Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Working Late (Harry/Draco) 
5th December 2009 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]twilightsorcery
From: A Wicked Watcher: [info]softly_sweetly

Title: Working Late
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco; reference to Harry/Ginny and Draco/Astoria
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: Infidelity, Semi-Public Sex
Other Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,700
Summary/Description: It was always the same excuse
Author's Notes: Thank you to F and N, who did the eleventh hour betas and held my hand.

"Where's Harry tonight?"

Ginny tipped the washing out onto the kitchen table, sorting the clothes into piles depending on whom they belonged to, and began to fold them as she answered her mother. "He said he was working late."


"Auror Potter, do you have a moment?"

Harry froze in the Atrium, the words – no, the voice – sending a shiver down his spine. It had been nineteen days. But he couldn't just drop everything and run, no matter how much he wanted to. Turning around slowly, Harry shifted the stack of parchment into his other arm. He kept his voice even, cordial, giving away no hint of emotion. "How can I help you, Draco?"

"I attended a legal conference last week in Washington; they had some interesting law enforcement policies which I thought may be of interest to you?"

Harry had been promoted quickly – too quickly, according to some of his many detractors – and it was no secret he wanted to make his mark on the Department or that he was researching enforcement policies used in other countries. Turning to his colleagues, he shrugged his shoulders, careful to keep every action nonchalant, relaxed. "Go on, we can finish this tomorrow."

They must have called goodnight, and Harry must have responded, but he wasn't aware of it happening. The walk across the Atrium felt like a mile, even though it was only a few metres.

Draco smiled at him, the gesture tight and fraught with tension. Harry couldn't remember when his life had become so stressful. "The notes are in my office."

Draco turned as though to walk away, and Harry couldn't wait any longer. The waiting was killing him, had been killing him slowly for the past nineteen days. Glancing around the Atrium confirmed they were alone, for the moment. Harry took the chance – the Atrium was rarely empty, even in the dead of night. Reaching his fingers out, he curled them around Draco's arm and pushed Draco into one of the little alcoves, behind the statue of some rich witch who had given the Ministry enough money to earn her own little shrine in the entrance area. If Draco was surprised he didn't show it, turning smoothly and stepping back into the shadows, making room for Harry in the dark with him.

The stack of parchment fell to the floor with a thump that seemed to echo forever, but Harry didn't care. His body was moving of its own accord, hands reaching up to snake into Draco's hair, down his back, along his arms, pulling him flush against Harry so their lips could meet. The kiss was rough and biting, raw and open as their teeth clacked, nipping each others' lips before their tongues met and twined together. Harry knew the kiss was desperate, lacked finesse, but he didn't want picture-perfect kisses; he wanted to crawl into Draco's body through his mouth, set up home in the warmth there and never leave. He could feel strands of his own hair breaking away under Draco's insistent fingers, Draco's other hand bunching Harry's robes, creating creases in the smoothly-ironed fabric.

And still it wasn't enough, Harry wanted to be closer. He could feel the cold stone wall under his knuckles, Draco's back pressed against it and Harry's hand trapped underneath it. The rough grate of the bricks on his skin was sharp and cold, a perfect counterpoint to Draco's mouth. Harry didn't want to pull away, didn't want to have to draw a deep breath, but his chest was aching, and he broke the kiss with a stifled moan.

"Anyone could find us here." Draco was right; they were in the shadows, but they were by no means invisible. Anyone working late, who decided to procrastinate by strolling around the statues, would see them.

And that could happen; the Ministry was never truly empty, never truly quiet and secluded. "I don't care."

He didn't, not really. Harry knew he should care, but he just couldn't. He should care that they were both cheating on their wives, that he was risking hurting Ginny to satisfy the urges in his chest that didn't comply with the life everyone else had prescribed for him, but he didn't. It was hard to care about anything other than Draco, especially when they were so close Harry could almost hear Draco's heart beating in his chest. But Draco was in the same position; they both stood to lose more than they could bear if they were found out. That made it okay, made the lying and the deception tolerable. Neither of them had to fear their spouse finding out, because neither of them would make their relationship public and upset the delicate balance they had. Maybe one day Harry would find it too hard to pretend to lead a straight life, but while he still craved his family and the comfort of his routine with Ginny, an affair was the only choice he could see. And what their wives didn't know, neither Harry nor Draco could hurt them with.

The near-silent crackle of their stubble brushing brought Harry's mind to the present, and he leaned closer to Draco, flattening his palms against the wall. The words were quiet enough that they were barely even words, but he knew Draco heard them. "I missed you."

