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- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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30th October 2006 12:44 - All of the People With Nothing To Do (Bill/Tonks, NC-17)
Title: All Of The People With Nothing To Do
Author: [info]misfit_ragdoll
Characters: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mutual masturbation, serious amounts of fluff
Kinks chosen: masturbation, outdoor sex
Word Count: 4000 words
Summary: Bill and Tonks grow closer in the middle of Rufus Scrimgeour’s Halloween party.
Author's notes: A sequel of sorts to my now A/U post-OotP stories. You don't need to have read them to get the picture. It was nearly Hallowe'en so it seemed like they needed to go to a costume party. Enjoy. Thanks to [info]elfflame for the down n dirty beta and [info]katesque for everything else.

It wasn’t a big deal, Tonks told herself for what was probably the 100th time in the span of an hour. It wasn’t that big a deal at all. So Arthur had mentioned Bill was probably going to show up at the Ministry’s Hallowe’en Ball. So, they’d exchanged a few illicit kisses. So, he’d tried to get into her knickers and she’d sent him packing back to his fiancée before anything further had happened. So, she hadn’t heard a word from him since which just proved she was dead right. So what? He clearly didn’t fancy her, he’d only been playing with her for the sake of his big fat ego (and other body parts). So, why were the same insecure thoughts kept running through Tonks’s mind like a litany, putting her in a dead panic over seeing him again?

Despite all that, she’d spent far too much time examining her costume in the mirror in her bedroom, making sure she looked presentable. She’d decided on being a Grecian-style nymph before Arthur had blithely mentioned that Bill was planning to attend. Of course, she couldn’t tell Arthur what a prat his son was – Arthur was a dear, more like family than a fellow member of the Order, well, actually he was family, she supposed, and it wasn’t his fault his eldest was a complete pillock. It wouldn’t be fair to hurt him. Or have an irate Molly Weasley threatening to hunt her down and kill her for insulting her family.

Tonks smoothed down her short gauzy chiton, checked her elaborate coiffure and readjusted the silver necklace weighing heavily against her throat one last time before finally picking up her filmy mantle and tearing herself from the room. At least she wouldn’t look too shabby. She’d seriously considered changing it to something more appropriate to the way she felt about spending time around Bill at the moment (a harpy or a gorgon, perhaps) but in the end, she’d stuck to her original decision.

She left the flat and Apparated to Rufus Scrimgeour’s home, a large manor house outside of London, shivering in the cool Autumn air. Perhaps such a lightweight (and short) costume hadn’t been the best idea for this time of year, but it was too late now to go ahead and change it. At least it would be warm inside Scrimgeour’s house and she would be able to move comfortably in it. And in case there was trouble, she wouldn’t be weighed down with heavy skirts or a cumbersome costume.

Looking about, she was ushered in by a well-groomed house-elf who announced her to the throng of costumed and masked guests in a high, squeaky voice. “Miss Nymphadora Tonks!” One of them had to be Weasley and the sooner she found him, the better to avoid him.

“Tonks?” She was so intent on her thoughts that she nearly collided with Bill as he came loping up beside her. “Wow…”

Tonks looked up, nearly gasping at the sight of him. He looked…incredible. He was dressed as a Scotsman, complete with kilt, leather waistcoat and flowing white shirt, his coppery hair pulled back in a border plait. His wand was tucked into one of his socks, a bone handled sgian dubh in the other. It took her several moments to realise she was staring at him and even longer to realise he was staring back. “Erm, wotcher.”

“You look amazing,” Bill blurted, his eyes fixed on her lithe form.

Tonks found herself blushing. Belatedly, she remembered that she was still furious with him, no matter how good he looked. She shrugged nonchalantly, causing her cascade of candy-floss coloured curls to sway against the back of her neck. “Ta. I didn’t do it for you.”

His cheeks grew flushed, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I’d never assume anything like that. Although, if I’d known you were going to dress up like a nymph. I’d have considered being a faun instead.”

Tonks snorted in annoyance. “I’m surprised you didn’t. Being a randy old goat suits you.”

To her surprise, the corner of Bill’s mouth quirked up into a grin. “I won’t deny any of that except for the old part. M’not old.”

