Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas (Pansy/Draco, /Blaise, /Theo) 
18th December 2009 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]thilia
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]seraphimerising

Title: Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas
Characters/Pairings: Pansy and various combinations of her, Draco, Blaise, and Theo. Oh and a little surprise at the end.
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: spanking, body modification, breath play, multiple partners, triple penetration, cross-dressing, deep throating, semi-public/public sex, double penetration, shibari (bondage), dub-con, angst, voyeurism, dirty talk (slight), non-con (attempted)
Other Warnings:
Word Count: 3300
Summary/Description: Every Christmas, Pansy helps her boys live out their sexual fantasies; this year, she's been inspired by a theme. She just almost forgot about herself in her plans. Good thing, her best mate hadn't, especially when everything fell apart.
Author's Notes: I tried to get all the kinks/themes you requested in as well as a few more with the concept I came up with for your gift. I hope you enjoy the following piece. Happy Holidays.

Pansy's Twelve Days of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas...

With every resounding crack against her skin, with every exhilarating stinging sensation radiating from her cheeks, with every passing second her butt turned from it's alabaster white, to a rosy pink, to a bold red, Pansy knew that though this may have been Blaise's fantasy, it was slowly becoming hers also.

She bit her lower lip in order to prevent herself from crying out. The fantasy she was slowly building in her mind as Blaise lived his own, she had no intention of ruining.

“I told you to count,” Blaise growled in her ear, her swollen butt getting a small reprieve as he pulled her mind out of developing fantasy of being thrown across a certain red-head's lap to be punished for her insolent mouth.

“Yes sir,” she dutifully responded and proceeded to count every strike his Quidditch-calloused hand made against her tender skin, for this – as always with her boys since the first year they discovered sex – was not about her fantasies, wants and/or desires, this was about them and theirs.

Because this was her Christmas present to them. And this year there would be twelve of them all together – in a particular order, she just wondered if her boys would catch on.

Yet, when she shivered in orgasmic completion, her mind having drifted again to being 'punished' by her red-headed obsession, she just smiled panting in a very unladylike manner while Blaise threw her limp body to the floor to ravish from her body what it could still give him.

Merlin, she loved how her best mate always introduced her to a new kink of her own.

On the eleventh day of Christmas...

Pansy swallowed the pilfered polyjuice potion and gagged on the sugary sweetness of the thick liquid. She waited patiently for her body to adjust outside Draco's room. It only took mere seconds for her straight, dark brown hair to turn to a lighter brown that curled and frizzed. Pansy quickly adjusted her uniform so it fit in just the right manner to complete Draco's fantasy of having a slutty version of Granger before crossing the threshold into it.

She had barely closed the door and sealed it when Draco bum-rushed her – her body pushed hard into the back of the door, his knee spreading her legs roughly before pushing into her mound, one hand resting by her head against the door pinning her in place while the other curled around her throat.

Draco whispered taunting words laced with a forceful nature that Pansy had never seen before; though his cold, distant tone that he had acquired over the past year was something she was intimately familiar with. His words and tone drew them both, seductively into this fantasy of his. With every biting word, his fingers gripped tighter against her throat as his other hand trailed down her body only to slide back up and under her skirt.

She smirked as his words turned into growls as he found her not only without knickers but the first evidence that Pansy could also find sexual release in such a dangerous and dark sexual game and fantasy sent Draco into another orbit.

Pansy had to admit later that when the haze started to fall over he eyes and stars began to shine in the darkening edges – she wasn't sure if this was 'le petite mort' that she had sworn was a rumor to glorify sex or if Draco may have accidentally crossed the line she had presented him in the sand.

On the tenth day of Christmas...

Pansy wasn't entirely sure which way was up on the spacious bed they had created for such an occasion as this was turning out to be.

The tactile simulation of every centimetre of her skin burned with a desire for more. Her vision filled with a sea of pale limbs, tan ones and black ones against the deep, jeweled tone sheets that she had insisted on for this. Her eyes took in the evidence of all four of their bodies screaming for release as they rubbed, pressed, gazed, caressed, explored, tasted every available surface that their own bodies' could reach.

