Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: In the Streets of Hogsmeade (Blaise/Gabrielle - R) 
31st August 2010 17:33
Title: In the Streets of Hogsmeade
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Photoshop 7, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Blaise/Gabrielle
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternative pairing, prostitution
Other Warnings: None, really
Artist's Notes: Meh, I wanted this to be far more spectacular but I didn't have the time to make it more awesome. Anyway! Blaise is the whore, and Gabrielle is the rich client, for those who are wondering *g* Oh, and thanks to the mods for letting me post this a little later :D
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2nd September 2010 02:52
Hehe, thanks! :)
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