Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Overwhelmed, (Charlie/Harry, NC17) 
11th February 2010 07:07
Title: Overwhelming
Author: [info]nolagal
Characters: Harry/Charlie
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Frotting
Themes/kinks chosen: Handkerchief codes—Wizard style; Jewelry.
Word Count: 2780
Summary: Charlie didn't know why he'd agreed to take Harry out to a club, but he was definitely glad he did.
Author's notes: Thanks so much to for the beta! I'm so excited to be a part of even though this story is pretty tame for me!

"So this isn't a gay club, but it is one at the same time?"

Charlie looked over at Harry and winced. He was beginning to regret ever agreeing to this. But Ron had pressed him, and when George had joined in, Charlie had caved. Now, he was escort to his youngest brother's best mate all because Charlie was the only gay bloke they'd trusted.

"It's a Wizard dance club, but they have a sizeable gay clientele," Charlie explained, opening the non-descript door and holding it as Harry walked slowly inside.

"So how do you know who's gay?" Harry asked as he stared at the large crowd around him.

Charlie could see how overwhelmed Harry was, and it was hard to remember this was the same man who'd destroyed a dark lord less than a year before. "They'll be the ones dancing with other blokes." Charlie could see his joke did nothing to relieve Harry's anxiety. "This is the largest Wizarding club in the UK. There's really not enough gay Wizards to have their own bars, and going to Muggle clubs can definitely be fun, but I prefer other Wizards."

"And my glamour looks all right?"

Charlie gave Harry a once over. The changes were small, brown eyes instead of green, brown hair instead of black, no glasses, and his scar was covered. It was enough to fool anyone who didn't know Harry personally, and that was all that mattered. No need getting the poor boy swamped by crazed fans on his first night out.

"It looks fine. I promise."

Harry bit his lip and nodded then turned to look around the club. The music was loud but not overbearing, and groups were dancing and other hanging around the bar. "So, what do we do?"

Charlie tried not to sigh. He adored Harry, he really did, but he was not up for playing babysitter. Not that Harry normally needed someone to look out for him. Hell, Harry could probably take Charlie down blindfolded in a duel. Not to mention how Harry was gaining weight and filling out. He was still much thinner than Charlie's stocky physique, but he wasn't so scrawny anymore.

Charlie just didn't want to be the one to show Harry gay culture, not when he wanted to shove Harry against the nearest flat surface and snog him senseless. It was something Charlie needed to deal with alone, with possibly his right hand, and then he could forget how attractive he found Harry.

Maybe they'd both pull tonight, Charlie thought. Then he could pour his frustration into a young body that didn't belong to his sister's ex-boyfriend.

Charlie made his way toward the bar, deciding they both needed some alcohol if they were going to survive the night. The bartender grinned and winked at Charlie, obviously remembering him from an encounter they'd shared a few months prior. Charlie flashed his sexiest smile in return, keeping open the option of a repeat performance, but he found he just wasn't interested.

Drinks in hand, Charlie found Harry fighting off the attention of an overeager woman. She was attractive, but Harry looked like a cornered crup trying to escape the clutches of a rampaging dragon.

Charlie threw his arm around Harry's shoulder, trying to ignore how perfectly Harry fit against him. "Here you go, darling," Charlie said, giving Harry one of the drinks.

Harry blushed but didn't move away as he mumbled, "Ta."

The girl turned on her heel and disappeared. Harry relaxed against Charlie for a long moment before Harry pulled away and gave him a small smile.

"I guess I need to figure out how to meet blokes. The birds keep finding me," Harry said with a little self-deprecating laugh.

"Well, we can make sure the guys find you too." Charlie tried to look at Harry objectively. The glamour was attractive enough, but to Charlie, Harry's normal dark, messy hair and glasses were far more fetching. "So what kind of guy are you looking for?"

Harry looked at Charlie for a long moment in confusion. "I don't know, funny, nice, maybe plays Quidditch…"

Not laughing took all of Charlie's willpower but he managed to only let out a chuckle. "I meant do you want a top or a bottom, or do you want something else like BDSM or fisting?"

"B, D what?"

Charlie sighed and discreetly pulled his wand. He cast the spell first on himself, then on Harry. "Look around." Charlie followed Harry's eyes as he saw the many men decorated with coloured bands around their arms.

"What is that?"

"It's a code. It's meant to be a quick way to find someone you're, er, compatible with."

Harry stared at Charlie. "I'm missing something, aren't I?"

"The different colours stand for whatever a guy is into so you can easily find a bloke who shares your interests."

"But you don't mean Quidditch or music."

"Not so much. See that guy over there?" Charlie pointed to a well-built, attractive man leaning against the bar. When Harry nodded, Charlie continued, "See the navy blue circle on his left arm? That means he's a top, so he might be interested in meeting someone like that guy over there." Charlie pointed to a guy with a navy band of light on his right arm.

