Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: The Love of Family (Draco/Scorpius) 
5th December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]elfflame
From: [info]celandineb

Title: The Love of Family
Characters: Scorpius, Albus Severus, Draco, plus brief appearances by various other Malfoys, Percy and Audrey Weasley, and OCs; Draco/Scorpius
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: disguise and first time, incest
Other Warnings/Content: masturbation, cross-gen, dirty talk, sex toys, infidelity (consensual)
Word Count: 14,700
Summary: Scorpius enlists Al's help to seduce the illicit object of his affection.
Author's Notes: This story became rather longer and plottier than expected. Hope that you enjoy it anyway!

He had a lot to think about over the following two days before his parents' party. He turned over in his head Al's suggestion about letting the Polyjuice wear off while he was with his father, but concluded that the timing would be too tricky. He wouldn't want to go through the transformation while they were actually having sex, Merlin knew, only afterward. Which brought up the related question of just what kind of sex, exactly, was he hoping for?

As host, his father was unlikely to be willing to be absent from the party for longer than fifteen, perhaps twenty minutes at the outside. That rather limited the possibilities. Whatever they did, it would have to be short and the point. Scorpius loved the thought of having his father's cock inside him, or his father's mouth on his prick, but he would settle for a hand job if that was all he could get. He decided, though, to be prepared with the best lube‑and‑stretch spell that he knew, to facilitate matters. Or—he gave a delighted shiver of excitement at the thought—it was possible that his father would want Scorpius to be the one topping. When his thoughts reached that point, he had to stop and have a wank, because he couldn't very well have dinner with his grandparents if his prick was too stiff to let him walk normally.

The relief it brought him was short‑lived. At dinner his father mentioned casually that he expected Scorpius to be present at the party the following evening.

"Since it will be here, in our own home, I think it would be a good idea for you to be there and be introduced to some of the family friends who may only remember you as a child," said Draco.

Scorpius was horrified. How could he possibly manage his planned seduction wearing Algie's body, if he had to be visibly present in his own? Wild ideas about convincing Al to pose as himself flitted through his mind. He did still have some unfinished Polyjuice, and could use one of his own hairs to complete it.

Luckily his mother rescued him once again.

"Even at home, he'll be bored, Draco," she pointed out. "Besides..." She gave a meaningful nod.

Scorpius had no idea what she might be referring to. Nor, it seemed, did his grandparents, which was probably the point. His father evidently understood.

"A compromise? How about if Scorpius attends the party for, say, the first hour? Then he can go off to his room or whatever he likes," said Draco.

"That's all right with me," Scorpius said, with relief, and the conversation turned to the expected guests and reminiscences of previous years.

On the next, after careful consideration, Scorpius decided that it would be best if he wanked late in the afternoon. That would take the edge off his anticipation, and he hoped give him better control if he was successful when the time came. It was far enough ahead, however, that he was certain he would have no trouble becoming aroused again later.

Accordingly, he locked himself into his room at four-thirty and pulled out the smaller of the two plugs he'd bought at Wilde's. Then he reconsidered. Although he hadn't been noticeably sore after his previous time using the plug, he didn't want to risk overdoing it today, not when he hoped to have an actual prick in his arse tonight. With only a twinge of regret he replaced it, keeping out only the lube.

Scorpius stripped down and spread himself out on his bed. He stroked his hands over his chest, pretending that it was his father touching him instead. Glancing caresses to his thighs and prick soon had him hard. The lube slicked his cock with delightful slipperiness, making Scorpius hum in pleasure as he jerked himself with quick short strokes. He made a circle of his thumb and forefinger and fucked that; it was nothing like the real thing would be, of course, but the closest he could manage.

Imagination provided enough stimulation to overcome any deficiencies in reality. Scorpius came hard, hips jerking, a groan tearing from his throat. He lay trembling with the aftershock for long moments before he rose. He made sure to cast a thorough cleaning spell and put the lube away again. It was just possible that someone might take a look at his room that night. Normally he would have left everything to the house‑elves, but they were all so busy preparing the house for the party that he wasn't sure whether any of them would check his room before the event.

He bathed then, and pulled on his formal green dress robes.

It was still hours before the party was to begin, but the experience of previous years had taught Scorpius that if he was hungry the practical course was to go directly to the kitchen and request a sandwich, or even make his own. He was careful not to spill anything. It probably would have been wiser to wear ordinary clothes until just before the party, but he was already going to have to change to the scarlet robes that suited Algie's body after taking the Polyjuice, and he didn't fancy putting on one set of dress robes for just an hour before shifting to the other.

Hunger assuaged, he wandered back to the living room in time to see a post owl arrive for his father. Draco read the note and said, half to himself, "Nigel's unwell and won't be coming tonight."

Scorpius wanted to assure him flirtatiously that this didn't mean Draco would not be coming, but remembered in time that he was not yet in disguise.

"I see you're ready. Good. You can go over to your grandparents' wing now if you like," said Draco in a distracted tone.

"I have to be there for an hour from when the party officially begins, right?" Scorpius asked. At his father's nod, he said, "I'll wait. It'll be dull enough when people are there, and worse to hang about with just Grandmother and Grandfather."

"Now, you know they enjoy spending time with you," said his father.

Scorpius shrugged. "Grandmother is probably still having Mittsy do her hair or else and getting dressed, just as Mother is."

"Wait, then. Read your book or whatever you'd like." Draco himself stood and looked out the window, his profile highlighted by the flickering light thrown by the fire and the candles. Rather than reading, Scorpius surreptitiously watched him, and felt the familiar yearning. Tonight, he promised himself, that desire would be fulfilled.

A few minutes before eight, Scorpius's mother appeared in a swirl of silk and diamonds and expensive perfume. "This is the unfortunate thing about being hosts," she complained, "that one has to be on time rather than fashionably late. I'm sure Binny didn't finish my hair properly."

