Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Begins Tomorrow! 
30th November 2009 09:06
Posting for this year's Kinky Kristmas celebration begins tomorrow at noon U.S. Eastern time! We've received a ton of fantastic fic and art from both Daily Deviant members and watchers, and we're itching to show it off.

Behind the cut you'll find advertising banners for Kinky Kristmas. Feel free to use them and remind your f-lists to watch us throughout December. We've seen the pieces we'll be posting over the next month, and we can assure you that Daily Deviant is the place to be this holiday season!

This year's fabulous banners courtesy of [info]hollyboo2001.

All of that having been said, we'd like to add: No matter what fests you watch and participate in this year, be sure to take a few moments to express your enjoyment of the works you view and read. Without the wonderful authors and artists, there would be no fandom as we know it. ♥
30th November 2009 14:22
Will open or anonymous commenting be turned on for the fest? The vast majority of my flist does not have an IJ login, and couldn't comment no matter how much they might want to. I'd feel a little silly encouraging them to come look when they can't say anything.
30th November 2009 14:29
Yep, commenting is enabled for everyone. :)
30th November 2009 14:32
Woot! I shall steal a shiny banner, then. :D
30th November 2009 14:33
Yay! They are very shiny, aren't they? :D
1st December 2009 03:14
Okay, that banner art is my favourite of any of the fests this year!!!! She's so sexy!! :)
1st December 2009 03:25
Isn't she?! Holly is made of so much win for making these!
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