Panting, mixed with moments of breathlessness as they fought and clawed their way into position after position in simple desperation to find that position for their bodies' release. Their animistic need for such a base desire overtook their years of societal manners that had been drilled emotionally and physically into them until Pansy realized that she had become the center of attention in this orgy of growls, sweat and passion.

She allowed her boys to maneuver her body into the position they apparently wanted: with Blaise slowly pushing into her arse before distracting her with bites to her neck as Theo claimed her pussy. Filled by both of them, their hands started to move body, causing her to ride both of them until the moment she was about to cry out for more and Draco's leaking cock was slipped into her mouth.

Pansy's mind initially went blank until she realized one thing – she was her boys favourite slut.

And she didn't mind, especially since she couldn't have the boy she really wanted.

On the ninth day of Christmas...”

Pansy swallowed another dose of polyjuice and shivered at the warm, spicy feeling that coated her throat. She should have known that someone like him would remind her further of the upcoming Christmas holidays. As she waited for the transformation to stop so the uniform she conned that chatty Irish dormmate of his into providing her – she thought (not that hard mind you) about all the things and all the lengths she went through for her first love and wondered why the hell she did.

All she knew, opening the door was that this fantasy was going to cost him an opera length of pearls.

She smirked as she sealed the door having caught him unawares half-dressed; his guilty pleasure on display to her – women's knickers. Pansy was surprised at how easy it was to channel enough snarkiness and power she would need to enact Draco's fantasy of being taken by her obsession.

With a few snaps of her wrists, she removed the rest of his uniform; leaving him still shell-shocked in what she knew to be his favourite pair of emerald green knickers.

She purred as she used her wand to tease him further by running the tip of it against his skin. “Draco love,” her voice rolled out of her now more masculine mouth a deep rich baritone, “you aren't fully dressed yet. I'm thinking a nice corset, garters, stockings, and heels will be in order.”

Draco only nodded before turning to his wardrobe to pull out the requested items. Pansy took a seat on the bed and watched in fascination the uber-masculine Draco Malfoy evolve into quite a pretty boy.

She liked her lips as he sauntered over to her knowing she was going to enjoy every minute of fucking Draco. Grabbing him roughly, she threw him onto the bed ravishing his mouth until she couldn't wait any longer.

What felt like an eternity later, she claimed her short-term prize of deflowering Draco. She just knew that there had better be a strand of pearls under the Christmas tree from him on the 25th.

On the eighth day of Christmas...

This was definitely the easiest of the fantasies she had to fulfill for her boys' this Christmas as she discretely slipped under the Slytherin table in the Great Hall during dinner. Carefully, she positioned herself between Theo's legs and started to unzip his pants. With a practiced hand and skilled finger tips, she extracted his hardening cock from the confines of his pants and trousers.

She grazed her fingers along it briefly before taking it completely in her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks the moment he filled her mouth and pulled him into her throat. Pansy couldn't deny the rush that went straight to her own groin as Theo tightened against her.

With her hands gripping his thighs to hold him steady, she proceeded to test her jaw and throat's limits by repeatedly sliding Theo's entire length in and out of her willing mouth. She didn't relent from the pace she set until he started to shake; then and only then did she increase the suction – further torturing Theo's cock.

It wasn't long until he erupted into her mouth. The salty rush that she adored pushed her to milk him until his body wouldn't give her anymore.

On the seventh day of Christmas...

Her eyes never left Blaise's sculptured body as he slid into the Prefect's bath to join her. This was more than a fantasy to both of them – this was an exploration of a moment they both wanted in order to seduce the red-heads they both lusted and desired.

If it had only been a fantasy, then there would be more desperation in their touches; more hunger in their kisses; one or the other taking polyjuice potion but this was more – this was about trying something new with your best mate so the touches were more tentative, their kisses more tender.