"It looks lovely, as do you," Draco assured her, bowing with a flourish and kissing her hand. "Scorpius and I are both ready. Shall we go?"

The three of them together walked down the hallway to the senior Malfoys' rooms, arriving to mutual admiration between the two women as to the perfection of their gowns and more formal greetings between the men. Scorpius accepted the compliment of his grandmother on his own appearance and stoically resolved to make the best of the hour he was forced to be here in his own person. He would eat some of the appetizers at any rate, which looked even better than those at the Averys'. The smell of them made his stomach growl despite his earlier sandwich.

After just a couple of canapés, though, Scorpius discovered he could eat no more; he was too tense with anticipation to swallow. Moreover, the guests began to arrive and he had to stand obediently in line after his grandparents and parents to greet them. He was amused when wizards with whom he had flirted at the previous parties came in, some of them with wives on their arms, but he didn't permit himself to show it. He merely shook or bowed over hands and murmured platitudes.

At last his mother told him he could go, and take a plate of goodies upstairs with him if he liked, since the house‑elves would be too busy with the party to attend to him. Scorpius did, not wanting to arouse any parental suspicious, although he was certain he wouldn't eat them.

Once safely in his room, he set the plate aside and brought out the flask of Polyjuice. Guests were still trickling in, and he didn't want Sebastian to be conspicuously late. The stuff tasted as nasty as ever. Scorpius considered his tactics. He probably would not have a chance to make a move on his father immediately; he had better plan to take another sip of potion just before trying to talk with Draco. Putting on the clean scarlet robes, he tucked the flask into a pocket, smoothed his hair in the mirror, and as a final touch Disillusioned himself. It would never do if, in this body, he were seen wandering about Malfoy Manor unaccompanied.

Scorpius hid behind the enormous Christmas tree in the front hall and waited for a moment when no one was arriving to un‑Disillusion himself. Then, bold as brass, he went in to the party to be welcomed by his family. There was an awkward moment when his grandfather started to ask him who he was, but his father leaned over and greeted him by name, effectively telling Lucius that Sebastian was an invited guest. Scorpius gave his father a grateful smile, and tried to put a flirtatious sparkle in his eye.

"I couldn't stay away," he murmured. "I hope you don't mind my turning up like this."

"Not at all." Draco's smile in return was knowing. "I am flattered. I shall see you later."

Scorpius nodded and moved on.

He was more comfortable here than at either of the previous two parties. Partly it was that he now knew what they were like, and was less nervous about his ability to maintain his disguise and his false accent, and partly because this time it was his own house and everything was familiar. As before, he did his best to circulate and mingle, flirting a little bit now and again, aware that his father was probably watching. After an hour and his next dose of Polyjuice, Scorpius sought Draco out.

"Thank you again for not showing me up as a gate crasher."

"You're welcome." Draco tilted his head and regarded Scorpius with hooded eyes. "Tell me, though, were you a legitimate guest at the Zabinis' and the Averys'?"

"I was invited, yes," Scorpius answered honestly. It was true, he had been—as his parents' son. Not as Sebastian Marbot.

"Ah." His father seemed slightly disappointed.

"Although had I known ahead of time that you would be there, I would have attended regardless of whether I was invited or not," said Scorpius.

"Would you have?" Draco took a step closer, so that their bodies were almost touching. Scorpius could smell the scent his father always used.

"Oh yes." Feeling greatly daring, Scorpius touched his father's hand,.

Draco's fingers closed around his wrist. "I do believe you're telling the truth, not just trying to flatter me."

Scorpius used his father's grip on him to pull Draco in return, making him lean so that Scorpius could whisper in his ear, "Of course I am. I told you, I'm here just for you, nothing else." His cock was stone hard against his stomach already from sheer proximity to his father. Draco's lips parted as if to kiss him, but his father evidently thought better of that, surrounded as they were by other people, here in Malfoy Manor.

"You see that door?" Draco nodded toward it, a door that Scorpius knew led into his grandfather's library. "Slip through there, then out the other door of that room into the hallway. I'll meet you there in three minutes."

Stiff‑legged, Scorpius made his way across the room and out without attracting any notice. He pressed the heel of his hand against his erection through his robes, willing himself to keep control, before continuing as directed into the hallway.

His father was already there. He led Scorpius quickly upstairs to the room that Scorpius knew had been Draco's in childhood. Well, that was appropriate in its own way, he supposed, and certainly better here than in his grandparents' rooms, or on a sofa or some such.

As his father shut the door and turned to him, Scorpius told himself firmly to stop trembling. This was, after all, what he had wanted, what he had planned and worked months for. Then his father touched him and coherent thought fled.

His father's hand cupped around his chin, tilting it up so that their lips met in a lingering kiss. In his own body Scorpius was as tall as Draco, but wearing Algie's he was several inches shorter. He found it an agreeable sensation to be smaller than his partner, giving him a feeling of being cherished. His father's tongue darted into his mouth, exploring, prodding him to do likewise. He made a sound in the back of his throat and Draco broke away.

"We haven't much time."

"I know," said Scorpius. He sank to his knees and reached for his father's robes. It might seem over-forward or impatient, but they both wanted this, so there was no point in playing games when minutes were precious.

Draco helped by undoing the top buttons as Scorpius worked on those lower down, until his robes were open all down the front and Scorpius could nuzzle at his father's prick. It jutted out from a nest of crisp fair curls, stiff and flushed with blood, a bead of moisture forming at the tip. Scorpius heard his father exhale as he took it into his mouth, and Draco adjusted his stance a little wider, his hands threading into Scorpius's hair.

He took in all he could and more, choking slightly when the head hit the back of his throat. Backing off a little, he used his fingers to massage the base while he sucked and licked. His father seemed to enjoy it, caressing Scorpius's head as he worked, and giving the occasional soft grunt.

