Joy of Wizarding Inversion. They were books that talked about her, about the way she'd always felt, and they said things that were fascinating and mad and bad, infuriating, illuminating, laughable, amazing, and sometimes even true. Will couldn't stop reading them, not even the ones that tried to tell her she was unnatural.

She still couldn't get over it: apparently being attracted to one's own sex was not something restricted solely to animals, characters in Muggle novels, and one lone Hogwarts magical-creatures apprentice. Apparently Will wasn't the only witch who looked at other women and felt what men felt.

"Did you think you were? Honestly?" Irma asked. She was leaning over Will's shoulder, tapping pages with her wand, and there was no mistaking now the touch of her breasts on Will's back. "No, not at all. It's a very common situation among magical people."

"But I've never met anyone, well, quite like me," Will said.

"You mean someone so nicely manly and womanly all at once?" Irma said, and she let her hand drift from the book to Will's tweed-covered chest.

"The masculine soul, heaving in the female bosom" -- That's what one of those books said. Will wasn't sure if she had a "masculine soul," but she knew that there was very definitely something heaving in her female bosom. She had a sudden intense yearning to feel Irma's hands on her bare skin, and the only thing that kept her from summarily Vanishing the tweeds and her undershirt altogether was an obscure sense that such a move might be a tad precipitous as this stage.

"Do you want. . .?" she asked Irma and was surprised at how hoarse her voice had become, how dry her throat was. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she could say no more.

But Irma understood. "I do," she whispered, nuzzling the skin at the base of Will's ear. "Very much."

"You're not. . ."

Again Irma understood. "Not manly in the same way you are, no. But there are many different ways for us to be." And she gently turned Will's head and kissed her.

In its own way, this move was a glorious "manifestation of courage and bravado," and Will responded with enthusiasm.

In no time, it seemed, she and Irma were entwined on a small sofa in the corner, and the tweeds were heaped on the floor. Irma's robes had joined them, revealing a lovely garment the likes of which Will had never seen. Certainly the girls in her dormitory hadn't worn anything to compare to Irma's. . .she wasn't sure what to call it. It was like a little playsuit, made of pale-blue satin and lace.

Will had never worn satin, but she had to admit that it felt wonderful when she smoothed it down over Irma's hips, those nicely-curved hips that looked even better when uncovered.

She didn't know how long they lay there, kissing and exploring, Irma's hands soft and then perfectly not-soft on Will's breasts, Irma's chest deliciously rising against Will's as they kissed, Irma showing Will yet another kind of satiny softness, the kind that her thighs opened to reveal.

Will was soon stroking and thrusting and marveling at the idea that Irma, slight as she was, could expand to take in a finger, two, three. She must have used a charm, Will decided hazily.

"Now I definitely know what a man feels," she thought, and was unaware that she'd spoken aloud until Irma said, "Would you like to really feel it? Would you like to fuck me?"

Will's cheeks burned so hot that she wouldn't have been surprised to see smoke come from her ears, as if she'd had a dose of pepper-up. The sound of that word on Irma's lips. . . Will thought she might expire on the spot.

"I. . ." she croaked, and then swallowed and tried again. "Is it possible? How?"

In answer, Irma took her hand and led her back to the library table. "Like this," she said, and levitated one of the sex books to float open in front of them. It was one they hadn't looked at yet, The Joy of Wizarding Inversion, and as Will watched, the pages expanded to show a picture of a very odd contraption indeed. The image circled slowly, giving a view of front, back, side. It was a leather harness, with a thick rod of some sort attached. . . Merlin! could that be a rubber. . .penis?

It looked vaguely like a thestral's, so could it be -- was that what a man looked like? A human man?

Irma, meanwhile, had been whispering a spell. "Here," she said finally, and handed Will the exact article pictured in the book. "It's a dildo."

Will turned the unfamiliar word over in her mind as she turned over the object. The leather was soft, supple, and then there was the. . .dildo. It was ridged and thick and, well, purple, and as Will touched it, it grew warm in her hand, like skin. She squeezed it gently and felt an answering throb in her own body.

"Put it on," said Irma, nodding toward the book. And on the open pages there suddenly appeared an image of Will herself, looking just as she did at that moment, her undershirt pulled down to reveal her breasts, her shorts (which she was as yet too shy to remove) crumpled, her sturdy legs bare.