“Twenty-six is too old,” Tonks retorted, looking around for a place to escape, or at least get a drink. Maybe it would be easier to deal with him when she wasn’t sober.

“Right, positively ancient,” Bill replied, sounding miffed. “Look, Tonks, I think we need to talk, don’t you?”

“What is there to talk about, Weasley?” Tonks looked up at him, her eyes hard. “I haven’t seen or heard from you in about two weeks. I assumed you were no longer interested. Or p’raps you and Phlegm kissed and made up.”

“Actually, we’ve split up”.

“Why should I believe you?” She felt her hands trembling. It was hard not to remember what had almost transpired between the two of them, knowing what might have happened if she hadn’t stopped him cold.

“Why should I lie about something like that? You want to ask Fleur about it? Please, go right ahead,” Bill fumed, throwing his hands up in the air. “She sent me a ‘Dear Bill’ letter accusing me of shagging someone else behind her back. I just didn’t know how to tell you without sounding desperate.”

“I wonder where she could have gotten that idea,” Tonks snapped. Several of the other guests looked in their direction, curiously. She felt herself blushing further.

“I never told her about…” Bill started. “Well, there was nothing to tell her, was there? Nothing happened.”

“Only because I stopped you!”

“Pardon me for thinking you’re a beautiful and very desirable woman.”

“Oh, come off it, Weasley.”

“How many times do I have to tell you how I feel, Tonks? I thought we’d come to an understanding the other night and then…”

“And then you didn’t have the bottle to do anything about it.”

“Tonks,” Bill sighed, shaking his head, “either you trust me or you don’t. Fleur and I are finished, she just beat me to putting an end to things.”

“Yeah?” She shot him a skeptical look.

“Yeah.” Bill replied, then reached out to touch her stole, brushing it with his finger tips. “Wow. Soft.”

Tonks batted his hand away, glaring at him in annoyance. “Oi, hands off, you. It’s…well, it’s delicate.”

That caused Bill to smile. Just the fact that he was looking at her that way made her want to hit him. Hard. “Just like you?”

“I’m not delicate.”

“Just sensitive?”

“I’m not…” Tonks glared at a couple who seemed way too interested in their conversation for their own good. “Can we please find somewhere to talk in private? I don’t want to row in front of half the Ministry, thank you very much.”

“My pleasure. Despite what you might think, I don’t actually want any of them knowing my business either.” He offered her his arm. “It looks like a pretty large property—perhaps we can find somewhere to talk outside.”

Reluctantly, she put her arm through his. “C’mon. Let’s go then.”

Bill led her through the French doors leading to Scrimgeour’s well-tended gardens, admiring the layout as they strolled the grounds, pointing out certain rare flora and unusual arrangements. Being a city-bred girl, Tonks couldn’t appreciate the landscaping as much as he seemed to – to her, they were just a bunch of plants, one after another.

“Have you ever thought about teaching Herbology?” Tonks asked, lightly. “The way you’re oohing and aahing over these bleedin’ plants, you seem a natural.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Why? Was that a favourite subject of yours?”

“Actually, I was bored silly,” she said sheepishly. “Just don’t tell Pomona Sprout.”

“Oh, come on, Tonks. It’s beautiful out here. It’s not quite as impressive as the grounds at school but…well, Scrimgeour’s got a good eye. Assuming he’s the one who planned this all.”

“The only thing I cared about the school grounds was finding good places to hide,” she admitted. “I knew loads of places where I was never detected.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like you got up to more than I even I knew about.”

“Just because you were Head Boy and you thought you had me sussed out doesn’t mean you knew everything. Besides, some of it was after your time. It was a lot easier to get away with things after your reign of terror.”

“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”

“I thought you were but…” she found herself blushing. “Well, I was a bit biased, wasn’t I?”

“Well, you were certain I was a pompous git…”

“And you were,” she teased. “I’m so glad you got better.”

Better? A compliment? From you?” Bill clutched at his chest. “I can now die a happy man.”

“Oh shut up.”

They wandered the grounds, Bill leading Tonks through thickets and bowers, checking to make sure no one else was out taking advantage of the solitude. Finally, he stopped her, finding a likely spot.

“Actually,” he said, “I just want to sit and talk for a few minutes while we’ve got the chance.”

