Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: A Balancing Act (Various Pairings - NC-17) 
23rd March 2010 16:02
Title: A Balancing Act
Artist: [info]thilia
Based On/Inspired By: A Balancing Act by [info]leela_cat
Media: Photoshop 7, tablet, textures
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Hermione, Charlie/Teddy, Luna/Millicent, Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: Slash, femmeslash, het, cross-gen, oral, anal... yeah XD
Artist's Notes: I was looking through the Millicent tag because I've wanted to draw her for a while and thought this might be a good opportunity. So I found this fic and absolutely loved it, and decided to draw all four pairings. Then I wanted to give up because it just wouldn't work out and was a very ambitious project but... yeah, it worked out after all! :)

And the different pics a little bigger...

23rd March 2010 21:42
I have been dying to see this ever since it went up (I was at work and couldn't click there) and now that I can see it... GUH!
Leela's fic was awesome ad this art is gorgeous.
All the couples are sizzling HOT and the colors are perfect.
Great job!
24th March 2010 11:36
Thank you! :D
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