Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Commenting To 
20th November 2009 12:24 - 10 More Days
Just a quick reminder to all [info]daily_deviant members and watchers that the deadline for your Kinky Kristmas submissions is coming soon. You've got ten more days to turn things in. We've already gotten in some amazing pieces -- December is going to be fantastic!

Completed pieces are due by Monday, November 30 and should be emailed to dd.mods@gmail.com. Fic must be a minimum of 1,000 words and art must be a completed piece. Both fic and art must merit at least an R rating. No crossovers permitted. Watchers: your pieces must fit into a single IJ post. The mods reserve the right to refuse any fic that contains multiple SPAG problems or art that appears to be a last-minute slap-dash sketch, so be sure to plan ahead and find a reliable beta!

Remember, headers for both fic and art can be found in this post.
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