“Aren’t you cold?” Tonks shivered. “I know I am. And I don’t have a proper cloak.” She held up her stole as an explanation.

“Well, a bit but that’s easily sorted.” Bill pointed his wand at a large boulder and muttered a spell. Soon, a comfortable heat was radiating from it. “Old curse-breaker’s trick.”

“Nice one. Bet you have a lot of call for that in the middle of the scorching desert,” she scoffed.

“Actually, it can get quite cold in the desert at night. Or in the tombs – you never know when you’re going to need something like that.” He settled himself down on the rock, stretching out his long, bare legs, and patted the spot next to him, indicating for her to join him. “Have a seat, love.”

She hesitated for a moment before perching herself on the warm stone. It was comfortable. “So. What did you want to talk about?”

Bill looked over at her. To her surprise, he seemed nervous, suddenly looking elsewhere, fiddling with the edge of his leather jerkin. “About the other night…about, well, us. Assuming there is an ‘us’, that is.”

“What is there to talk about, Weasley? We both had too much plonk, we both got a bit tiddly, things got a bit out of hand.. You don’t have to apologise for it.” Tonks countered.

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Fine, so you were just taking the piss. You’re not the first bloke who’s kissed me, you’ll hardly be the last. But, you’ve got a fiancée and I’ve got…well, I haven’t got anything. Or are you asking me to be your bit on the side? Because if you are, I’m not—“

“That’s not what…,” he cut her off insistently. “Look, I told you Fleur and I are finished and I meant it. Godric, why do you have to be so bloody stubborn?”

Tonks sighed, not sure why he was acting so weird all of a sudden. “It’s just who I am, mate. Take it or leave it.”

He glanced over at her, his mouth quirking up into a half-smile. “Don’t tempt me.”

“What’s that s’posed to mean?”

Leaning over, he touched her cheek gently. “Do you know how gorgeous you look tonight? I’d have you right here and now if you’d let me.”

“Blimey, Bill, I don’t know what you’re playing at but it’s not funny anymore. I don’t care if Phlegm’s thrown you over or not, I just don’t--” She struggled to her feet, determined to leave before things got even weirder.

“Tonks!” Bill grabbed her arm. “Will you please be quiet for five minutes? A bloke can’t get a word in edgewise around you, can he?”

She shook him off, crossing her arms across her chest and fumed. “I’m just saving us both some time…”

“Well, if you’d just let me finish, you might actually hear what I wanted to tell you. I’m beginning to think you really do hate me and all of this was futile.”

“All of what?”

“My coming here tonight. Did you think I just did it to keep m’dad company? I wanted to see you and only you. I’ve been trying to tell you how I feel and you keep putting me off. For Godric’s sake, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind for ages. You’re all I can think about.” He looked at her helplessly. “I’m not sorry I kissed you. I’m not sorry about the other night other then, well, I wish we’d done a helluva lot more. There, a full confessional. Are you happy now? You drive me absolutely spare, Nymphadora Tonks, but I’m completely mad about you.”

Tonks stared at him, not quite certain that what she was hearing was real. “You are completely barking, mate.”

“I know.” He studied her face, trying to determine her reaction to his words. “I must be.”

“Is this some sort of joke? Did Charlie put you up to this?” she frowned. “It’s not funny!”

“I’m not trying to wind up you. I can barely believe it myself. You’re not the sort of girl I normally go for.”

Tonks let out a snort.“Well, that’s certainly reassuring.”

Bill flushed, looking suitably embarrassed.“That’s not what I meant.”

That caused a roll of her eyes. “How I am supposed to take this grand declaration of…whatever then?”

“You’re not making this easy, are you? If you don’t fancy me, then fine, just say so. I don’t know if you’ve got a boyfriend—“

“I haven’t.”

“Or a girlfriend,” Bill continued.

“Not recently.” She suppressed a smirk at his confused expression.

“Well, then at least tell me you’re not interested and I’ll leave you alone although you’re the one who invited me out here with you which makes me think…”

“Makes you think what?”

There was a hint of a smile on his lips now. “That maybe you like me just a bit more than you act some times.”

“I never said I liked you at all, did I?”

“Not even a little?” He suddenly looked like a lost little boy.

“I didn’t say that either.”

“You really are the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met.”