"So you match up blue with blue?"

"Not exactly. See if it's on the left side that means you’re the giver. If it's on the right, you're the receiver. Like those blokes over there chatting. One has a yellow band on his left, the other one has it on his right."

"But they have blue bands, too."

Charlie wondered how he'd ever learned the code himself, now it was just second nature. "Each colour is something different, so you might be into different things and you can, um, advertise, them all. If you have two bands of the same colour, it means you're looking for a threesome."

"Oh. This seems complicated. Can't I just buy a bloke a drink and see if we get along?"

"Well yeah, but most people here are just looking for a quick shag."

Harry swallowed his drink the wrong way and coughed. "So that's how you know all this? You pick guys up for a quick shag?"

Charlie had an insane urge to hug Harry to him and Apparate away from the club to preserve such innocence. It was hard to remember that Harry hadn't had any semblance of a normal life. In light of everything, Charlie was just impressed Harry had realised he was gay.

"Sometimes. When that's all that I want. There are other ways to meet men, and there are lots of gay men who don't do the club scene." Charlie tried to sound reassuring because he was pretty convinced Harry was never going to be shagging strangers in dark corners.

"So what colours do you wear? You cast the spell so I could see them, so you know the spells for the bands."

Charlie flicked his wand and an orange band of light wrapped around his left bicep.

Harry stared for a long moment and moved his wand as Charlie had. Charlie was impressed Harry had picked up the spell after only seeing it performed once, but he wasn't so happy when he saw an orange band on Harry's right arm.

"No, mate. You don't want that. How about just navy if you want a shag or light blue if you just want a blow job. Anything blue is good. Except teal, you don't want teal. White is great, too. Perfect really. Just take off the orange." Charlie looked around nervously, worried some beast of a man was already eying Harry up for prey.

"You have orange."

"Yes, but I am older, experienced, and a bit wild. Not you. Oh, it can mean just looking instead. Yes, you tell people you're not playing, just looking. Most people here don't use it like that, but some Muggles do, but they use handkerchiefs, which is a bit harder and more confusing, though I guess this is confusing. Yes, you're confused, clearly, so just get rid of the orange." Charlie continued his rambling as he moved to stand in front of Harry.

Harry pushed him aside and glared. "What does it mean then?"

Charlie sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "It means anything goes. Which is the last thing you want for your first time, especially if you're advertising yourself as a bottom. Men will take advantage of you."

"But don't you want someone like that to match you?"

It took Charlie a long moment for Harry's words to sink in. "Are you trying to match me?"

Harry blushed bright red and turned his head. "I'm sorry. It was stupid."

Charlie squeezed Harry's shoulder and turned him back around. "What do you mean?"

"I fancy you. I thought if you were the one to bring me to a club, I could figure out what you'd like. But this whole coloured code thing is confusing, and not what I want at all. I'm sorry. I'm going back to the flat."

Harry moved quickly toward the door, but Charlie stepped in front of Harry, blocking his way. "What do you want?" Charlie asked.

Harry sighed and continued to the door. Charlie followed Harry out of the club, but once again blocked him by pushing back against the wall.

"I wanted you, but this whole club thing isn't me. I can't just meet some stranger for sex. I just can't." Harry's expression was pained. "I just want to go home. Hermione said this was a bad idea, I should've listened to her, but Ron and George thought it was brilliant."

Charlie couldn't help but laugh, even though Harry looked so upset. "Sorry, mate, but getting dating advice from those two isn't the best idea."

Harry visibly relaxed and grinned. "I know."

Charlie closed his eyes for a moment, trying to push past the wave of attraction that small grin had brought. Deciding to ignore the part of him that said it was a bad idea, Charlie leaned closer to Harry. "How about you come back to mine for a drink?"

A confused look crossed Harry's face. "Er, all right."

Charlie's flat was small but warm and quiet when they Apparated in. He turned on the wireless, got them both a beer, and settled on the sofa beside Harry.

Neither spoke for several long moments, and for the first time Charlie could remember, he felt uncomfortable with a bloke he brought back to his flat. Charlie was torn between wanting to drag Harry to the bedroom and trying to maintain the friendly family relationship he'd come to enjoy as he got to know Harry better. Charlie tried to push back his desire but then Harry shook his head and his glamour dissolved, leaving the man Charlie had grown to admire and appreciate.

"Feels better knowing I'm me again," Harry said, then took a long, slow sip of his beer.

Charlie gulped, trying to tear his eyes away from Harry's throat. "So, the club scene is not for you?"

Harry sank further into the sofa and sighed. "Probably not. I think it'd be fun to go sometimes but just with friends. I don't think strangers and crowds are for me."