They took their time exploring positions, before settling on one that just felt right. They tested the limits of her body in the water before finding the right lubrication spell. And when Blaise finally slid inside her slowly, a peaceful sigh escaped both of their lips before they shared a simple kiss – both knowing that the fantasies they only wanted to experience with their secret longings, were maybe just that much closer.

On the sixth day of Christmas...

When the boys had presented her with their Christmas wishes, she was shocked to find this on their list. In fact, she could have sworn that she had done this with two of her boys when they first started exploring sex with one another but Draco and Theo had sworn otherwise as well as Blaise who seemed utterly bored with this particular fantasy of his mates.

That's probably why Draco and Theo had purposefully gotten him detention for tonight – just so his indifferent sighs wouldn't kill the mood.

For a little spice to a relatively non-adventurous fantasy, Pansy had taken the time to dress in a sexy elf costume before joining Draco and Theo. She even included a striptease as she approached the bed; well, maybe striptease was a bit much as she only removed the thong before kneeling in front of Draco and taking his long, thin, reddening cock in her mouth as Theo's hands caressed her arse. He stroked each curve he found there seductively and tenderly. The sensation was maddening as she tried to whimper unsuccessfully with Draco's hands keeping her mouth around his cock until Theo finally took mercy on her and buried himself into her pussy.

On the fifth day of Christmas...

Pansy had never felt more beautiful in her life as she crept into Blaise's room. She had bathed with the oils he had presented to her specifically for this evening. They had given her skin a lush, golden glow that she didn't think possible because when she looked in the mirror, she really truly saw herself as beautiful for the first time.

She quickly closed the door behind her before letting her robe cascade to the ground.

“Beautiful darling,” Blaise's baritone carried from the shadows of the room. He slowly emerged dressed only in stark white trousers with dark green linen cords draped over his shoulders. “Remember you must tell me, if the knots ever become to tight.”

“Yes, Blaise,” she replied, rolling her eyes having promised him that more than once since he brought this fantasy to her.

“Good,” he whispered before seductively moving behind her.

The next hour of her life, under his careful but assertive touches, had to be the most erotic she had ever experienced. He slowly weaved and knotted the linen strips: first the ones that divided her body, then the thinner ones that secured her arms into a position that was open, yet restrained. She had known Blaise to be so focused as he was now, adorning her in linen; her mind drifting to her red-head, wondering how he would make her feel in such a setting, if her best mate could make her feel like a goddess.

“Would you like to see?” Blaise's deep baritone brought her out of her fantasy of being someone else's subject.

“Of course,” she replied with a smile as a mirror appeared in front of her.

She gasped at the work of art he had made out of her. The linen binds folded, knotted, looped into a series of intricate rings that encapsulated her breasts and restricted one arm behind her head and the other resting on her heart.

Her eyes locked on Blaise's as he knelt behind her and whispered in her ear, “Remember how you look now. Because I imagine that's how he sees you – an absolute work of art. I thought you might need to see it yourself”

Pansy hated that she couldn't stop the tear that slipped from her eye.

On the fourth day of Christmas...

Pansy cursed herself at her brilliant idea to give her boys' their fantasies for twelve days. After the evening she spent with Blaise, she had been dreading the last few days. She simply didn't want to do this anymore but her honour wouldn't let her back out.

Instead, she insisted on Blaise being her partner while Draco and Theo watched through the Floo. He knew she didn't want to do this and had tried to talk her out of it, but in the end, he relented.

Pansy appreciated all the effort he put into seducing her. His tender kisses and seductive touches enough for her to fall into her own fantasy in spite knowing Draco and Theo were only inches away. She unfortunately could make out their eyes in the fire.

Closing her eyes tight, she drifted into her fantasy with the aid of Blaise's seductive whispers, telling her what he would do to her moments before Blaise's own fingers followed through. And through his ministrations, she came hard against him; tears in her eyes as he softly kissed them away.