As she watched, the image of herself strapped on the harness, its buckles tightening magically to fit the woman on the page.

"Do it," Irma urged, and Will did.

No sooner did she adjust the dildo to her body than it felt like a part of her, like a part she'd always had. But before she could quite get used to the notion of it, Irma was in front of her, Summoning a cushion from the sofa and laying it on the table, bending herself forward over the edge.

Now Irma's image had shown up on the book page, too, and Will could see her face, her eyes half-closed, could see her breasts pressed gleaming against the dark wood. And she could also see the back of her, her body spread open invitingly before Will's eyes, her smooth arse begging to be touched.

"Are you sure? Here?" she asked, trying to give Irma one last chance to say it was all impossible, it couldn't happen, but Irma nodded.

"Oh, yes, here," she said, rather breathlessly. "I've always wanted to. . .in the library. . ."

Will stepped forward, and the book showed her what to do, showed her how to slide her dildo -- herself -- into Irma's welcoming wetness, how to thrust deeply, how to take Irma's breasts in her hands.

The book showed her, but she really needed no tuition, for her body took over, doing its own showing.

In far, far too short a time, the combination of watching and experiencing sent Will spiraling into pleasure, into the indescribable feeling of orgasm in two places, in the dildo and in her own core, and she was howling aloud, her manly soul and female bosom joining in a single sensation more intense than anything she could have imagined.

An endless moment later, she slumped forward over Irma, and her book image did the same. Irma's face smiled back at her. "Watch," she whispered, and Will did, as the book showed her now how to use her hand to bring Irma to orgasm, too. Only when they were both sated, their breathing returning to normal, the sweat cooling nicely on their skin, did the pages fade to blankness.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You see?" Irma said later, as, clothed once more, they sat on the sofa holding glasses of elf wine, Irma tucked tidily into Will's embrace. "There's something to be said for books after all."

"Aye," Will agreed. "We could write one of our own. Sexualis Invertis Hogwartis."

"It would take a lot of research," Irma said solemnly.

Will nodded, equally solemn. "Yes, it would. A systematic study into orgasmic expenditure."

Irma laughed, and Will touched her lips to the soft cheek so close to her own.

She wasn't sure, any longer, if she knew what men felt, or what women felt.

But she knew what Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank felt. She felt damned good.

16th February 2011 03:06
Oh, hooray! Welcome to the comm! :DD I look forward to much delightful femmeslash and rarepairs from you.

Lovely fic. I adored Wilhelmina's shy curiosity and confusion, and Irma's knowing flirtations. Wonderful.
17th February 2011 02:24
Thank you! I'm really pleased (and a bit daunted) to be part of the group.
16th February 2011 11:12
Oh, this is glorious! Wonderful backstory for Will, and I love all the excerpts from the wizarding texts and how the apply and don't apply to Willa's sexuality. Love also Irma's confidence and the gentle way she leads and handles Will - it's so perfect that Irma would give her the same kind of care and understanding that Will gives to her animals. Wonderful, sensual, character-revealing sex, too! Perfect! ♥
17th February 2011 02:26
Thank you so much! I always try to make sex scenes show character and not just be generic, one-sex-fits-anyone descriptions, and I'm so pleased that you think the character comes through here.
16th February 2011 12:35
Beautifully done, as usual. :-)

This is a lovely story of discovery . . . the quotes are inspired, and I really like the backstory you give Will. The dorm scene in particular is very telling. I never really thought about it, having never gone to a boarding school myself, but the pressure to conform must be intense. I love how she handles it, though - her confusion must have been both disarming and exasperating to her schoolmates.

And I love how Irma recognizes her and is unafraid to say so, then opens her eyes to the riches untold which lie in books; she'd already had an inkling of self-recognition in one before, and now she gets to experience so much more. And Will is smart enough not to take everything there at face value: they said things that were fascinating and mad and bad, infuriating, illuminating, laughable, amazing, and sometimes even true. Books can seem so authoritative, that it is sometimes hard for even those of us who know better to remember that their presumptions can be wrong. It's sad to think of a younger girl reading books that call her and what she feels 'unnatural'.