"Up, Sebastian," murmured Draco after several minutes. "Delightful though that is, I've had my eye on your arse since we met, and I don't want to miss my chance."

Scorpius gave one last lick to Draco's dripping cock and sat back on his heels, murmuring the stretching charm that he'd practised. He stood up and crossed to the bed, hiking his own robes up to his waist and bending over the edge of the mattress to brace his forearms on it, looking back over his shoulder with a flirtatious smile. "I'm ready for you."

Draco probed his hole briefly with a finger. Then Scorpius felt ahead of his father's cock breach him.

"Oh, Merlin, you're tight," Draco murmured. "So lovely."

Scorpius gasped. Despite having tried out the plugs, he was unprepared for how overwhelming it was to have a real live cock—his father's cock—penetrating him fully for the first time. It burned, but there was pleasure too, and the knowledge that it was his father taking him like this made the pleasure outweigh anything else. Scorpius rocked back to meet each thrust, disregarding the discomfort, focused on the fact that he was going to bring his father to a climax.

Draco's left hand was on Scorpius's hip, and his right reached around to manipulate Scorpius's prick. Skilled fingers stroked and tugged, coaxing Scorpius up to ecstasy.

"Come on, then, come for me." A delicate twist of Draco's thumb, and Scorpius did, eyes squeezed shut, mouth opening in a silent O as he wetted his father's fingers with his release.

Draco still thrusting into him. A few last deep strokes, and he too achieved his climax. When he pulled back, Scorpius could feel that a trickle of semen followed, tickling its way down over his perineum and bollocks.

Slowly he stood up, his robes falling to cover the lower half of his body once again, and looked a little shyly at his father. He was unsure what to do now. Did grown men kiss, at the end of an encounter like this? Did they speak? If so, what did they say?

Draco pulled out his wand and cast a cleaning charm, first on himself and then on Scorpius, before refastening his robes. "I had best get back," he said, and crossed over to the door, where he paused with his hand on the handle and turned. "Owl me."

"It'll be my pleasure," said Scorpius to his father's retreating back.

That was a complication that neither he nor Al had thought of. There was no such person as Sebastian Marbot, so if Draco tried to owl him, he would be unsuccessful. And how was Scorpius going to manage things if his father wanted, as this seemed to imply, more than a single encounter?

Oh, well, he would sort that out tomorrow. Maybe Al would have some ideas. For now he would simply go back to his room and let the Polyjuice wear off.

Unfortunately Al had no clever ideas about how to permit communication between Scorpius and the object of his desire, none that were feasible without giving up his disguise or at least letting it be known that he was in disguise. If he really were Sebastian, Draco could reasonably expect to get in touch either via owl post or Floo call. Al suggested that Scorpius could borrow Al's aunt Hermione's Proteus charm and use it on a pair of linked objects that Scorpius and Draco could use to communicate privately, but Scorpius was sure that his father would be suspicious about the need to use such a method of communication. Even more than twenty years after the downfall of Voldemort, both Draco and his parents were wary of doing anything that might again bring the family under suspicion.

Not that Scorpius could explain all that to Al, not without saying just who it was he'd seduced. He did point out that the idea didn't cope with the problem of getting in contact again to set up the charmed objects in the first place.

Al said in frustration, "Well, then, you'll either have to owl this bloke to tell him you can't see him again, or else you'll have to confess that you're in disguise, whether or not you go further and tell him your real identity."

"I suppose I can tell him I'm using Polyjuice," Scorpius finally decided. "I could still claim my false identity as Sebastian... or no, I couldn't, because there'd still be the problem of post owls not finding someone who doesn't really exist. Bugger." He really wanted to repeat last night's experience, now that his father's request made it seem possible.. "I suppose I could owl him and suggest a time and place to meet, say that he needn't reply, and hope for the best."

"Whoever he is, he must have been quite something." Al's voice was a little wistful, despite the fact that Scorpius knew he was very happy with Mari and wasn't interested in men anyhow.

"He is," agreed Scorpius, ignoring Al's hint to identify his partner. "Want to help me write this note? I'll use a public post owl to send it later this afternoon; I have a little more Christmas shopping I have to do in Diagon Alley anyhow."

"No, I'd better be going home. I told Mari I'd have tea at her house and meet her parents," said Al.

"Must be serious, then."

"I suppose, yeah, it is," said Al. "Not like we're engaged or anything yet though. This is more like a holiday tea anyhow, I think, with a lot of her relatives and her parents' friends there. Sort of like your parents' party last night, only not so formal."

"Hopefully less boring, too," said Scorpius.

Alone again, he drafted and discarded several versions of a note before finally writing simply:

Dear Draco, [and how odd it felt to address his father that way!]

Thank you for being so welcoming of me last night.

I should very much like to see you again. I will be at the Leaky Cauldron on Saturday afternoon, at three. I hope to see you there. No reply is necessary.


Scorpius sealed the note and put it in his pocket. He went downstairs to tell his mother that he was off to do some last holiday shopping.

"How was the rest of the party?" he asked.

"It went off very well." She arched her back in a stretch and patted back a yawn with delicate fingers. "I had delightful encounters with a number of people, and so did your father, I believe."

"Good," muttered Scorpius, not wanting to hear further details. "I'll see you later."

He hurried out of the room and Apparated into Diagon Alley. First he sent off his letter. Then he made his way slowly along the street, stopping to peer into various shop windows. He looked longingly at the Meteor 1200 in the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies, hoping that his parents would guess that he would love it as a Christmas present. His father flew for fun and exercise most weekends; perhaps a pair of dragon-hide riding gloves or a warm scarf in Slytherin colours would make a good Christmas gift for him? For his mother Scorpius had already found a gift set of bath salts and oils and he wasn't sure what all else, except that everything was scented with jasmine and to do with bathing somehow.