It didn't need a response, not a verbal one anyway. Draco responded when he bit down on Harry's ear, hands flattening on Harry's back to push their bodies flush against each other. Truthfully, Harry had been pacing the Ministry all day, hoping to bump into Draco in a corridor. He'd even made his excuses for dinner, hoping he'd have a reason to work late. And now that his reason was right in front of him, Harry didn't know where to start. It felt too good just pressed against Draco, rolling his hips slowly, teasing rather than satisfying either of them.

"We don't have time."

Harry knew the words were coded. It meant Draco was expected at home. But Harry wouldn't, couldn't, just give up and go home. He needed something, if only to tide him over until their next stolen moments. "There's time enough."

Finding Draco's lips again with his own, Harry closed his eyes and willed the rest of the world away. There was only the two of them, somewhere far away, nothing real except their lips and their arousal. Harry rolled his hips in firmer motions, rubbing himself against Draco. He wanted the time to take everything slowly, but he needed resolution right now, and it felt like Draco was in the same situation. Harry could have come just like that, kissing and rutting against Draco like a fumbling teenager. It was only his own inability at cleaning charms that stopped him. Reaching one hand between them, his fingers brushed over Draco's, grabbing for Draco's trousers as he widened his stance to give Draco easier access to his own.

The first touch of his fingers on Draco's skin was electric, his fingers curling around Draco's shaft, warm and silky smooth. Harry could almost taste it. The thrill of excitement from their public dalliance made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and Harry debated putting up privacy charms. But the added magic might only serve to alert security to them, and besides, Draco seemed content as they were, his hand moving steadily and expertly along Harry's shaft, up and down in a quick rhythm that Harry concentrated to match. Even if they had forever, it wouldn't be enough time to memorise every ridge and bump, every inch from the nest of curls at the base to the spongy, sticky flesh at the tip.

Harry couldn't breathe properly, his chest burning as his body tensed and flexed. He tore away from Draco's lips, burying his face in the crook of Draco's neck and breathing hard as Draco worked him. Harry sank his teeth into Draco's neck, sucking the flesh up, marking Draco even though he knew it was a pointless act, as his orgasm broke over him, washing through his veins as Draco's hand flew along his shaft. He lost his own rhythm, hand shuddering and shaking as he fought to bring Draco to the finish line too. He managed it, fingers getting sticky and warm as Draco slumped back against the wall, gasping for breath.

Harry wanted to stay there forever, but all he managed was a few blissful minutes before Draco was gently pushing him away. Harry didn't watch as Draco healed the mark on his neck. Age had made Draco pragmatic, and Draco sounded weary with every one of his years as he muttered, "We can't keep this up."

"I know. We'll... something will sort out." Harry had given the same false platitude before now, and he'd probably give it again. They knew what they were doing was wrong, but that didn't change their need, their sheer desperation, didn't prevent them crossing paths over and over again, orchestrating their entire lives around stolen minutes and snatched touches.

Draco's hand touched his arm, briefly, and their eyes met for the first time. Harry smiled, and the gesture was returned.

"I'll see you," Draco murmured, ducking out from behind the statue and into the bright lights of the Atrium, flushed cheeks the only hint of what they had done. Harry heard voices in the distance and bent to pick up his papers, slumping back in the shadows and waiting for the people to pass before he stepped out into the light, and his life resumed as normal.


"Where did you say Harry was?"

Ginny sighed, picking a blonde hair out of Harry's jumper and letting it fall to the floor. "He said he was working late."
5th December 2009 18:09
OMG the ENDING!! and the semi-public sex was HOT!!
6th December 2009 04:28
[hallowedresin on lj]
I second, third and fourth this!!! The ending was O___O
25th January 2010 17:04
Thanks! x
25th January 2010 17:04
Thank you! x
5th December 2009 18:48
Dude, omg. Yes, the ending. Oh wow. Now I'm wondering if she KNOWS who that hair belongs to (seriously, there's an easy way to check, hello Polyjuice Potion). And wow, this was hot and wrong and perfect! Awesome job, mystery author!
25th January 2010 17:03
*beams* Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed this! x
5th December 2009 19:20
OMG so hot but the end slayed me. Marvelous work.
25th January 2010 17:02
Thank you! x
5th December 2009 20:04
Infidelity!Fic. One of my very favorite kinks and executed flawlessly here! NOM, NOM, NOM!
25th January 2010 17:01
Thanks sweetie! x
5th December 2009 20:06
WOW I actually feel sorry for Ginny, but the sex made it up for me. Incredibly powerful piece. I cannot wait for tomorrow.
25th January 2010 17:01
Thanks! x
5th December 2009 20:06
LOVE Harry's and Draco's desperation here. They're taking such a huge risk, and they know they shouldn't be doing it, but they're drawn to each other and know they won't stop. I should feel sorry for Ginny here (and Astoria, for that matter), but I can mostly only feel awful for Harry and Draco.
25th January 2010 17:00
I sort of felt sorry for all of them really - Ginny and Astoria being lied to, and Harry and Draco lying to themselves that no one would get hurt by this. Silly boys...