But then there's that fact that magical sex manuals (and toys :-) ) are so much more fun than are plain old muggle ones. ::g:: Lucky ladies, lovely story!
17th February 2011 02:30
Thank you, Lark! I'm glad you found your way here -- and also that you enjoyed the "bookish" parts of the story. Books are where my own heart lies, of course, and I've always felt that the Hogwarts library must have some real treasures to offer /g/. Still, as you say, the authority of books can be hard to resist, especially scientific tomes as weighty (literally and figuratively) as some of those early sexology texts.
16th February 2011 13:38

"The Restrict. . .you mean inverts are Dark wizards?"

Obviously Wilhelmina has been reading Muggle literature.

I really loved assertive Irma here, proving that knowledge is power of many sorts, and doing such a comprehensive job of instruction.

"I've always wanted to. . .in the library. . ."

Well of course she has. Wonderful story!
17th February 2011 02:31
Thank you, Lash! I'm glad you liked Irma; I have a soft spot for librarians (very nearly became one myself).
16th February 2011 13:48

I flailed madly when I saw the link on the Quibbler report this morning. Then I flailed some more when I saw your Author's Notes.

I haven't stopped yet.

So much love for what you did with the prompt. Your take on the late 19th/early 20th sexologists (love Oxwald and his Wizardiana) and how – as problematic as much of their work was – they helped women to make sense of themselves is spot on, as is Will's reaction to what she reads.

They were books that talked about her, about the way she'd always felt, and they said things that were fascinating and mad and bad, infuriating, illuminating, laughable, amazing, and sometimes even true. Will couldn't stop reading them, even the ones that tried to tell her she was unnatural.

This. Krafft-Ebing is vile stuff, but at least where I come from, he (quite inadvertently) triggered the first attempts at a lesbian sexual liberation. And I love how your Irma makes sense of Will and of herself – still in terms of male/female attributes (as she would!) but seeing the nuances and knowing that her desire are no more "pseudo" than Will's only because she has lovely curves and longer hair.

"Not manly in the same way you are, no. But there are many different ways for us to be what we are." And she turned gently turned Will's head and kissed her.
In its own way, this move was a glorious "manifestation of courage and bravado," and Will responded with enthusiasm.

In fact, your whole use of the male/female dichotomy is great. Not only does it place us perfectly in the period and its thinking, but it also makes for some damn hot sex.

I'm not telling you anything new when I say that I love your Will – her outdoorsiness, her non-bookish common sense and her wonderful voice.

Those silly story-books were all the same, anyway -- the girls were always such twits, and if you did find a jolly, adventurous heroine, she always seemed to end up twisting her spine or hurting her legs and then spending half the book flat on her back learning to knit and be kind. -- I have a feeling that this is based on empirical research. *g*

If men, when looking at women, felt a sudden tightening in their groin; if they felt that they wanted to know the sensation of a woman's lips on their own and wanted to feel a woman's soft breast in their hand; if they wanted to inhale the tantalizing musky scent that sometimes threatened to overwhelm Will in the Quidditch shower room, well, then, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank did undoubtedly feel what men felt, too. -- Lovely glimpse of young Will's budding feelings and desires!

Will had no objection to walking anywhere with boys; she enjoyed their company. But for the life of her, she couldn't see why she needed curly hair to do it. -- Death by flail.

"So then am I the only person in wizarding Britain who doesn't know about these. . .inserts?"
"The Restrict. . .you mean inverts are Dark wizards?"
-- *g*.

Will wasn't sure if she had a "masculine soul," but she knew that there was very definitely something heaving in her female bosom. She had a sudden intense yearning to feel Irma's hands on her bare skin, and the only thing that kept her from summarily Vanishing the tweeds and her undershirt altogether was an obscure sense that such a move might be a tad precipitous as this stage. -- Example x of n of what I love about your Wilhelmina's voice.

Also, just as much love for your Irma. Looks, books, satiny bits, her not-so-manly-but-still-decidedly-inverted self-confidence, and her matter-of-factness. Laughed out loud at the sheer multi-level perfection of "Of course not," said Irma. "You're an invert." OMG. And the whole dialogue that follows.

The sex scene is perfection – erotic, IC, and I love that Will isn't the only one who gets a new pleasure here.

Please send me the ISBN of The Joy of Wizarding Inversion.

