Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: To Tender a Gentle Touch, Harry/Pomfrey (unrequited), R 
20th July 2009 09:20
Title: To Tender a Gentle Touch
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Harry Potter/Madam Pomfrey (unrequited)
Rating: R
Warnings: wank-fic, cross-gen
Themes/kinks chosen: Medical Scenes—playing doctor or medical kink
Word Count: 1030-ish
Summary: Harry is obsessed with the way Madam Pomfrey treats him; finding a way to be treated again is never an issue at Hogwarts.
Author's notes: This is ridiculously short, for which I must apologize. I'm really hoping the image in my head translated into fic without being terribly garbled in the process. :P Thanks to [info]unbroken_halo for all her help with this fic. Also, St Mungo's Healers wear lime green, but Madam Pomfrey is far more stylish than them. *cough* She likes her robes crisp and white, tyvm.

Harry swooped and dove, chasing the Snitch all around the pitch, Malfoy hot on his heels. Looking back over his shoulder to judge how close Malfoy was, he happened to catch a glimpse of white. The fresh, crisp white of Matron's robes.

Heart beating fast and faster, Harry put on a burst of speed and flattened out on his broom, pointing it straight at the ground as the blessed little Snitch dove to avoid him.

A collective gasp sounded from the stands above him as he reached out and grabbed the Snitch, clenching it in one fist as he made the conscious decision to only pull up enough so that his abrupt collision with the ground wouldn't kill him. Sharp pain bloomed through him before his eyes rolled back and darkness overwhelmed him.


When he woke up, he was exactly where he'd hoped to be. Peeking from beneath barely parted eyelids, he strained to see if anyone else was in the infirmary with him. Nope. All empty.

"Awake then, Mr Potter? If I didn't know better, I'd think you enjoyed the beds here more than the ones in your dorm."

Harry felt a blush working up from his chest and hoped Madam Pomfrey wouldn't notice it. Not much luck there, what with how brightly lit the room was. He shook his head meekly, but she wasn't finished.

"Your friends were here earlier. If you insist on becoming a regular visitor, you'll have to inform them of visiting hours." She directed a stern glance at him and added, "I don't care how clever the three of you think you are; the rules apply to everyone." Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she was pressing the back of her hand to his forehead, the skin soft and cool.

He closed his eyes, sniffing delicately. The scent of medicinal herbs surrounded her, and he shivered as his body began to respond.

"I mended your bones while you were unconscious, but you'll remain here until dinner for observation for that nasty bump on your head. No arguments now," she said when Harry opened his mouth to tell her he understood. "It's for your own good. If you don't want to be here, you should take better care of yourself."

Harry smiled softly, allowing his eyelashes to drift down over his cheeks. "But no one takes care of me the way you do, Madam."

"Oh, tosh! Enough of that nonsense, Potter." Her hands gently smoothing the sheets over him belied her stringent tone and his breath caught as his pulse began to race. "Rest. I'll be back to check on you shortly."

Harry nodded, unable to speak as his throat had gone dry. He watched her walk away, her shoes clicking against the stone floor in a rapid, authoritative pattern. As she disappeared behind the door to her office, he let out a small moan and slid his hand down his body.

He was in pajamas, standard infirmary-issue. He closed his eyes as he imagined her peeling his Quidditch leathers from his body, hands soft and soothing as they worked over his skin, cleaning him and checking for injuries. A small moan slipped from between his lips as he imagined all the harsh words she'd speak even as her hands belied the anger in her voice. So capable, so loving. They'd clear away the pain and leave only comfort behind.

Harry sighed, fingers ghosting over his erection.

He loved it here. He could still remember the first time he'd been here, when Madam Pomfrey had been fussing over him after he'd gone to defeat Quirrell. He'd been so afraid of her, with her unrelentingly harsh tone. But then... she'd touched him.

Five years later and he could still feel that touch. The way she'd picked up his hand and pressed her fingers against his wrist, the touch so light it had been as if she cared for him. He'd never felt that before in his life, and it had amazed him the amount of pure emotion that had poured through him from it. One simple, gentle touch.

His breathing sped as he relived all such touches over the years, every single one committed to memory. His hands drifted all over his body then, cataloguing each injury she'd healed. His arm, his ribs, his face, his nose. Every place she'd ever touched him tingled as if still holding traces of her like... like magic. Every pain he'd ever felt had been worth it, simply for the experience of having her wipe it away.

Finally he could stand it no more. Turning his head, he pressed his nose into the pillowcase and breathed deeply, catching the finest traces of medicinal herbs that permeated everything in the infirmary and that smelled... so much like her. Grasping his cock, he began to stroke it roughly, considering once again hurting himself there so that he could know what it felt like to have her capable hands on his cock, the touch tender and kind.

His breathing came in gulps, the sheets that she'd smoothed and tucked caressing him all over, the pajamas she'd pulled onto his unconscious body so soft, the material holding the essence of everything he'd come to love about this place. To love about her.

Gently, so gently, he rolled his balls with one hand, the other continuing to slide almost viciously over his cock, the friction almost too much. Almost painful. He bit his lip and arched his back, grunting as he allowed images of her to fill his mind, of her voice to crush him while her hands healed him. Fixed him. Made him whole.

His orgasm boiled up through him and he whimpered, flooding the sheets and pajamas with his come, stripes of it making a mess of him and the whole bed.

On the table beside his bed lay his wand, and he considered again not using it. Not cleaning himself. Letting her find him like this, show her the proof of his love for her.

But he couldn't do that. Not to her.

