Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: "Did I Do Good?" (Regulus, chan) 
17th November 2009 12:08
Title: "Did I Do Good?"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pen, PS
Characters: Regulus
Rating: NC-1703
Warnings: extreme underage, chan, NWS without the naughty bits
Themes/kinks chosen: costumes
Artist's notes: OH MY GOD I cannot even begin to say how much this month's theme messed with me. This was my original idea, but I had to struggle with myself so I drew five others. They didn't work out so well, so I went back to this. Mods, sorry I'm a day late! I fell asleep before posting!
Art preview:

Regulus was the youngest of the cousins Black, and with three female cousins who like playing dress up, he got the raw end of the deal. But Regulus is a good kid, and he likes pleasing everyone. He doesn't mind it when other people praise him. Regulus is a good kid.
17th November 2009 06:25
OMG dirty-wrong-dirty-wrong-dirty-wrong!! I love, love, love this for all its filthy implications. Great take on the prompt. >:D
17th November 2009 07:54
I had to struggle with myself because I didn't want to go there, BUT I DID. Oh DD, you make me do things I normally don't do and still end up loving it. *LOL* Thank you, glad you liked it!
17th November 2009 07:21
can I join you in that handbasket? This is awesome and so very dirty and wrong and amazing!
17th November 2009 07:23
OMG asdlkfhalsegfj I just realized that Regulus has CUM on his face and hand/paw *brain explodes*
17th November 2009 07:57
LOLOLOL OMG I actually debated on putting the cum there, and I went, IF I'M GOING TO HELL ANYWAY. (it's not obvious, but there's also some on his lower lip, I'M SO SORRY.) Hee~ glad you um. Liked it? :D
17th November 2009 12:19
Um.... *glances around shiftily*... is that....spunk on his hand? or have I truly descended into the eighth level of hell???

This is wrong, wrong, omgsoright, but wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrong!!!! but excellently right!
17th November 2009 15:42
Um...yes? XD I'll be right here, waiting for you to make this hell liveable. *puts up decorations*
Seriously, thank you! I am kind of disturbed but happy I managed to produce this. (And I hmm'ed a lot because HI LJ'S POLICIES.)
17th November 2009 16:48
Yeah, I kinda Hmmmm'd m'self..... in a 'holy-shite-I-love-it-and-omg-did-she-really-go-THERE??!!-but-squee-that-she-went-there!' kinda way ;o)

*brings the rum punch*
17th November 2009 13:01
Oh my. Just. That's so wrong. I love it. Heh.
17th November 2009 15:44
♥ I know. XD Thank you for the comment!
17th November 2009 17:56
Hah, reading the comments explains so much. I could not figure out how this was supposed to be working and couldn't figure out where the rating was coming from. Thought that was a spot of light on his glove. Makes sense now. :) It's very cute.
18th November 2009 05:01
Gah, I'm sorry, it does look like a sheen, doesn't it? D: I'll try harder next time! I'm glad the comments helped though. *lol* Thank you for the comment!
18th November 2009 06:33
It's on his *face* too, isn't it? On his cheek and under his lips? (just say yes, okay? My pervy side implores you).
18th November 2009 14:55
(No, really, YES! LOL)
19th November 2009 06:40
I think it's my monitor (or my eyesight), because I just didn't see it. His face is white from cheekbones to chin, and there's no differentiation between skin/come for me.
19th November 2009 15:04
It's hard to see though, and if I hadn't drawn it I probably wouldn't have seen it myself. :P The cheekbone looks like it's the common shine so it doesn't look much like cum.
18th November 2009 06:32
Oh, MY! I want him. Yup, I'll say it. Damn, this is sexy and horrible and awesome and badbadbad. Lovely work, but even more lovely in the implications.
18th November 2009 14:54
\o/ I am guilty and happy that you liked this! As I said, I had to debate with myself in posting this. (and Regulus is seekritly wanted by everyone. ;D)
19th November 2009 03:30
I can definitely understand your hesitation. There are just some things that will never be accepted (and for good reason, in a way, but it's art, not life). But where else but DD could you be met with such awesome responses? I'm glad you went with the more risky come version because it makes it so much creepier and sexier. And I don't think I mentioned before but the COSTUME! The EARS! Oh, the INNOCENCE! I want to write a fic for this! LOL
19th November 2009 15:34
Oh I completely agree! I certainly don't condone this, but it doesn't stop me from appreciating some of Dr Ten's manga, you know? :) And yes, when I decided to post it, I was thinking about DD and the general awesomeness of the members too.

I want to write a fic for this! *whimper* OH YES PLS?
20th November 2009 01:01
I'm actually not even allowed (according to myself) to be on the interwebs right now... But once I am done with Nano, I might just write a little drabble to go with this. I can't stop thinking about it! Okay, back to not being here. :D
19th November 2009 08:02
Eeheeehee! That is awesome. He's SO cute, even (or because of) the come all over! :P
19th November 2009 15:14
♥ Glad you liked it, thank you for the comment!
19th November 2009 08:08
Omg SO. BAD. I salute your sheer ballsiness. And the subtlety of the moneyshot residue. So there's that moment of "awww ..." before the "AH GOD." Heeeee.
19th November 2009 15:28
Trust me, I was biting my fingernails the entire time I was thinking about posting this. :P And wow that sounds much better than my simple thinking of "...but weelittle!Regulus with cum!" Thank you!
22nd November 2009 19:35
And then we all died and went to hell...this was awesome yet so very wrong. Well at least we'll all be together having a grand time in the lowest pits hehe
1st December 2009 17:23
We'll all have a great par-tay! *lol* Thank you!
1st December 2009 13:26


I just...

*whimpers and points to apropriate icon*

I mean that in a good way...

A really bad, good way.

1st December 2009 17:24
Wow, your icon summarizes many porn fics/arts I've seen. Oh I love it! ♥ Thank you~~
1st December 2009 20:33
Thank you! *grin* I actually made that one (and a few other versions) because of a thread on LJ in which [info]ravenna_c_tan's stories were described as filthy!hot!wrong!!. That was just begging to be made into an icon. ;D

Feel free to use it. <3


PS: The other versions are here
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