17th February 2011 02:38
I adored this comment; it had me smiling all morning. As soon as I saw that "sexology" was on the kink list for this month, I knew I'd have to do something with Ellis and K-E and that ilk. Plus, it was such fun trying to get into Irma's and Will's period heads, and the two of them came together perfectly -- it was one of those "the story writes itself" moments. I could just see and hear both of them so clearly (Will has basically become a "real" person to me).

You've given me such pleasure with your own f/f period stories; I'm so glad you liked this one.

Sadly, wizards don't seem to use ISBNs, but I'm sure that if you dropped by Hogwarts, Irma would show you their copy of "Joy."
16th February 2011 14:00
*smiles* You know you'd win me at the opening part of your story already, with this great resume on the Muggle novel Will reads with her aunt ♥

And then there was this sentence which almost kicked me off my chair The sound of that word on Irma's lips. . . Will thought she might expire on the spot. - why this is so funny for me right now will be obvious if you read my latest entry *LOL*
~ Minervas_Eule
16th February 2011 14:58
What a wonderful debut performance! (From you and the Misses Will and Irma.) The back story and book references (real and wizarding) are the icing on a particularly well baked and presented cake. Will's confusion and innocence (as distinct from her ignorance - you've drawn a nice distinction there) are so believable, making her an endearing and sympathetic character - putty in Irma's capable hands.

Bravo! A real gem of a story.
17th February 2011 02:42
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked Will (she's one of my favorites of JKR's several dyke-y characters) and the book references, too. As soon as I saw "sexology" on this month's kink list, I knew I wanted to use Ellis and Co.
16th February 2011 16:13
This is delicious & wonderfully clever - of course there would be books like that in the Hogwarts library, and who better to know where to find them? :-)
17th February 2011 02:44
Thanks! I love book!fic in general, and then Hogwarts library in particular has always seemed to offer such grand opportunities for creative fanficcing.
16th February 2011 16:32
Welcome to DD! What a brilliant debut! *g*
I just knew this would be fabulous and it was.
I have so much admiration for masters of period language (like you!), who with a few woulds can transport me back in time. *sigh*
Your Wil was perfect and Irma... *shivers happily*. Their chemistry was lovely.
Masterfully done, my dear!
17th February 2011 02:45
Thank you so much, for both the welcome and the kind words about the story. And I'm glad you liked the pairing; I've written Will before but never Irma, and I became quite fond of her by the time I was done.
16th February 2011 21:41
A lovely piece, clever, funny and hot at the same time, in keeping with history while showing us some interesting possible differences between Muggles and Wizards (The Joy of Wizarding Inversion must have saved many young 'inserts' from their wells of loneliness, I'll wager). Will is thoroughly charming, and Irma -- well, 'sexy librarian' doesn't even begin to cover it. *g*

But she knew what Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank felt. She felt damned good.

17th February 2011 02:47
Thank you! The magic-book potential of the Hogwarts library offers infinite options for fanfic. Interactive sex manuals -- just think of the possibilies.
17th February 2011 21:20
This intensity is thought by some to explain the higher incidence of homo-erotic interest among the wizarding population than among the Muggle, though systematic comparative studies have yet to be attempted.
This is what I love about fanfic - the way it fills out JKR's world. She only mentions the extended wizarding lifespan; fanfic shows just how this influences the reproductive organs of various witches (Minerva the Weapon of Mass Reproduction springs to mind). And here's another instance of in-dept research: I've so often wondered about the high level of non-het-normativity in the wizarding world of fandom. Trust you to give us the proper, scholarly answer. *g*

To be quiet and read when one could be out of doors and moving about, grabbing great lungs-full of fresh, cold air and wood-smoke and the sharp, life-filled smells of animals? Your Will is simply the best.

if you did find a jolly, adventurous heroine, she always seemed to end up twisting her spine or hurting her legs and then spending half the book flat on her back learning to knit and be kind. Oh, yes. Glad to see that what Will did next is completely different.

the Muggle novel about a woman who was giving a party Picture me literally hopping in my chair with delight.

But for the life of her, she couldn't see why she needed curly hair to do it. Sheer perfection.

Here was precisely why she normally preferred the company of animals to people; animals never said inexplicable things like this.

