Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Breathless Anticipation (Charlie/Padfoot) 
19th March 2010 21:36
Title: "Breathless Anticipation"
Based On/Inspired By:Adrenaline Junkies by [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Padfoot
Medium: Pencil
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: Bestiality,Nudity
Summary/Description: Sirius in the form of Padfoot prepares to fulfill Charlie's unusual desire
Author's Notes: The story that inspired this is extremely hot and oh so wrong so I couldn't help myself, thank you [info]snegurochka_lee for the wonderful source material! In any case, I've been having a terrible week and needed to vent my artistic spleen by drawing something possibly a bit squick inducing and a bit out of the norm for me and this fits the bill. Plus, it gave me the chance to draw Charlie and that's a good thing although I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with how it came out.

Art Preview

Extremely not work safe art under cut!

20th March 2010 11:54
Oh niiiiiiiiiice. Love me a bit o' Padfoot sex. *flails* Both their expressions are marvelous--Charlie looks over whelmed and Padfoot quite naughty. Those hands clenched in the sheets, the tattoo, the way Padfoot almost seems to be licking his lips are wonderful. Great job!
23rd March 2010 02:05
Thank you, I'm so glad this was well received, I was worried the subject matter might be a bit over the top for art.
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