With the gloves and another small item or two purchased, Scorpius went to the ice cream parlour to indulge himself. The owner, Florean Fortescue, was a twitchingly nervous elderly man, but his ice cream was delicious. Scorpius alternated bites of it with sips of hot cocoa; the combination made his mouth tingle pleasantly. He licked his lips and thought about how he'd sucked his father off the night before, and how much he wanted to do it again.

The wait until Saturday seemed interminable, but at last it arrived.

Scorpius was Polyjuiced and at the Leaky Cauldron thirty minutes early, having dashed into Madam Malkin's and acquired an outfit for his borrowed body that was less formal than the dress robes. After some thought, he had decided to secure one of the upstairs rooms; he had ample saved from his pocket money, even after buying all those clothes and Christmas presents, and that would ensure that they had somewhere discreet to go. When he went up to take a quick look at it, the room was clean enough if otherwise shabby. Scorpius didn't care. That wasn't what he needed it for. He took another sip of Polyjuice, put the key into his pocket, and went back down to wait.

His father was nearly fifteen minutes late. Scorpius had begun to think he wasn't going to turn up at all when Draco took the chair opposite him.

"Hello, Sebastian."

Scorpius's heart beat faster. "Hello, Mr. Malfoy. It's good to see you again," he made himself say calmly. "I wasn't sure if you would make it."

If he'd been hoping for an apology or even a word of explanation, he was disappointed. Draco raised his hand, and immediately the barman was there.

"Yes, sir?"

"Vodka tonic," Draco told him, and said nothing else until he had his drink. "You intrigue me," he said then.


"You're a difficult man to track down."

His father's gray eyes revealed nothing. Had Draco tried to owl him? Or find out more about the nonexistent Sebastian Marbot? Scorpius felt a moment of panic. "Oh, surely not," he said, his tone as bantering as he could make it. "Here I am, right in front of you."

Draco barely smiled. "True enough, I suppose." He sipped at his drink. "My family has its share of ill‑wishers, you understand. I have to be careful."

"I understand," said Scorpius, relieved. "Very prudent of you." Carefully, so as not to kick his father by accident, he drew the top of his foot along Draco's calf. "But I'm glad that you don't feel it necessary to be so cautious as not to come today."

"Oh, I never had any intention of not coming," his father said with a little twist to his lips.

"Excellent." Scorpius kept his voice low. "I wasn't sure what you might want to do, so I have a room upstairs."

"Very forward‑thinking of you," said Draco with approval. "No hurry, is there?"

"No, of course not," said Scorpius, a statement which was not entirely true. He would have to keep an eye on the time, to make sure he took his next dose of Polyjuice before the present one wore off, and if he got home later than half past six or so he might be in trouble, but those hazards were trifling compared to this opportunity.

"Good." Draco settled back into his chair. He had thrown his fine wool coat over its back, and now he absently picked up his leather gloves, smoothed them out, and laid them down again along the edge of the table. The bones of his face caught the light, creating the illusion of hollowness in his cheeks, a look that enhanced his aristocratic appearance, in Scorpius's view at any rate. He had always been proud of his father's looks and bearing, so well‑suited to his position, and now he felt an even greater glow at the thought that it was himself whose company Draco was enjoying.

Draco began to speak, telling Scorpius about himself, most of it information that Scorpius already knew. That meant that he didn't have to pay terribly close attention, but could nod and smile and interject the occasional encouraging murmur. Gradually he became aware of an undercurrent in what his father was saying, not so much the meaning as the tone. Had he not known his father as well as he did, he would not have noticed it; as it was, it was only with great surprise that he realised that Draco was nervous. Why? He had had more lovers than Scorpius could count, so certainly this type of situation could not be unfamiliar. It was fairly public, true, but the two of them had been seen talking together at several different parties this past week, and they could quite easily have run into each other while shopping and decided to stop for a drink and a chat. Perhaps he was reading his father wrong, and it was not nervousness but something else entirely.

It was nearly time to take the Polyjuice again. Scorpius excused himself to the men's loo, and asked if he could get his father another drink on the way back to the table. That would allow him to get something non-alcoholic for himself without comment.

"Another of these, if you would," said Draco.

When Scorpius brought the drinks back to the table, his father reached out and laid his fingers against Scorpius's wrist. They were somehow warm and cool at once, and Scorpius felt a shiver run all through him. Hastily he took a sip of his hot spiced cider.

"Now. Tell me about yourself, Sebastian."

Scorpius was grateful for all the time he had spent practising both his Canadian accent and the story he had concocted for his false identity. Draco drew him out, question by question, his gray eyes intent on Scorpius. He still retained a loose grip on Scorpius's wrist, one finger resting against the pulse point as if to gauge the level of Scorpius's excitement.

He was excited. The touch, the intimacy of their conversation, this sheer knowledge of the taboo he was breaking for a second time, all conspired to bring Scorpius to a fever pitch of arousal by the time that Draco said, "I believe you indicated you have a room?"

"Yes." Scorpius swallowed. "Number eight."

"You go up. I'll be along in a few minutes."

That made sense. His father would want to be discreet in such a public place. Scorpius went up the narrow stairs alone. He took advantage of the opportunity to take another dose of Polyjuice. There was only one straight wooden chair in the room, and nothing else to sit on except the bed. When his father arrived, Scorpius hovered uncertainly in the middle of the room; he had taken off his shoes but nothing else.

"Let me," Draco murmured.

He took his time removing Scorpius's clothing, stroking his skin as it was exposed, walking around him when he was naked and giving an extra caress to his buttocks. Scorpius whimpered, resisting the urge to grab his achingly hard cock and bring himself off at once.

