Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: All this Useless Beauty" (Olympe/Cedric) R 
9th June 2010 10:27
Title: All this Useless Beauty
Author: [info]tjs_whatnot
Characters/Pairings: Olympe/Cedric unrequited, Olympe/Rubeus
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternative Pairing
Other Warnings: dub-con, masturbation, objectifying of a corpse
Word Count: 3645
Summary/Description: Her mother had warned her this would happen. Had warned her that no one would ever love her, ever see her as anything but a hideous monster.
Author's Notes: This story takes off from where my last DD story ended, but it's not necessary to read that one. I just wanted to further investigate the character of Olympe Maxime. Again thanks so very much to my glorious beta, [info]redsnake05. All remaining mistakes are my own. Title borrowed from Elvis Costello.

Her mother had warned her this would happen. Had warned her that no one would ever love her. Would ever see her as anything but a hideous monster. She had thought Rubeus would be different. Had thought he would understand. He had no idea.

He told her stories about how his mother had abandoned his father and him when he was a child, as if that were a bad thing. He didn't understand the sort of damage that having a giantess mother in your life every day could do to you. How your life would be scarred forever.

It was her mother that had given her the first doll, instilling in her the desire for pretty things that couldn't run away; they couldn't look at her in terror and revulsion. Olympe remembered unwrapping the sparkling paper of the large box and being in awe that her mother had put the thought into anything that fine. Lifting the lid, her breath hitched and her heart leapt to her mouth. It was exquisite: so dainty and precious, so very familiar.

"Mama?" she had asked, tearing her eyes off the still girl to look at her mother afraid to be told she was right.

"It was an accident," her mother had snorted. "These humans. They are too fragile for their own good."

"Oh, Mama! She was my friend," Olympe cried. But she couldn't pull her eyes from the perfect curls of her hair, couldn't stop her fingers from wrapping through them, remembering how the girl had never let her touch the silky locks in life.

"Friend? Don't be ridiculous! You repulsed her. She was running away when she had her accident."

"She was nice to me."

"She was scared of you."


"Look at yourself. You're a monster."

Olympe had looked down at her large hands and feet, three times larger then other children. They were blurred by the tears that welled up in her eyes. She had backed out of the room before her mother saw that she was crying. There was nothing her mother hated more then weeping from a giant. Both Olympe and her father had learned that lesson.


Her mother continued giving her these presents and she had been right; they would turn out to be Olympe's only friends. When she needed companionship, she knew where she could find it. She didn't ask where they had come from, who they had been before they were her playthings. She had blocked out anything that wasn't beautiful, anything that tainted her illusion. It was all she had for a very long time.

Then she meet Rubeus Hagrid. It was magical; glorious. He was polite and kind and oh, so attentive. She felt for the first time that she would be taken care of, her loneliness would be understood. He convinced her that he was all she'd been looking for and she felt so secure with him that she had showed him her prized and most guarded secret. Her beautiful dolls.

He seemed to understand. And when he brought that beautiful boy to her, that slain champion, her heart raced with how much she felt loved. She thought it was what would bring them closer than anything else could, but something went wrong. Something changed that night and she didn't know how to fix it. He seemed repulsed by her, as if he hadn't realized just how far her fascination went. She was as powerless to make things go back the way they were as she was to give him up. She refused to admit that her mother was right, that she was a hideous monster and no one would ever love her.

So when Dumbledore had asked them both to go to spend their summer reaching out to the giants, she thought it would be her chance to convince Rubeus, to show him that maybe she wasn't as pristine as he had assumed, but look at the alternative. She still wasn't a savage. He would see that. He had to. She would make him.

She packed her bags, storing all her dolls except her newest into boxes that would remain behind. The Cedric doll she would be taking. She couldn't let him go, especially now that once again, the dolls were the only thing that didn't run away at the slightest sign of imperfection, the slightest sign of need in her.

She had taken to talking to him at night, unleashing all her hopes, fears and desires on the boy's deaf ears. It soothed her. It felt different this time, he felt different than the rest of her pretty things. More real somehow. Maybe because she had seen him in life, watched him triumph and watched him fumble around in his tiny human, adolescent way. Maybe too, she reasoned, it was because he had been nice to her, had smiled at her with no fear inching out of the corner of his eyes. Unlike the others, he didn't look away when she was speaking when they had occasioned to be in the same conversation. She wasn't sure if it was just romanticizing a relationship where barely a passing acquaintance existed in reality, but she felt that somehow, he wouldn't mind, would forgive her, would understand.

