Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: "Fellytone" (Arthur/Android, R) 
7th January 2011 23:53
Title: Fellytone
Author: Florahart
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Android
Rating: R or so
Kinks/Themes Chosen: (Everything old is new again...) Android, celibacy of a sort, cock ring, a touch of discipline, maybe a pinch of humiliation, and some shiny jewelry.
Other Warnings: Arguably the consent is problematic; also, this is Arthur without Molly.
Word Count: 1375
Summary/Description: Arthur isn't doing anything anyone else wouldn't do, right? It was just, he was curious, and the mechanical man was so obliging.
Author's Notes: Oh god this is crack. CRACK.

Do you know what my wife loves the most about me?

Loved, I should say. We're a bit broken just now. I'm sure it will come round, or at least, I try to remain steadfastly certain of that. Yes, it will. Once I've got this little situation under control. I just have to, well, I'll admit to being slightly uncertain about how to do that, but again, I choose optimism. Certainly this can't go on forever. Cant it?


It's--it was--my curiosity. That she loved. That drew her to me, and that got us through difficult times. Not this difficult time, clearly, but many before, and probably many others to come. That is to say, I hope there will be many more, not because they're fun; difficult times are by nature difficult. However, no life is all spun sugar and laughing babies, so it only makes sense to suppose that if one is to have many more years, then there will be many more moments that lack both.

So, curiosity. That and tinkering. It's quite something, you see, when you don't have the first bloody clue what the purpose of a thing is, and then in the asking, you find yourself uncovering the mechanism and the method, and then of course what's one to do, but improve upon the concept. To my way of thinking, there's no better choice.

Which, to my chagrin is what seems to have gone quite wrong here. Quite wrong. You don't mean to leave, do you. You're going to stay and watch my struggle, whether I wish it or not.

Of course you will. Please just--I'd rather you didn't tell anyone.

I don't suppose you know how to get it to stop?

Right, well, perhaps there's an off switch. It seems oddly resistant to me just telling it to stop, which considering it was really quite pliant in the first place--I mean, I only wished to understand just what all it was designed to do. Surely I did nothing more than anyone would have done. I simply asked it to so something for me, and it did. I had no mind to wind up on my back like this, and certainly no intention of developing quite such a remarkable understanding of all the ways in which a wizard's nether regions might be stimulated.

Did you know there appears to be an area not far inside the--well, this will seem indelicate, and perhaps it's just me. Still, for all that Molly and I have never been shy in our experimentation--er. Perhaps you ought to keep that under your hat, as well; I feel it's not something a couple ought ever to feel any shame over, but I recognize that there are those who believe it an inappropriate topic, and I must say, that's why we've never ventured into any area that would require anything of the sort the tw--of the sort George sells from the back room.

I may never stop starting to say that, and Merlin, even in the midst of all this, it hurts... although, I do have to confess this is fairly distracting, even from that sort of thing.

...Where was I? Oh. Right. Whenever it hits just, no, a bit more, yes... nnnghthere, it seems as though there's something almost like a spark. It's really quite surprising. I've never associated my arsehole with quite this kind of feeling before, although I do suppose that Charlie may have mentioned--well, we needn't go sharing those sorts of confidences, I suppose.

It does feel quite nice. However, I do wish it could be induced to stop. Or that I were quite able to, as it were, put an end to things myself.

What? I should remove which, if I want to come?

Oh, this. Yes, I expect that might help, although pushing against the pressure is very nice indeed. Is it meant to--I see.

I've never worn one before, which perhaps isn't terribly surprising. I've been married for quite a long time, and have never had any reason or any trouble--well. We do have--did have, until this past summer--seven children.

Right, again with the difficulty.

I had initially tried to put it on as a bracelet, you know.

I thought, as long as you insist upon watching, I might as well tell you how this all came to pass. Didn't you wonder? It can't be so often you encounter a man being fucked wildly on the ground by a mechanical other man whilst bedecked with leather and various sparkly bits and bobs and trying to get the mechanical man to stop or at the very least get about it in a manner that leads somewhere better than this.

If it is often, I should hope you would be able to tell me more clearly how to proceed.

Right, bracelet.

But, you've seen men wearing such bracelets, have you not? With the leather and the clever metal spikes protruding? Though, I did feel uncertain about it, because usually that sort of attire was perhaps generally affiliated with the sort of person I was not. Not that there's anything wrong with being such a person. But it wasn't the right size for that, and then, well, I was assisted with it, and it did feel interesting, especially whilst I was receiving a rather different sort of attention from this fellow.

But yes, I ought to remove it, and then perhaps we can be done with this.

It was just a simple hook and--ouch! Did you see that? I went to unfasten and release the pressure, and it--he, I suppose--slapped my hand away. Oi, creature, what were you called? Andrew? Whatever was that for?

Android. Well, I've never heard that name before. You're designed to provide what? Disci--honestly? Why in the world... of course, I suppose I was aware that there was a certain segment.

I do love learning unexpected things.

Do you suppose if I ask it nicely? It's only, my arse is beginning to chafe. I certainly don't mean to imply your work isn't quite nice, Andrew.

What's that? Safe word? Is that quite like the pass words Alastor used to--oh, not the same. I see. Andrew, do we have any sort of safe word?

Right, and establishing one will not--just to be sure--place us in the vault ourselves? Because you did attach little diamond clips, here and here; they must be quite valuable. If somewhat painful. My nipples are even more sensitive than I had previously believed.

Oh, nothing to do with a safe, then, the word. And this is what is required to return you to taking my instructions?

Excellent. Then yes, I believe I would very much like to establish such a word now. Is it to be a secret word? Oh dear, you're hitting that spot again. I do believe I may explode. Please, Andrew, could we just remove--

An unusual word, then. Perhaps Fellytone? That's a Muggle device. Allows them to shout messages into the ocean and have it brought all the way round and up the river to the other person.

Yes, yes, Fellytone, Andrew. I need to just remove the--oh. Yes, that's. That's quite marvelous. My word, for a mechanical being that's not the least bit greasy, you've certainly a very wet mouth. How, exactly--no, don't stop! And very talented finnnngh...fingers. Fuck. No, no, that wasn't an instruction, Fellytone, just, please. Oh. Yes. Exactly so. I've not done this in...


Merlin. I've not done that with anyone but Molly in decades. Or with her in months, but again, we're in the midst of a spot of trouble, so I expect it will come round.

Andrew, are you overheated? No? It appears our guest is considering making use of your skills as well. Remember, the word is Fellytone.

No, no, I don't especially wish to assist. My arse is sore, and my back rather scraped. I believe I'll just get dressed, if I can locate my trousers, and return the wee clips and hope for the best.

...and hope the store's owner won't realize I was here before you, as I'm certain that wasn't at all within my budget.
8th January 2011 17:02
Wow. I think I'm speechless. In a good way!! Your brain is a continual marvel.
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