"You are lovely, aren't you?" Draco's hands parted his cheeks gently. "I didn't get to see you properly last time, you know."

"You're seeing all you want now, I hope?" Scorpius gasped as his father's finger rubbed a circle around his arsehole. He heard Draco mutter something. It must have been a lubricating charm rather than a reply, because suddenly his arse felt slick and Draco's finger slipped inside him. "Oh!"

"Like that, don't you?" Draco's voice held a note of amusement. "So do I." He pulled his finger away and stepped around to where Scorpius could see him. "But I suspect that in your present state, you wouldn't last five strokes if I asked you to fuck me, would you?"

Scorpius didn't dare lie, lest his father call him on it and he fail. He shook his head miserably.

"That's all right." To his surprise, Draco chuckled. "I was young once myself. But if you came now, you'd be ready again in twenty or thirty minutes, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," Scorpius promised, assuming that his borrowed body would respond as quickly as he knew his own could.

"Then let's help you along. Come over here to the bed. I want to watch you touch yourself, make yourself come for me."

"Will you undress while I do it, so that I can see you, sir?" The "sir" just popped out, but Draco seemed unsurprised.

"If you like." He didn't show off or turn his disrobing into anything like a striptease, but removed each item of clothing in a matter-of-fact manner as Scorpius watched, dry‑mouthed. He had not had a very good look the previous time, being then focused on sucking his father's prick, but now he saw that for a man of his age, Draco was in excellent physical condition. His long fair hair spilled over his shoulders. His chest was covered in equally pale springy curls, matched by those at his groin. In between, his stomach was flat and firm, and his arms and legs well‑muscled. Altogether he was a feast for Scorpius's eyes.

"Touch yourself," Draco reminded him.

With a start, Scorpius wrapped his right hand around his cock, pumping it with steady strokes. As Draco had known, he was already so aroused that it was scarcely a minute before the friction caused the heat inside him to boil up, ropy strands of spunk spurting from his cock and splattering onto the floor between himself and his father.

"That's right, oh yes, lovely," crooned his father. When Scorpius's orgasm had finished he embraced him, pressing their bodies together so that Draco's firm erection nudged Scorpius's flagging one.

They tumbled down onto the bed, which creaked loudly. Draco scowled.

"That won't do." He reached a long arm to pluck his wand from his discarded clothing, and cast a silencing charm on the bed, then as an afterthought on the room at large.

Scorpius smiled at the look of satisfaction on his father's face as Draco turned back to him and began to kiss him with deliberate sensuousness, his hand exploring Scorpius's body meanwhile. Scorpius let his eyes fall closed and kissed back. They were not rushed now, and Draco was far more skilled than any of the handful of boys Scorpius had kissed at school. He gave himself up to it, head tipping back as Draco kissed down his throat to the hollow of his neck, then further, lapping at each nipple in turn. When Draco blew out a breath over the wet skin, Scorpius felt them draw up into crinkled points, his cock stirring in response again too. Draco brushed his stomach briefly, then lay on his back, clearly inviting Scorpius to explore his body likewise.

Without hesitation Scorpius did so. The scent of his father's skin as he nuzzled over Draco's chest, even daring to lap at the tender and ticklish spots under his arms, brought back Scorpius's memories of childhood, when he had occasionally been held on Draco's lap and snuggled close against him. He wished for a moment that he were in his own body, that Draco had smelled Scorpius's own scent, but he reminded himself that if that were the case, none of this would be happening at all. He pushed away the regret by concentrating on kissing and licking and even nipping at Draco's body, lavishing extra attention on any spot where Draco seemed to be particularly sensitive. Draco allowed him to do whatever he chose, watching him the whole time, yet Scorpius felt neither patronised nor judged; the look Draco was giving him was one of warm appreciation, and the murmurs he made were of pleasure.

On his journey around his father's body, Scorpius ignored Draco's prick until the very end. When at last he reached it, like a bee circling a flower and finally diving for the tempting center, the taste was just as he remembered: musky, with a hint of bitterness from the pre‑come oozing from the slit, but most of all distinctly and uniquely Draco. He sighed in satisfaction and began seriously to suck his father off.

As before, however, Draco did not allow Scorpius to bring him to orgasm that way.


It took several seconds for Scorpius to respond, less because of the unfamiliarity of his false name and more because he didn't want to relinquish Draco's cock from his mouth.

"Sebastian. Enough now. Ride me."


"Ride me," Draco repeated. "Get that lovely tight arse of yours around my cock and ride me."

Scorpius scrambled to obey. His arsehole was still slick from the lubrication Draco had applied earlier, but it took a good deal of effort for Scorpius to relax enough to open up to Draco's prick. He winced as he settled down, kneeling with one knee to either side of his father's body. He flexed his legs to raise himself up an inch or two, and sank back again.

"Like this? Do you like this?"

"I do indeed, Sebastian, I do indeed. You've a lovely tight arse, as I said; yes, like that," he added as Scorpius shifted slightly to allow Draco's prick to penetrate him more deeply still. He leaned forward a fraction, and twisted, and—there, yes, that was the angle that made it all feel so good. He caught his breath and began to ride Draco in earnest, watching his father's face just as Draco had watched him.

There was a sheen of sweat across Draco's flushed skin, and his breath had speeded up. Scorpius caught a glint from one of his father's rings as Draco's hand clutched the bed's coverlet.

"Yes, come on, you feel so good," Scorpius encouraged him, without thinking that the sooner his father came, the sooner this encounter would end. He only knew that more than anything else at that moment he yearned to see his father's expression in orgasm. "Come on, yeah, that's right, fill me!"

Draco's climax was sudden—a parting of the lips, a stiffening of the body, a gasp. The hot cream of his spunk warmed Scorpius's arse, although the quiver of his prick had been lost in Scorpius's own movements.

