Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: A Balancing Act (Various Pairings - NC-17) 
23rd March 2010 16:02
Title: A Balancing Act
Artist: [info]thilia
Based On/Inspired By: A Balancing Act by [info]leela_cat
Media: Photoshop 7, tablet, textures
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Hermione, Charlie/Teddy, Luna/Millicent, Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: Slash, femmeslash, het, cross-gen, oral, anal... yeah XD
Artist's Notes: I was looking through the Millicent tag because I've wanted to draw her for a while and thought this might be a good opportunity. So I found this fic and absolutely loved it, and decided to draw all four pairings. Then I wanted to give up because it just wouldn't work out and was a very ambitious project but... yeah, it worked out after all! :)

And the different pics a little bigger...

23rd March 2010 15:38
Oh! This is gorgeous! I adored Leela's fic and this is a fitting tribute. Each couple is beautifully rendered.
24th March 2010 11:34
Thank you! :)
23rd March 2010 15:38
Oh bloody hell Sirius/Harry are so hot!
23rd March 2010 16:03
I should also say that after going back up and realising there was a story, I never look at summaries, LOL, I went and read it and these are even more amazing.
24th March 2010 11:35
Thanks! XD
23rd March 2010 16:03
wow! that's four times the pleasure...
24th March 2010 11:35
Thank you! :)
23rd March 2010 17:38
That's just utterly gorgeous!
24th March 2010 11:35
Thank you! :)
23rd March 2010 18:31
Yum, lots to look at here and all of it exceedingly tasty!
24th March 2010 11:35
Thank you! :)
23rd March 2010 19:08
Gorgeous :). Also, yay for Lucius going down on Hermione; very nice, particularly how his arm is wrapped 'round her leg.
24th March 2010 11:35
Thank you! :D
23rd March 2010 19:34

I just told you how amazing it is on AIM or whatever, but now I have to comment it so that my admiration is lasting...

OMG Emily @ 19:31
OMGOMG 19:31
my fave is the siri/harry 19:31
oh 19:31
YUM 19:31
but the lucius/hermione position is KILLING ME 19:32
SO HOT 19:32
OMG 19:32
I cant stop looking at itttttt 19:3
24th March 2010 11:36
Hahaha, thank you! XD
23rd March 2010 19:57
Sirius/Harry dlskfjalsidjf!! GOD the curve of his back and his arse and gglaaaahhhh....

Love Charlie's ink, too. :)
24th March 2010 11:36
Thank you! :D
23rd March 2010 21:42
I have been dying to see this ever since it went up (I was at work and couldn't click there) and now that I can see it... GUH!
Leela's fic was awesome ad this art is gorgeous.
All the couples are sizzling HOT and the colors are perfect.
Great job!
24th March 2010 11:36
Thank you! :D
23rd March 2010 21:59
OMG! An explosion or art! And such a hot art!

Thanks, dear!
24th March 2010 11:36
Thank you! :)
24th March 2010 00:09
Holy cow, these are all just gorgeous. I can't even pick a favorite.
24th March 2010 11:36
Thank you! :D
24th March 2010 01:06
OMFG, this is fricking brilliant. I'm gobsmacked. I adore each and every one of the couples and how you chose to draw them. I can't even imagine how you made it work out.

Thank you so much for creating this amazing art for my story. I... just wow.

All of those kisses, each so different and just so beyond perfect for my story.

Lucius going down on Hermione, and yes, yes, yes, that's how I pictured it in my head. Charlie and Teddy and their vivid hair colours and Charlie's tattoo. Luna and Millicent, who are just so perfect and you didn't make Millicent skinny for which I adore you. And then Sirius and Harry and the way they touch and kiss.

It's just so hot and so well done.

Thank you, thank you.
24th March 2010 11:39
Aw, thank you! I'm so glad you like it :D

First I only read the Millicent/Luna part because I really wanted to draw Millie, but then I thought that I might miss something important if I didn't read the entire fic, so I went back and read all of it and... mmmmmmmmmm, so beautiful and hot! :D I'm glad I managed to finish all four drawings.

And I totally approve of non-skinny Millicent; she's still a little thinner than I picture her but it's okay :D
24th March 2010 16:11
GAH, this is absolutely perfect and gorgeous! I love everything, and I especially love Millicent and Luna--AH. And Charlie/Teddy looks so wonderful. They fit. I love this! Thank you for sharing!
26th March 2010 16:30
Thank you! :)
25th March 2010 21:41
Absolutely stunning! xx
26th March 2010 16:30
Thank you! :)
26th March 2010 01:19
The colors are so deep, and their expression oh its just lovely!
26th March 2010 16:31
Thank you! :)
26th March 2010 15:05
Fucking gorgeous as always!!! I am especially enamored of the Charlie/Teddy and the Sirius/Harry but they are all just delicious. Excellent work.
26th March 2010 16:31
Thank youu! :) Glad you like it ♥
26th March 2010 21:30
Gorgeous, gorgeous! Charlie's tattoo makes me swoon!
1st April 2010 12:50
Thank you! :D
28th March 2010 19:07
Very nice and hot!
1st April 2010 12:50
29th March 2010 02:47
Sirius/Harry *ded*

Charlie/Teddy *expired*

All are fab, really, but OMG Sirius/Harry..... nrrrnnngghhh !
1st April 2010 12:50
*g* Thank youuu! :)
17th December 2010 17:03
I like the Lucius/Hermione and the Teddy/Charlie ones!! Very delicious!!
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