"You looked a little freaked out back there."

Harry turned to Charlie and smiled warmly. "You looked very comfortable there."

Actually, that night was one of the only times Charlie could remember feeling out of place. "It's a great place to release a little steam."

"So, that's how you meet guys?"

Charlie wasn't sure how to answer the question. He wasn't a total slag, but he hit the club several times a month to release tension. He didn't feel guilty about his actions, but there was a part of him—perhaps jealously—that didn't want Harry to emulate him. "Sometimes. Everyone's a little different."

Harry sighed and nodded. "It all just makes me feel so awkward."

Charlie laughed and rubbed Harry's messy hair. "Everyone feels like that starting out."

"I can't see you awkward about anything."

"Lots of things make me awkward." Charlie paused and bit his lip, wondering if he should just give in. "Like trying not to be attracted to my brother's best mate and my sister's ex-boyfriend."

It took a moment for the words to sink in then Harry turned toward him. "Me?"

Charlie nodded. "I've wanted you for a while now."

"Oh. Really?"

There was such confusion and uncertainty on Harry's face that Charlie just couldn't resist pressing a quick kiss to Harry's lips. Harry pulled back then leaned forward again for another kiss. Charlie obliged, letting his mouth move against Harry's eagerly.

Harry moved closer and Charlie moaned as Harry's tongue darted out against his lips. It'd been too long since Charlie had just revelled in kissing, in the movement of lips and tongues meeting and parting in excitement.

Each kiss drew them closer together until Harry was straddling Charlie's lap, a comforting and arousing warmth that surrounded him. The kisses grew more and more intense, and Charlie's hands roamed over every part of Harry he could reach. Harry's hands seemed to be stuck in Charlie's short hair, tugging and petting in time with their kisses.

Charlie broke away from Harry's lips only to move his mouth over Harry's strong jaw, shivering as the stubble scratched against his cheek. Harry's neck was hot and sweaty and perfect. Charlie licked and sucked then finally bit softly.

Harry moaned and arched his back. The motion pressed their erections together and Charlie hissed. He hadn't realised how hard and aching he really was until that second. He thrust his hips up against Harry, and Harry ground down against him.

Suddenly, Charlie felt like the virgin he knew Harry to be, at least concerning other men. For the first time in ages, he was about to come in his pants without even having his cock touched. Charlie moved his mouth back to Harry's. Their kisses were sloppy and forceful as they began to move against each other.

Harry was moaning softly, causing a vibration against Charlie's mouth that was driving Charlie mad. He moved his hands to Harry's arse, guiding the grinding to make it faster, harder, more. Harry didn't need much assistance as he rolled his hips against Charlie's, pressing their erections painfully together until Charlie was the one moaning and gasping.

When the motions grew more erratic and frantic, Harry suddenly shuddered and collapsed against Charlie. Charlie's own orgasm was still building and he continued to move against Harry, looking for that delicious friction that would send him over the edge.

Harry lazily pressed kisses against Charlie's neck and ran his hands under Charlie's shirt. When Harry found Charlie's nipple rings, he tugged them sharply and Charlie felt himself come undone. As Charlie's orgasm tore through him, Harry pushed Charlie's shirt up and pressed his mouth to the silver rings, letting his tongue slide inside the small circle, teasing Charlie's sensitive nipple.

It was enough to make the aftershocks of his orgasm last for shudder after shudder until finally Charlie couldn't take the sensations and gently pushed Harry back.

Charlie closed his eyes and rested his head against the sofa. Harry slid off him but stayed beside him. When Charlie's breathing had finally returned to normal, he looked to find Harry flushed and sweaty, staring at him.

"Wow." Charlie grinned at Harry. "I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that."

Harry blushed. "I'm sorry. I think I got carried away."

Charlie laughed. "You and me both. I haven't come in my pants since I was a teenager."

Harry's deepening blush reminded Charlie that Harry was still just a teenager. "I haven't done anything like that. I didn't expect it to be so… different, more intense."

"Intense is good, and it only gets better than this. I can't wait to see you fall apart when I suck your cock."

Harry blushed again, a sight that Charlie was beginning to find very arousing. "You want to do more with me?"

"Absolutely. Just not right now." Charlie manoeuvred Harry until he was cuddled against Charlie's chest. With a flick of his wand, Charlie cast a few spells to clean them up then rested his head on Harry's.

"Oh. That'd be nice." Harry yawned and snuggled against Charlie. "So what colour band would what we just did be?"

Charlie could only laugh and selfishly hope Harry never had a reason to find out.

11th February 2010 21:51
I know, I imagine it's all very complex when you are first trying to find someone. Luckily Harry has Charlie!

Thanks so much!
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