He watched the flush fade from Draco's face and chest before his father opened his eyes.

"Mmm. Very nice indeed."

"Thank you," said Scorpius awkwardly, not sure what an appropriate response would be.

"I've had you twice now. I think it's time for you to fuck me."

Scorpius had only ever had his cock inside another bloke's arse once, with Damien Queensberry. They had both been so nervous and excited that Scorpius had gotten maybe an inch and a half in when Damien screeched and Scorpius came. So really, he wasn't sure it counted.

His father was watching him, waiting for a response.

"Er. Wh‑what position would you like?" stammered Scorpius, just barely remembering to put on his Canadian accent.

"Like this." Draco rolled over, mostly onto his back but a little to his right, and lifted his left knee, grabbing onto it with his hand to hold it up.

Inwardly Scorpius rejoiced. Even if he was in disguise, he liked the idea that his father would watch him come with his prick buried in his father's arse. He wriggled down and positioned himself.


"Of course." Draco's eyes closed as Scorpius pushed slowly inside, then fluttered open again. "That's good. Now move!"

Scorpius didn't, not right away, needing to hold still to regain control. When his father repeated, "Move, damn it!" he finally did, slowly to begin with, but soon picking up the pace. His father's arse was tight and hot around his prick, slippery with lube, and nothing Scorpius had experienced in his life had ever felt quite so good as this. He made a fist of his left hand, fingernails cutting into his palm, to distract himself enough to keep from coming.

"Mm, yeah baby, pound into me," Draco commanded. "Fill me, fuck me, oh yeah, come on, yeah..."

He kept murmuring a stream of filthy encouragement—Scorpius would never have guessed that his father would be so vocal during sex, but Scorpius mostly tuned out the sound, focusing instead on watching his father's face and feeling his father's touch.

"Now, come on baby, come for me, that's right," and Draco squeezed his arse around Scorpius's cock.

That was it; Scorpius came with a strangled cry, his spunk shooting deep into his father's body.

He collapsed into his father's embrace, his ragged breathing slowing as Draco held him and stroked his back.

"Now," said Draco, "do you care to tell me who you really are?"

Frightened, Scorpius tried to pull away, but Draco's arms held him tightly. "What do you mean?" he tried to bluff.

"Polyjuice. Don't lie to me; I know that's what you've been using. My father is justly suspicious of all strangers, and the family home bristles with various spells and devices to identify anyone who is not what he seems to be."

Scorpius kept quiet, his mind racing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He should have known that his father would realise he wasn't really Sebastian Marbot from Winnipeg, sooner or later. If he could just get Draco to turn him loose, he could Apparate out of here. He didn't dare try it with Draco touching him, though; he might easily make a mistake and bring Draco along with him. Shit.

"You might as well tell me," Draco's voice was patient. "Your hour must be nearly up by now. All I need to do is wait, and I'll find out regardless."

"Promise you won't tell." Scorpius's voice cracked. He was sure that he couldn't get his father to agree to more than one condition, and he would prefer secrecy to a promise of no anger. "You're not going to like the answer, but promise you won't tell."

Holding Scorpius's shoulders, Draco pushed him to arms' length and studied him carefully. "All right," he agreed. "Now. For the last time, who are you?"

"I..." Scorpius's throat closed. He swallowed hard and said, "I'm Scorpius. Your son."

Draco's eyebrows rose, but he showed no other visible reaction, only renewed his grip on Scorpius's arm and said, "We'll see."

The next few minutes passed in silence. Twice Scorpius started to say something, but he couldn't find the right words. All of the vaunted cleverness of Ravenclaw appeared to have deserted him in this crisis.

Even as the Polyjuice began to wear off and Scorpius writhed with the pain of his flesh reshaping itself, Draco did not let go. At last Scorpius lay there in his own body, but his father merely looked at him, expressionless.

"I... I wanted you, you've no idea how much, but I knew that even if I weren't your son, I'm not the sort of bloke you fancy," Scorpius tried to explain.

"No one put you up to this?" The words were deathly quiet.

"No!" Scorpius struggled to sit up, glaring with indignation. "It was my own idea, all of it. Well, Al helped me plan, but he had no idea who it was that I was after, I swear to god."

"On your honour as a Malfoy?"

"On my honour as a Malfoy," said Scorpius. "Please, Father."

Draco flinched. "I was your first?"

"Yes," Scorpius admitted. "I've known I was gay for over two years now, but at school—well, you went to Hogwarts. It hasn't changed that much since you were there."

Draco let out a long sigh. "I feel as though I should have known, somehow."

"What, that I was gay, or that it was me tonight?"

"Both, I suppose." Draco sighed again. He had let go of Scorpius by now, and reached for his wand almost absently to cast cleaning charms.

"You see, when I was about your age..." He chewed his lower lip for a second, glancing sideways at Scorpius. "I felt very much the same way about my father, only I never managed to act on those feelings successfully the way you have."

"What?" Scorpius's mouth fell open. He closed it, thinking furiously. That meant that his father...

Draco had continued speaking. "After a while, I refused to acknowledge how I felt even to myself any longer. I wouldn't permit myself be attracted to men who resembled him in any way, lest anyone guess my secret."

Scorpius breathed faster. "Father."

His father was silent. Scorpius moved nearer, inch by inch, until with trepidation he brushed Draco's lips with his own.

A moment's hesitation and Draco was kissing him back, hungrily, with even greater insistence than when he had thought Scorpius was Sebastian. No one else could ever know, Scorpius knew that, but it was all right. This was what was meant to be, for them both.

The next day he wrote a quick note.

Dear Al,

Thanks for all of your help and advice in my little matter. Having succeeded in my aims twice, I have decided that Sebastian will now make a graceful exit. He served his purpose, and it's time to move on.

If we don't meet up again over the holidays, I'll see you on the Hogwarts Express. Happy Christmas!