And as they trudged through the wilderness, her, Rubeus and The Cedric, and as Rubeus became more and more disgruntled and surly, she turned to Cedric more and more.

"Does he need to be in here? Starin' at us?" Rubeus said as Olympe straddled him, working her way over his hairy chest, with her mouth, tongue and hands.

She pulled up and followed his gaze to the corner where The Cedric sat. His expression of course had not changed. There was no revulsion there that he would have surely had in life. But as she turned back to Rubeus, she saw the revulsion there instead. She bent down and kissed him, pushing his face gently in a different direction. She could wipe that look off his face.

"He soothes me. Reminds me of your love for me. Your greatest gift." Then she smiled wickedly and reached her hand between them, cupping his semi-erect cock. "Well, your second greatest gift."

He groaned pitifully and she wrapped her hand around it and pulled, feeling it hardened and grow in her palm. Licking her lips she slid down and swallowed him. As she pulled out and sucked him down, she looked at him again, hoping to have a shared moment, but his eyes were again on The Cedric. And before the come had even been swallowed down, he had rolled away, gathered himself into a ball and started shivering.


The weeks stretched out and more and more Rubeus left her alone all day while he tried to connect with his brother, Grawp. Olympe knew better to bad talk the idiotic giant in front of Rubeus, but she couldn't stop herself complaining repeatedly to The Cedric. To him she railed against both giants and bemoaned the fact that she was never going to win Rubeus back. She had thought that he would see how vicious and grotesque the other giants were and would see in her a gentle soul with whom he could spend his life. Instead, she watched him walk out every morning, fleeing from her affections to try repeatedly to reason with a pea-brain who was never going to return his affections. The more she tried, the faster he ran away, the faster he ran away the more she turned to The Cedric; his limbs and appearance were starting to show her desperation. She tried to hide the constant repairs she had to do on The Cedric's body and she tried to remain physically pleasing as well. She needn't have bothered with either. Rubeus barely noticed either of them as the violence escalated around them and he was introduced for the first time to what Olympe had always known, had fled from her whole life. Their kind were savage beasts and there was no appeasing or reasoning with them.

"I've tried everything," she said as she ran a comb through The Cedric's glistening hair. She had just spritzed it with perfumed water. His natural glow was slowly fading in the dirt and grime of the cave and the elements. She was starting to fade too, but it wasn't only because of the physical hardships and filth. They were both suffering from neglect in some way.

"I've been kind, I've been patient, I've taken punishments I didn't deserve and I've begged him to do things I shouldn't have had to, and still, he looks at me with disgust. I just don't understand."

After combing his hair she carefully removed his dirty clothes and took a warm, damp cloth and began to wipe him down. Even if she could use magic out here with the giants, she wouldn't. Some things were too delicate for magic, were too precious and mesmerizing to rush with a swish of a wrist.

"There used to be a time when he would let me do this to him," Olympe went on. Very gently she ran the cloth over his forehead, down his nose, lips and cheeks to his chin. He didn't talk, didn't move more then she moved him and yet she paused as if listening to his conciliation.

"The thing is, I could take all of that, could have settled for what little he was willing to give to me. But now? Now he spends all his time with that filthy imbecile. He'd rather be with that supposed brother than with me."

She hadn't realized how worked up she had gotten until she heard a snap. She let go of the arm she was holding and watched it fall to The Cedric's side at a strange angle. She stared at him for a long time in a terrified daze, and then she fell to the bed in a hysterical fit of sobs.

Her mother was right, she was a hideous monster.


The Gurg had rejected or destroyed all gifts presented to him and was always demanding more, more, more. Rubeus was becoming frantic as he was running out of items given by Dumbledore to present. There was also talk of the followers of He Who Must Not Be Named also here at the Gurg's ear. All the while, Olympe was stretching her shine and glimmering facade thinner and thinner and resisting the monster inside her as well as she could. The only positive side effect of this frantic and horrific turn of events was that Olympe no longer wanted anything to do with Rubeus. Her own self loathing seeped from her to attach to him as well. She was disgusted with herself and more disgusted with him, or the other way around, she really couldn't sort the feelings anymore. The only thing that calmed her, that made her feel alright anymore was The Cedric.

He didn't judge, didn't storm out every morning and barely look at her all night. If she wanted him to, he watched her all day long, if she wanted him to, he sat on her lap and listened rapt to her every word, and if she wanted him to, he would be there for her as she closed her eyes and ghosted her fingers along breasts as the nipples rose and puckered under her gentle hand. She could see his constantly stunned eyes, behind her closed lids as she snaked those same fingers of hers down her stomach, under her knickers and in between the folds as she stroked along her clit. As she spread her legs, stretching herself, she felt her knee push against him slightly. She fought the hungry urge to reach out for him. There were some wounds she'd never be able to heal, some marks she couldn't erase with a flick of her wrist and she'd never live with herself if her overly exuberant climax somehow damaged him.