“You deserve your own fantasy sweetheart,” Blaise whispered into her ear, before turning her head to face him. “Don't finish this. I'll deal with Draco and Theo.”

On the third day of Christmas...

Draco just wouldn't let it go though. Even though she told him, he no longer was required to purchase the pearls she ordered him to get her for fucking him in the form of the boy she was in love with; he insisted that she follow through with the entire plan.

She just knew she should have known better when he finally relented two days before they were scheduled to leave for Christmas hols. She should have known he would just slip her something.

The need of release started to drive her crazy in potions. She barely escaped Professor Slughorn's class when the burn really began. Racing back to the dorms, she didn't care who saw her cry along the way; she just had to get to her own room as soon as possible.

Pansy thought she had made it back to her own room but when she slammed the door, there stood Draco smirking at her. Her mind went blank with the realization that he would do this to her, her first lover, first love, first kiss, first friend.

Though her mind kept screaming to get away, her body blind with need kept moving her closer to her captor.

Just when she was about to go under, and acquiesce to Draco's potion-driven demands, a black fist came into her field of vision before someone pulled her back.

That same someone spun her around. Theo's worried face swimming in her field of vision as she started to advance on him. He on the other hand grabbed her nose which forced her mouth open and in went another liquid.

It wasn't long before her vision cleared and she collapsed into Theo crying as he tried to soothe her.

On the second day of Christmas...

Her head hanging down as she hurried towards the library. The entire school in an uproar regarding what Draco tried to do to her. People kept trying to stop her but she didn't want their sympathy, she just wanted to be left alone until she could board the Hogwarts Express tomorrow to take her home.

She was so focused on her feet, as she turned the corner, she collided with something hard and much denser then she was causing her to drop her books and fall on her bottom.

“Sorry,” she muttered, getting to her knees to gather her books, not looking up.

“My fault,” a familiar baritone rumbled, as a freckled hand handed her a book.

Panicked, she looked up to see the boy she had been crushing squatting right in front of her, she murmured, “I'm sorry, I should have watched where I was going.” Now with all her books, she got to her feet and hurried away, ignoring everything else he said because why in the world would he have anything to do with her.

On the first day of Christmas...

When she woke, she saw her normal stack of presents on the bench at the foot of the bed – all decked out in some combination of silver and green...except one.

One that was wrapped in red and tied with a gold ribbon.

For the life of her, she couldn't figure out who would send her a gift wrapped in such colours. Pansy grabbed the small box and sat there on her bed for several minutes just staring at the gift.

She ignored the soft knock on the door, choosing to keep looking at the unusual gift.

“I promise it won't bite.” Blaise's rich voice, soft as he entered the room.

Pansy placed the present back into the stack, and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Making sure you opened this,” he teased, grabbing the gift and tossing it back to her. “So open it.”

She tentatively undid the bow. Looking back at Blaise who had taken a seat on the bed and gestured her to continued, Pansy ran her finger along the paper's edge; removing the paper in a single piece. Opening the box, there was a glittery pear ornament with a note attached to it with a ribbon.

Confused, she looked back at Blaise and said, “I don't understand.”

“Well read the note silly,” Blaise responded. “It actually explains itself.”

Have dinner with me tonight. I'll pick you up at seven. R.W.

Pansy looked at Blaise and then back to the note, only to repeat it several times before frustrating Blaise enough that he caught her head in his hands. Holding her head still, he whispered, “Turns out someone fancies you too. Now I will be back at a half-past six to make sure you are ready, understood?”

Blaise's face started to drown in her vision amongst the tears that were now failing. She nodded her head before he kissed her forehead.

“Good. Now you will need this, this, this, and this for tonight,” he said, moving four of the wrapped boxes in front of her. Pansy couldn't help herself as she started to laugh through her tears at Blaise, who looked so proud of himself. “Come on woman, I don't have all day to make sure you look great for your date tonight.”


20th December 2009 05:31
Smoking hot! I love that she ended up in over her head before the end!!
7th January 2010 22:56
Thank you!
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