“Is that good?”

“I dunno. Could be.” Bill’s expression softened and he took her hand. She didn’t try to pull away. “I’m not having you on, Tonks. I really do fancy you. You’re right that I’m a thick egotistical berk who is used to women throwing themselves at him all the time. Perhaps I just like the challenge but…you’re different. You’re not like anyone else I’ve ever known – you’re clever, you’re brave, you’re funny, you’re adorable…”

“Go on.”

“And enough to drive a grown man into the Janus Thickey ward for life.” He grinned at her.


“That’s my intent,” Bill replied, bringing her hand up to his mouth, kissing each of her fingertips in turn. “And you know, Charms was one of my best subjects in school so I don’t think you’ve got a chance against me, love.”

“I’m sure there’s some sort of countercharm…” Tonks breathed, not stopping him as he brushed his lips across her palm, his tongue swirling against her skin. She squirmed, the rock warm against her bottom and her thighs, the air cool against her bare legs.

Bill looked up at her, his eyes twinkling rakishly. “Uh uh. Resistance is futile. You know it is.”

She giggled as he worked his kisses up her bare arm, goose pimples rising on her flesh. “I’m an Auror, mate. I’m not that easy to defeat.”

“Hmmm…I wasn’t thinking so much of defeating you as winning you over.” Bill rested his head against her shoulder, gazing at her earnestly. “Just give me a chance, love. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Before she could stop him, he’d leaned in, pulling her in close to him, his arms now firmly around her slender waist. Kissing her hard on the mouth. As much as she wanted to protest, to send him away, she couldn’t. It felt good, he felt good and despite her reluctance, she’d wanted him for a very long time.

His kisses were intoxicating, heady and insistent. She didn’t protest as he pushed her back against the spell-warmed stone, molding himself against her, one hand snaking up her thighs and under the thin fabric of her skirt, caressing her through her silky knickers.

Tonks sighed against his lips; he was certainly a fast worker. She draped one leg over his hip, giving him better access, the wool of his kilt rough against her skin as he pushed against her. Reaching around, her hands found his arse, firm and hard as she cupped it, pressing him against her.

“Want you,” Bill murmured. “Want you so much.” He shoved aside the crotch of her panties, brushing his finger tips along the edge of her nether lips, causing her to gasp and tilt her hips up toward him.

“Can’t…” she panted. “N-not here…s’R-rufus’s house…wouldn’t be…”

He let out a groan of frustration, his fingers still probing, stroking her. Tonks could feel his cock twitch, the curve of his erection rubbing against her belly. “Tonks – ‘Dora, please…” he pleaded, his thumb pressing against her throbbing clit, moving in a slow arc around it.

Bill’s teeth grazed her neck, eliciting a moan from her, making it impossible for her to stop herself from arching her back and writhing against him. "Feels so good, so fucking incredible...gods, love, you've got such amazing hands." She'd imagined what those long elegant fingers could do to her more than once in the past, but his abilities were definitely surpassing her imagination.

Tonks whimpered and bit her lower lip, grinding desperately at his touch. She pushed his kilt away, reaching beneath it to feel him, finding soft cotton rather than skin. “I’m disappointed, Weasley,” she whispered. “You’re not a true Scotsman.”

“I’m a gentleman,” he managed out, arching into her touch. “Besides, I wasn’t certain I was going to get lucky tonight.”

“I hope you know the answer to that now?” she said with a laugh. Burrowing her hand beneath the elastic of his hip-skimming briefs, she came into contact with warm, smooth skin and coarse curls. She wrapped her hand around the shaft, running the pad of her thumb over the head of his cock, smearing pre-cum on her hand as she did.

Bill claimed her mouth with his again, his tongue thrusting in between her parted lips, kissing her so hard she thought he would draw blood. He drove two fingers deep inside her, his thumb still working her clit faster and harder than before.

“Bill, Bill…” she moaned between intense kisses, her hips rocking in time to his relentless assault which threatened to send her over the edge – and soon. Gripping his rock-hard cock, she did her best to keep up the same pounding rhythm as she stroked him, eager to hear him hiss and groan with pleasure in response

She thrashed against him, clenching around his fingers, rubbing against his hand like a wild thing. Her arousal only seemed to send Bill closer to orgasm himself, now thrusting into her hand so hard she thought he might rub himself raw. “Don't stop, for Merlin's sake, don't stop…,” he pleaded. "I'm so close...so fucking close..."