He sealed the letter and gave it to the family owl. Al would get it later that day. In the meantime, Scorpius went downstairs. The Christmas season was a time to spend with family.

Back to Part 1
5th December 2010 18:37
YES! Malfoycest! And done so very WELL, too. I so enjoyed the long and careful set up Scorpius employed - he put so much effort into his con that it just had to pay off :). And I liked the son as the seducer, and that Draco was Totally Into It when he found out. YAY!
10th January 2011 20:55
Hee! For this pairing I just had to do the long set up; I hadn't ever really contemplated them together, so my muse demanded that I figure out how it could happen. *g* Draco laughed at me when I thought he might be weirded out by the situation. He was, but in a good way...
5th December 2010 18:46
Something tells me they're about to have a Christmas holiday neither of them will forget! Such an involved, well-thought-out plot, but then I would expect nothing less from two Ravenclaws. LOVED seeing how vocal Scorpius was, and then having it echoed by his father was doubly hot! Like father, like son, eh? ;)
10th January 2011 20:56
Very much like father, like son - thank you! And who knows, maybe with Scorpius to egg him on, Draco will at last try it on with his own father... *veg*
5th December 2010 20:15
Oh...wow... I think this will probably come off a bit incoherent at the moment, but I'll do my best.

This is wonderful. Scorpius's very careful plotting. The reason Draco knew he was in disguise was perfect. And that he wanted him anyway...

I love the Scorpius you've written here. Not too desperate, not too plotting, but very sweet and determined.

And I like that Draco and Astoria share their conquests--if the conquest is interested. Somehow, I think she's out of luck with this one, though.

Thank you for such an amazing story. It's truly brilliant.
10th January 2011 21:00
You're most welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it - I've written father-son incest before, but not this pairing, and it was a rather different dynamic.

Astoria is definitely out of luck this time. Hee. She'll perhaps console herself with Nigel? But Draco now has something he could never have hoped for... and maybe Scorpius will come up with a scheme to draw Lucius in too, who knows?

Happy Kinky Kristmas, again!
10th January 2011 21:20
You did an excellent job with them. It was wonderful to read, and is making me smile all over again just thinking about it.

I can definitely see Scorpius drawing Lucius into their little secret... :D

I have to say, I had to wonder if somehow you knew who I was--some of the details were very eerily right. It was perfect, and exactly what I needed this year. Thank you so much again. I loved it.
10th January 2011 22:32
Nope, I had absolutely no clue who might have put in that prompt! And it wasn't the sort of thing that usually grabs me, but this time it did and I had such a good time writing this. *g* Must've been a good prompt on your part, eh?
5th December 2010 20:38
Yummy Malfoycest! I love Scorpius's carefully orchestrated plan, helped along by Al. The sex was deliciously hot and I loved Draco's reaction starting from when he told 'Sebastian' he knew he was using Polyjuice all the way through to kissing him again. Great job!
10th January 2011 21:01
Ah, well, two Ravenclaws, what can you expect but well-laid plans? Even if Scorpius didn't quite think of everything that could go wrong. Glad you enjoyed it!
5th December 2010 22:05
This was a very clever concept and brilliantly executed!
10th January 2011 21:02
Thank you so much! *g*
5th December 2010 22:46
Adds to chorus of Malfoycest love. That was clever and hot. Lovely set-up and exploration of all the different relationships. I do hope that Al and Neville never find out...
10th January 2011 21:02
Hee, I'm pretty sure that the Malfoy sense of self-preservation will keep them sufficiently discreet so as to avoid discovery. Thanks so much!
6th December 2010 02:40
Scorpius did his Ravenclaw best, but he was no match for Slytherin paranoia!

Lovely Malfoycest makes for happy holidays!
10th January 2011 21:03
Thank you very much! And yes, Slytherin paranoia has no rivals!
6th December 2010 04:48
Oooh, this was delicious! And I was so pleased that you managed a happy ending. I definitely wasn't expecting it. :-) Nice to see Al and Scorpius's Ravenclaw planning worked like a charm!

I have a sneaking suspicion I know who wrote this, but we'll see. :-)
10th January 2011 21:03
*giggles* The happy ending was the dead giveaway, right? Combined with the inclusion of correspondence?

Glad you enjoyed it, hon!
12th January 2011 01:17
Boo, why is IJ not sending me any notifications? Had to track this comment down myself! >:-(

But yeah, I don't know what the giveaways were -- I think the happy father/son incest reminded me a little of that Remus/Teddy long fic you and [info]emiime wrote ages ago, and also the deliberate nature of Scorpius's plan reminded me a bit of the way you told your K/M HOTM story. :-)
6th December 2010 05:05
Very interesting premise. Loved all the plotting and planning. Great job!
10th January 2011 21:04
A Ravenclaw who's the son of a couple of Slytherins - plotting and planning was inevitable. *g* Thank you!
6th December 2010 05:37
Bravo! ::applauds:: Very well executed! My, Scorpius and Al are both great little Slyther-claws, aren't they?? Although Scorpius seems to have a touch of the Gryffindor courage as well. ;) All the details of the plans and the parties are just fantastic and captivating.

Scorpius would never have guessed that his father would be so vocal during sex.

LOL But Scorpius, all of fandom knows what a pushy, loud bottom your dad is! XD

And hee! I had a feeling that was going to be why Draco kept going for that particular physical type!

Also, YAY, dirty-hot-wrong!sex!
10th January 2011 21:11
Draco is the pushiest, loudest bottom around... although he tops pretty well too. *g*

Glad you enjoyed all the planning and scheming; it did end up a much longer and plottier fic than your classic DD piece of smut, but my muse demanded that I figure out how these two could get together, not just throw them in bed.