"There are books about sex in the Hogwarts library?" Why are you the first one to point that out? No, don't answer, I know: it's your fine, scholarly, library-loving mind.

"Do the books on inverts give you demonstrations, too?" And the first time I read this, I never thought you would answer the question with 'yes'.

they said things that were fascinating and mad and bad, infuriating, illuminating, laughable, amazing, and sometimes even true. Will couldn't stop reading them, even the ones that tried to tell her she was unnatural. Such a great line.

the only thing that kept her from summarily Vanishing the tweeds and her undershirt altogether was an obscure sense that such a move might be a tad precipitous as this stage. Quite. It's fortunate for all of us that Irma is so good at getting what she wants.

It was like a little playsuit, made of pale-blue satin and lace. Love the lingerie - and Will's description.

"I've always wanted to. . .in the library. . ." Of course Irma would want just that!

Sexualis Invertis Hogwartis. Any chance of that book seeing the light of day?

And the last line is brilliant.

I loved this story on so many levels. The perfect characterization of Will and Irma - you draw them both so beautifully IC, but with all the things canon coveniently left out.

The time-capsule of those days, with the vocabulary, the careful exploration of possibilities, the way Will never even realised she wasn't the only one.

The quotes from the books, and all the meta-elements.

This was a delight from start to finish, and I'm so glad that the Restricted Section (for surely, that's what Daily Deviant really is?) will have stories like this every two months!

18th February 2011 01:18
Thank you for this wonderful comment -- and I'm so glad I could throw some scholarly light on various perplexing wizard-world questions.

"twisting her spine or hurting her legs and then spending half the book flat on her back learning to knit and be kind." Oh, yes. Glad to see that what Will did next is completely different.

/g/ I see you know the genre: characters like Katy Carr and Pollyanna. . .

I really appreciate this detailed comment, and I'm so pleased that you liked the story.

18th February 2011 05:23
This is absolutely charming! I adore the mix of magic and muggle quotes and their relationship with the story and the tension between reading about things and doing them. And that first book that Will remembers so clearly! Of course.

Just read this out loud to the better half, and we both loved it. Thank you! M.
19th February 2011 03:34
Thanks, Maggie! I'm tickled by the idea of a fanfic read-aloud. Glad you and the BH enjoyed it.
19th February 2011 04:55
This is wonderful! I so enjoyed every word. What a light touch you have here -- the humor and the characters are really lovely. I LOVE you book titles. The bit about the curly hair made me laugh out loud -- fondly because I loved your character by then. "And there are many ways for us to be" and the tender, sexy, hot sex, and wonderful ending! Fantastic story.
19th February 2011 06:47
Thank you! I'm pleased that you find the characters appealing; I know I like them, but it's not always easy to get those ideas across in writing. As soon as I saw the prompt, I knew I wanted to do something with these "inversion" texts.
22nd February 2011 17:04
OMFSM, you used Havelock Ellis in a fic!

"And whatever the animals did was natural, of course -- how could it be otherwise?" This, yes. Love the way Will "inverts" (get it?) the way the word "natural" is used by those "some people." (There was a Daily Show segment that addressed this once--very funny.)

"I've always wanted to. . .in the library. . ." Me, too, Irma. Me, too.

And put me on the mailing list for the wizarding sexology texts. Oh, and the toy catalogue.
23rd February 2011 04:22
Love the way Will "inverts" (get it?) the way the word "natural"

Ha! I get it. Clever /g/

I'll definitely put you on the mailing list. I hear the catalogues are interactive.

Thanks for commenting.
26th February 2011 06:20
I finally found this in my open windows and tabs and sat down to read it.

The quotes (both real and fictional) are amazing and work so well to set this story in its period and to set the tone for the story. But it's your characters and your deft touch with the smallest of details that really makes this story fly for me. You've made me like and want to know more about two characters who have always felt like little more than name-check characters before.
26th February 2011 21:50
Thank you, Leela! I often have trouble getting into the name-only characters myself, so I'm doubly pleased that you enjoyed this.
30th June 2011 20:03
To sit still with some namby-pamby story-book like the "little lady" her father wanted her to be, when she could be out in the fields with her grand-dad, tracking the unicorns and birthing the lambs?
I think I'd have gone the way of the unicorn as well. Alas, the only way to do such things when I was a lass was to read - but I would have given it up in an instant for some real adventures! :D

Definitely liking this Aunt Edna. Great character!