“N-not gonna…” Tonks gasped. “Can’t…wanna come…”

“Good girl.” Bill whispered in her ear breathily, giving her lobe a quick nip. “Come for me, sweetheart. Let me make you feel good…”

His words were enough to send her to the very edge, the climax tearing through her, causing every nerve to explode. She flung her head back, keening his name, wave after wave of pleasure washing over her. Her fingers tightened around his cock in a stranglehold, barely aware of how ragged his breathing was growing or his hand closing around hers, clutching her as he thrust harder and harder. Finally he let out a strangled cry, spilling into her hand in a hot, intense rush.

Tonks felt a swell of pride as she realized Bill was coming too, kissing him and petting him with her free hand until he relaxed, then stilled next to her. He withdrew his hand, grabbing his wand to cast a few wordless tidying charms, before wrapping his arms around her, burrowing his fingers in her now-mussed hair.

“Blimey, you’re incredible…” she found herself murmuring, winding her arms around his neck, playing with a stray lock of his hair which had escaped from his plait.

They exchanged lazy kisses, just holding one another. Finally, Bill spoke up. “You know, I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time. I just hadn’t planned to do it in the middle of Rufus Scrimgeour’s garden.” He chuckled, then pressed his lips against her temple.

“Well, next time, you’ll have to find some place a bit more comfortable…with a proper bed.”

Bill gave her a firm squeeze and grinned. “So, there’s going to be a next time then?”

“Do you think I just let blokes do that to me as some sort of party trick?” Tonks tried to sound annoyed but it was too difficult, not when he was holding her and caressing her and kissing her the way he was.

“Nah. Just me.” Bill kissed her again, tightening his embrace just a little. “Of course, it was one hell of a party trick. Bet old Rufus hadn’t planned on fireworks as part of the entertainment.”

“Neither had I.”

“Uh huh.” He sounded skeptical, idly twisting one of her curls around his finger. “That’s why you showed up in such a tiny little costume, looking so alluring. You knew I couldn’t resist you.”

“I didn’t although I’d hoped…” Tonks mused, tracing along the line of his jaw with her finger. “Well, I’m glad my nefarious plans worked. You couldn’t have been that certain about me, otherwise you’d have gone commando under that kilt.”

“Oh, I dunno. I think I wanted to give you the opportunity to charm the pants off me. Literally.” He flashed her a cocky grin.

“Well, I think I succeeded, don’t you?”

“I’ll say.”

“Then hand ‘em over, mate. I don’t think you’ll be needing them anymore tonight.”

“Oh?” Even in the half-light of the garden lanterns, she could see he was blushing.

“Yeah. We’ve got a long night ahead of us,” she teased. Then, feeling a bit shy, she looked down. “At least…I hope we do.”

“We do,” Bill said resolutely, letting go of her long enough to strip off his skimpy black briefs. “And tomorrow night.” He got to his feet, helping her up and kissed her gently. “And the night after that.” He kissed her again, pushing his folded underpants into her hands. “And the night after that. And next week. And the week after that and…” He kissed her passionately, leaving her breathless as he finally pulled away. “We’ll see what the future holds but I’m hoping it’ll be for a very long time.”

Tonks grinned and tucked his pants into the pocket of her chiton. Slipping an arm around his waist, she leaned against him, not caring how disheveled they probably both looked or what the people from the Ministry might say. “Ready to go back to the party?”

Bill nodded, then reached up to smooth back her hair. “As long as you’re there, love, I’m ready for anything.”

That elicited a smirk from her as she raised her eyebrows, looking at him coyly. “Anything? You’re a very brave man, Bill Weasley. Or very desperate.”

“I think I’ll claim the bravery,” He chuckled and started to lead her back towards the house. “C’mon, the sooner we get back to the party, the sooner we can leave. As you said, we’ve got a long night ahead of us, sweetheart.”

The thought sent a shiver of delight up her spine. She snuggled closer to him, resting her cheek against his shoulder as they walked back in the direction of the light and the warmth of the party, and the promise of something infinitely sweeter between them.
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