No, she wouldn't do that. He was the only perfect and beautiful thing she had left. She almost had forgotten she treasured those things above all else.

Sometimes she watched him as she pleasured herself, imagined this solitary existence shared with someone. But most times she closed her eyes and imagined his expression. She used to imagine Rubeus was there entering her with his enormous cock, fumbling fingers or salivating tongue, but not anymore. Now she preferred The Cedric's lifeless stare to Rubeus' contemptuous and trapped expression. But when The Cedric's dazzling look got too much for her to bear, right on the cusp of her own release, she preferred most of all the smoky darkness behind her own eyelids.

"What the...?" Rubeus stood at the cave's entrance staring at what he saw by the lone candle's flicker. He couldn't finish his question, as if the words were lost in the confusingly horrifying scene before him. His voice instead turned guttural and sputtering.

Olympe's eyes flew open and her heart stopped where only moments before it had been beating intoxicatedly fast as waves of pleasure washed over her. She hastily pulled her fingers out of her cunt and the cave instantly was perfumed with the pungency of her arousal. Her eyes flew to Rubeus even though she was terrified of what she would see in those eyes. But of course, the confused and horrified stare wasn't trained on her at all, but at The Cedric who was beside her. It was then that she realized that again, in her semi-conscious ecstasy, she had broken him. Had grasped onto his delicate limb and snapped him.

She wanted to disappear, to burrow into the rocks; to take her large frame, her abnormal strength and her dirtiness and just stop existing all together. Instead she turned away from him, pulled herself into a protective ball that blocked out the world and just closed her eyes to the recrimination of Rubeus' glare and the nothingness that greeted her in The Cedric's eyes.

She waited for Rubeus to berate and admonish her, but instead she heard him clomp out of the cave. Before, her first instinct might have been to chase after him, and before that her instinct might have been to push him to the ground and destroy him for his insolence and haughtiness. Neither of these emotions could be mustered in her now. All her resources were being devoted to the self-loathing rising up in her like bile that she feared would explode in a rainbow of dour colors and filth. This lasted for a long time with just her and the pieces of her beloved doll to witness it. The thought of Rubeus coming back and seeing her weak and pathetic in a pile of pitiful sobbing was what finally pulled her together. She still warred against the two emotions of groveling for his forgiveness or destroying him for daring to look down on her but she was done trying to get him to understand.

In the end, what she did to placate both desires, was to quietly and mindfully pack her bags. She performed the repairing charms on The Cedric before delicately placing him in her luggage. She didn't look back to the cave or the life she was leaving behind as she made her way down the mountain. Back to civilization, to her school and all she knew. Back to the life she had before Rubeus had rewarded and then belittled it.


She was almost out of the giant's territory when she was captured.

With all her thoughts on her own heartbreak and delusion, she had quite forgotten that she was, in fact, in a war zone. If it weren't the opposing factions of the giants themselves, there were also a swarm of those maniacal Death Eaters to contend with. How could she have been so thoughtless, so self absorbed?

Large, meaty hands grabbed her from behind. A snarling and vulgar vocabulary assaulted her ears in grunts as a putrid sack was thrown over her head. She couldn't make out the words, for she didn't speak buffoon. She didn't know if her cursing was translatable either, but her flailing arms and kicking was instantly understood and she soon found herself being shackled. Not being able to see, not being able to fight, she did the only thing left to her; she froze. Flexing all her muscles, she became rigid and ground her heels into the mud and filth at her feet. She was almost hoping for a struggle; instead they pushed her down as if she were nothing and pulled her by her legs down the mountainside, disregarding loose shrubbery and upturned trees that poked and pounded against her. She was rolled down a hill and was stopped with a thud by a tree's stump.

She still couldn't see, but she knew she was surrounded by the council of giants. The noise of arguing voices and the smell told her all she needed to know. Her mind raced to sort a way out, but she was coming up with only one result. She was going to die. She didn't know their language but she knew their rules and the only one that would free her would also be her final demise. Magic. She could escape her binds with it, but she'd never make it out of the clearing alive. She was too weak, her magic too neglected for Apparating. She was trapped.