Not to the one whose hands had been the first to tender a gentle touch.
20th July 2009 16:02
Excellently written, and - given Harry's lack of proper maternal care - very believable that he might develop a kink like this!

PurpleFluffyCat x
20th July 2009 17:18
When I was looking at the prompts, this one sort of leapt off the page at me and then... well, it sort of wrote itself (thankfully, considering how late I started working on it, meep). Thank you, darling!
20th July 2009 16:13
Poor broken!Harry. *pets him*
This makes SO MUCH SENSE, actually, especially because of (as PFC said before me) his lack of any real maternal figure up to this point at least until he marries his mother, which now makes more sense, too... This could be canon!
Brilliant, babe. *g*
20th July 2009 16:56
20th July 2009 17:19
LOL! No shit, dude. He's got an Oedipal complex a mile wide. Also, guess what I'm working on? :D If you said "my beta?!" you'd be right.
20th July 2009 20:35
I love you! *smishes*
20th July 2009 16:58
This is beautiful really-so innocently naughty. I just love the way he obviously admires, fairly worships her. Excellent work.
20th July 2009 17:20
Thank you so much, sweetheart. I hadn't considered this before this prompt came up, but once it did, I was like "How hasn't this been done a million times before?"
20th July 2009 17:12
YAY! Beautifully and excellently done! It turned out better than what we talked about, darling, and I love it!
20th July 2009 17:21
Thank you so much, my Angel! I'm so glad you were on last night or I'd probably have been sitting here today and THEN noticed what day it was, lol. Whew.
21st July 2009 03:47
*g*hugs* Anytime, my dear!
20th July 2009 17:53
Wow. I have to agree with everyone here. Sad, well-written, and shockingly believable.

Though it goes without saying that the Snarry lover in me immediately perked up over Harry's arousal over the way Pomfrey smelled of medicinal potions herbs.
20th July 2009 20:35
Ahahahaha! Yes, also very true. *g*
4th August 2009 15:54
*face palm* I somehow missed responding to this. *apologizes profusely*

But yes, heh, I can definitely see him being all confusedly aroused in potion's classes, too, and then berating himself for "cheating" on his lovely Pomfrey. Ahahahah. OMG. Snape/Harry/Poppy FTW!
20th July 2009 19:06
oh this was lovely, and not creepy eww gross that I was partially expecting ^_^
I agree how this could be canon, and it makes perfect sense. As Ali mentioned above about marrying his mother. I will allow the icon I made from a comment by unbroken_halo to stand for my thoughts on this. =)
30th July 2009 04:04
Thank you thank you! I would have responded earlier, but [info]snarry_games was, uh, at crisis point. LOL! Thank you!
20th July 2009 19:45
oh my goodness! i went into this thinking 'e wrote it, it'll be worth reading even though i've never seen them toghther.' and damn it was really good. it's like you've taken us with you inside his head. and i agree with everyone, it feels (sounds, whatever) really natural. i can't even point out a specific part to praise, it all desevres it
30th July 2009 04:05
Thank you so much! I really hope I don't completely crush your trust one day, lol! *hugs you*
20th July 2009 20:36
I saw the pairing, and hesitated, but I also saw that it was you, so I had to read it. Well done, Eey!
30th July 2009 04:06
Thank you so much, lovely!
21st July 2009 02:22
Now here's a pairing I never expected -- but it works, for all the fun Freudian reasons the other reviewers have cited.

allowing his eyelashes to drift down over his cheeks

Ha! This line added another whole dimension to the story for me -- Harry "performing" Harry gives it a nice, devious little twist. Or it could be just me who's twisted, of course.
30th July 2009 04:08
:D Harry is such a hussy! LOL! Thank you!!
21st July 2009 08:44
This is *so* good! I also love the fact that you mentioned him coming to her after Quirrell- that, in such a time of confusion and fear, her tenderness would definitely create a deep connection for him.

Well done.
30th July 2009 04:08
*nods* It was too good of a comparison to the other "care" he'd received in his life that I couldn't pass it up. Thank you!
21st July 2009 15:41
So plausible that I can't believe this pairing never occurred to me before! I think it's a bit like pringles though, now the lids off I'm going to struggle to stop...want more...
30th July 2009 04:09
Hee! Give in to temptation. Fandom needs more weird-ass pairings! LOL!!!

Thank you!
22nd July 2009 23:28
As everyone says, so terribly believable. Impressive work to make such an unlikely pairing seem right.
30th July 2009 04:11
Thank you! I was drawing a huge blank on the prompts this month til the medical kink made my muse knock on the door of my brain. Or my brain knock on the muse's door. Or maybe it was my big toe kicking something. LOL!
29th July 2009 18:03
Ooo, I can so see Harry latching onto the first person who touched him with any kindness like this. I was so nervous the whole time that Madam Pomfrey would walk in on him wanking. Excellent job! :D
30th July 2009 04:11
I thought about it! OMG, I really did! But I had limited time for the writing of this ([info]snarry_games ate my month, omg), so I just went with the quickie, lol.
30th July 2009 03:10
you've touched a nerve here, apparently-- our tender Harry needing some motherly love. Nice work!
30th July 2009 04:12
Thank you! Yes, Harry needs a gentle hand more than any medicine, I think.
3rd August 2009 17:44
OMFG, I thought no way she worked this out. Then I read it, and you so did. This was fucking wonderful. I mean, it just works and makes sense and it's hot, and I want to bear your babies.
4th August 2009 15:49
Thank you so much! *gives you my babies* LOL, yay, freedom!!
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