Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: "Did I Do Good?" (Regulus, chan) 
17th November 2009 12:08
Title: "Did I Do Good?"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pen, PS
Characters: Regulus
Rating: NC-1703
Warnings: extreme underage, chan, NWS without the naughty bits
Themes/kinks chosen: costumes
Artist's notes: OH MY GOD I cannot even begin to say how much this month's theme messed with me. This was my original idea, but I had to struggle with myself so I drew five others. They didn't work out so well, so I went back to this. Mods, sorry I'm a day late! I fell asleep before posting!
Art preview:

Regulus was the youngest of the cousins Black, and with three female cousins who like playing dress up, he got the raw end of the deal. But Regulus is a good kid, and he likes pleasing everyone. He doesn't mind it when other people praise him. Regulus is a good kid.
20th November 2009 01:01
I'm actually not even allowed (according to myself) to be on the interwebs right now... But once I am done with Nano, I might just write a little drabble to go with this. I can't stop thinking about it! Okay, back to not being here. :D
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