Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Indecorous [Lucius/Severus; NC-17] 
29th August 2006 10:47
Title: Indecorous
Author: [info]ldybastet
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Watersports/Golden Shower, defilement of a place of worship
Kinks chosen: Urophilia (GS) and Pecattiphilia (arousal from sinning)
Word Count: 1160
Summary: The pressing effects of tea gives Lucius an idea on how to show his contempt for his father, while at the same time showing his love and lust for Severus.
Author's notes: Please do not read if you find urine unsettling in a sexual situation; also, don't read if fictional defilement of temples or churches upsets you. The story is not meant to be a statement on religion or religious practices.


'They served good tea.' Lucius said as they walked down the road, heading for Malfoy Manor.

'I had a feeling you appreciated it. You must have had two pots on your own.'

'The good things in life have to be appreciated, Severus.'

Severus arched an eyebrow in response. The summer afternoon turned slowly into evening, and he was glad to be away from Lucius' friends. Now he had Lucius to himself again and didn't feel like he had to compete with those creatures of fine art, haute couture, and hors d'oevre.

'I need to relieve myself.'

'Doesn't surprise me. But unless you want to step off the road or Apparate–'

'See that little building over there?' Lucius pointed.

'The mausoleum?'

'The one that looks like a mausoleum,' Lucius corrected him with a soft laugh. 'It's my father's private temple.'

To Severus, the whole structure with its columns and the white marble seemed odd and out of place in the English landscape. 'What about it? You're changing the subject?'

'No, I'm not. Let's go inside. I need to piss, and I'm not doing it out here.'

Severus groaned as he followed Lucius inside. Malfoys and their standards! Why couldn't Lucius just do what any normal person would do: find a tree or a shrub? Even urinating had to be done in style, it seemed. Severus didn't like the idea at all. If this was Lucius' father's personal space for worship, then they would be in so much trouble if Abraxas found out. He'd most likely flay Severus and then throw him back to his parents' house, forbidding him to ever visit Lucius again.


'I like the marble and the ornate statues. It's rather nice actually, don't you think?' Lucius said as he looked around. He walked over to where Severus had stopped, and opened his trousers to pull out his cock. The spray hit the wall next to Severus and doused the shiny white surface with golden rivulets.

'I... don't know,' Severus whispered, suddenly hoarse as his gaze followed the stream of piss to its source.

'You like watching me piss.' Lucius' voice broke the entrancement, and Severus' gaze flew to his face. 'Don't deny it,' Lucius said when Severus opened his mouth to protest.

The spray came closer as Lucius turned to him and it travelled up his leg, finally settling on his crotch. Severus stared down at the increasingly wet fabric and noted how it moulded itself to the growing bulge, leaving no doubt about his state.

'And you like it when I piss on you. I shall have to remember that,' Lucius said as the spray slowed to a trickle. He stepped close and pressed the heel of his hand against Severus' hard cock. 'You're filthy.'

'I'm not the one who's just defiled a place of worship,' protested Severus. 'You pissed on me!'

'You're the one getting aroused by it.' Lucius smirked and rubbed his hand over the wet fabric that separated him from Severus' groin, causing him to moan.

'Your father–'

'My father worships a god who's strong. I'd rather give my allegiance to one who's cunning. Who do you pray to, Severus?'

Severus shivered as Lucius freed his cock and the marble-chilled air around them caressed it. 'I don't.'

'Haven't your parents tried to indoctrinate you with their religions?' There was a hint of surprise in Lucius' voice.

'My father is not a religious man.'

'But you are, aren't you?' Lucius whispered hotly against Severus' ear and closed his hand around him, giving his cock a slow stroke, and the only reply Severus could offer was another moan. 'You worship me.'


Severus leaned his forehead against the cold stonewall as Lucius pulled his robe up to bare his arse. The determined hands seduced his body like so many times before, and Severus didn't even want Lucius to stop now. Lust burned inside him, soothed by his lover's caresses and fuelled by the memory of Lucius' hot urine staining his clothes, marking him as Lucius' property.

He couldn't hold back a deep groan as Lucius pushed his slick cock into him. The sound seemed to fill the space around him like he was stretched and filled inside, and Severus shivered.

This was wrong, he thought. They shouldn't be doing this in here! But with Lucius' next thrust, the thought and the doubt were gone, and all Severus could think about was Lucius and the pleasure that took over more and more of his world.


Lucius looked at his father's object of worship. The god hadn't moved; the statue was as unmoving as always, and hadn't objected to what he was doing with Severus. A dead god then, he decided, if it couldn't be moved even by an act of lust in its consecrated space. It still gave Lucius a thrill to defile something representative of his father's beliefs.

He turned back to lean forward, placing a kiss at the back of Severus' neck, then one on his jaw. He took Severus' cock in his hand again - hard and heavy, almost obscenely large - and pushed the foreskin back and forth over the blunt head with teasing strokes. Moans and heavy breathing filled the cold temple like a hymn of debauchery, praising lust and love instead of brute force, and made it feel warmer and more welcoming.

With eyes closed, Lucius whispered hoarsely, 'I love you like this. You're lost, aren't you, and I'm the only link to reality?'

He fucked Severus hard, pushing him up against the wall again and again, forcing Severus down on his cock after he'd moved back. Severus moved with him, pushing back as if he couldn't get enough of him, and Lucius was only too happy to oblige, to feel that tight muscle clench around his cock.

Suddenly, Severus bucked between Lucius' hand and his cock, too far gone to hold back and now only searching for that final sensation that would be too much... and Lucius gave it to him: firm and fast strokes just below the head, just like he knew Severus loved it.

When Severus was done, Lucius picked up speed again. 'Keep clenching,' he demanded as he thrust hard into his lover. 'Yes... like that.' It took only a few moments before Lucius grunted and filled Severus' arse with his hot come.


They had almost reached the Manor when Lucius turned to Severus with a scheming look on his face.

'I think I did drink too much tea; I need to relieve myself again.'

'You're such a child, Lucius. Unless you want to go back, there is only the garden, and it's not offering much cover or privacy.' Severus frowned, but it was mostly to hide that he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of having a repeat performance.

'I'll wait until we're in my bed then,' Lucius replied with a smirk and opened the gate to the path leading up to the house.
30th August 2007 11:08
Thanks! :-) Yes, good pee should not be wasted... or something. Glad that you liked it. For some reason, Lucius always turns out to be very hedonistic when I write him, and what can Severus do when he's seduced into it? *pets him*
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