Thanks! xx
5th December 2009 21:51
Oh man.
It was already hot and desperate and wrong and sad and then you added that brilliant ending. DAMN!
25th January 2010 16:59
*beams* Thanks! xx
5th December 2009 23:10

This so perfectly captures what I adore about infidelity fics: the desperation, the indecision, the inescapable knowledge that someone's getting hurt (that they're always running away from), the fear of being found out... I love the way you capture Harry's conflicting feelings; I can really feel him being torn in each direction.

And the ending! I love my girls, and Ginny is smart enough to know what she's seeing. One billion bonus points for that!! :D

Also, the sex was super hot. Guuuuuuh, biting and messiness and losing the rhythm! :D :D :D
25th January 2010 16:58
Aaaah, I'm so glad you liked this! As it was double-blind, there was no way I could stalk the prompter and find out what they liked, so I took a shot in the dark and hoped for the best. And yay, you liked it!

5th December 2009 23:53
ooohhh! secret's out! at least in one quarter!!
25th January 2010 16:57
Yes it is *g*

Thanks, x
6th December 2009 00:09
I love infidelity!fic, especially when it comes to anything that disturbs Harry/Ginny. *laughs* But I don't think Harry would ever cheat easily or without much remorse, so it'd definitely have to be someone he'd have a very strong connection and passion with - namely Draco or Snape, in my book. ;-) You did a good job of capturing the intensity between them here, and in explaining why they stay with their wives, regardless. It's a very realistic and heartbreaking take on infidelity.
25th January 2010 16:57
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed this! x
6th December 2009 14:23
Oh man, that was infidelity fic at its very best!! I love the opening and closing segments with Ginny -- PERFECT! And Draco casually calling Harry away from his colleagues, and the desperation so palpable that they can't even make it to a private office, and the wall frot, and just, a;slkjfd. Awesome scene, with so much spiralling tension and guilt and desire and shame and desire and that breathless sense of Oh God I can't stop I need you so much and just, a;lskj. *brain explodes* Fantastic!! I hope you'll post this at [info]hp_unfaithful after the reveals. :)
25th January 2010 16:56
*blushes* Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this - I had a lot of fun writing it *g*

6th December 2009 15:34
Oh, ouchy! That was smoking hot!
25th January 2010 16:56
Thank you! x
6th December 2009 22:43
Ah, poor Ginny, sorting the laundry and picking out the blond hairs from her husband's jumpers! I loved Draco and Harry's desperation and their sort of...arrogance that they couldn't resist each other, and Harry's confidence that they wouldn't be found out precisely because they both have so much to lose! Hot and painful and really well done.
25th January 2010 16:54
*beams* Thanks! Glad you enjoyed this, x
7th December 2009 05:49
Oh... the ending took this story from being something hot and sexy to the next level. Excellent look at how infidelity affects everyone.
25th January 2010 16:53
Thank you! x
7th December 2009 21:05
SMOKIN!!! Brilliant fic, loved every word. And Ahahaha, Ginny was being cheated on. *loves infidelity on ginny*
25th January 2010 16:53
Thanks sweetie! x
17th December 2009 12:59
omg, the ending...wow! This was awesome, the need, desperation and yearning were palpable and achingly beautiful. ♥
25th January 2010 16:51
*beams* Thanks! x
17th December 2009 18:44
A woman always knows. :D Nice.
25th January 2010 16:51
Thanks! x
17th December 2009 20:14
That ending was the best! Unexpected and so poignant.

I wonder of she has an inkling or if she hates Luna.
25th January 2010 16:51
*laughs* I'd forgotton about Luna, but that would be an interesting twist, wouldn't it?

Thanks! x
28th December 2009 00:14
That ending is just stellar. I so love this fic! Hot, sexy, and desperate!
25th January 2010 16:50
*beams* Thanks! x
28th December 2009 13:23
Oh, yes yes yes. So (desperately) hot. The ending just seals it for me. Gah!
25th January 2010 16:50
Thank you! x
3rd January 2010 06:25
Mmmm very hot. Loved the Atrium sex and the tension and all the thoughts in Harry's head about the hows and whys of his relationships. Nicely done!
25th January 2010 16:50
Thanks very much! x
22nd July 2010 05:15
That blond hair! Annngh! I just 'eeped' at it, and then thought of Ginny's sigh. Likely long-suffering, poor thing, but why is it that all my sympathies are with her husband and his lover? Hmmmm. [snirk]
Very nicely done! Thank you so much for sharing.
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