Scorpius says to say that there's no such thing as wrong!sex if both all parties are of age and consent, and that his next scheme will involve getting Lucius in there too. Lucius is pretty hot for his age...
6th December 2010 15:20
I love it!

The build up is great, and the pay-off is fantastic.

Love that last line XD
10th January 2011 21:11
*g* Thank you very much!
7th December 2010 03:59
Whoa. I was on the edge of my seat when Draco said that he'd figured out what was going on! What a relief it ended the way it did, if creepy!
10th January 2011 21:12
Heh, well, I tend to go for happy endings - and Scorpius was not averse to that!
8th December 2010 10:39
that was very lovely! i adore malfoycest: usually i'll read lusius/draco but draco/scorpius is also very appealing :)
10th January 2011 21:12
*g* Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
8th December 2010 20:00
Oh, oh! This was GREAT. I enjoyed it very, very, very much. :D Loved scheming Ravenclaw Scorpius (with Al's help) and that Slytherin Draco pretty much outwitted him in the end, having suspected earlier on. I was worried for Scorpius through the second half of the second part, worried about Draco's reaction when he found out, as I suspected he would, and that things might go very wrong. I loved the suspense! And the little nod to Lucius/Draco. ;) Also, the smut was deliciously wrong and hot and this older Draco very sexy, omg yes. :)
10th January 2011 21:13
Hee, older men are sexy indeed! Scorpius had me worried for a while too, but luckily Draco pointed out that he'd always lusted after Lucius, so why would he be bothered that Scorpius lusted after him? *g* Thank you!
9th December 2010 22:36
Nice, nice, nice! I really liked the Al/Scorp friendship here and loved all the plotting they did to get Scorpius with his ideal man. ;) And I loved the reveal at the end of why Draco's outward preferences were so opposite of Scorpius, and that he went for it in the end! I enjoyed this. :D
10th January 2011 21:14
Thank you so much! I considered whether Scorpius and Al might have been more than friends, but Al said very politely that he really preferred girls, so friendship it was. Although he was quite happy to help with the plotting!
10th December 2010 04:44
This was so perfect! I was so afraid of Draco's reaction and then when he said he had fancied *Lucius* and that was why he had deliberately started seeing dark lovers...I was like *squee*! I don't know why but I think Malfoycest is terribly hot. The consensual variety of course. Like this one. Tis was just so perfect. The only thing hotter would have been Lucius plotting and causing trouble! : )

Very well written and so terribly hot. Really loved this. A memory for sure!

10th January 2011 21:16
Many thanks - glad you enjoyed it! I prefer my incest consensual too; especially cross-generational incest, since the power dynamics can get too weird and problematic otherwise.

But goodness, if there'd been Lucius plotting as well, I'd probably still be writing this!
11th December 2010 16:47
Oh wow, this is amazing. I like Malfoycest stories and angsty incest stories in general, etc, but I love that the level of angst about it here was so much lower than usual. Not fluffing over it, but not ruining lives, either. I can't explain it, but the tone is just perfectly balanced on that score. It really worked for me, is what I mean. :) /babbling

I loved Scorpius's seduction plan, and I loved how the thrill he got at seeing his father flirt with another man translated so well to us as readers. Draco would obviously be so much different with his son in the room than he was with peers, and that bit of naughtiness Scorpius feels at becoming part of that other world of Draco's was really nicely done. Not to mention Draco himself (and Astoria, with their open marriage) was HOT AS FUCK. a;lksdjflkasjfd. I loved his cool flirting techniques, finally bending his hot young thing over just off the party, UNF, and the final scene was so smokin'. :)

The resolution was also just perfect. I didn't see it coming, but it fits the rest of the story so well. I love that Draco doesn't blow a gasket over it, but the secrecy component is still so crucial, and Scorpius understands that. UNF! Fabulous all around, myster author!
10th January 2011 21:23
*enormous grin* Yeah, who'd expect low-angst father-son incest from me? (Especially given the very high level of angst Emi and I put into the Remus/Teddy dynamic in "Better the Instruction"...)

This one just... flowed. The prompt jumped out at me and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and shook me like a rat, and I had no choice, although honestly? The ending was rather a surprise to me too. Until I was at the point of writing it I wasn't sure whether Draco would be accepting or freak out. But he pointed out that he'd lusted after his own father when young, and wouldn't it be quite hypocritical to condemn his son for the same? So there it was. Draco hadn't actually suspected "Sebastian Marbot" was anyone other than who he pretended to be until the party at the Malfoys', so the flirting before that was genuine on his part.

*smooches* And thanks for the rec you gave, too!
10th January 2011 22:37
CEL!!!!!!!! IDK why, but I never would have guessed you for this! Eeeeee! *clutches fic* But, wait, it's because of Better the Instruction that I should have guessed you! That one isn't high angst, is it? Not at the end, at least. It's similar to this, now that I think about it. Eeeeee! Now you have to write me low-angst, hot as hell father/son incest ALL THE TIME. Potters, maybe? :D

Loved it.
11th January 2011 01:45
*g* Teddy's fairly low-angst in BtI, but Remus tortures himself quite a bit along the way, although yeah, the end is not high-angst.

Potter incest? *gulp* Uh... can I finish playing with the Ginny/Remus first?
12th December 2010 21:26
Wow. I couldn't even begin to say how incredibly hot I found this. Malfoycest across generations? *dies* I love Scorpius' idea of how to seduce Draco. Not to mention, Draco and how he doesn't go bonkers over it when he figures out that it really was Scorpius behind the mask.

Easily one of my favorite Malfoycest tales!
10th January 2011 21:17
Thank you so much! Draco was very pleased to get something he'd never expected, that's for sure. Glad you enjoyed!
26th December 2010 17:40
Well done! Great read, good plot. Liked it a lot.
10th January 2011 21:16
Thank you so much!
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