...well, then, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank did undoubtedly feel what men felt, too.
Excellent touch, the lot of it. I love the idea of Will reading to her relative, as well - reading to others and being read to can be so wonderful while also deepening the connection to the words and story!

And whatever the animals did was natural, of course -- how could it be otherwise?
I adore your Wilhelmina. I admit to having similar thoughts (and surprise over prejudice) after so many years watching horses and other critters. Then, the lesbian down the road owned the horses; I didn't realise until years later that when she had complained about the "breeders" insulting her and her girl, she had been speaking about homophobia. I thought she had been talking about another horse breeder insulting her and her mare...

Her grandfather's two male unicorns, for instance -- they had to be charmed into mating with the females.
Haha! Pleased to see she had some of the same experience, then.

Will didn't get it, but then, she always admitted that she didn't find people nearly as easy to understand as animals.
Sing it! I'm still confused most of the time.

But for the life of her, she couldn't see why she needed curly hair to do it.
Ahahaha, I love her! Also the OCs you create. You're great with names as well.

Will had returned to the school to do a year's animal-husbandry apprenticeship under Professor Kettleburn, and Irma was just starting her first term as the full-time librarian.
Love this background. And ship ship (s)hurrah!

All in all, Will was in no hurry to exchange Irma for even a favourite Crup.
*Snerk.* I absolutely adore every line of this. Irma's frankness is great, too - such the librarian.

"So then am I the only person in wizarding Britain who doesn't know about these. . .inserts?"
Oh, quite possibly - all those Mary Sues and Barry Stus getting comfy with many a Tom, Sev or Harry...
30th June 2011 20:03
Irma laughed again; Will thought she looked quite deliciously impish when she did.
Guh, I approve. Laughter does funny things to me.

The impish dimples deepened. "Come to the library and find out."
Impish dimples. Oh, you wench. (Thank you!)

Will couldn't stop reading them, not even the ones that tried to tell her she was unnatural.
Oh, I'm excited just being in her mind as she works through these moments. I remember my first crop of books that mentioned homosexuality (and especially lesbianism) - it was glorious!

Apparently Will wasn't the only witch who looked at other women and felt what men felt.
*Smiles.* This story is beautiful.

"I do," she whispered, nuzzling the skin at the base of Will's ear. "Very much."
From this point on, I am dead.

"Not manly in the same way you are, no. But there are many different ways for us to be."

...Irma showing Will yet another kind of satiny softness, the kind that her thighs opened to reveal.
You are a Goddess. (I don't normally quote the more steamy lines out of embarrassment, but that connection to her previous apparel and the slow reveal to match the action is glorious. Wonderful sentence.)

The sound of that word on Irma's lips. . . Will thought she might expire on the spot.
With you there, Will. Not sure the word 'fuck' has ever been so frank, beautiful, tantalising and charming all at once.

It was ridged and thick and, well, purple...
Purple. *Grins.* Perfect.

"Oh, yes, here," she said, rather breathlessly. "I've always wanted to. . .in the library. . ."
... brain powered down

Only when they were both sated, their breathing returning to normal, the sweat cooling nicely on their skin, did the pages fade to blankness.
Fucking wizarding books. You are a genius.

"It would take a lot of research," Irma said solemnly.
That received a laugh out loud.

Will nodded, equally solemn. "Yes, it would. A systematic study into orgasmic expenditure."
Ahahahahahaha. Also, glad my brain is back on. Guh to hah in four seconds flat...

But she knew what Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank felt. She felt damned good.
Excellent ending to a brilliant piece. This is superb! I've been blaming [info]tetleythesecond for how hard I've fallen for Will(a) over the last year and a half, but this further affection will just have to be your fault. (Of course I can take no blame regarding my own interests, how silly.) Fantastic pacing, spot-on characterisation, brilliant character voices, hot as ten hells and brilliantly entertaining to boot! You are an absolute wonder.
6th July 2011 03:26
Thank you! This lovely review really made my day. I can't tell you how much I love hearing what lines readers like. I know how much time it can take to craft a thoughtful, detailed review like this, and I really appreciate it. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, and of course, I'm also glad to do my part in seducing readers to Willa-love /g/.
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