Closing her eyes and tuning out the noises, she tried to remain calm and wait patiently for her death. She hoped against hope that it would be quick, promising herself that if the time came, she would use her last bit of magic to make it so. What was the worst they would do?

There was a deafening roar and it was just familiar enough to cause her heart to beat desperately with something that felt like relief.


"Ger off 'er!" he shouted, getting closer and closer.

She tried and pulled on her binds with renewed vigor. Until she heard Rubeus being knocked down. She whimpered against the gag and fought the tears of desperation.

"Sorry! Sorry! Your Gurgness! I didn't mean ta...ta say..."

There were more grunts and scurrying and Olympe knew that Rubeus was being held against his will and reprimanded.

"Wait! Wait!" Rubeus called out and she could almost see him struggling to think of something to say to save them both. "I have one more gift fer ya. One more. The best one yet."

All the struggle stopped.

Hearing giant footsteps come toward her, Olympe struggled fruitlessly against her bindings again. When the sounds stopped right in front of her, the sack was pulled off her head and Rubeus was there looking imploringly and apologetically at her. She knew what he was going to ask for before he got a chance. She started shaking her head aggressively back and forth. He couldn't have her last friend.

"I'm sorry, Ollie. It's all we have," Rubeus said, his tender voice stilled her heart; his tender fingers searching for her treasure crushed it to powder.

Tears were beginning to tickle the corner of her eyes and she fought hard to stop them from falling. Her mother had taught her well. She closed her eyes to stop them, but she could still hear Rubeus rifling through the bag that had been strapped to her back. She opened them again just in time to see him pull The Cedric out of her bag and stand up to approach the Gurg. In Rubeus' biggest kindness to her since giving her The Cedric to begin with, he stood in between the Gurg and her so that she wouldn't see the way his big, disgustingly dirty hands clutched the doll roughly. She whimpered but no one paid attention. The crowd had shifted around the Gurg and his new present.

Rubeus slowly backed towards her again and bent down to untie her and help her as quietly as she could to her feet.

"Run," he whispered.

It took everything in her to listen to him and do what he said. All she wanted to do was unleash all the magic and rage inside of her on these imbecilic monsters who dared to put their hands on what belonged to her. It was even harder to not even turn and look back for one last glimpse of her most treasured possession, the last gift she had ever received. Gone.

They ran until their breath came in painful gasps and their legs shook with fatigue. But Olympe soon discovered that it wasn't the sheer exhaustion that stopped them, it was that they had to pick up a companion.

"Rubeus, you cannot be serious?" she said, swallowing down how ironic and unfair it was that he even imagined that he got to bring his new toy with them.

"I can't leave 'im. They'll kill 'im."

Again she swallowed her anger as she imagined what they were doing right now to The Cedric.

Too weak with fear, anger and strenous exercise, she said nothing as he trudged off to collect Grawp. It didn't matter really, she knew that they had finally come to the end of their relationship. There was no surviving this trip.

That night they set up camp miles and miles away from the giants territory. They built a large fire and Rubeus caught them some fowl that he prepared silently. No one talked. She avoided the barbaric, lecherous and idiotic stares from what Rubeus called brother, but the hair stood up at the back of her neck at the prospect of traveling all those miles with him beside them.

It wasn't until after the dinner was consumed, the fire dwindling and Grawp had lumbered off to find somewhere to sleep that Rubeus tried to talk to her.

"I really am sorry," he began.

She snorted. "No you're not. You hated him."

He wouldn't look at her, instead he stirred the embers with a large stick.

"It weren't right, what ye were doin' with 'im."

"I wasn't doing anything with him," she growled. "What kind of monster do you think I am?"

She didn't want the answer to that.

Thankfully, Grawp started howling nonsensically at that moment and Rubeus rose to go to him. Olympe watched what she had once thought of as her one true love lumber after the oaf and choked hard against the sob rising in her chest.

"But he was all I had," she whispered into the stilled night; talking to no one and trying hard not to hear her mother's spiteful voice in her ear.

The End
10th June 2010 08:04
This is so very disturbing, and so wonderfully done. I love what you did with Olympe's POV, she's at the same time pitiable and very very creepy. The way you make the horror seem normal through her eyes is just perfect.

Awesome story!
10th June 2010 22:18
Thank you! I love how you read a story!

I just remember the last story and everyone saying how grotesque and creepy she was, which I totally took as a compliment, but I thought, But wait, there's a reason...there has to be a reason. That is where this story comes from.

I was however disturbed with how easy it was to burrow into her mind and live in her skin. *shudders*

Thank you so much for the comment and the rec! You are the bestest!!
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